How do you cope with the fact that most people follow Satan?

Actually, in the Jewish understanding, Satan is God's prosecutor, and is there to make sure you give full accountability to God when you stand before Him. Satan in the Jewish understanding doesn't make you do anything, your own evil nature will take care of that, Satan is just there to make sure you are held accountable for everything you've done in this life.

The current version of Satan is something that was invented by the Catholic church, with a little help from Dante.
Why people get agitated about the belief is beyond me.
You don't believe it, fine, that is your option, you have free will - so why do you get hot under the collar just because others believe differently and feel so passionate about it that they care about your soul? Why would you be offended by being loved?
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
Just as there’s no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, likewise there is no ‘satan’ as perceived by theists.
Atheists can't prove there is no god simply because they "can't see him" anymore than they can "prove" the earth is flat simply by saying "it looks flat to me".

No one said anything about ‘proof.’

The fact is, religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, the consequence of his fear and ignorance.
God preexisted man, man is his creation and not the other way around.
You know, in the Garden, the original sin wasn't so much that Adam and Eve ate the apple, it was the fact that neither of them would take responsibility for their actions.

Want to avoid original sin? It's easy, take responsibility for your own actions, even if you mess up.

No. They were disobedient to God. Which is a sin.

Actually, you should get ahold of a Jewish scholar to translate it for you. The OT is actually a Jewish book. And, if you get it translated directly from Hebrew to English, you would see that the original sin was not taking responsibility for their own actions of eating the apple.
People like to envision God and Satan as good and evil.

God is good. Absence of God is evil.
Just like absence of light is darkness
I think some of them are in fact following Santa and they just spell it wrong.

I do think materialism is a sad state to live in. Evangelical preachers on tv are the worst of the bunch, they swindle poor people's life savings out of them and tell them it will return ten fold. 99.9% of the time it doesn't. Yet these 'preachers' are multimillionaires. It is one of the most disgusting ways humans use other humans that exists.
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
You can tell your religion is screwed up when your concept of duality involves good and evil instead of man and woman.
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
You can tell your religion is screwed up when your concept of duality involves good and evil instead of man and woman.
That doesn't make any sense; God made both in his own image.
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
You can tell your religion is screwed up when your concept of duality involves good and evil instead of man and woman.
That doesn't make any sense; God made both in his own image.
What doesnt make sense is that the trinity is 2 dudes and a ghost.

Are you saying that god is a hermaphrodite?
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
Just as there’s no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, likewise there is no ‘satan’ as perceived by theists.
Atheists can't prove there is no god simply because they "can't see him" anymore than they can "prove" the earth is flat simply by saying "it looks flat to me".
If God is so powerful, why can't beat the Devil?

You have never read the Bible, obviously. Satan was given dominion over this earth. When Jesus wandered off for an indefinite period of time, Satan tried to tempt Jesus by telling him that he would give him a kingdom if only he bowed down and worshipped him. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. The earth is a pissing match between God and Satan.....God is betting on us while Satan is betting that he can take a multitude of souls with him. Jesus will return but until that time, angels are doing their best to keep watch over us. I have one for sure. I would have died along with my son back in August of 1999 had I not been saved by one......honestly and with a hand upon the Bible, it is true.
That is an outstanding summation, Dale. Clear, complete and concise.
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
Just as there’s no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, likewise there is no ‘satan’ as perceived by theists.
Atheists can't prove there is no god simply because they "can't see him" anymore than they can "prove" the earth is flat simply by saying "it looks flat to me".
If God is so powerful, why can't beat the Devil?

You have never read the Bible, obviously. Satan was given dominion over this earth. When Jesus wandered off for an indefinite period of time, Satan tried to tempt Jesus by telling him that he would give him a kingdom if only he bowed down and worshipped him. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. The earth is a pissing match between God and Satan.....God is betting on us while Satan is betting that he can take a multitude of souls with him. Jesus will return but until that time, angels are doing their best to keep watch over us. I have one for sure. I would have died along with my son back in August of 1999 had I not been saved by one......honestly and with a hand upon the Bible, it is true.
That is an outstanding summation, Dale. Clear, complete and concise.

Thank you, my brother.....
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
Just as there’s no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, likewise there is no ‘satan’ as perceived by theists.
Atheists can't prove there is no god simply because they "can't see him" anymore than they can "prove" the earth is flat simply by saying "it looks flat to me".
If God is so powerful, why can't beat the Devil?

