Hillary Lead Over Sanders Down to 6 Points in NH

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
DURHAM, N.H. —U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is chipping away at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lead in the 2016 New Hampshire primary campaign, WMUR’s latest poll shows.

The WMUR Granite State Poll taken July 22-30 shows frontrunner Clinton with a 6 percentage point lead over the challenger from Vermont. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.9 percent, prompting the pollster to call the race a statistical tie.

WMUR poll Clinton leads by 6 percentage points as Sanders edges closer Politics - WMUR Home

She just keeps sinking lower and lower
Bernie will do good in the white liberal states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, maybe Oregon and Washington (more iffy on those two)....but once you go more into the mainstream Democrat regions like New York, California, Maryland, Michigan...it gets much harder to see him winning.

The South will be even worse for him, he'll probably crash hard down there, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't win 1 state.
Bernie will do good in the white liberal states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, maybe Oregon and Washington (more iffy on those two)....but once you go more into the mainstream Democrat regions like New York, California, Maryland, Michigan...it gets much harder to see him winning.

The South will be even worse for him, he'll probably crash hard down there, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't win 1 state.

Bernie did spectacularly well in Arizona, a RED state. His rally in Phoenix drew 11,000 attendees. Not bad for a relative unknown who is ignored by the corporate-owned media...

-- Paravani
Bernie will do good in the white liberal states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, maybe Oregon and Washington (more iffy on those two)....but once you go more into the mainstream Democrat regions like New York, California, Maryland, Michigan...it gets much harder to see him winning.

The South will be even worse for him, he'll probably crash hard down there, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't win 1 state.

Bernie did spectacularly well in Arizona, a RED state. His rally in Phoenix drew 11,000 attendees. Not bad for a relative unknown who is ignored by the corporate-owned media...

-- Paravani

Yes, over a million people voted for Obama in Arizona in 2012. Out of all those voters you can easily find a good group of people who are in the typical heavy liberal voter group that support Sanders. That doesn't mean he can form a majority of the Democratic primary voters next year.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Bernie Sanders become president, but I don't find it very possible.
Bernie will do good in the white liberal states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, maybe Oregon and Washington (more iffy on those two)....but once you go more into the mainstream Democrat regions like New York, California, Maryland, Michigan...it gets much harder to see him winning.

The South will be even worse for him, he'll probably crash hard down there, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't win 1 state.

Bernie did spectacularly well in Arizona, a RED state. His rally in Phoenix drew 11,000 attendees. Not bad for a relative unknown who is ignored by the corporate-owned media...

-- Paravani

Yes, over a million people voted for Obama in Arizona in 2012. Out of all those voters you can easily find a good group of people who are in the typical heavy liberal voter group that support Sanders. That doesn't mean he can form a majority of the Democratic primary voters next year.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Bernie Sanders become president, but I don't find it very possible.
Arizona in the primary will support whoever stands against Hillary. We are already talking about crossing party lines in droves for that. We don't want Hillary and we do not want Bush.
They BOTH need to go.
Bernie will do good in the white liberal states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, maybe Oregon and Washington (more iffy on those two)....but once you go more into the mainstream Democrat regions like New York, California, Maryland, Michigan...it gets much harder to see him winning.

The South will be even worse for him, he'll probably crash hard down there, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't win 1 state.

Bernie did spectacularly well in Arizona, a RED state. His rally in Phoenix drew 11,000 attendees. Not bad for a relative unknown who is ignored by the corporate-owned media...

-- Paravani

Yes, over a million people voted for Obama in Arizona in 2012. Out of all those voters you can easily find a good group of people who are in the typical heavy liberal voter group that support Sanders. That doesn't mean he can form a majority of the Democratic primary voters next year.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Bernie Sanders become president, but I don't find it very possible.
Arizona in the primary will support whoever stands against Hillary. We are already talking about crossing party lines in droves for that. We don't want Hillary and we do not want Bush.
They BOTH need to go.

Hillary will win the primary in Arizona, just like 2008. I don't see that being competitive next year.
For any party's presumptive presidential candidate to be slipping in various polls this far out, before any debate with other candidates (any even scheduled?), is not good news and you can bet Ms. pants suit and her team are concerned. Layer in her previous collapsed attempt while also the blessed frontrunner and they have to be feeling the old sphincters tightening in a déjà vu sort of way.
Sorry, I was QUITE busy working on signs and t-shirts and buttons for the rally here in Portland... which drew 28,000!!!! people! Did you see all those fabulous signs around Bernie, the ones with the blue and green and red? No?

Oh, that's right -- media blackout on Bernie's largest crowd EVER to gather for ANY candidate this early in the presidential campaign. Too bad you all missed it -- it totally ROCKED.

(Meanwhile, the pants suit is meeting with supporters who can pay $2,700 each for the privilege, and having photo ops with Kardashians...)

-- Paravani
Mrs Clinton deserve for first woman president in the USA, and 200 years long time.

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