How can the World Prepare for Climate Change and the Magnetic Polar Shift?

Okay then. Let’s call it a big solar flare.

Flares aren't that big of a deal ... maybe what you mean is a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that sometimes follow flares ... basically a chunk of the Sun's surface comes flying off and can slam the Earth ... there's some evidence this occurred back the 1850's ... but these are at best 24 hour affairs and have extremely little to do with our 100 year climatic averages ... as long as we don't stretch our electric lines out straight for more than a few hundred feet, these CME's wouldn't be noticeable ... only PG&E is stupid enough to run electric wires straight for over a mile ... and these wires are just going to burn to a crisp during a major CME ...
A Black Star has been known as a Black Hole, but it is in reality an energy producing radiational gravitational entity; a star with an exponential amount of gravity that it appears black as it sucks even light energy inward.

I know what a black hole is ... and it's not generally considered a star ... it's a thing of gravity, not of mass, although it has mass ... what we call a "black hole" is a surface of equal gravitational potential on photons ...

I don't think you should be getting your astrophysics information from some two-bit grunge band ... and could you check your links, the one in the post I quoted isn't rendering at all ... use the you-are-el tags instead ... The lead guitarist from Queen ... Brian May ... went back to college after Queen broke up and got his PhD in Astrophysics ... interesting? ...
A Black Star has been known as a Black Hole, but it is in reality an energy producing radiational gravitational entity; a star with an exponential amount of gravity that it appears black as it sucks even light energy inward.

I know what a black hole is ... and it's not generally considered a star ... it's a thing of gravity, not of mass, although it has mass ... what we call a "black hole" is a surface of equal gravitational potential on photons ...

I don't think you should be getting your astrophysics information from some two-bit grunge band ... and could you check your links, the one in the post I quoted isn't rendering at all ... use the you-are-el tags instead ... The lead guitarist from Queen ... Brian May ... went back to college after Queen broke up and got his PhD in Astrophysics ... interesting? ...

Fuck you. Chris Cornell (College) and Soundgarden are worthy of esoteric inclusion to scientific contribution. Though they may not have had the doctoral thesis to what they energetically knew... If a star has so much mass and gravity that light bends backwards, because light is photon energy and has actual mass; then that star will appear black, and is not a black hole, but simply a gigantic version of Our Soleil with enough gravity that not even Light can escape.

Who is the consort of Vishnu? What is this Galaxy called? What is the scientific name of milk? What figure is central to the cover of Sgt. Pepper's?
A Black Star has been known as a Black Hole, but it is in reality an energy producing radiational gravitational entity; a star with an exponential amount of gravity that it appears black as it sucks even light energy inward.

I know what a black hole is ... and it's not generally considered a star ... it's a thing of gravity, not of mass, although it has mass ... what we call a "black hole" is a surface of equal gravitational potential on photons ...

I don't think you should be getting your astrophysics information from some two-bit grunge band ... and could you check your links, the one in the post I quoted isn't rendering at all ... use the you-are-el tags instead ... The lead guitarist from Queen ... Brian May ... went back to college after Queen broke up and got his PhD in Astrophysics ... interesting? ...

Fuck you. Chris Cornell (College) and Soundgarden are worthy of esoteric inclusion to scientific contribution. Though they may not have had the doctoral thesis to what they energetically knew... If a star has so much mass and gravity that light bends backwards, because light is photon energy and has actual mass; then that star will appear black, and is not a black hole, but simply a gigantic version of Our Soleil with enough gravity that not even Light can escape.

Who is the consort of Vishnu? What is this Galaxy called? What is the scientific name of milk? What figure is central to the cover of Sgt. Pepper's?

Yes, reading your thoughts... I am a Scientific Politician. Totally relates to: The Riots, I Predicted, Look Here:


  • Scott Pilgrim.pdf
    297.7 KB · Views: 42
Fuck you.

My ... that's muture ... I didn't mean to offend your little girl sensibilities ... do you have a crush on the lead singer or something? ...

Chris Cornell (College) and Soundgarden are worthy of esoteric inclusion to scientific contribution. Though they may not have had the doctoral thesis to what they energetically knew...

Then they should send their material to a scientific journal and see what actual astronomers think ...

If a star has so much mass and gravity that light bends backwards, because light is photon energy and has actual mass; then that star will appear black, and is not a black hole, but simply a gigantic version of Our Soleil with enough gravity that not even Light can escape.

Obviously you don't know what a black hole is ... somewhere beyond the surface of this mythological star, there will exist an event horizon ... the surface where no light can escape ... this event horizon is, by definition, a black hole ... today we have no way to tell what's inside this event horizon, any statement about what is inside is less than speculation and is strictly mythology ... no matter what grunge says ...

