Holy Moly! Obama's War On The Poor People


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(If Obama were a 'pubbie, the volume of froth and the spittle flowing out the doors and down the steps of the NYT building would be declared a flash flood emergency by the National Weather Service. But the Media will instead decide these numbers are all just because America's rich have not decided to hand over all their take homes to help the poor. See the posted Judge Judy video in case you want to see the results of your largesse today, Rich Peoples.)

"Chart of the day: Obama’s war on poor people

By Michelle Malkin • September 13, 2011 12:41 PM

If the trend in this chart occurred under the Bush administration, you know it would end up as a Koward Krugman NYT blog post under the headline “Bush’s War on Poor People.”

Via Justin Hart, the data:"

Michelle Malkin » Chart of the day: Obama’s war on poor people
You of course know what this means. It will provide extremely fertile fields for Andy Stern, Stephen Lerner, and of course the avowed revolutionary Van Jones to till in their efforts to foment full scale nationwide revolution.
Then you will have Jimmy Hoffa's "Army" complementing those rioting on the streets.
Don't look forward to any mobilizations of National Guard Units to bring peace and tranquility back to the streets during the riots. There's an Eric Holder quote to provide background "To prosecute the Philadeplphia NBPP for election law violations would be demeaning to my people."

There's a quote from Darryl Issa, the Congressman pursuing "Project Gunwalker" out today re Eric Holder, "Eric Holder is so grossly incompetent that he's dangerous" Obama chose him for precisely that quality.

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