How Can The Free World Help The Ukrainian War Effort!

How many "gringos" did you send to Texas?
None that the Mexicans didn't invite. The US didn't send any troops to Texas, the settlers were invited by the Mexican government to improve the area since Mexicans didn't want to deal with the Comanches and the Mexican government was too corrupt to govern the area.
Simple. Build Zalensky a mansion in Florida (tax-free) and replace him with someone who supports the Minsk agreements. Problem solved.
There is no Minsk agreement. Ukraine signed that at gunpoint. The way to peace is to send Putin to the gallows and replace him with someone who will uphold the Budapest Memorandum.
Ukraine needs to deNazify, boot the Globalists out of the country, force Zelen$ky and the rest of the corrupt leadership into retirement and make peace with Russia
I guess you've never heard of the Alamo?
Nobody at the Alamo was a US soldier. The defenders were a mix of mercenaries, visionaries and adventurers like David Bowie and David Crocket and Daniel Boone. In theory they were members of the Texas Army under the command on a volunteer colonel named William Travis who had a total of seven soldiers of the Texas Cavalry.
"Free World" in the original post... The only free countries on the planet are China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and maybe India and Iran. The rest are the USA and their lackeys.
Nobody at the Alamo was a US soldier. The defenders were a mix of mercenaries, visionaries and adventurers like David Bowie and David Crocket and Daniel Boone. In theory they were members of the Texas Army under the command on a volunteer colonel named William Travis who had a total of seven soldiers of the Texas Cavalry.
First you said that the Gringos who went to Texas were. "Only those the Mexicans invited" and that there were "no US soldiers" but now you admit there were "mercenaries, visionaries, adventurers" and "soldiers under the command of Colonel Travis". You and your conscience are in conflict with one another. :auiqs.jpg:

Here's an easy multiple-choice question for you. The United States STOLE Texas from:
A. The Mexicans
B. The Comanches
C. All of the above

And here we are talking about Donbas and who it belongs to ....... my oh my.
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First you said that the Gringos who went to Texas were. "Only those the Mexicans invited" and that there were "no US soldiers" but now you admit there were "mercenaries, visionaries, adventurers" and "soldiers under the command of Colonel Travis". You and your conscience are in conflict with one another. :auiqs.jpg:

Here's an easy multiple-choice question for you. The United States STOLE Texas from:
A. The Mexicans
B. The Comanches
C. All of the above

And here we are talking about Donbas and who it belongs to ....... my oh my.
None of the above.

The US did not steal Texas,

It was legally annexed
"Free World" in the original post... The only free countries on the planet are China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and maybe India and Iran. The rest are the USA and their lackeys.
This is a slight exaggeration but you're definitely on the right track. ;)
The calculation has to be this.
Is it cheaper to fight Russia in Ukraine or go through this again in 4 or 5 years ?
Russia needs to stay in Russia for the general good.
The calculation has to be this ..... Russia needs to stay in Russia for the general good.
Your logic would have serious difficulties calculating two plus two. Americans need to go back to the United Snakes for the global good. How is that not obvious to you? o_O
Your logic would have serious difficulties calculating two plus two. Americans need to go back to the United Snakes for the global good. How is that not obvious to you? o_O

Your logic would have serious difficulties calculating two plus two. Americans need to go back to the United Snakes for the global good. How is that not obvious to you? o_O
Whatever your views on the US the problem of putin remains/. He is a clear threat to the world and needs to be taken out.
Most of poor europe wants to be in the EU and possibly nato/ Their aspirations will always be stepped on by Russia.
Better to sort it in Ukraine than Poland or Finland.
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Whatever your views on the US the problem of putin remains/. He is a clear threat to the world and needs to be taken out.
Most of poor europe wants to be in the EU and possibly nato/ Their asporations will always be stepped on by Russia.
Better to sort it in Ukraine than Poland or Finland.
I understand your view on sorting it out in Ukraine and in a better world, it would already have been accomplished. But the problem isn't Putin or the Russians. "The Problem" is the same one that has Iran on edge, Irak in a state of destitution, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya up the spout, Turkey on the fence, China sitting on the edge of its seat, Taiwan up for grabs, Cuba bearing the unbearable, Edward Snowden in limbo, Julian Assange slipping away into demise and maybe - probably - most certainly the two Koreas fucked forever.
First you said that the Gringos who went to Texas were. "Only those the Mexicans invited" and that there were "no US soldiers" but now you admit there were "mercenaries, visionaries, adventurers" and "soldiers under the command of Colonel Travis". You and your conscience are in conflict with one another. :auiqs.jpg:

Here's an easy multiple-choice question for you. The United States STOLE Texas from:
A. The Mexicans
B. The Comanches
C. All of the above

And here we are talking about Donbas and who it belongs to ....... my oh my.
Colonel Travis was a Colonel in the TEXAS Army. He had no connection with the US Army. Texas became a independent nation after revolting against Mexico.
TheIS stole nothing from either Mexico or the Comanches. Post Texan independence, Comanches lived in Texan, Mexican AND United States territories.

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