House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government

Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.

I never claimed to be anything other than a Conservative.

If it is callous to expect that people are responsible for their decisions and actions ... I am guilty of that. I never claimed to be a financial expert ... But I can read the terms of a loan agreement and know whether or not I can afford the payments. I understand that an adjustable rate mortgage means the rate can increase (why I in my lack of expertise chose a fixed rate mortgage).

None of anything you have expressed deals with the fact derivatives are not exclusive to housing securities ... Nor that they are illegal or are required to defraud investors.

I am not arguing with the fact you are pissed at lenders ... I am only callous in saying I don't give a rat's ass that you are.


Oh, we agree, people should be held responsible for their decisions. We hire agents to represent us, when they only represent their own interests I believe, as you should, that they too need to be held responsible.

Real estate agents, real estate brokers lending agents, etc. saw an opportunity to make a lot of money, and they gave piss poor advice to the people you blame; people not trained, maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, trusting and thus gullible. None of those are criminal actions regulated by the government.

Agents and brokers, bankers and such are not supposed to take advantage of their customers, YET THEY DID! And I suppose as a conservative, likely a callous conservative, you don't give a shit. Let the buyer beware is likely your motto, as well as I got mine, fuck the rest of you (the code of ethics of your kind).

I'm no more pissed at the lenders as I am pissed at purse snatchers or drug dealers or other career criminals. The difference being the former get sent to jail, and the latter go to The Hamptons.
Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them. When Bush and Mc Cain tried 3 separate times to rein in the Housing Market Dodd and Franks lead the Congress successfully to oppose a reined in Housing market. In fact months before the collapse Franks was on national TV INSISTING the market was sound and the ONLY danger it faced was more regulations.

So remind me? When Bush and McCain tried to rein in the Housing Market who did YOU side with?

This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
Yup. Can't engage in the discussion because it's easier just to throw out a few false stereotypes and think you've proved something.
Alright...let me show you how this discussion would go.

-"The Democrats are threatening to shut down the government, right after they got done blaming Republicans for doing the same thing"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were putting all sorts of unacceptable things in the budget"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were trying to stop unacceptable things in the budget when the Democrats wanted it passed"

blah buh blah buh blah.........
This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
Yup. Can't engage in the discussion because it's easier just to throw out a few false stereotypes and think you've proved something.
Alright...let me show you how this discussion would go.

-"The Democrats are threatening to shut down the government, right after they got done blaming Republicans for doing the same thing"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were putting all sorts of unacceptable things in the budget"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were trying to stop unacceptable things in the budget when the Democrats wanted it passed"

blah buh blah buh blah.........
And yet your Messiah wants the bill passed, go figure.
This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
Yup. Can't engage in the discussion because it's easier just to throw out a few false stereotypes and think you've proved something.
Alright...let me show you how this discussion would go.

-"The Democrats are threatening to shut down the government, right after they got done blaming Republicans for doing the same thing"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were putting all sorts of unacceptable things in the budget"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were trying to stop unacceptable things in the budget when the Democrats wanted it passed"

blah buh blah buh blah.........
And yet your Messiah wants the bill passed, go figure.
He's not my messiah, I didn't vote for the man
Oh, we agree, people should be held responsible for their decisions. We hire agents to represent us, when they only represent their own interests I believe, as you should, that they too need to be held responsible.

Real estate agents, real estate brokers lending agents, etc. saw an opportunity to make a lot of money, and they gave piss poor advice to the people you blame; people not trained, maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, trusting and thus gullible. None of those are criminal actions regulated by the government.

Agents and brokers, bankers and such are not supposed to take advantage of their customers, YET THEY DID! And I suppose as a conservative, likely a callous conservative, you don't give a shit. Let the buyer beware is likely your motto, as well as I got mine, fuck the rest of you (the code of ethics of your kind).

I'm no more pissed at the lenders as I am pissed at purse snatchers or drug dealers or other career criminals. The difference being the former get sent to jail, and the latter go to The Hamptons.

Perhaps what we disagree on is the degree to which each person is liable. I had no desire whatsoever to bail out the banks, the auto companies nor the airlines. Arguments can honestly be made in all cases ... But I am not a hypocrite myself.

I was surprised litigation was not pursued in the Wall Street debacle until a wealthy investor explained to me exactly why politicians (and cronies) didn't want high level bankers from the lending agencies sitting in the witness box during a trial. It wasn't because the lenders were without guilt ... It was because they were prepared to drag the rest of that rotten lot down with them if it came to blows.