We do have objects which have enough gravity to collapse atomic nuclei into themselves ... these neutron stars still aren't massive enough to prevent light from escaping and we can view these objects with our telescopes ... objects made entirely of neutrons, too dense for even protons and electrons to exist ...

That's today ... the LIGO Experiment has been a spectacular success and it's expected this technology, at scale, should allow us to penetrate the event horizon and we'll be able to explore what's inside black holes ... perhaps we'll find a star made up of some manner of more compact and fundamental materials ... something like a strange star or prion degenerate matter ...

But right now we can safely say you're full of shit ...

Fuck you.

My ... that's muture ... I didn't mean to offend your little girl sensibilities ... do you have a crush on the lead singer or something? ...

Chris Cornell (College) and Soundgarden are worthy of esoteric inclusion to scientific contribution. Though they may not have had the doctoral thesis to what they energetically knew...

Then they should send their material to a scientific journal and see what actual astronomers think ...

If a star has so much mass and gravity that light bends backwards, because light is photon energy and has actual mass; then that star will appear black, and is not a black hole, but simply a gigantic version of Our Soleil with enough gravity that not even Light can escape.

Obviously you don't know what a black hole is ... somewhere beyond the surface of this mythological star, there will exist an event horizon ... the surface where no light can escape ... this event horizon is, by definition, a black hole ... today we have no way to tell what's inside this event horizon, any statement about what is inside is less than speculation and is strictly mythology ... no matter what grunge says ...

We do have objects which have enough gravity to collapse atomic nuclei into themselves ... these neutron stars still aren't massive enough to prevent light from escaping and we can view these objects with our telescopes ... objects made entirely of neutrons, too dense for even protons and electrons to exist ...

That's today ... the LIGO Experiment has been a spectacular success and it's expected this technology, at scale, should allow us to penetrate the event horizon and we'll be able to explore what's inside black holes ... perhaps we'll find a star made up of some manner of more compact and fundamental materials ... something like a strange star or prion degenerate matter ...

But right now we can safely say you're full of shit ...

I disagree, there's a point when objects don't escape the gravity of Soleil. Clearly, a smaller star than a Black Star with less gravity as Mars has less gravity than Jupiter. Knowing that the Lactic Galaxy is held together by a massive gravitational force is what you should consider when weighing how exponetially powerful the gravity of a Black Star is.
Fuck you.

My ... that's muture ... I didn't mean to offend your little girl sensibilities ... do you have a crush on the lead singer or something? ...

Chris Cornell (College) and Soundgarden are worthy of esoteric inclusion to scientific contribution. Though they may not have had the doctoral thesis to what they energetically knew...

Then they should send their material to a scientific journal and see what actual astronomers think ...

If a star has so much mass and gravity that light bends backwards, because light is photon energy and has actual mass; then that star will appear black, and is not a black hole, but simply a gigantic version of Our Soleil with enough gravity that not even Light can escape.

Obviously you don't know what a black hole is ... somewhere beyond the surface of this mythological star, there will exist an event horizon ... the surface where no light can escape ... this event horizon is, by definition, a black hole ... today we have no way to tell what's inside this event horizon, any statement about what is inside is less than speculation and is strictly mythology ... no matter what grunge says ...

We do have objects which have enough gravity to collapse atomic nuclei into themselves ... these neutron stars still aren't massive enough to prevent light from escaping and we can view these objects with our telescopes ... objects made entirely of neutrons, too dense for even protons and electrons to exist ...

That's today ... the LIGO Experiment has been a spectacular success and it's expected this technology, at scale, should allow us to penetrate the event horizon and we'll be able to explore what's inside black holes ... perhaps we'll find a star made up of some manner of more compact and fundamental materials ... something like a strange star or prion degenerate matter ...

But right now we can safely say you're full of shit ...

I disagree, there's a point when objects don't escape the gravity of Soleil. Clearly, a smaller star than a Black Star with less gravity as Mars has less gravity than Jupiter. Knowing that the Lactic Galaxy is held together by a massive gravitational force is what you should consider when weighing how exponetially powerful the gravity of a Black Star is.

Wow you are smert
Hurricane Season apparently starts in May now. Last 5 years have had Hurricanes before June 1st. Probably extends to December now too. Going to be a hot Summer.

I went to the NHC website to dispute this claim ... pfffft ... they're tracking a system today that's likely to become either tropical or subtropical this weekend ... so make that the last 6 years have had tropical cyclones form in May (or April in 2017) ...

Usually the season starts on June 1st in the North Atlantic ... however, it starts on May 15th in the eastern North Pacific ... in the North Atlantic, we've seen a total of 20 "off-season" tropical cyclones in the past 20 years ... comparable to the 20 years 1940-60 ... usually it's 12 to 15 in this time span ... only 7 hurricanes that were strictly off-season since Year 1900, excluding storms that formed in November and spun into December ... all the rest were tropical storms ...

