Science Lesson (Another One)


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
My earlier post, Lesson Within a Lesson, demonstrated how a large number of people can arrive at completely different conclusions, or no conclusion at all, based on the same set of facts or information. It's extremely difficult to begin with one set of facts, and arrive at opposite conclusions both of which are correct. One exception which comes to mind is the fact that electrons are particles and they are waves. While seemingly self-contradictory, two different scientists received Nobel Prizes for proving the seeming contradictions.

I now refer you to the August 1991 issue of National Geographic magazine. Cover attached.
Please look at page 38 and scrutinize the pictures, then comment. I don't expect any of you to notice what the other 8,000,000 NG readers all missed. But try. It's right in front of you!

It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat


  • ```Nat Geo 1991 Cover.jpg
    ```Nat Geo 1991 Cover.jpg
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  • ```Nat Geo page 38.jpg
    ```Nat Geo page 38.jpg
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My earlier post, Lesson Within a Lesson, demonstrated how a large number of people can arrive at completely different conclusions, or no conclusion at all, based on the same set of facts or information. It's extremely difficult to begin with one set of facts, and arrive at opposite conclusions both of which are correct. One exception which comes to mind is the fact that electrons are particles and they are waves. While seemingly self-contradictory, two different scientists received Nobel Prizes for proving the seeming contradictions.

I now refer you to the August 1991 issue of National Geographic magazine. Cover attached.
Please look at page 38 and scrutinize the pictures, then comment. I don't expect any of you to notice what the other 8,000,000 NG readers all missed. But try. It's right in front of you!

It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat

The Lehman picture is upside down.
One exception which comes to mind is the fact that electrons are particles and they are waves.
I fail to see how you lecture others on science when I asked you a 1st year cadet question on chemical engineering months ago that you failed to ever answer!

No matter. You continue to get it all wrong. Electrons are neither particles nor waves. Electrons are 1st Generation Leptons which can ACT like a particle or wave depending on the way you measure them, in position or time. Carry on with your babbling.
It takes real skill to take the same facts and arrive at opposite conclusions within the same sentence ...

Yeah ... my first lessons on female anatomy was from National Geographic ... porn thinly disguised as science ...

Yasser Arafat won a Nobel Prize ... for Peace of all things ... them Norwegians have a sick sense of humor ...
Wave particle duality is a still considered a paradox. Mainly because contradictions do not exist in reality. When one discovers a contradiction it is de facto proof of an error in one’s thinking.
Wave particle duality is a still considered a paradox. Mainly because contradictions do not exist in reality. When one discovers a contradiction it is de facto proof of an error in one’s thinking.

See now there's where you're wrong Old Biologist.
1. Bill Clinton was white but also the nation's first black president.
2. Boys can become girls and girls can become boys. If you don't agree, there's an "error" in your "thinking."
3. Women pat their tummies lovingly and talk of their babies. But to Leftists, it's all garbage, to be thrown away. You don't like that duality, tough. It's her "choice." Not the father's. Men are in prison for murdering their unborn babies. Women have the other half of the duality paradox.
4. Hillary had no accomplishments and cheated and outspent Trump 2 to 1 and had the support of countless fake news outlets. Still she lost despite being predicted by everyone to be the next president. Oops! Errors in thinking. ha ha ha ha ha

By the way, you did not comment on Page 38 of National Geographic. Come on, rise to the occasion.
Show the audience how very smart you are.
You can say square circles all you want too. However, it doesn’t mean they exist. It just means you’re uttering nonsense.
You can say square circles all you want too (sic) . However, it doesn’t mean they exist. It just means you’re uttering nonsense.

1. FIRST you put YOUR words "square circles" in my mouth and THEN you accuse ME of "uttering nonsense." I didn't say square circles. YOU did.
2. Don't you know the difference between "too" and "to" Old Biologist?
3. You voted for Hillary, didn't you.