My stance is not necessarily ... "Screw you ... I got mine". I do suggest the buyer beware stance is productive though ... Not to mention the idea that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. What I am callous and unforgiving about is people who don't understand it is each person's responsibility to ensure their interests are well intended and protected ... And not the government's responsibility to be our default banker and financial advisor (I am truly a Conservative).

The damage a lot of middle class workers encountered during the mess was the result of misplaced trust and a lack of common sense. The equation doesn't take an expert to figure out.

If your expected returns are projected to lose more in the short market than the penalty you will have to pay for taking your money out ... Take your money out of the market and pay the penalty until the market corrects.

You don't need regulation or anyone telling you what to do in order to accomplish that. You don't worry about blaming anyone or asking someone else (or the government) to fix what they had a part in messing up. Rich people will make money no matter what you throw at them. Making it more difficult for them only results in the rich not caring what you want.

As I mentioned before ... You don't have to be hateful to recognize the poor, middle class or government simply don't have the fiscal leverage to force compliance by from the rich. Piss them off enough and they will leave.

My parents taught me from birth that I had no one else to blame for my failures than myself. My mother had a saying she revised from Henley's Invictus ... "You are the Captain of your fate and the Pilot of your destiny" ... And she told me that as far back as I can remember.

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Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980

-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982

Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999

Fuck Libertopia!
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This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
Yup. Can't engage in the discussion because it's easier just to throw out a few false stereotypes and think you've proved something.
Alright...let me show you how this discussion would go.

-"The Democrats are threatening to shut down the government, right after they got done blaming Republicans for doing the same thing"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were putting all sorts of unacceptable things in the budget"

-"Yeah but the Republicans were trying to stop unacceptable things in the budget when the Democrats wanted it passed"

blah buh blah buh blah.........
And yet your Messiah wants the bill passed, go figure.
you are an idiot rgs, to the enth degree...HE does not want to pass it, HE HAS TO PASS IT....this measure to insure derivatives with our tax payer's money, has been brought up previously and not garnered the votes to pass it in congress and the senate each time they tried and the president supported IT NOT PASSING due to that measure...

but they added it to this bill in the house and not one Democrat voted for the bill and a couple of handfuls of republicans didn't either....

It is NOT GOOD FOR ANY OF US, regardless of Blacksands stance that it will help those with 401 k's bull crud

it is very very bad for us, for our Nation to insure even a portion of the 40 trillion, yes that's TRILLION in derivatives.

Now get your head out of your partisan rear end, and send an email to your congressman and your senators in congress and tell them YOU DO NOT BACK THIS MEASURE and you expect them to renege what they have done....immediately or their sorry asses are grass.
you are an idiot rgs, to the enth degree...HE does not want to pass it, HE HAS TO PASS IT....this measure to insure derivatives with our tax payer's money, has been brought up previously and not garnered the votes to pass it in congress and the senate each time they tried and the president supported IT NOT PASSING due to that measure...

but they added it to this bill in the house and not one Democrat voted for the bill and a couple of handfuls of republicans didn't either....

It is NOT GOOD FOR ANY OF US, regardless of Blacksands stance that it will help those with 401 k's bull crud

it is very very bad for us, for our Nation to insure even a portion of the 40 trillion, yes that's TRILLION in derivatives.

Now get your head out of your partisan rear end, and send an email to your congressman and your senators in congress and tell them YOU DO NOT BACK THIS MEASURE and you expect them to renege what they have done....immediately or their sorry asses are grass.

Yo Peanut ... 57 House Democrats voted for the bill including the chair of the DNC.

"Despite the day’s drama, 57 Democrats supported the bill, including two of the top 3 party leaders and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), who doubles as the chair of the Democratic National Committee."

US House Passes 1.1-T Spending Bill Live Trading News

Word to the wise ... You need to be careful when you start calling people ignorant.

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Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them.

You're lying again. Ho-hum.

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities - The Boston Globe

Bush pushes minority homeownership -

Here's one from a wingnut source:
Bush pushes minority homeownership

Here's the moron himself:

And the other idiot is right on cue:


Yup. Bush.
you are an idiot rgs, to the enth degree...HE does not want to pass it, HE HAS TO PASS IT....this measure to insure derivatives with our tax payer's money, has been brought up previously and not garnered the votes to pass it in congress and the senate each time they tried and the president supported IT NOT PASSING due to that measure...

but they added it to this bill in the house and not one Democrat voted for the bill and a couple of handfuls of republicans didn't either....

It is NOT GOOD FOR ANY OF US, regardless of Blacksands stance that it will help those with 401 k's bull crud

it is very very bad for us, for our Nation to insure even a portion of the 40 trillion, yes that's TRILLION in derivatives.

Now get your head out of your partisan rear end, and send an email to your congressman and your senators in congress and tell them YOU DO NOT BACK THIS MEASURE and you expect them to renege what they have done....immediately or their sorry asses are grass.