... and don't forget that "weak" tropical storms can be just as damaging as hurricanes ... be prepared ... and remember that the NHC will be about 24 hours ahead of your local authorities for warnings ... evacuate early, beat the traffic ...
Ok, everyone on the Eastern and Caribbean Gulf Coasts, Hurricane Season's about to ramp up: I wonder if the first Category 6 Hurricane will form this year? Maybe. Typhoons have reached wind speeds comparable to Category 6. I would actually prefer if Cat 6 started at 180 mph, their system has 195 mph.

Large scale, long term heatwave means very warm waters off the Eastern and Gulf Coasts... supple breeding ground for Hurricanes. Big, wet, storms holding together longer, especially in humid environments.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 4:05 PM
Subject: We're Sorry to Interrupt Your Regular Email Reception: Sommes Désolés d'Interrompre Votre Réception d'E-mail Régulière
To: <[email protected]>

However, Hr. Graham:

Certain events precipitate the finding a certain messengers in order to do, what may be, the saving of millions of lives.

There is a time coming soon, when there will be a tide that rolls in; which will not stop when expected.

There are near 100°F (37°C) near the Arctic Circle. We believe that the cause of this heat wave is a weakened Magnetic Field and due to Gaea's tilt towards Soleil in the Northern Hemisphere; thus allowing Solar Radiation to directly strike and heat the Northern Hemisphere.

If this weakening continues, then come Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer in the Southern Hemisphere; then the same effect will take place in Antarctica; which will cause the very rapid melt of glaciers and icecaps in Antarctica; and the very rapid water level rise; which may likely devastate many low laying land areas at an unexpectedly fast rate. What is important to know about this is that Gaea will be closer to Soleil at this time; and the Magnetic Field may be weaker; so the temperatures may soar to well above 100°F (37°C) in Antarctica following the Yuletide Solstice.

The Magnetosphere weakening may also cause Solar Radiation to "microwave" Gaea from the inside out; thus heating and expanding the molten rocks and minerals of the Core and Mantle; which will seek to release the pressure by escaping though the Crust causing violent seismic activity; especially along fault lines and "hot spots" such as Hawaii. This is true, because the Magnetosphere truly does protect Gaea from the Solar Wind particles.

Solar Radiation may be the cause of harm to those exposed to the harmful rays of the Solar Spectrum. We believe that a warning should be made in relation to these scientific predictions. And that the Commonwealth Realm which We have prescribed be formed in Acadia of the United States, Canada, Kalällit Nunät, and the Bahamas. There will be many displaced from the rising waters, and the Bahamas and Florida and the Virgin Islands will be subject to what may be a tidal "death wave" if these warnings are not heeded.

We are gravely concerned that people, whether because they chose to stay behind; or because they are ignorant of what is happening; will see the tide roll in, and then when the tide doesn't stop; they may be stranded in their cars, on lands being swallowed up, in their houses, on the rooftops of buildings; and then... find themselves adrift on top of or underneath mountains of water.

You and I, We can do what is necessary to warn people. The clock is ticking Hr. Allen; and time is running out.

Cependant, Hr. Graham:

Certains événements précipitent la découverte de certains messagers pour faire, ce qui peut être, sauver des millions de vies.

Il y a un moment qui arrive bientôt, quand il y aura une marée qui arrive; qui ne s'arrêtera pas quand prévu.

Il y a près de 100°F (37°C) près du Cercle Arctique. Croyons que la cause de cette vague de chaleur est un champ magnétique affaibli et dû à l'inclinaison de Gaea vers Soleil en l'Hémisphère Nord; permettant ainsi aux radiations Solaires de frapper directement et de chauffer l'Hémisphère Nord.

Si cet affaiblissement continue, alors venez Hiver en l'Hémisphère Nord, Eté en Hémisphère Sud; alors le même effet aura lieu en Antarctique; ce qui provoquera la fonte très rapide des glaciers et des calottes glaciaires en Antarctique; et l'élévation très rapide du niveau d'eau; ce qui peut probablement dévaster de nombreuses zones de terres basses à un rythme étonnamment rapide. Ce qu'il est important de savoir à ce sujet, c'est que Gaea sera plus proche de Soleil à ce moment-là; et le champ magnétique peut être plus faible; Ainsi, les températures peuvent monter bien au-dessus de 37°C (100°F) en Antarctique après le Solstice Yuletide.

