How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

Just like criminalcrats pass the blame, and they want to rule the world, chumps...

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water

Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Mayor Dayne Walling, a Democrat, led a cheerful countdown at the Flint water treatment plant to press the button moving the city over to river water. Walling and Darnell Earley, the Democratic emergency manager, even raised glasses in a toast and drank the water to show that it was safe.

“It’s a historic moment for the city of Flint to return to its roots and use our own river as our drinking water supply,” Walling said. “The water quality speaks for itself.”
Flint’s city council had voted in favor of the move 7-1. Despite claims about the power of the emergency manager, the switch could not have gone forward without that vote.

Even once the problem had surfaced, the EPA knew and kept quiet. It was only once the crisis broke, that the Democratic establishment attempted to redirect the blame at Michigan’s efforts to fix broken Democratic cities like Flint using emergency managers. The war against the emergency managers is not about clean water; it’s about protecting the dirty Democratic politics that destroyed these cities.

Flint’s dirty water had its origins in dirty politics. The Democratic Party had badly mismanaged the city.
Flint was trying to cut costs, but not in the right place. Water rates were already murderously high, because around 40 percent of the city’s water was leaking out or being stolen. Water theft is routine in failed Democratic cities like Flint. And the thefts often come from the inside.

Warren Southall II, a Flint city employee, illegally turned on water in exchange for bribes. Last year he was fined, but would not serve any jail time. Illegal water hookups are everywhere. Residents who have their water turned off can always find ways to get it turned back on again. The cost gets passed on to those who pay their bills. And the rates go up and more residents run away.

From 2002 to 2010, Flint’s population declined by 18%. The poverty rate encompasses over a third of the population. Barely half the city works. The second largest employer in Flint is government. The third and fourth largest employers, healthcare and education, are heavily government subsidized.

Flint is a failed city. It’s what happens when Democrats run a city into the ground by driving away jobs and pandering to unions. Eventually the union contracts make a city’s finances unfeasible and the cycle of tax hikes, union contracts, unfunded pensions, welfare protests, junk bond sales and then crisis management and privatization takes its toll. That is exactly what happened in Flint.

Flint got deep into trouble because of its unions. The city has been desperately struggling to privatize as much of its services as it can, wiping out union jobs to protect union retirement benefits, and then cutting services to cover for a growing deadbeat population that wants services, but doesn’t want to pay for them. And the simple fact of life is that somebody has to pay for clean water. Or it won’t be clean.

It wasn’t corporations or big business that made it impossible for Flint to pay its bills. It wasn’t Rick Snyder. It was Flint residents who kept voting for ridiculously incompetent Democrats.

Flint, like Detroit, needed emergency managers because the Democratic Party had destroyed entire cities. And it is those emergency managers, who are often African-American Democrats even when appointed by Republicans, who are being used to pass all the blame on to Governor Rick Snyder.

But they are leaving out a whole lot of history along the way.
In 2002, Woodrow Stanley, the three-term Democratic Party mayor, was removed from office by angry voters due to a $30 million deficit. He didn’t accept the blame for the disaster. Instead he blamed racism.

“The stench of racism that reeks [from] this election will linger in the nostrils of this community for decades," Stanley said. In reality, plenty of black voters had turned out to drive him out of office.


Flint’s dirty water originated with its dirty Democratic Party overlords. Blaming Republicans won’t clean it up.

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
From 2001 to 2008, millions of industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. That was during a time of Bush Tax cuts, fake wars, and government cutting taxes on companies moving to China, effectively giving them subsidies to leave cities like Flint.

Who what the president? Bush.

Who had control of both houses for nearly 5 years of that time? Republicans.

So who do Republicans blame?


As they should. Michigan's D politics finally sunk them when all the auto jobs went to other states and Mexico. I know first hand because my husband was a PPG rep at Saturn in Tennessee.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

Are you going to tell me that all the people at DHHS and Michigan's EPA were appointed by the new Republican Governor? You know the people that lied to everyone?

Kiss my ass. That the EPA manager who was forced to resign was appointed by Snyder?

Prove it.


Loon. These people worked for the governor. It's already been shown that they knew they were poisoning these people.

