CDZ How did we get here. (op ed)


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Use to be, Americans prided themselves on how respectful and nice they were. Strangers, neighbors, co worker and just about everyone else, showing respect was something that most Americans took pride in.
Most Americans didn't mind working hard. They understood that getting a job meant giving your all, because if you slacked off, someone else had to pull up your slack. And so out of respect, everyone pulled their own weight. Businesses had the attitude that the customer was always right. A clerk would be fired for getting rude with a customer.

Now a days, with this millennial generation, there's just not much respect, unless you're like them. They wear silly clothes in public. Wear silly hair do's at work. Even those that deal directly with the public.
A few months ago, I decided to try a new restaurant. My first visit, I was greeted by a normal young person, who was dressed nicely. Was very respectful. My waitress was a normal gal. Dressed nicely. Was very respectful. Knew her job and the menu. And was just an all around great gal.
My next visit, I was greeted by some chick with blue hair. My waitress was a huge butch chick, with earrings you couldv'e put a quarter through. Baggy jeans. Also blue hair. And the worst part is, she paid very little attention to me when I was making my order. So much so, she got it mixed up. Especially the way I wanted my steak. I said "If it's more than an inch thick, I wanted it medium well. If it's thin, I want it medium. When I mentioned the steak was cooked wrong, her reply was "you wanted it medium."
Anyways, in the last couple of years, there's more stories like this.
The bottom line is there's very little respect being shown by millennials.

Anyone else, who's part of the Gen X generation noticed this?

P.S. I'm not saying that all the young people are like this. Many are just as normal as people were in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Normal young people, who dress and act normal. They're not throwing their lifestyle in your face. They're not trying to force anything on anyone. Just that more and more millennials seem to be way over dramatic and pushy, just because they can.
Use to be, Americans prided themselves on how respectful and nice they were. Strangers, neighbors, co worker and just about everyone else, showing respect was something that most Americans took pride in.
Most Americans didn't mind working hard. They understood that getting a job meant giving your all, because if you slacked off, someone else had to pull up your slack. And so out of respect, everyone pulled their own weight. Businesses had the attitude that the customer was always right. A clerk would be fired for getting rude with a customer.

Now a days, with this millennial generation, there's just not much respect, unless you're like them. They wear silly clothes in public. Wear silly hair do's at work. Even those that deal directly with the public.
A few months ago, I decided to try a new restaurant. My first visit, I was greeted by a normal young person, who was dressed nicely. Was very respectful. My waitress was a normal gal. Dressed nicely. Was very respectful. Knew her job and the menu. And was just an all around great gal.
My next visit, I was greeted by some chick with blue hair. My waitress was a huge butch chick, with earrings you couldv'e put a quarter through. Baggy jeans. Also blue hair. And the worst part is, she paid very little attention to me when I was making my order. So much so, she got it mixed up. Especially the way I wanted my steak. I said "If it's more than an inch thick, I wanted it medium well. If it's thin, I want it medium. When I mentioned the steak was cooked wrong, her reply was "you wanted it medium."
Anyways, in the last couple of years, there's more stories like this.
The bottom line is there's very little respect being shown by millennials.

Anyone else, who's part of the Gen X generation noticed this?

P.S. I'm not saying that all the young people are like this. Many are just as normal as people were in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Normal young people, who dress and act normal. They're not throwing their lifestyle in your face. They're not trying to force anything on anyone. Just that more and more millennials seem to be way over dramatic and pushy, just because they can.

Sounds like the Sprouts super market near me.
I think they hire based on who has the most holes in their head and the most colorful hair.
Although they're always nice. Weird but nice.
Hey youngsters! Stay outta my yard!

Every generation complains about the next one. Each generation is smarter and better than the last.
And never in the US has people been respectful or nice.

I always eat steak at home because I make it the way I like it at an affordable price. I don't need anyone waiting on me and I am rather uncomfortable when people do wait on me.
Hey youngsters! Stay outta my yard!

Every generation complains about the next one. Each generation is smarter and better than the last.
Largely true, until the last half of the 20th Century. Since then, generations of programmed morons have been produced, with incompetancy increasing with each subsequent generation, so each is more incapable than the last.
Use to be, Americans prided themselves on how respectful and nice they were. Strangers, neighbors, co worker and just about everyone else, showing respect was something that most Americans took pride in.
Most Americans didn't mind working hard. They understood that getting a job meant giving your all, because if you slacked off, someone else had to pull up your slack. And so out of respect, everyone pulled their own weight. Businesses had the attitude that the customer was always right. A clerk would be fired for getting rude with a customer.