L'affaiblissement de la Magnétosphère peut aussi provoquer une irradiation par le rayonnement Solaire de Gaea de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur; chauffant et dilatant ainsi les roches et les minéraux fondus du Noyau et du Manteau; qui cherchera à relâcher la pression en s'échappant si la croûte provoque une activité sismique violente; en particulier le long des lignes de faille et des "points chauds" tels que Hawaii. C'est vrai, parce que la Magnétosphère protège réellement Gaea des particules du Vent Solaire.

Le rayonnement Solaire peut causer des dommages aux personnes exposées aux rayons nocifs du spectre solaire. Nous croyons qu'un avertissement devrait être fait par rapport à ces prédictions scientifiques. Et que le Commonwealth Realm que Nous avons prescrit soit formé en Acadia des États-Unis au Canada, à Kalällit Nunät, et aux Bahamas. Il y aura beaucoup de personnes déplacées de la montée des eaux, et les Bahamas, Floride, et les îles Vierges seront sujettes à ce qui pourrait être une «vague de mort» marémotrice si ces avertissements ne sont pas entendus.

Nous sommes gravement préoccupés que les Volques, que ce soit parce qu'ils ont choisi de rester en arrière; ou parce qu'ils ignorent ce qui se passe; verra la marée rouler, puis quand la marée ne s'arrêtera pas; ils peuvent être échoués dans leurs voitures, sur des terres englouties, dans leurs maisons, sur les toits des immeubles; et puis ... se retrouvent à la dérive au-dessus ou au-dessous des montagnes d'eau.

Toi et Moi, Nous pouvons faire ce qu'il faut pour prévenir les Volques. L'horloge est en train de cocher Hr. Allen; et le temp c'est compté.

Ok... this is going to spell disaster when compounded by High Tides and Hurricanes:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 4:05 PM
Subject: We're Sorry to Interrupt Your Regular Email Reception: Sommes Désolés d'Interrompre Votre Réception d'E-mail Régulière
To: <[email protected]>

However, Hr. Graham:

Certain events precipitate the finding a certain messengers in order to do, what may be, the saving of millions of lives.

There is a time coming soon, when there will be a tide that rolls in; which will not stop when expected.

There are near 100°F (37°C) near the Arctic Circle. We believe that the cause of this heat wave is a weakened Magnetic Field and due to Gaea's tilt towards Soleil in the Northern Hemisphere; thus allowing Solar Radiation to directly strike and heat the Northern Hemisphere.

If this weakening continues, then come Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer in the Southern Hemisphere; then the same effect will take place in Antarctica; which will cause the very rapid melt of glaciers and icecaps in Antarctica; and the very rapid water level rise; which may likely devastate many low laying land areas at an unexpectedly fast rate. What is important to know about this is that Gaea will be closer to Soleil at this time; and the Magnetic Field may be weaker; so the temperatures may soar to well above 100°F (37°C) in Antarctica following the Yuletide Solstice.

The Magnetosphere weakening may also cause Solar Radiation to "microwave" Gaea from the inside out; thus heating and expanding the molten rocks and minerals of the Core and Mantle; which will seek to release the pressure by escaping though the Crust causing violent seismic activity; especially along fault lines and "hot spots" such as Hawaii. This is true, because the Magnetosphere truly does protect Gaea from the Solar Wind particles.

Solar Radiation may be the cause of harm to those exposed to the harmful rays of the Solar Spectrum. We believe that a warning should be made in relation to these scientific predictions. And that the Commonwealth Realm which We have prescribed be formed in Acadia of the United States, Canada, Kalällit Nunät, and the Bahamas. There will be many displaced from the rising waters, and the Bahamas and Florida and the Virgin Islands will be subject to what may be a tidal "death wave" if these warnings are not heeded.

We are gravely concerned that people, whether because they chose to stay behind; or because they are ignorant of what is happening; will see the tide roll in, and then when the tide doesn't stop; they may be stranded in their cars, on lands being swallowed up, in their houses, on the rooftops of buildings; and then... find themselves adrift on top of or underneath mountains of water.

You and I, We can do what is necessary to warn people. The clock is ticking Hr. Allen; and time is running out.

Cependant, Hr. Graham:

Certains événements précipitent la découverte de certains messagers pour faire, ce qui peut être, sauver des millions de vies.

Il y a un moment qui arrive bientôt, quand il y aura une marée qui arrive; qui ne s'arrêtera pas quand prévu.

Il y a près de 100°F (37°C) près du Cercle Arctique. Croyons que la cause de cette vague de chaleur est un champ magnétique affaibli et dû à l'inclinaison de Gaea vers Soleil en l'Hémisphère Nord; permettant ainsi aux radiations Solaires de frapper directement et de chauffer l'Hémisphère Nord.