They knew the water was so corrosive that GM refused to use it and shipped in their own water

You might have more credibility is you weren't fact-averse.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.
Last edited:
The Flint water system was built a long time ago under a Democrat led community. Flint is bankrupt from Democratic leadership. It was thought using the Flint River as a water source would save money. The water reacted with the lead joints and caused the problem. This was missed by expert EPA and DEQ bureaucrats, who approved the change.

LOL: Partisan Hack ^^^ posts a spin which will not turn.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.

You think? LOL, prove it.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.

I never said it was the city councils fault its certainly not the governor fault
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

Show me where the people who lied their asses off were appointed by Snyder and not Granholm.

Oh and that D bitch from hell that was Governor of Michigan used to allow for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ thousands of truckloads of garbage from Toronto to Michigan landfills.

Did you know that?

Are you going to tell me that all the people at DHHS and Michigan's EPA were appointed by the new Republican Governor? You know the people that lied to everyone?

Kiss my ass. That the EPA manager who was forced to resign was appointed by Snyder?

Prove it.


Loon. These people worked for the governor. It's already been shown that they knew they were poisoning these people.

They knew the water was so corrosive that GM refused to use it and shipped in their own water

You might have more credibility is you weren't fact-averse.
so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.

I never said it was the city councils fault its certainly not the governor fault

Oh heavens I didn't mean my post to come thru that way. Just wondered if you knew the other shit.
so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.

You think? LOL, prove it.

Considering what you assholes have thrown at Snyder you can go fuck yourself.

We now know that the EPA knew back in February of the contamination and did nothing.
The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.

You think? LOL, prove it.

Considering what you assholes have thrown at Snyder you can go fuck yourself.

We now know that the EPA knew back in February of the contamination and did nothing.

Declasse even for trailer trash.
Just like criminalcrats pass the blame, and they want to rule the world, chumps...

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water

Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Mayor Dayne Walling, a Democrat, led a cheerful countdown at the Flint water treatment plant to press the button moving the city over to river water. Walling and Darnell Earley, the Democratic emergency manager, even raised glasses in a toast and drank the water to show that it was safe.

“It’s a historic moment for the city of Flint to return to its roots and use our own river as our drinking water supply,” Walling said. “The water quality speaks for itself.”
Flint’s city council had voted in favor of the move 7-1. Despite claims about the power of the emergency manager, the switch could not have gone forward without that vote.

Even once the problem had surfaced, the EPA knew and kept quiet. It was only once the crisis broke, that the Democratic establishment attempted to redirect the blame at Michigan’s efforts to fix broken Democratic cities like Flint using emergency managers. The war against the emergency managers is not about clean water; it’s about protecting the dirty Democratic politics that destroyed these cities.

Flint’s dirty water had its origins in dirty politics. The Democratic Party had badly mismanaged the city.
Flint was trying to cut costs, but not in the right place. Water rates were already murderously high, because around 40 percent of the city’s water was leaking out or being stolen. Water theft is routine in failed Democratic cities like Flint. And the thefts often come from the inside.

Warren Southall II, a Flint city employee, illegally turned on water in exchange for bribes. Last year he was fined, but would not serve any jail time. Illegal water hookups are everywhere. Residents who have their water turned off can always find ways to get it turned back on again. The cost gets passed on to those who pay their bills. And the rates go up and more residents run away.

From 2002 to 2010, Flint’s population declined by 18%. The poverty rate encompasses over a third of the population. Barely half the city works. The second largest employer in Flint is government. The third and fourth largest employers, healthcare and education, are heavily government subsidized.

Flint is a failed city. It’s what happens when Democrats run a city into the ground by driving away jobs and pandering to unions. Eventually the union contracts make a city’s finances unfeasible and the cycle of tax hikes, union contracts, unfunded pensions, welfare protests, junk bond sales and then crisis management and privatization takes its toll. That is exactly what happened in Flint.

Flint got deep into trouble because of its unions. The city has been desperately struggling to privatize as much of its services as it can, wiping out union jobs to protect union retirement benefits, and then cutting services to cover for a growing deadbeat population that wants services, but doesn’t want to pay for them. And the simple fact of life is that somebody has to pay for clean water. Or it won’t be clean.

It wasn’t corporations or big business that made it impossible for Flint to pay its bills. It wasn’t Rick Snyder. It was Flint residents who kept voting for ridiculously incompetent Democrats.

