Hillary Wants to Run Again? Was America Better Before the Clinton’s?


May 23, 2014
I would say the United States after our Gulf War victory was a better country than it is today...although our current President is trying his best to correct things. Now Hillary wants to run again? America was better before the Clinton’s. Generation X that was raised by children of 1960’s liberals came to fruition in the 1990’s. Political correctness (egalitarian communism) and lack of responsibility for ones actions became acceptable. Moral behavior dropped to new lows. Bad for our country.
How the Clintons Changed America
Hillary has not thrown her hat into the ring, so yous need someone to piss on so bad yous are willing to lie and fabricate a situation which doesn't exist...
So you people try to blame what a country has had in it's arsenal before Clinton was elected president...I smell desperation.
Before Clinton, China couldn't keep a missie in the air. Sorry but liberalism destroys anything it touches. Look at what our liberal public school system is producing.

You must be one of the smarter Republicans that dropped out of school...

The People's Republic of China has developed and possesses weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and nuclear weapons. The first of China's nuclear weapons tests took place in 1964, and its first hydrogen bomb test occurred in 1967.

After the signing of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance in 1950, the Soviet Union assisted China's military R&D with training, technical documentation, manufacturing equipment and licensed production of Soviet weapons. In the area of ballistic missiles, the Soviets transferred R-1 (SS-1), R-2 (SS-2) and R-11F technology to China.[1] The first Chinese ballistic missiles were based on Soviet designs. Since then, China has made many advances in its ballistic missile and rocket technology. For instance, the space launch Long March rockets have their roots in the Dongfeng missiles.
The first of the Dongfeng missiles, the DF-1 (SS-2, initially codenamed '1059', while the 'DF-1' designation was initially assigned to the project which later became DF-3[1]), was a licensed copy of the Soviet R-2 (SS-2 Sibling) short-range ballistic missile (SRBM).[2] The DF-1 had a single RD-101 rocket engine, and used alcohol for fuel with liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidizer. The missile had maximum range of 550 km and a 500 kg payload. Limited numbers of DF-1 were produced in the 1960s, and have since been retired.[1]
Dongfeng (missile) - Wikipedia
So you people try to blame what a country has had in it's arsenal before Clinton was elected president...I smell desperation.
Before Clinton, China couldn't keep a missie in the air. Sorry but liberalism destroys anything it touches. Look at what our liberal public school system is producing.

You must be one of the smarter Republicans that dropped out of school...

The People's Republic of China has developed and possesses weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and nuclear weapons. The first of China's nuclear weapons tests took place in 1964, and its first hydrogen bomb test occurred in 1967.

After the signing of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance in 1950, the Soviet Union assisted China's military R&D with training, technical documentation, manufacturing equipment and licensed production of Soviet weapons. In the area of ballistic missiles, the Soviets transferred R-1 (SS-1), R-2 (SS-2) and R-11F technology to China.[1] The first Chinese ballistic missiles were based on Soviet designs. Since then, China has made many advances in its ballistic missile and rocket technology. For instance, the space launch Long March rockets have their roots in the Dongfeng missiles.
The first of the Dongfeng missiles, the DF-1 (SS-2, initially codenamed '1059', while the 'DF-1' designation was initially assigned to the project which later became DF-3[1]), was a licensed copy of the Soviet R-2 (SS-2 Sibling) short-range ballistic missile (SRBM).[2] The DF-1 had a single RD-101 rocket engine, and used alcohol for fuel with liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidizer. The missile had maximum range of 550 km and a 500 kg payload. Limited numbers of DF-1 were produced in the 1960s, and have since been retired.[1]
Dongfeng (missile) - Wikipedia
Yes, but they couldn't keep them in the air long. Thanks to the Clinton's, that has changed.
Mark my words, if Dem's don't choose Hillary and Dem's lose in 2020 Hillary will spend the next 4 years saying I told you so and claiming she would have won.

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