Si cet affaiblissement continue, alors venez Hiver en l'Hémisphère Nord, Eté en Hémisphère Sud; alors le même effet aura lieu en Antarctique; ce qui provoquera la fonte très rapide des glaciers et des calottes glaciaires en Antarctique; et l'élévation très rapide du niveau d'eau; ce qui peut probablement dévaster de nombreuses zones de terres basses à un rythme étonnamment rapide. Ce qu'il est important de savoir à ce sujet, c'est que Gaea sera plus proche de Soleil à ce moment-là; et le champ magnétique peut être plus faible; Ainsi, les températures peuvent monter bien au-dessus de 37°C (100°F) en Antarctique après le Solstice Yuletide.

L'affaiblissement de la Magnétosphère peut aussi provoquer une irradiation par le rayonnement Solaire de Gaea de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur; chauffant et dilatant ainsi les roches et les minéraux fondus du Noyau et du Manteau; qui cherchera à relâcher la pression en s'échappant si la croûte provoque une activité sismique violente; en particulier le long des lignes de faille et des "points chauds" tels que Hawaii. C'est vrai, parce que la Magnétosphère protège réellement Gaea des particules du Vent Solaire.

Le rayonnement Solaire peut causer des dommages aux personnes exposées aux rayons nocifs du spectre solaire. Nous croyons qu'un avertissement devrait être fait par rapport à ces prédictions scientifiques. Et que le Commonwealth Realm que Nous avons prescrit soit formé en Acadia des États-Unis au Canada, à Kalällit Nunät, et aux Bahamas. Il y aura beaucoup de personnes déplacées de la montée des eaux, et les Bahamas, Floride, et les îles Vierges seront sujettes à ce qui pourrait être une «vague de mort» marémotrice si ces avertissements ne sont pas entendus.

Nous sommes gravement préoccupés que les Volques, que ce soit parce qu'ils ont choisi de rester en arrière; ou parce qu'ils ignorent ce qui se passe; verra la marée rouler, puis quand la marée ne s'arrêtera pas; ils peuvent être échoués dans leurs voitures, sur des terres englouties, dans leurs maisons, sur les toits des immeubles; et puis ... se retrouvent à la dérive au-dessus ou au-dessous des montagnes d'eau.

Toi et Moi, Nous pouvons faire ce qu'il faut pour prévenir les Volques. L'horloge est en train de cocher Hr. Allen; et le temp c'est compté.

Ok... this is going to spell disaster when compounded by High Tides and Hurricanes:

In preparation of a busy Hurricane Season, I reached out the the National Weather Service about having X,Y,Z names, the dialogue went as this

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 2:00 PM C.L. G. wrote:
National Weather Service,

Being that a long term heatwave is in place over the Gulf and Eastern coastal waters, compounded by a more Northerly Jetstream, and an Anu ocean temp. pattern in the Polynesian making conditions favorable to Hurricane formation in the Atlantic basin and the Carribean Gulf; I suspect that We may reach X,Y, and maybe Z this year in terms named Hurricanes. We'll probably have a prolonged peak from September into October, and possibly some November cyclones.

So, without further delay, My name suggestions for Hurricanes.
X = Xue Li (Snow)
Y = Yves
Z = Zoë

From: Dennis Feltgen - NWS Federal <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: X,Y,Z Names
To: C.L. G.
Cc: _NWS PA <[email protected]>, Keli Pirtle - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Lauren Gaches <[email protected]>, Susan Buchanan - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Maureen O'Leary - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Jasmine Blackwell - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>
Thanks for writing.

Atlantic tropical storms have been named from lists originated in 1953 by the National Hurricane Center. They are now maintained and updated by an international committee of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Six lists are used in rotation. Thus, the 2020 list will be used again in 2026.

The only time that there is a change in the list is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name on a different storm would be inappropriate for reasons of sensitivity. If that occurs, then at an annual meeting by the WMO Region IV committee (called primarily to discuss many other issues), a vote is taken to remove the offending name from the list and, if that vote is successful, another vote is taken with a name to replace it. Names selected are usually, but not always, common names. They are also representative of the ethnicity of the region. In the Atlantic basin, the names are of English and Spanish origin and a few French - Tropical Cyclone Names

We do not use names in the Atlantic or eastern North Pacific basin that begin with the letter Q, U, X,Y, or Z, as there are not at least six names available for each letter and additional names if one has to be retired. So, we stop at 21 names. If there is a 22nd storm or more, the Greek Alphabet is used, as was the case in 2005.

Stay safe and be well.


