Hollywoods obsession with cannabalism


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
The Bee Hive State
PLace all your evidence and finds here. I am gathering data to research. They use symbology heavily for there "craft" spellcasting in the form of entertainment. Tell A Vision Programming. They Have Channels and Stars.

I was researching about the pedo exposure Shia Lebeuolf may have encountered working at Disney & Nickolodeon with Dan Schneider, long story shot Shia had become a really dark person and he wrote a movie called honeyboy about his child star experience and his dad's abuse and mental health problems. Anyway fast forward because he is a "method" actor he likes to live his characters. He became a big mess in his life. He does this movie about Padre Pio and then converts to the Catholic church. He gets married to a horror flicks movie star, they have a baby in march 2022. He still seems very chaotic but tries to save himself. (could be acting may not really care)

I see that he comes out with this video about 4 months ago

Performed by The Gay man's choir of L.A. including the west L. A. Children's choir, and The Argus Quartet.

Here are the lyrics:

You're walking in the woods
There's no one around and your phone is dead
Out of the corner of your eye you spot him
Shia LaBeouf
He's following you, about 30 feet back
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint
He's gaining on you
Shia LaBeouf
You're looking for you car but you're all turned around
He's almost upon you now
And you can see there's blood on his face
My God, there's blood everywhere!
Running for you life (from Shia LaBeouf)
He's brandishing a knife (it's Shia LaBeouf)
Lurking in the shadows
Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf
Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf)
Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf)
Eating all the bodies
Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf
Now it's dark, and you seem to have lost him
But you're hopelessly lost yourself
Stranded with a murderer
You creep silently through the underbrush
Aha! In the distance
A small cottage with a light on
Hope! You move stealthily toward it
But your leg! Ah! It's caught in a bear trap!
Gnawing off your leg (quiet, quiet)
Limping to the cottage (quiet, quiet)
Now you're on the doorstep
Sitting inside
Shia LaBeouf
Sharpening an axe (Shia LaBeouf)
But he doesn't hear you enter (Shia LaBeouf)
You're sneaking up behind him
Strangling superstar
Shia LaBeouf
Fighting for your life with Shia LaBeouf
Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf
Stab him in his kidney
Safe at last from Shia LaBeouf
You limp into the dark woods
Blood oozing from your stump leg
You've beaten Shia LaBeouf
Wait! He isn't dead (Shia surprise)
There's a gun to your head and death in his eyes
But you can do jiu-jitsu
Body slam superstar Shia LaBeouf
Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf
Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf
You try to swing an axe at Shia LaBeouf
But blood is draining fast from your stump leg
He's dodging every swipe, he parries to the left
You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck
You're chopping his head now
You have just decapitated Shia LaBeouf
His head topples to the floor, expressionless
You fall to your knees and catch your breath
You're finally safe from Shia LaBeouf

Yeah, why is that funny when you are accused of domestic violence and when you have been in very very dark places?

More to come on the topic.
This a freelance entertainment reporter named SLOAN.

Armie Hammer comes from a very wealthy family, his aunt wrote about about the orgies and creepy dark practices the family was into about 7 yrs ago and no one cared. It's got a renewed interest since the "actor" Armie was exposed sending text messages to other women about wanting to cook them and eat them and asking if they would cut some of their skin off and cook it for him to eat.

This is an area promoted by their leadership to replace central Christian tenets .
The blood and body of Christ becomes the blood and body of others , all non followers and non initiated .

Followers must be given practises so that the leaders can keep their central beliefs quite separate and to themselves .
Complete trust and compliance is driven into the followers over time and using standard methods of mind control .

And after initiation a followers love and need of blood from outsiders is as great as the need felt by a Catholic for Christ's blood .

No essential difference .
Ditto for cannibalism and the Christian practise of partaking of Christ's body .

I am feeling peckish and I have an unfinished foot in the fridge .Very tasty with a splash of relish .

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