Yo Peanut ... 57 House Democrats voted for the bill including the chair of the DNC.

"Despite the day’s drama, 57 Democrats supported the bill, including two of the top 3 party leaders and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), who doubles as the chair of the Democratic National Committee."

US House Passes 1.1-T Spending Bill Live Trading News

Word to the wise ... You need to be careful when you start calling people ignorant.

How many teabaggers voted against this bill, that puts the taxpayers back on the hook for Wall St. bailouts?

Wasn't that the whole reason the Tea Party was concocted in the first place?
How many teabaggers voted against this bill, that puts the taxpayers back on the hook for Wall St. bailouts?

Wasn't that the whole reason the Tea Party was concocted in the first place?

No teabaggers voted against the bill since there aren't any in the House.

As far is the Tea Party is concerned ... If you can identify who is a Tea Party candidate in the House ... I can look up how they voted if you cannot figure out how to. Otherwise there certainly were some Republicans that voted against the bill.

How many teabaggers voted against this bill, that puts the taxpayers back on the hook for Wall St. bailouts?

Wasn't that the whole reason the Tea Party was concocted in the first place?

No teabaggers voted against the bill since there aren't any in the House..

Wow. You sure you shouldn't be on some football or NASCAR forum instead, dummy?

Who is the Tea Party Caucus in the House?

Sandy Adams (FL-24)
Robert Aderholt (AL-04)
Todd Akin (MO-02)
Rodney Alexander (LA-05)
Michele Bachmann (MN-06)
Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06)
Joe Barton (TX-06)
Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Gus Bilirakis (FL-09)
Diane Black (TN-06)
Paul Broun (GA-10)
Michael Burgess (TX-26)
Dan Burton (IN-05)
John Carter (TX-31)
Bill Cassidy (LA-06)
Howard Coble (NC-06)
Mike Coffman (CO-06)
Ander Crenshaw (FL-04)
John Culberson (TX-07)
Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
Blake Farenthold (TX-27)
Stephen Lee Fincher (TN-08)
John Fleming (LA-04)
Trent Franks (AZ-02)
Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Wally Herger (CA-02)
Tim Huelskamp (KS-01)
Lynn Jenkins (KS-02)
Steve King (IA-05)
Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Jeff Landry (LA-03)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09)
Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
Tom McClintock (CA-04)
David McKinley (WV-01)
Gary Miller (CA-42)
Mick Mulvaney (SC-05)
Randy Neugebauer (TX-19)
Rich Nugent (FL-05)
Steven Palazzo (MS-04)
Steve Pearce (NM-02)
Mike Pence (IN-06)
Ted Poe (TX-02)
Tom Price (GA-06)
Denny Rehberg (MT-At large)
David Roe (TN-01)
Dennis Ross (FL-12)
Edward Royce (CA-40)
Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Pete Sessions (TX-32)
Adrian Smith (NE-03)
Lamar Smith (TX-21)
Cliff Stearns (FL-06)
Tim Walberg (MI-07)
Joe Walsh (IL-08)
Allen West (FL-22)
Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03)
Joe Wilson (SC-02)

A more current list:

The caucus chair was Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Of a total possible 435 Representatives, as of January 6, 2013, the committee had 48 members, all Republicans.[19]

Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them.

You're lying again. Ho-hum.

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities - The Boston Globe

Bush pushes minority homeownership -

Here's one from a wingnut source:
Bush pushes minority homeownership

Here's the moron himself:

And the other idiot is right on cue:


Yup. Bush. owning a home is bad now?

I think how you go about owning a home makes all the difference. You don't own a home just because you're black. You own a home because you saved and worked hard and paid your bills. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank felt patronizing the poor...better known as blacks ... or unqualified buyers who are too risky to lend money to ... was a great way to buy votes.

So they took a good idea and warped into a bad idea which eventually brought down the housing market.

There's no good idea that Democrats can't totally fuck up once they get their hands on it.
Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them.

You're lying again. Ho-hum.

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities - The Boston Globe

Bush pushes minority homeownership -

Here's one from a wingnut source:
Bush pushes minority homeownership

Here's the moron himself:

And the other idiot is right on cue:


Yup. Bush. owning a home is bad now?

No, encouraging banks to make loans to people who can't afford them is bad.

You can thank Bush for that.
How many teabaggers voted against this bill, that puts the taxpayers back on the hook for Wall St. bailouts?

Wasn't that the whole reason the Tea Party was concocted in the first place?

No teabaggers voted against the bill since there aren't any in the House..

Wow. You sure you shouldn't be on some football or NASCAR forum instead, dummy?