Try to say something intelligent and meaningful. Or am I asking "too" much?
Comment on the pictures. Can you do that? I didn't think so. Neither can anybody else, so don't feel "too" bad.
My earlier post, Lesson Within a Lesson, demonstrated how a large number of people can arrive at completely different conclusions, or no conclusion at all, based on the same set of facts or information. It's extremely difficult to begin with one set of facts, and arrive at opposite conclusions both of which are correct. One exception which comes to mind is the fact that electrons are particles and they are waves. While seemingly self-contradictory, two different scientists received Nobel Prizes for proving the seeming contradictions.

I now refer you to the August 1991 issue of National Geographic magazine. Cover attached.
Please look at page 38 and scrutinize the pictures, then comment. I don't expect any of you to notice what the other 8,000,000 NG readers all missed. But try. It's right in front of you!

It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat
I didn't miss anything because I stopped reading the comics at least 45 years ago

But not you

I bet you still have the issue with the naked pygmies
But not you

I bet you still have the issue with the naked pygmies

Well, given the option of looking at pictures of you naked, available all over the internet, or naked pygmies, who could blame a guy for choosing the better looking, far better endowed pygmies.

Talk trash, get trash esalla.
But not you

I bet you still have the issue with the naked pygmies

Well, given the option of looking at pictures of you naked, available all over the internet, or naked pygmies, who could blame a guy for choosing the better looking, far better endowed pygmies.

Talk trash, get trash esalla.
Says the esteemed connoisseur of national geographic

I bet you are a real viking

Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible


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No body wants to play with me anymore.....................................

Then again, no body ever did

Reminds me of when the worlds strongest man banned Bill Kazmaier because he was too strong

You can say square circles all you want too (sic) . However, it doesn’t mean they exist. It just means you’re uttering nonsense.

1. FIRST you put YOUR words "square circles" in my mouth and THEN you accuse ME of "uttering nonsense." I didn't say square circles. YOU did.
2. Don't you know the difference between "too" and "to" Old Biologist?
3. You voted for Hillary, didn't you.

Try to say something intelligent and meaningful. Or am I asking "too" much?
Comment on the pictures. Can you do that? I didn't think so. Neither can anybody else, so don't feel "too" bad.

Sorry for the typo. I understand the difference....have to since one of my jobs was writing technical publications and marketing material.

Regarding a square circle, I understood you to be saying contradictions do exist in reality. They don’t. To illustrate it I reduced it to a simple statement intended to show the absurdity of that position. Don’t confuse a paradox with a contradiction.

You want me to be serious with the list of asinine comments you made above? Riiiiight.
I never did figure out from your tangential responses whether you believe contradictions exist in reality. I doubt I’ll get a straight answer out of you so....carry on.
My earlier post, Lesson Within a Lesson, demonstrated how a large number of people can arrive at completely different conclusions, or no conclusion at all, based on the same set of facts or information. It's extremely difficult to begin with one set of facts, and arrive at opposite conclusions both of which are correct. One exception which comes to mind is the fact that electrons are particles and they are waves. While seemingly self-contradictory, two different scientists received Nobel Prizes for proving the seeming contradictions.

I now refer you to the August 1991 issue of National Geographic magazine. Cover attached.
Please look at page 38 and scrutinize the pictures, then comment. I don't expect any of you to notice what the other 8,000,000 NG readers all missed. But try. It's right in front of you!

It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat
Yes, a large number of people can arrive at different conclusions. The path people take to reaching conclusions is an important element you may have missed.

There is a standard of demonstration in science that is absent in religious belief. Other than cultural influences, how do most people reach differing conclusions about their respective gods?
Wave particle duality is a still considered a paradox. Mainly because contradictions do not exist in reality. When one discovers a contradiction it is de facto proof of an error in one’s thinking.

This is so 2001 type thinking. We know now that scientific measurement of which slit the particle went shows that it's a particle. No human consciousness needed. The wave reflects the potential energy and isn't real until measured. It's one of the mysteries of quantum mechanics.
Old Biologist is still stuck on 1859 thinking. "It's as real as gravity. All the physicists say 'gravity is as real as evolution!', right?"

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