House GOP Unveils Bill to Fund Israel by Cutting IRS Budget


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
This is an interesting move.

House Republicans on Monday introduced a plan to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel by cutting funding for the Internal Revenue Service, setting up a showdown with Democrats who control the Senate.

In one of the first major policy actions under new House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republicans unveiled a standalone supplemental spending bill only for Israel, despite Democratic President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel, Ukraine and border security.

I think that would be a great litmus test for any foreign aid. Any request for foreign aid must be presented with a corresponding cut in domestic spending. And it should be publicized so that voters know what aid is being proposed and what is being cut.

It's kind of a getting some good from something bad. But there is still bad in the scenario.

This is not a time we should be funding anyone but ourselves, especially considering the billions and billions we send Ukraine. I don't think we should send Israel a nickel, not when our own country is in such a mess on so many fronts. But at least they want to take it away from the IRS. So that's the silver lining
It's kind of a getting some good from something bad. But there is still bad in the scenario.

This is not a time we should be funding anyone but ourselves, especially considering the billions and billions we send Ukraine. I don't think we should send Israel a nickel, not when our own country is in such a mess on so many fronts. But at least they want to take it away from the IRS. So that's the silver lining
I agree, but if we apply this condition to all foreign aid, maybe people will start waking up - especially when Biden comes knocking for another ridiculous package for Ukraine and has to explain what domestic programs he has to cut to make it happen.

This shouldn't be controversial. We are so far in debt that we should have already been more than offsetting any new spend with spending cuts. Not just foreign aid.
This is an interesting move.

House Republicans on Monday introduced a plan to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel by cutting funding for the Internal Revenue Service, setting up a showdown with Democrats who control the Senate.

In one of the first major policy actions under new House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republicans unveiled a standalone supplemental spending bill only for Israel, despite Democratic President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel, Ukraine and border security.

I think that would be a great litmus test for any foreign aid. Any request for foreign aid must be presented with a corresponding cut in domestic spending. And it should be publicized so that voters know what aid is being proposed and what is being cut.

What a bunch of idiots, simply playing games again! That party is severely, f#cked by their own minority to be totally dysfunctional.
What a bunch of idiots, simply playing games again! That party is severely, f#cked by their own minority to be totally dysfunctional.
The IRS, like many other agencies, was way overfunded with the Inflation Reduction Act boondoggle that the leftist dems and RINOs voted into law.

The agencies are gonna have to take a haircut....There's a new sheriff in town that won't be led around by the nose by the likes of McConnell and Schumer as McCarthy was.

Leftist dems played their little lock-step fuck-fuck games by voting to get rid of RINO McCarthy so they can reap the whirlwind of their actions....Stupid should hurt.
They finally try to do something right (make it possible to file taxes for free) and the dumbfuck republicans want to take that away to fund someone elses war... SMH
The duopoly is the most destructive force on the planet.
This is an interesting move.

House Republicans on Monday introduced a plan to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel by cutting funding for the Internal Revenue Service, setting up a showdown with Democrats who control the Senate.

In one of the first major policy actions under new House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republicans unveiled a standalone supplemental spending bill only for Israel, despite Democratic President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel, Ukraine and border security.

I think that would be a great litmus test for any foreign aid. Any request for foreign aid must be presented with a corresponding cut in domestic spending. And it should be publicized so that voters know what aid is being proposed and what is being cut.

Eliminate the 87,000 New Democrat IRS police force
This is an interesting move.

House Republicans on Monday introduced a plan to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel by cutting funding for the Internal Revenue Service, setting up a showdown with Democrats who control the Senate.

In one of the first major policy actions under new House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republicans unveiled a standalone supplemental spending bill only for Israel, despite Democratic President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel, Ukraine and border security.

I think that would be a great litmus test for any foreign aid. Any request for foreign aid must be presented with a corresponding cut in domestic spending. And it should be publicized so that voters know what aid is being proposed and what is being cut.

Performative assholery.

Theater for the rubes.
This is an interesting move.

House Republicans on Monday introduced a plan to provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel by cutting funding for the Internal Revenue Service, setting up a showdown with Democrats who control the Senate.

In one of the first major policy actions under new House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republicans unveiled a standalone supplemental spending bill only for Israel, despite Democratic President Joe Biden's request for a $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel, Ukraine and border security.

I think that would be a great litmus test for any foreign aid. Any request for foreign aid must be presented with a corresponding cut in domestic spending. And it should be publicized so that voters know what aid is being proposed and what is being cut.

I am not surprised you think cutting IRS funding so they can't go after tax cheats will REDUCE the deficit.

Only in the upside down idiotic world of MAGA does this make sense.

With all that is going on in the world, the dipshit Speaker thinks this is the time to play stupid reindeer games.

However, paying for new spending by defunding tax enforcement is worse than not paying for it at all. Instead of costing $14 billion, the House bill will add upward of $30 billion to the debt. Instead of avoiding new borrowing, this plan doubles down on it.

Funding the IRS to reduce the tax gap has a long history of bipartisan support and has been proposed by every President from Reagan through Biden. It is one of the few ways to raise revenue without raising taxes.

Like I said. Stupid reindeer games. Theater for the rubes. Performative assholery.

This is a total retard move.

It will be vetoed if it even survives the Senate.
It's kind of a getting some good from something bad. But there is still bad in the scenario.

This is not a time we should be funding anyone but ourselves, especially considering the billions and billions we send Ukraine. I don't think we should send Israel a nickel, not when our own country is in such a mess on so many fronts. But at least they want to take it away from the IRS. So that's the silver lining
I prefer the biden plan to fund all three
"File taxes for free"?...Seriously?....You know damn well TANSTAFL.
It was some website they were doing like turbo tax but its free. Or something to that effect.
Of course, I have no problem with defunding the IRS. Shut the whole fucking thing down for all I care. But damn.. playing politics for more death..
"File taxes for free"?...Seriously?....You know damn well TANSTAFL.
There are several web sites which allow you to file taxes for free if you are below a certain income. My daughters have used this service several times.

It will be vetoed if it even survives the Senate.
IDK biden sure does love spending our childrens money to pay for other peoples wars.
With his new demand for ukraine, that will put the tally close to 2k dollars a household. Two thousand fucking dollars. To pay for death, peoples salaries and pensions, and subsidizing businesses. In another fucking country. At our children and grand childrens expense.
Fuck all of you boot licking statist fucks.
I am not surprised you think cutting IRS funding so they can't go after tax cheats will REDUCE the deficit.

Only in the upside down idiotic world of MAGA does this make sense.

With all that is going on in the world, the dipshit Speaker thinks this is the time to play stupid reindeer games.

You think it's a revenue problem and not a spending problem???
IDK biden sure does love spending our childrens money to pay for other peoples wars.
With his new demand for ukraine, that will put the tally close to 2k dollars a household. Two thousand fucking dollars. To pay for death, peoples salaries and pensions, and subsidizing businesses. In another fucking country. At our children and grand childrens expense.
Fuck all of you boot licking statist fucks.
I didn't hear any MAGAs whining about Trump's $8 trillion of new debt.

How much is THAT per household?

About $61,000 per household.

Choke on that!

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