Now a days, with this millennial generation, there's just not much respect, unless you're like them. They wear silly clothes in public. Wear silly hair do's at work. Even those that deal directly with the public.
A few months ago, I decided to try a new restaurant. My first visit, I was greeted by a normal young person, who was dressed nicely. Was very respectful. My waitress was a normal gal. Dressed nicely. Was very respectful. Knew her job and the menu. And was just an all around great gal.
My next visit, I was greeted by some chick with blue hair. My waitress was a huge butch chick, with earrings you couldv'e put a quarter through. Baggy jeans. Also blue hair. And the worst part is, she paid very little attention to me when I was making my order. So much so, she got it mixed up. Especially the way I wanted my steak. I said "If it's more than an inch thick, I wanted it medium well. If it's thin, I want it medium. When I mentioned the steak was cooked wrong, her reply was "you wanted it medium."

Looking as described, she couldn't get a job beyond fast food around here.
Use to be, Americans prided themselves on how respectful and nice they were. Strangers, neighbors, co worker and just about everyone else, showing respect was something that most Americans took pride in.
Most Americans didn't mind working hard. They understood that getting a job meant giving your all, because if you slacked off, someone else had to pull up your slack. And so out of respect, everyone pulled their own weight. Businesses had the attitude that the customer was always right. A clerk would be fired for getting rude with a customer.

Now a days, with this millennial generation, there's just not much respect, unless you're like them. They wear silly clothes in public. Wear silly hair do's at work. Even those that deal directly with the public.
A few months ago, I decided to try a new restaurant. My first visit, I was greeted by a normal young person, who was dressed nicely. Was very respectful. My waitress was a normal gal. Dressed nicely. Was very respectful. Knew her job and the menu. And was just an all around great gal.
My next visit, I was greeted by some chick with blue hair. My waitress was a huge butch chick, with earrings you couldv'e put a quarter through. Baggy jeans. Also blue hair. And the worst part is, she paid very little attention to me when I was making my order. So much so, she got it mixed up. Especially the way I wanted my steak. I said "If it's more than an inch thick, I wanted it medium well. If it's thin, I want it medium. When I mentioned the steak was cooked wrong, her reply was "you wanted it medium."
Anyways, in the last couple of years, there's more stories like this.
The bottom line is there's very little respect being shown by millennials.

Anyone else, who's part of the Gen X generation noticed this?

P.S. I'm not saying that all the young people are like this. Many are just as normal as people were in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Normal young people, who dress and act normal. They're not throwing their lifestyle in your face. They're not trying to force anything on anyone. Just that more and more millennials seem to be way over dramatic and pushy, just because they can.
Society - God = Left wing utopia devoid of morality

It's just that simple.
I feel bad when I see obese young people, bothers me much more than what color there hair is.

Yeah, me too. Especially knowing that when you're young, it's a lot easier to get healthy. Getting back to ones natural hair color, is a lot easier than losing 100lbs.
Use to be, Americans prided themselves on how respectful and nice they were. Strangers, neighbors, co worker and just about everyone else, showing respect was something that most Americans took pride in.
Most Americans didn't mind working hard. They understood that getting a job meant giving your all, because if you slacked off, someone else had to pull up your slack. And so out of respect, everyone pulled their own weight. Businesses had the attitude that the customer was always right. A clerk would be fired for getting rude with a customer.

Now a days, with this millennial generation, there's just not much respect, unless you're like them. They wear silly clothes in public. Wear silly hair do's at work. Even those that deal directly with the public.
A few months ago, I decided to try a new restaurant. My first visit, I was greeted by a normal young person, who was dressed nicely. Was very respectful. My waitress was a normal gal. Dressed nicely. Was very respectful. Knew her job and the menu. And was just an all around great gal.
My next visit, I was greeted by some chick with blue hair. My waitress was a huge butch chick, with earrings you couldv'e put a quarter through. Baggy jeans. Also blue hair. And the worst part is, she paid very little attention to me when I was making my order. So much so, she got it mixed up. Especially the way I wanted my steak. I said "If it's more than an inch thick, I wanted it medium well. If it's thin, I want it medium. When I mentioned the steak was cooked wrong, her reply was "you wanted it medium."
Anyways, in the last couple of years, there's more stories like this.
The bottom line is there's very little respect being shown by millennials.