Dennis Feltgen
Communications & Public Affairs Officer
NOAA Communications & External Affairs
National Hurricane Center
Miami, Fla.
305-229-4404 (office)
305-433-1933 (cell)
[email protected]

Thanks Dennis,

But there are actually plenty of Chinese and Aztec names with the letter X. I found 8 French names starting with Y. And found a whole bunch of Austrian Z names, in addition to Chinese Z names. So, I think We can have X,Y,Z names now considering there are more than enough of these names to fit the Hurricane gap.

Understood. However, as I stated earlier per the WMO, all names are representative of the ethnicity of the region. In the Atlantic basin, the names are of English and Spanish origin and a few French.

Me: (Well, that pissed Me off.)

Dutch (Austrian) Carribbean, French Carribean, French West Africa. Aztec Gulf. Dutch (Austrian) Gulf Coast. How many Native Atlantic names are you using? Huracan is an Aztec deity, saisez vous? Native American Names starting with Y - Baby Names, German Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From Y » BabyNamesDirect

We First Nationals here, We have a lot of people among First Nationals with Chinese languages translatable into Chinese from the Great Migration during the time of Tenger Khan Taizong and Mulan (Yuanshi). Example: Haida, Sea People. What is the Na Dene name for the Yukon? Iyotake, Iyotaki is Qing Wu in Chinese. And in Azteclan, there was a Temple of Quetzalcoatl that had flowing rivers of Mercury, just as the Huangshi's Maloseum. There was much Chinese immigration here, not colonization, immigration because Chief Black Raven invited the refugees of the Arab vs. Chinese War here, according to the Yuanshi. All Chinese names beginning with the letter X, Names from Aztec mythology: X Xilonen, Xipe, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiutecuhtli, Xiutecuhtli, Xmulzencab, Xochipili, Xochipilli, Xochiquetzal. French Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From X » BabyNamesDirect

I know that's mostly Western and Northern Plains Na Dene influence, but Zizhi Qing Wu (Crazy Horse/Iyotake) was in Louisiana Territory. I for one, being a Sioux First National, a French and Dutchman, would like to see Our cultural names for Hurricanes. This appears as though this is some kind of cultural suppression/domination here, zu Mir. I remember when the Austrians ruled Spain and Portugal. I know Charlemagne of Gallemagne founded the Spanish March. I remember the Visigothic and Keltic Kingdoms of Iberia. Just, I have History and currency to back up My claims? Do you remember that the Virgin Islands were Danish? Hurricane Zeppelin... that'll be the day. German Baby Names » Boy Names » Starting From Z » BabyNamesDirect, French Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From Z » BabyNamesDirect

Time to shine the spotlight.


So, there are plenty of Atlantic, East Asian, African, Latin, Norse, French, and British Q names too:

Stopping xclusion.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: C.L. G.
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 4:05 PM
Subject: We're Sorry to Interrupt Your Regular Email Reception: Sommes Désolés d'Interrompre Votre Réception d'E-mail Régulière
To: <[email protected]>

However, Hr. Graham:

Certain events precipitate the finding a certain messengers in order to do, what may be, the saving of millions of lives.

There is a time coming soon, when there will be a tide that rolls in; which will not stop when expected.

There are near 100°F (37°C) near the Arctic Circle. We believe that the cause of this heat wave is a weakened Magnetic Field and due to Gaea's tilt towards Soleil in the Northern Hemisphere; thus allowing Solar Radiation to directly strike and heat the Northern Hemisphere.

If this weakening continues, then come Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer in the Southern Hemisphere; then the same effect will take place in Antarctica; which will cause the very rapid melt of glaciers and icecaps in Antarctica; and the very rapid water level rise; which may likely devastate many low laying land areas at an unexpectedly fast rate. What is important to know about this is that Gaea will be closer to Soleil at this time; and the Magnetic Field may be weaker; so the temperatures may soar to well above 100°F (37°C) in Antarctica following the Yuletide Solstice.

The Magnetosphere weakening may also cause Solar Radiation to "microwave" Gaea from the inside out; thus heating and expanding the molten rocks and minerals of the Core and Mantle; which will seek to release the pressure by escaping though the Crust causing violent seismic activity; especially along fault lines and "hot spots" such as Hawaii. This is true, because the Magnetosphere truly does protect Gaea from the Solar Wind particles.

Solar Radiation may be the cause of harm to those exposed to the harmful rays of the Solar Spectrum. We believe that a warning should be made in relation to these scientific predictions. And that the Commonwealth Realm which We have prescribed be formed in Acadia of the United States, Canada, Kalällit Nunät, and the Bahamas. There will be many displaced from the rising waters, and the Bahamas and Florida and the Virgin Islands will be subject to what may be a tidal "death wave" if these warnings are not heeded.

We are gravely concerned that people, whether because they chose to stay behind; or because they are ignorant of what is happening; will see the tide roll in, and then when the tide doesn't stop; they may be stranded in their cars, on lands being swallowed up, in their houses, on the rooftops of buildings; and then... find themselves adrift on top of or underneath mountains of water.

