How about some examples of this “socialism” stuff y’all are afraid of?

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
Financing Government must have some influence on public policies.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
How does it change?

By lowering their tax rate, less revenue is available for schools, healthcare,infrastructure, public services.

Conservatives slash their taxes and then say.....sorry, but we just can’t afford those things

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
What it comes down to is if they have so much wealth, why are we doing so much to help them increase and maintain it?

What are YOU doing to help your rich neighbor increase and maintain his wealth.....AND HOW DOES HIS WEALTH AFFECT YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE?

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
How does it change?

By lowering their tax rate, less revenue is available for schools, healthcare,infrastructure, public services.

Conservatives slash their taxes and then say.....sorry, but we just can’t afford those things

Hold on a minute...using Lefty Logic...If your neighbor plugs along doing exactly what you’re doing, never growing his wealth, you’re fine with his 0% effective tax rate but as soon as he grows financially you want him to cover more than 87% of collected taxes?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.
/----/ Becuase the US provides their national defense, these countries can afford socialism. But now Trump is forcing them to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE watch the socialism wither on the vine.

The question is
Why does our society continue to protect the wealth of that five percent who have 65 percent of the wealth while we ignore the needs of the 40 percent of the population that have 1/10 of a percent of the wealth?
The question is
Why does our society continue to protect the wealth of that five percent who have 65 percent of the wealth while we ignore the needs of the 40 percent of the population that have 1/10 of a percent of the wealth?

Because society gave it to them in the first place.
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.

Cons aren't intelligent enough to know what socialism is.

Cons aren't intelligent enough to know what socialism is.

Yeah, yeah. The only reason someone could possibly oppose socialism is because they are too stupid to know what it means.
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Graph of corporate profits to worker pay


Why did we just give an almost 50 percent tax cut to corporations?
How’s Venezuela socialism doing?

Bad . For many reasons . Mainly corruption.

How’s UAE socialism doing ?

American socialism programs seem to be doing great .

UAE is a capitalist nation.

No, it has cradle to the grave social programs, free education, and free health care. Just like Canada, Norway, the New Zealand and all of the other countries which made the list of the top 10 places in the world to live. I don't think the USA made that list. You're way down in like 17th place.
/----/ Becuase the US provides their national defense, these countries can afford socialism. But now Trump is forcing them to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE watch the socialism wither on the vine.
alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror is not capitalism.
if you ask Norwegians if they should be a model for the US? the cold weather, their grumpy retort would be a resounding NO

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
What it comes down to is if they have so much wealth, why are we doing so much to help them increase and maintain it?
We aren't doing jack for the rich, moron.
What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
It means nothing to those who don't study history or economics or sociology, for whom talk radio provides their "news" and "information".

So, you're right, absolutely.

I get it...I’m a talk radio nut. Cool, now enlighten us on how your life changes when your neighbors wealth grows and yours doesn’t.
This should be simple for
I don't know that it does.

But don't let that stop your little talking points.

Hold on a minute...we’re in the midldle of discussing the “talking point” fostered by the “I hate rich people crowd”.....You really can’t explain it can you? Yet you jump right in line ready to lynch the rich?
There are legitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities and there are illegitimate reasons for controlling wealth inequalities.

I wonder if that makes any sense to someone like you, on any level, whatsoever.
There really are no legitimate reasons for the government to engage in income redistribution.

The real reason for such policies is envy. That is simply indisputable.

What does that mean?
That’s not really a secret, wealth inequality exists...especially in utopian Liberal shitholes like Loon York and Mexifornia. Weird huh?
But tell us how your neighbor having more than you changes your life?
What it comes down to is if they have so much wealth, why are we doing so much to help them increase and maintain it?
We aren't doing jack for the rich, moron.

You missed the Golden Rule Finger Boy

He who has the Gold, makes the Rules
Cons seem to love tagging everything they don’t like as “socialism “ . The word has lost all meaning .

How about some real life examples of American socialism? And how it’s hurt us .

I’ll give you an example : US socialism going waaaay back to the 1800s . When the gov purchased and then opened up the west and gave away land to Americans.
Finland tried a 2 year experiment. They gave 2,00 able bodied men who were unemployed enough money to sustain them each month ($600) to cover, rent and food, basically that much. In so doing, that would allow them a chance to go to school, get trained in to some new job they may want to pursue, or just get a decent job to supplement their income. Current laws in Finland reduce unemployment benefits by the amount of wages one might earn on a part time job they may take on, this experiment avoided that.

The second group they tracked was 5,000 able bodied unemployed men who were given no additional support. What they found after two years was that the 2,000 group was basically a much happier and at peace group of people than the 5,000 group. However… what they also admitted was that 2,000 was no more inclined to procure full time employment jobs than the 5,000 group. Of equal success. IOW, govt hand outs are of no incentive for the person to do something more with his life and future.

Finnish Basic Income Experiment Is Creating Happiness, but Not Jobs

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