Anyone else, who's part of the Gen X generation noticed this?

P.S. I'm not saying that all the young people are like this. Many are just as normal as people were in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Normal young people, who dress and act normal. They're not throwing their lifestyle in your face. They're not trying to force anything on anyone. Just that more and more millennials seem to be way over dramatic and pushy, just because they can.
I believe millennials come in one of two types, and this comes from experience. There is no middle ground. In your case, you have the loser millennial. Self-absorbed, little empathy, and no drive, these millennials can be seen with the purple hair, the multiple piercings, and the tattoos. Those, in and of them self, are a means of self-worship, which these millennials are all to obsessed with.

But then there is the second group. Driven, reflective, team oriented and goal focused, these are the sharp dressed clean cut individuals that you run into and fail to notice. Mostly the youngest members of the cohort, these are young professionals with impressive networths. They would never spend money on a tattoo, and they drive Toyota's or a Hyundai. Savers in the highest order, these are the ones that participated in the Gamestop short squeeze, hold Bitcoins, and max out their companies 401K contributions every year. Homeowners at 25, parents at 30, they put the horse in front of the cart.

Don't let the first group taint your perception of this generation. This generation is a force that must be reckoned with. They now are the largest consumer group in the United States, and honestly, a welcome reprieve from the vultures that are the baby boomers. The most educated, the most technologically savvy, and the most politically involved generation to ever come along, they will change the world for the better. In fact, they are the world's last, and at this point, only hope.
I believe millennials come in one of two types, and this comes from experience. There is no middle ground. In your case, you have the loser millennial. Self-absorbed, little empathy, and no drive, these millennials can be seen with the purple hair, the multiple piercings, and the tattoos. Those, in and of them self, are a means of self-worship, which these millennials are all to obsessed with.

But then there is the second group. Driven, reflective, team oriented and goal focused, these are the sharp dressed clean cut individuals that you run into and fail to notice. Mostly the youngest members of the cohort, these are young professionals with impressive networths. They would never spend money on a tattoo, and they drive Toyota's or a Hyundai. Savers in the highest order, these are the ones that participated in the Gamestop short squeeze, hold Bitcoins, and max out their companies 401K contributions every year. Homeowners at 25, parents at 30, they put the horse in front of the cart.

Don't let the first group taint your perception of this generation. This generation is a force that must be reckoned with. They now are the largest consumer group in the United States, and honestly, a welcome reprieve from the vultures that are the baby boomers. The most educated, the most technologically savvy, and the most politically involved generation to ever come along, they will change the world for the better. In fact, they are the world's last, and at this point, only hope.

I have two sons. Both in their mid twenties. And both are on separate sides of one coin. My youngest is clean cut, straight as a string. His girlfriend is almost through with college. Her degree will start her out at $100K easy. His profession will make him about the same. They live in a nice house. Drive nice vehicles and live life in a decent conservative way.
The other, just sort of blows with the wind. Luckily, I was able to express how looking decent will get him a lot more respect from his co workers, bosses and important people in his life. So he dresses decent and is respectful to most people. But he lacks the drive to succeed. That worries me. I'm afraid he'll end up like me for the rest of his life, blue collar.

You list two types of millennials. He's somewhere in the middle.
Hey youngsters! Stay outta my yard!

Every generation complains about the next one. Each generation is smarter and better than the last.
Largely true, until the last half of the 20th Century. Since then, generations of programmed morons have been produced, with incompetancy increasing with each subsequent generation, so each is more incapable than the last.
So you admit you are programmed with incompetency...Interesting, no?
Hey youngsters! Stay outta my yard!

Every generation complains about the next one. Each generation is smarter and better than the last.
Largely true, until the last half of the 20th Century. Since then, generations of programmed morons have been produced, with incompetancy increasing with each subsequent generation, so each is more incapable than the last.
So you admit you are programmed with incompetency...Interesting, no?
No. My parents avoided sending me to public schools.
I believe millennials come in one of two types, and this comes from experience. There is no middle ground. In your case, you have the loser millennial. Self-absorbed, little empathy, and no drive, these millennials can be seen with the purple hair, the multiple piercings, and the tattoos. Those, in and of them self, are a means of self-worship, which these millennials are all to obsessed with.