You and I, We can do what is necessary to warn people. The clock is ticking Hr. Allen; and time is running out.

Cependant, Hr. Graham:

Certains événements précipitent la découverte de certains messagers pour faire, ce qui peut être, sauver des millions de vies.

Il y a un moment qui arrive bientôt, quand il y aura une marée qui arrive; qui ne s'arrêtera pas quand prévu.

Il y a près de 100°F (37°C) près du Cercle Arctique. Croyons que la cause de cette vague de chaleur est un champ magnétique affaibli et dû à l'inclinaison de Gaea vers Soleil en l'Hémisphère Nord; permettant ainsi aux radiations Solaires de frapper directement et de chauffer l'Hémisphère Nord.

Si cet affaiblissement continue, alors venez Hiver en l'Hémisphère Nord, Eté en Hémisphère Sud; alors le même effet aura lieu en Antarctique; ce qui provoquera la fonte très rapide des glaciers et des calottes glaciaires en Antarctique; et l'élévation très rapide du niveau d'eau; ce qui peut probablement dévaster de nombreuses zones de terres basses à un rythme étonnamment rapide. Ce qu'il est important de savoir à ce sujet, c'est que Gaea sera plus proche de Soleil à ce moment-là; et le champ magnétique peut être plus faible; Ainsi, les températures peuvent monter bien au-dessus de 37°C (100°F) en Antarctique après le Solstice Yuletide.

L'affaiblissement de la Magnétosphère peut aussi provoquer une irradiation par le rayonnement Solaire de Gaea de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur; chauffant et dilatant ainsi les roches et les minéraux fondus du Noyau et du Manteau; qui cherchera à relâcher la pression en s'échappant si la croûte provoque une activité sismique violente; en particulier le long des lignes de faille et des "points chauds" tels que Hawaii. C'est vrai, parce que la Magnétosphère protège réellement Gaea des particules du Vent Solaire.

Le rayonnement Solaire peut causer des dommages aux personnes exposées aux rayons nocifs du spectre solaire. Nous croyons qu'un avertissement devrait être fait par rapport à ces prédictions scientifiques. Et que le Commonwealth Realm que Nous avons prescrit soit formé en Acadia des États-Unis au Canada, à Kalällit Nunät, et aux Bahamas. Il y aura beaucoup de personnes déplacées de la montée des eaux, et les Bahamas, Floride, et les îles Vierges seront sujettes à ce qui pourrait être une «vague de mort» marémotrice si ces avertissements ne sont pas entendus.

Nous sommes gravement préoccupés que les Volques, que ce soit parce qu'ils ont choisi de rester en arrière; ou parce qu'ils ignorent ce qui se passe; verra la marée rouler, puis quand la marée ne s'arrêtera pas; ils peuvent être échoués dans leurs voitures, sur des terres englouties, dans leurs maisons, sur les toits des immeubles; et puis ... se retrouvent à la dérive au-dessus ou au-dessous des montagnes d'eau.

Toi et Moi, Nous pouvons faire ce qu'il faut pour prévenir les Volques. L'horloge est en train de cocher Hr. Allen; et le temp c'est compté.

Ok... this is going to spell disaster when compounded by High Tides and Hurricanes:

In preparation of a busy Hurricane Season, I reached out the the National Weather Service about having X,Y,Z names, the dialogue went as this

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 2:00 PM C.L. G. wrote:
National Weather Service,

Being that a long term heatwave is in place over the Gulf and Eastern coastal waters, compounded by a more Northerly Jetstream, and an Anu ocean temp. pattern in the Polynesian making conditions favorable to Hurricane formation in the Atlantic basin and the Carribean Gulf; I suspect that We may reach X,Y, and maybe Z this year in terms named Hurricanes. We'll probably have a prolonged peak from September into October, and possibly some November cyclones.

So, without further delay, My name suggestions for Hurricanes.
X = Xue Li (Snow)
Y = Yves
Z = Zoë

From: Dennis Feltgen - NWS Federal <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: X,Y,Z Names
To: C.L. G.
Cc: _NWS PA <[email protected]>, Keli Pirtle - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Lauren Gaches <[email protected]>, Susan Buchanan - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Maureen O'Leary - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>, Jasmine Blackwell - NOAA Federal <[email protected]>
Thanks for writing.

Atlantic tropical storms have been named from lists originated in 1953 by the National Hurricane Center. They are now maintained and updated by an international committee of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Six lists are used in rotation. Thus, the 2020 list will be used again in 2026.