Flint, like Detroit, needed emergency managers because the Democratic Party had destroyed entire cities. And it is those emergency managers, who are often African-American Democrats even when appointed by Republicans, who are being used to pass all the blame on to Governor Rick Snyder.

But they are leaving out a whole lot of history along the way.
In 2002, Woodrow Stanley, the three-term Democratic Party mayor, was removed from office by angry voters due to a $30 million deficit. He didn’t accept the blame for the disaster. Instead he blamed racism.

“The stench of racism that reeks [from] this election will linger in the nostrils of this community for decades," Stanley said. In reality, plenty of black voters had turned out to drive him out of office.


Flint’s dirty water originated with its dirty Democratic Party overlords. Blaming Republicans won’t clean it up.

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
From 2001 to 2008, millions of industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. That was during a time of Bush Tax cuts, fake wars, and government cutting taxes on companies moving to China, effectively giving them subsidies to leave cities like Flint.

Who what the president? Bush.

Who had control of both houses for nearly 5 years of that time? Republicans.

So who do Republicans blame?


As they should. Michigan's D politics finally sunk them when all the auto jobs went to other states and Mexico. I know first hand because my husband was a PPG rep at Saturn in Tennessee.

Poor drug addled loon. :cuckoo:
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.
Good Luck dealing with these partison Hacks........................I've laid out the full details on the other thread.........and then thread after thread after thread keep popping up.................

It is clear how deep it goes..............they don't care about the other players involved.......only if they can play politics with it.............

To the Leftist Brigade....................I'm not posting all the evidence are simply not worth it.
so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.
Good Luck dealing with these partison Hacks........................I've laid out the full details on the other thread.........and then thread after thread after thread keep popping up.................

It is clear how deep it goes..............they don't care about the other players involved.......only if they can play politics with it.............

To the Leftist Brigade....................I'm not posting all the evidence are simply not worth it.

Partisan hacks?

Gotta love the irony.

You looms need to stop making your delusions everyone else's problem The facts in this instance aren't in disputed.

But then again it's not like the right is known for embracing reality.
The EMs were all democrat.

Now politics aside I don't blame the Governor or the EM's or the Mayor or the city council of Flint.


Because the freaking Michigan DHHS was lying to all of them and to the people. Not only lying, they hid evidence, they manipulated data.

When your own health department is lying thru their teeth at you are all those politicians go out and get an independent opinion?

No. You addled loon. They were the governor's people.

The health department works for the governor. Just like when Christie Whitman lied through her teeth for baby bush and said the air at ground zero was safe.

You wackos simply don't stop. It's insane.

:eek:The governor purposely poisoned those people. This is where you libs go off the rails into The governor relied on people who's job it is to test the water. The EPA ,State agencies ect.. the Flint city counsel approved the switch from Detroit water. Obviously that was a mistake That governors fault? not hardly

Jroc I'm a die hard water conservationist. Have been for years since Grassy Narrows up here. I have followed this issue in Michigan intently.

This was not even the Flint City Councils fault. What they did was decide to make a move to KWA from Detroit Water and Sewage. Good move. I applaud the city of Flint.

Then shit hits the fan. Detroit decides to fuck over Flint. Cancels the 35 year contract and tries to bleed the city. Flint had NO OPTION but to go to Flint River because KWA was not up and running yet.

Then you have the poor people of Flint to rely on this interim source. And here it comes. The DHHS the EPA all lied and hid the truth from 2014 with the switch up.

EPA covering up the lead. OMG they did. Bitch has resigned but I think it goes higher than her.
Good Luck dealing with these partison Hacks........................I've laid out the full details on the other thread.........and then thread after thread after thread keep popping up.................

It is clear how deep it goes..............they don't care about the other players involved.......only if they can play politics with it.............

To the Leftist Brigade....................I'm not posting all the evidence are simply not worth it.

Partisan hacks?

Gotta love the irony.

You looms need to stop making your delusions everyone else's problem The facts in this instance aren't in disputed.

But then again it's not like the right is known for embracing reality.
You are one of those.............I laid out the facts including the when and rules violations and I'm not doing it again..................Many players involved in this dispute...........................but you will never look at those with a D on this issue...............I even slammed the Governor on that thread...................

Your one sided complaint is UTTER BS.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
They didn't treat the pipe for CORROSION.........NOT FILTERS..........................aka SOFT WATER...........Higher PH>

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