But then there is the second group. Driven, reflective, team oriented and goal focused, these are the sharp dressed clean cut individuals that you run into and fail to notice. Mostly the youngest members of the cohort, these are young professionals with impressive networths. They would never spend money on a tattoo, and they drive Toyota's or a Hyundai. Savers in the highest order, these are the ones that participated in the Gamestop short squeeze, hold Bitcoins, and max out their companies 401K contributions every year. Homeowners at 25, parents at 30, they put the horse in front of the cart.

Don't let the first group taint your perception of this generation. This generation is a force that must be reckoned with. They now are the largest consumer group in the United States, and honestly, a welcome reprieve from the vultures that are the baby boomers. The most educated, the most technologically savvy, and the most politically involved generation to ever come along, they will change the world for the better. In fact, they are the world's last, and at this point, only hope.

I have two sons. Both in their mid twenties. And both are on separate sides of one coin. My youngest is clean cut, straight as a string. His girlfriend is almost through with college. Her degree will start her out at $100K easy. His profession will make him about the same. They live in a nice house. Drive nice vehicles and live life in a decent conservative way.
The other, just sort of blows with the wind. Luckily, I was able to express how looking decent will get him a lot more respect from his co workers, bosses and important people in his life. So he dresses decent and is respectful to most people. But he lacks the drive to succeed. That worries me. I'm afraid he'll end up like me for the rest of his life, blue collar.

You list two types of millennials. He's somewhere in the middle.
These days of your kid does not have a needle in their arm and wants to cut off their genitalia you as a parent have been a success.
I believe millennials come in one of two types, and this comes from experience. There is no middle ground. In your case, you have the loser millennial. Self-absorbed, little empathy, and no drive, these millennials can be seen with the purple hair, the multiple piercings, and the tattoos. Those, in and of them self, are a means of self-worship, which these millennials are all to obsessed with.

But then there is the second group. Driven, reflective, team oriented and goal focused, these are the sharp dressed clean cut individuals that you run into and fail to notice. Mostly the youngest members of the cohort, these are young professionals with impressive networths. They would never spend money on a tattoo, and they drive Toyota's or a Hyundai. Savers in the highest order, these are the ones that participated in the Gamestop short squeeze, hold Bitcoins, and max out their companies 401K contributions every year. Homeowners at 25, parents at 30, they put the horse in front of the cart.

Don't let the first group taint your perception of this generation. This generation is a force that must be reckoned with. They now are the largest consumer group in the United States, and honestly, a welcome reprieve from the vultures that are the baby boomers. The most educated, the most technologically savvy, and the most politically involved generation to ever come along, they will change the world for the better. In fact, they are the world's last, and at this point, only hope.

I have two sons. Both in their mid twenties. And both are on separate sides of one coin. My youngest is clean cut, straight as a string. His girlfriend is almost through with college. Her degree will start her out at $100K easy. His profession will make him about the same. They live in a nice house. Drive nice vehicles and live life in a decent conservative way.
The other, just sort of blows with the wind. Luckily, I was able to express how looking decent will get him a lot more respect from his co workers, bosses and important people in his life. So he dresses decent and is respectful to most people. But he lacks the drive to succeed. That worries me. I'm afraid he'll end up like me for the rest of his life, blue collar.

You list two types of millennials. He's somewhere in the middle.
Oh my, you are one of those controlling parents who divide their children and can not afford unconditional love because you base their net worth on income and social status, how cute. You sound just like my parents were unhappy I didn't live on the lake with them and buy a 500k home with a boat dock...
Hey youngsters! Stay outta my yard!

Every generation complains about the next one. Each generation is smarter and better than the last.
Largely true, until the last half of the 20th Century. Since then, generations of programmed morons have been produced, with incompetancy increasing with each subsequent generation, so each is more incapable than the last.
So you admit you are programmed with incompetency...Interesting, no?
No. My parents avoided sending me to public schools.
I see, and somehow you believe that you are superior to everyone in every way.

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