House Intelligence Committee - No White House Wrong Doing On Benghazi

And nearly every one of the wingnuts on this board said that the White House was guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Why? Because their nutcase websites said so. :cuckoo:

I'm guessing they're feeling pretty STUPID about now. :lol:


Actually no, the reason was that four Americans were killed and, no matter what the report says, he lied about the reason for the attack.

Yup he and his administration lied thier asses off from the day it happened.

His State Department had plenty of warning and did nothing. Benghazi should never have happened. Its was a complete failure by his State Department run by Hilbat. Total incompetence.

The attack may still have happened, I think it was over guns or prisoners that the CIA were holding. What didn't have to happen is that the four had to be killed because of Obama's incompetence. And when I say Obama's I mean him and his administration.
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Let's deflect from the subject about the Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee clearing the WH and Hillary of a scandal and talk about other stuff and change the darn conversation.
Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?

So is Obama then, you ready to prosecute both of them?

What criminal action has Obama actually done in regards to Benghazi? Especially in light of this report.

Thankfully for Obama incompetence is not a crime, but could be when the incompetence leads to death.

But why do you limit it to Benghazi? Certainly when Bush is brought up it has nothing to do with Benghazi. Obama is guilty of killing of innocent in Ally countries through the use of his kill list, supplied to him by the CIA. Does that have something to do with Benghazi, maybe. His killing of terrorists and anyone around them has been a huge recruiting tool and has flamed hatred for America. You don't hear that on the news because the King must be protected. Even the ACLU filed suit against his wonton killing. So yeah, he is guilty of crimes that lead to Benghazi, his bombing of Libya, what law was he following?
you leftwing nuts still say Bush was guilty of criminal wrongdoing in Iraq

Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?

Bush found them under a table, laughing, in the US of course. And why wasn't Romney elected if Obama is so terrible?
Let's deflect from the subject about the Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee clearing the WH and Hillary of a scandal and talk about other stuff and change the darn conversation.

Since the report didn't come out yet. And we can only go on what was reported I do not see where what I read clears Obama of the clusterfuk of Benghazi.
you leftwing nuts still say Bush was guilty of criminal wrongdoing in Iraq

Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?

Bush found them under a table, laughing, in the US of course. And why wasn't Romney elected if Obama is so terrible?

Incumbents usually win it is a great advantage.

Romney was right about the 47 percent, a great advantage.

Obama, if you had not noticed, is black which benefits him with white guilt.

All that said, even Obama made the statement that if the economy didn't improve he would be a one term president, it didn't and it didn't matter. So I too question why in the hell did he win another term if not for what I posted? Do you have an opinion as to why?
Think that will deter the nutters.

They'll just swap out another phony scandal and add that to their mantra.

Fast and Furious
Birth Certificate.

Impeach, impeach.........
Watch the squirming ....


I am just discussing the topic. Never in a million years did I think anything would ever come out of the investigation, except cover for the government. But, no matter what the reports says, Obama and Rice lied.
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

that's not the issue here. Quit spinning your BS.
Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?

Bush found them under a table, laughing, in the US of course. And why wasn't Romney elected if Obama is so terrible?

Incumbents usually win it is a great advantage.

Romney was right about the 47 percent, a great advantage.

Obama, if you had not noticed, is black which benefits him with white guilt.

All that said, even Obama made the statement that if the economy didn't improve he would be a one term president, it didn't and it didn't matter. So I too question why in the hell did he win another term if not for what I posted? Do you have an opinion as to why?

Romney was completely wrong about the 47%. But the impact of his getting caught saying something like that surely effected his chances of winning. Funnest part is that he received about 47% of the vote.

Romney's Wrong And Right About The '47 Percent' : The Two-Way : NPR
Think that will deter the nutters.

They'll just swap out another phony scandal and add that to their mantra.

Fast and Furious
Birth Certificate.

Impeach, impeach.........

Since the report doesn't come out until tomorrow and we can only go by what is being reported, what I see does not make Obama look good, deliberately wrong has what meaning?. So I am not sure what the left is crowing about.
Bush found them under a table, laughing, in the US of course. And why wasn't Romney elected if Obama is so terrible?

Incumbents usually win it is a great advantage.

Romney was right about the 47 percent, a great advantage.

Obama, if you had not noticed, is black which benefits him with white guilt.

All that said, even Obama made the statement that if the economy didn't improve he would be a one term president, it didn't and it didn't matter. So I too question why in the hell did he win another term if not for what I posted? Do you have an opinion as to why?

Romney was completely wrong about the 47%. But the impact of his getting caught saying something like that surely effected his chances of winning. Funnest part is that he received about 47% of the vote.

Romney's Wrong And Right About The '47 Percent' : The Two-Way : NPR

Where in that article did it say he was wrong? They go out of their way to prove what he said was right. I doubt it hurt his chances one bit him saying that. The 47 percent were not going to vote for him by any means.
Until I read the report, the entire report, I won't comment only to say that I don't trust a single word said by any Democrat about it.
I'm sure the victims families would disagree with that especially since they had loads of warning and State did nothing.

I'm sure if someone from your family was a victim at Benghazi you'd be screaming bloody murder.

But since your a biased hack you okay with States absolute failure to protect Benghazi.

Wouldn't expect anything less from a hack like you.

There is no question that Obama should have listened and reacted to the warnings. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time the White House hasn't listen and reacted to warnings and the results led to the deaths of Americans.
We have had other attacks where Americans died after repeated warnings on foreign soil. Beirut Barracks Bombings accounted for 242 servicemen killed. Caspar Weinberger had warned the Reagan Administration and recommended that the troops be moved.
The attack of the compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia that resulted in nine American contractors being killed in 2003. The Bush Administration had been warned several times that an attack was imminent.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

In other words obabble had no clue, before, during or after...except to blame it on a video. Not a smidgen of backbone...or interest.
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack - SFGate.

The Republican Controlled House Select Committee on Intelligence under the Chairmanship of Mike Rogers has released the results of a Two-Year investigation into the attacks in Benghazi that led to the deaths of Amabassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

The report, "Confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets withheld and no Stand-Down Order (to U.S. Forces) was given."

The House Select Committee on Intelligence voted to declassify the report on Thursday July 31 and the report was released Friday August 1.

The results of the Committee Reports directly conflict with accusations made by Darrly Issa, chair of House of The House Oversight and Reform Committee.

No Wronging RePugs.

No Military Assest withheld RePugs.

No Stand-Order Issued RePugs.

All reported out by The House Republican Controlled Intelligence Committee.

This isn't the "select committee". Those hearings don't start until September.

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