You have never read the Bible, obviously. Satan was given dominion over this earth. When Jesus wandered off for an indefinite period of time, Satan tried to tempt Jesus by telling him that he would give him a kingdom if only he bowed down and worshipped him. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. The earth is a pissing match between God and Satan.....God is betting on us while Satan is betting that he can take a multitude of souls with him. Jesus will return but until that time, angels are doing their best to keep watch over us. I have one for sure. I would have died along with my son back in August of 1999 had I not been saved by one......honestly and with a hand upon the Bible, it is true.
That is an outstanding summation, Dale. Clear, complete and concise.
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.
Just as there’s no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, likewise there is no ‘satan’ as perceived by theists.
Atheists can't prove there is no god simply because they "can't see him" anymore than they can "prove" the earth is flat simply by saying "it looks flat to me".
If God is so powerful, why can't beat the Devil?

You have never read the Bible, obviously. Satan was given dominion over this earth. When Jesus wandered off for an indefinite period of time, Satan tried to tempt Jesus by telling him that he would give him a kingdom if only he bowed down and worshipped him. Let me put it in terms that you will understand. The earth is a pissing match between God and Satan.....God is betting on us while Satan is betting that he can take a multitude of souls with him. Jesus will return but until that time, angels are doing their best to keep watch over us. I have one for sure. I would have died along with my son back in August of 1999 had I not been saved by one......honestly and with a hand upon the Bible, it is true.
After years of researching and deep study of the Bible, I have decided that you are a scared little shit that relies on someone else to guide him through life, but bitches and moans heavily daily to show his elated sense of spirituality, because he believes in a God that created the Universe, the animals, and humans yet can't destroy evil.....Your God does not seem all too powerful to allow an illogical sense of existence for ying/yang..
I've often asked why people believe they and others "sin". I don't believe that because I don't see it.

Sure, there are bad people, criminals, people who set out to hurt others but most people are just trying to do the best they can to live a good life, take care of their family. They may make mistakes but I don't count that as a sin.

Then there's the other side of this question, which is personified by the incredible arrogance of thumpers, like the OP.

As guno pointed out, christians made up their god and they made up their devil. Its an imaginary, invisible bit of nonsense they're more than welcome to.

But the belief in a super-being does not somehow make you better than others and it most certainly does not qualify you to sit in judgment of others.

The Jesus you say you worship would abhor what the nutter thumpers have become.
Or it can be metaphor and simile – where ‘satan’ represents the evil men are capable of, and ‘god’ represents the collective good of humankind.

But there is no omnipotent extra-terrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma, where transgressors are subject to some sort of punishment after death.

Likewise, there’s no malevolent extra-terrestrial deity that compels men to do evil, entices them to commit ‘sin,’ and is responsible for all that is wrong in the world.
lets see you prove that jones....yea i know, you are to much of a pussy to back up the bullshit you throw around here...
Eventually people will get tired of not being able to trust anyone or do simple tasks, because everyone is so void of ethics, morals, and standards that it's not even funny anymore, and so they will ask for changes to this madness.
All the good things, conveniences, and benefits of online marketing are totally ruined by people with no moral compass and so instead of being able to find jobs, buy sell products, trade, market services, date, network, and more is all ruined by lack of trust tainted by those destroying these great things for us. Eventually society will have enough of it, falling flat on it's face waking up in it's own vomit like some alchoholic hitting rock bottom before he decides to change his ways. The more we allow this behavior to exist and acxept itcs existance, the more we have to suffer living with it's consequences, till suddenly everyone wakes up, pile high in it, screaming out the window;
"I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Sadly most people, even many who visit church and claim to be followers of God, spend more time following Satan, it can therefore be depressing seeing friends, family, etc who may never find inner piece and live their whole lives in search of material happiness which doesn't exist. Seeing people declare life as meaningless and spending more time planning a vacation or retirement plan than they actually do their spiritual lives.

What's the best way to cope with this without becoming discouraged and contemptuous of Americans today; I suppose remembering the passage about entering the narrow gate comes to mind.

Well, if not being religious is "following Satan" then I just have to say, following Satan ROCKS.
You know, in the Garden, the original sin wasn't so much that Adam and Eve ate the apple, it was the fact that neither of them would take responsibility for their actions.

Want to avoid original sin? It's easy, take responsibility for your own actions, even if you mess up.

No. They were disobedient to God. Which is a sin.

Actually, you should get ahold of a Jewish scholar to translate it for you. The OT is actually a Jewish book. And, if you get it translated directly from Hebrew to English, you would see that the original sin was not taking responsibility for their own actions of eating the apple.

I rely on God's enlightenment, not opinions of scholars on translations. Although, confession of sin part of salvation.

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