Who is the Tea Party Caucus in the House?

Sandy Adams (FL-24)
Robert Aderholt (AL-04)
Todd Akin (MO-02)
Rodney Alexander (LA-05)
Michele Bachmann (MN-06)
Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06)
Joe Barton (TX-06)
Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Gus Bilirakis (FL-09)
Diane Black (TN-06)
Paul Broun (GA-10)
Michael Burgess (TX-26)
Dan Burton (IN-05)
John Carter (TX-31)
Bill Cassidy (LA-06)
Howard Coble (NC-06)
Mike Coffman (CO-06)
Ander Crenshaw (FL-04)
John Culberson (TX-07)
Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
Blake Farenthold (TX-27)
Stephen Lee Fincher (TN-08)

John Fleming (LA-04)
Trent Franks (AZ-02)
Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Wally Herger (CA-02)
Tim Huelskamp (KS-01)
Lynn Jenkins (KS-02)
Steve King (IA-05)
Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Jeff Landry (LA-03)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09)
Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
Tom McClintock (CA-04)
David McKinley (WV-01)
Gary Miller (CA-42)
Mick Mulvaney (SC-05)
Randy Neugebauer (TX-19)
Rich Nugent (FL-05)
Steven Palazzo (MS-04)

Steve Pearce (NM-02)
Mike Pence (IN-06)
Ted Poe (TX-02)
Tom Price (GA-06)
Denny Rehberg (MT-At large)
David Roe (TN-01)
Dennis Ross (FL-12)
Edward Royce (CA-40)
Steve Scalise (LA-01)
Pete Sessions (TX-32)
Adrian Smith (NE-03)
Lamar Smith (TX-21)
Cliff Stearns (FL-06)
Tim Walberg (MI-07)
Joe Walsh (IL-08)
Allen West (FL-22)

Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03)
Joe Wilson (SC-02)

A more current list:

The caucus chair was Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Of a total possible 435 Representatives, as of January 6, 2013, the committee had 48 members, all Republicans.[19]

There are still no Representatives in the House I know of that refer to themselves as teabaggers.

It is wonderful you found a list of the Tea Party Caucus ... Have a cookie and what was your count on those who voted against the bill?

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Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them.

You're lying again. Ho-hum.

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities - The Boston Globe

Bush pushes minority homeownership -

Here's one from a wingnut source:
Bush pushes minority homeownership

Here's the moron himself:

And the other idiot is right on cue:


Yup. Bush. owning a home is bad now?

No, encouraging banks to make loans to people who can't afford them is bad.

You can thank Bush for that.

No you can't.

You can thank Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. Bush merely set the tone and Congress carried it out. There is no regulation that Bush signed that said that banks must make loans that people can't afford. Once the Democrats took back Congress they changed banking regulations. I was in the middle of a closing when this all happened. The rules were constantly in flux because of directions from Congress and the fed. Democrats intentionally popped the housing bubble by making it nearly impossible for borrowers to re-qualify for fixed loans once their adjustable rates kicked in. The first 3 years of an adjustable mortgage is fixed. When loans that were closed in 2003 started switching over to adjustable rates the payments skyrocketed and they couldn't afford them anymore because of high interest rates.
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There is no reason (as in rational, sane or productive) to argue with those whose mind is closed and who are true believers, as well as 100% partisan.

Lolz ... No argument with that approach.
As a Conservative though, I often wonder why sane, rational, open minded people rush to put partisan, corrupt, self-indulgent politicians in charge of anything.

I am not saying that things could not be better if the government worked properly and truly had everyone's best interests in mind ... I just think it is foolish to believe the government will act responsibly or that politicians will protect everyone's interests properly ... Especially in the current environment.

There is no reason (as in rational, sane or productive) to argue with those whose mind is closed and who are true believers, as well as 100% partisan.

Lolz ... No argument with that approach.
As a Conservative though, I often wonder why sane, rational, open minded people rush to put partisan, corrupt, self-indulgent politicians in charge of anything.

I am not saying that things could not be better if the government worked properly and truly had everyone's best interests in mind ... I just think it is foolish to believe the government will act responsibly or that politicians will protect everyone's interests properly ... Especially in the current environment.


The current hostile environment is a product of the failure to get the money out of politics. Not only campaign donations and the way they can be given. or taken away (or given to an opponent) if the candidate or incumbent is not biddable, as well as the generally iniquitous ads by anonymous (committee for the American Way, Apple Pie and baseball) funded by individuals or small special interest groups (Swift Boating Ads).

Citizen United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC drove nails into the coffin of democracy in America. Anyone who believes the five votes for each of these decision was about free speech please leave me an e-mail, I have a bridge for sale over the SF Bay.

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