How can we Entice the Left to keep Acting out About the Election?

Thanks for the insight guys......I had no idea during the Obama Presidency you guys lived in a state of prolonged defeat and perpetual fear.

That sounds horrible!

Thank God Trump won.

You don't understand, there was a half black "muslim" "foreign born" "terrorist" in the white house and no one would take them seriously. Twice.
Think of the euphoria!

You know what it's like when you've got to take a pee real bad, and you're driving or something....then when you finally rush into some skanky bathroom, and let it all're all "ahhhhh".....

That's what righties are felling right now.

Some perhaps, but a lot of Trump support was/is economic/political system backlash, legit backlash to be sure, but misdirected in my view, in the sense that over all, and over time, these personalities/parties the system vomits up to choose from are no choice at all. The democratic party and the Clintons should be ashamed of themselves. But like Trump, way too much ego for that type of introspection.

This economic and political system is operating precisely as designed and the masses are in total disarray and feuding amongst themselves. And that’s just where the system wants us.
You can't get rid of the left with Obama sticking around like an incurable rash. And the media will continue to scratch that rash to keep it active and annoying.

All the power structure needs to do is keep the masses seething at each other, and the corporate state media is one of the tools available. And yes, they will use Obama because of some people's visceral emotional reactionary helplessness toward him which was also stoked and fomented by the corporate state media machine.
You can't get rid of the left with Obama sticking around like an incurable rash. And the media will continue to scratch that rash to keep it active and annoying.

All the power structure needs to do is keep the masses seething at each other, and the corporate state media is one of the tools available. And yes, they will use Obama because of some people's visceral emotional reactionary helplessness toward him which was also stoked and fomented by the corporate state media machine.
Don't look now but someone is hiding behind your couch.
You can't get rid of the left with Obama sticking around like an incurable rash. And the media will continue to scratch that rash to keep it active and annoying.

All the power structure needs to do is keep the masses seething at each other, and the corporate state media is one of the tools available. And yes, they will use Obama because of some people's visceral emotional reactionary helplessness toward him which was also stoked and fomented by the corporate state media machine.
Don't look now but someone is hiding behind your couch.

Atta boy dupe.
We don't need to entice The Left to act out. Just stand back and let them be who they are.

They are perfectly repellent in their natural state.
You can't get rid of the left with Obama sticking around like an incurable rash. And the media will continue to scratch that rash to keep it active and annoying.

All the power structure needs to do is keep the masses seething at each other, and the corporate state media is one of the tools available. And yes, they will use Obama because of some people's visceral emotional reactionary helplessness toward him which was also stoked and fomented by the corporate state media machine.
Don't look now but someone is hiding behind your couch.

Atta boy dupe.
But I shot the guy hiding behind my couch.
Thanks for the insight guys......I had no idea during the Obama Presidency you guys lived in a state of prolonged defeat and perpetual fear.

That sounds horrible!

Thank God Trump won.

You don't understand, there was a half black "muslim" "foreign born" "terrorist" in the white house and no one would take them seriously. Twice.
Think of the euphoria!

You know what it's like when you've got to take a pee real bad, and you're driving or something....then when you finally rush into some skanky bathroom, and let it all're all "ahhhhh".....

That's what righties are felling right now.

Some perhaps, but a lot of Trump support was/is economic/political system backlash, legit backlash to be sure, but misdirected in my view, in the sense that over all, and over time, these personalities/parties the system vomits up to choose from are no choice at all. The democratic party and the Clintons should be ashamed of themselves. But like Trump, way too much ego for that type of introspection.

This economic and political system is operating precisely as designed and the masses are in total disarray and feuding amongst themselves. And that’s just where the system wants us.
In my opinion......

What we're seeing now is a mirror.

The speed at which information is disseminated has reached critical mass and we now see ourselves.

It has been easy for years to blame the other guy for everything. When information moved slowly, the powers that be could manage and channel the blame to their advantage.

My grandpa had a great saying...he said..."we hate the most in others, things we like the least about ourselves"

Information is moving too fast for blissful oblivion.

The fact that you might not be a competitive worker in the global employment marketplace is the LAST thing any American wants to realize. Hating Hillary, Obama, or Trump is much easier.

Rush Limbaugh and Trump essentially do the same thing...which is sling their spiel so fast, by the time you've disproven the first point, they are on their 5th misleading or false impression.

Lying fast, and often, is the only thing keeping Americans from realizing they are the problem in most instances. Many are entitled and underproductive.

That latent concept is subconsciously fueling discourse.
You know what I like to do.....and this really pisses off righties.......

It is entirely possible, if not probable... that Hillary is no different than my grandpa was about computers before he started using one.

Hillary might have just used a couple of different phones for work without even knowing what a server does!

She may have not once considered national security, or anything.

Now after the fact...the lying...she's a lawyer and a politician, what do you expect.

It is entirely possible Hillary was just ignorant, then embarrassed.

Not treasonous. Not evil. Not the Anti-Christ.
Okay righties.......time to 3................2......................................1.................................................

.......................wait for it.......................
Just keep reminding them their treasonous bitch lost, because of Obama.
Obama would have easily beaten Trump. Remember that. Never doubt it.

We are not going back to your bad old days, jknowbad lad.
Thanks for proving my plan wins, just like Trump!
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Just keep reminding them their treasonous bitch lost, because of Obama.
Obama would have easily beaten Trump. Remember that. Never doubt it.

We are not going back to your bad old days, jknowbad lad.
Thanks for proving my plan wins, just like Trump!
Yup, you are talking to the goofy in the mirror. :lol:
You look like an idiot still supporting the failure known as obama.
I honestly do not understand why you Trumpsters are so obsessed with liberals and democrats. When Obama won in '08 and '12 I paid none of you fuckers any mind.

Its like you want the whole country to bow down to King Trump. It isn't going to happen. Just like you didn't like Obama, the left has a right to the same.
Be quiet. Let the idiots keep on hurting themselves.
The longer you can keep them pulling further left, the greater and more prolonged their defeat.

Agree. Need them to pick that Muslim Bigot from Minnesota to run the Democratic Party. Calls himself Keith Ellison, but used to go by Keith Mohamed.

The face of the Democratic Party today.

That will prove to the good folks in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that they did the right thing by saying No to a Democratic Party which is now almost purely Marxist with heavy totalitarian leanings, a contempt for our Constitution, and a compelling need for Control...because they know better than we do what is good for us.
I think by eight years they will have returned to being the good party again though. They'll work it out by then.

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