The only time that there is a change in the list is if a storm is so deadly or costly that the future use of its name on a different storm would be inappropriate for reasons of sensitivity. If that occurs, then at an annual meeting by the WMO Region IV committee (called primarily to discuss many other issues), a vote is taken to remove the offending name from the list and, if that vote is successful, another vote is taken with a name to replace it. Names selected are usually, but not always, common names. They are also representative of the ethnicity of the region. In the Atlantic basin, the names are of English and Spanish origin and a few French - Tropical Cyclone Names

We do not use names in the Atlantic or eastern North Pacific basin that begin with the letter Q, U, X,Y, or Z, as there are not at least six names available for each letter and additional names if one has to be retired. So, we stop at 21 names. If there is a 22nd storm or more, the Greek Alphabet is used, as was the case in 2005.

Stay safe and be well.


Dennis Feltgen
Communications & Public Affairs Officer
NOAA Communications & External Affairs
National Hurricane Center
Miami, Fla.
305-229-4404 (office)
305-433-1933 (cell)
[email protected]

Thanks Dennis,

But there are actually plenty of Chinese and Aztec names with the letter X. I found 8 French names starting with Y. And found a whole bunch of Austrian Z names, in addition to Chinese Z names. So, I think We can have X,Y,Z names now considering there are more than enough of these names to fit the Hurricane gap.

Understood. However, as I stated earlier per the WMO, all names are representative of the ethnicity of the region. In the Atlantic basin, the names are of English and Spanish origin and a few French.

Me: (Well, that pissed Me off.)

Dutch (Austrian) Carribbean, French Carribean, French West Africa. Aztec Gulf. Dutch (Austrian) Gulf Coast. How many Native Atlantic names are you using? Huracan is an Aztec deity, saisez vous? Native American Names starting with Y - Baby Names, German Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From Y » BabyNamesDirect

We First Nationals here, We have a lot of people among First Nationals with Chinese languages translatable into Chinese from the Great Migration during the time of Tenger Khan Taizong and Mulan (Yuanshi). Example: Haida, Sea People. What is the Na Dene name for the Yukon? Iyotake, Iyotaki is Qing Wu in Chinese. And in Azteclan, there was a Temple of Quetzalcoatl that had flowing rivers of Mercury, just as the Huangshi's Maloseum. There was much Chinese immigration here, not colonization, immigration because Chief Black Raven invited the refugees of the Arab vs. Chinese War here, according to the Yuanshi. All Chinese names beginning with the letter X, Names from Aztec mythology: X Xilonen, Xipe, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiutecuhtli, Xiutecuhtli, Xmulzencab, Xochipili, Xochipilli, Xochiquetzal. French Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From X » BabyNamesDirect

I know that's mostly Western and Northern Plains Na Dene influence, but Zizhi Qing Wu (Crazy Horse/Iyotake) was in Louisiana Territory. I for one, being a Sioux First National, a French and Dutchman, would like to see Our cultural names for Hurricanes. This appears as though this is some kind of cultural suppression/domination here, zu Mir. I remember when the Austrians ruled Spain and Portugal. I know Charlemagne of Gallemagne founded the Spanish March. I remember the Visigothic and Keltic Kingdoms of Iberia. Just, I have History and currency to back up My claims? Do you remember that the Virgin Islands were Danish? Hurricane Zeppelin... that'll be the day. German Baby Names » Boy Names » Starting From Z » BabyNamesDirect, French Baby Names » Girl Names » Starting From Z » BabyNamesDirect

Time to shine the spotlight.


So, there are plenty of Atlantic, East Asian, African, Latin, Norse, French, and British Q names too:

Stopping xclusion.

So then I went writing to the ethnically excluded people's organs of representation. And his answer in writing is something that shows the National Weather Service is being very exclusionary, and has now opened themselves up to possible legal reprocussions.
Here's more Aztec X-names: Aztec X names: Xilonen, Xipe, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xmulzencab, Xochipili, Xochiquetzal, Xolotl, Xaman, Xbalanque, Xbaquiyalo, Xibalba, Xmucane, Xpiyacoc, Xquic.

In preparation... knowledge is power... so here is some important knowledge for next few weeks. If you live near the coast... flood insurance looks might fine for help right now. Follow the track of the hurricane, and if one's coming your way... and you need insurance coverage... good idea to quickly get some.


Potential for development of 2 Hurricanes this next week, and another 1 to 3 after that in a 2 week span. 2 weeks and out for the rest of the month... looks as though things will be very busy...

Because, We have a large area of clouds convection over the East Indian Ocean... Ocean temps:


Interaction with land, especially the Arabian Peninsula and Ethiopian Highlands will slow some of the larger groupings of storms. But... after that... pretty low elevation at that Northern 8th Latitude... plan in place... insurance when necessary. Got another Season's worth of this so.

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