House Intelligence Committee - No White House Wrong Doing On Benghazi

House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

This article reports says a lot and doesn't say perhaps even more. As the article states, there is no "deliberate wrongdoings", there is certainly ineptness.

James Clapper, Director of Intelligence (an oxymoron) opined there was a video and the Obama clan jumped on it. Clapper has had a history of being inept himself, being a virtual "yes" man, being behind in intelligence, and a "cya" kind of guy.

While there was no 'planned attack' discovered, Sept. 11 was certainly a good guess and recent threats looming leading to requests for more security at the compound. Those requests were ignored by Hillary's State Dept, where we know the buck is supposed to stop with Obama.

There was no "stand down" order and that is indeed good revelation. Doesn't this also reveal there was no rescue attempt? The State Dept was listening to what was going on in real time. Where were the rescuers?

This report defends the Obama administration but it can assail it at the same time. Was this article written by a liberal per chance?
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

This isn't the "select committee". Those hearings don't start until September.

???? What is this then?
Incumbents usually win it is a great advantage.

Romney was right about the 47 percent, a great advantage.

Obama, if you had not noticed, is black which benefits him with white guilt.

All that said, even Obama made the statement that if the economy didn't improve he would be a one term president, it didn't and it didn't matter. So I too question why in the hell did he win another term if not for what I posted? Do you have an opinion as to why?

Romney was completely wrong about the 47%. But the impact of his getting caught saying something like that surely effected his chances of winning. Funnest part is that he received about 47% of the vote.

Romney's Wrong And Right About The '47 Percent' : The Two-Way : NPR

Where in that article did it say he was wrong? They go out of their way to prove what he said was right. I doubt it hurt his chances one bit him saying that. The 47 percent were not going to vote for him by any means.

By grouping those who don't pay income taxes together with those who he says are "dependent upon government" and therefore support President Obama, Romney has earned "three Pinocchios" from The Washington Post's The Fact Checker. It writes that:

"Romney appears to conflate a few things — Obama's approval rating, the percentage of people who do not pay income taxes and people who rely on government assistance.
"There may be some overlap between these groups but they really are not the same thing."

In fact, while Romney seemed to say that the president will draw most of his support from those who pay no income taxes, a Tax Foundation map highlighting the 10 states with the highest percentages of "non-payers" shows most are Republican territories:

The 47 Percent, In One Graphic : Planet Money : NPR
Let's deflect from the subject about the Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee clearing the WH and Hillary of a scandal and talk about other stuff and change the darn conversation.

Since the report didn't come out yet. And we can only go on what was reported I do not see where what I read clears Obama of the clusterfuk of Benghazi.

Of course not! But I'll wager you were vacuuming up what Faux News, et al, were spewing without the report also!

Consistency is a virtue seldom observed in the realm of political discussion!
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

that's not the issue here. Quit spinning your BS.

Of course its the issue.

If State had done its job there would have been no Benghazi and no dead men and no families mourning their loss.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

Then why did rice and Obama bull shit us for days with the video narrative,why did they do that.This is the part of the whole thing that stinks
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.
That's Great News!! At least the Republican-led committee finally admitted there was no wrong-doing by the Obama Administration on Benghazi. That should put this matter to rest once and for all and no doubt it is also very good news for Hillary!
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

Additional confirmation of facts already known.
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

that's not the issue here. Quit spinning your BS.

Of course its the issue.

If State had done its job there would have been no Benghazi and no dead men and no families mourning their loss.

Following your EXACT LOGIC, if the Executive had followed up on the intelligence briefing of Aug 6, 2001 during the PDB in the Oval office that morning informing the President that a high probability of attack on the US using aircraft by Bin Laden was a high probability, there would have been no 9/11 and no dead men, women and children the day nearly 3000 perished.

The logic is fatally flawed! Future events cannot be foreseen by implementing 20/20 hindsight!
This is nothing but a statement from Senator Thompson. The Intelligence Dept. has to release the contents of the meetings for public consumption and that has not been done yet.

This is just one senator's perspective of the meetings. :doubt:
That's quite a declaration considering we still have no clue where the Magic Negro was throughout the attack and deaths of the Americans. You'd think that would be an easy one to answer.
that's not the issue here. Quit spinning your BS.

Of course its the issue.

If State had done its job there would have been no Benghazi and no dead men and no families mourning their loss.

Following your EXACT LOGIC, if the Executive had followed up on the intelligence briefing of Aug 6, 2001 during the PDB in the Oval office that morning informing the President that a high probability of attack on the US using aircraft by Bin Laden was a high probability, there would have been no 9/11 and no dead men, women and children the day nearly 3000 perished.

The logic is fatally flawed! Future events cannot be foreseen by implementing 20/20 hindsight!

But .... but .... this is different .....

It's Obama
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

In other words obabble had no clue, before, during or after...except to blame it on a video. Not a smidgen of backbone...or interest.

Notice they are all saying "No Military Assets withheld." Almost to the word exactly the same. What the report, at least what I read in an article about it says, is that because of the administration there were no military Assets to send in.
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

For a visual of a "hack" please look in a mirror.

Maybe it's time to join with The Donald and continue to try and prove The President isn't a native born citizen. Keep in mind, there are dozens of scandals out there for you to pursue; your time spent in such 'investigations' will be as valuable as the time and money spent by Issa, iniquitous and for not.
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that's not the issue here. Quit spinning your BS.

Of course its the issue.

If State had done its job there would have been no Benghazi and no dead men and no families mourning their loss.

Following your EXACT LOGIC, if the Executive had followed up on the intelligence briefing of Aug 6, 2001 during the PDB in the Oval office that morning informing the President that a high probability of attack on the US using aircraft by Bin Laden was a high probability, there would have been no 9/11 and no dead men, women and children the day nearly 3000 perished.

The logic is fatally flawed! Future events cannot be foreseen by implementing 20/20 hindsight!

Here is a copy of the released PDB, which Bush released, you decide if what you said or what it says are the same thing.


The President's Daily Brief
That's quite a declaration considering we still have no clue where the Magic Negro was throughout the attack and deaths of the Americans. You'd think that would be an easy one to answer.

Know what I heard? I heard that Obama actually went to the bathroom sometime during the attack. Can you imagine that? Americans were under attack, and Obama didn't even have the decency to hold it in.
That's quite a declaration considering we still have no clue where the Magic Negro was throughout the attack and deaths of the Americans. You'd think that would be an easy one to answer.

Know what I heard? I heard that Obama actually went to the bathroom sometime during the attack. Can you imagine that? Americans were under attack, and Obama didn't even have the decency to hold it in.

I heard the reason he went was because he crapped his pants when he was inconvenienced with the attack and had a campaign to run.
I guess lying about the whole thing isn't considered "wrongdoing."

States total incompetence isn't considered wrongdoing either. Just incompetence that cost four good men their lives.

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