Hillary Clinton knew she was unlikable.

The whole "likability" thing is incredibly sexist. How could anyone find Hillary Clinton "unlikable" and yet accept such rude, nasty, aggressive, swaggering fuckheads like trump, bolton, pence? These are seriously disturbed and nasty people, the kind you wouldn't want to dine with or allow in your home.

Sexist? Have you ever been accused of being bright? She is one of the MOST unlikable person to ever run and that's how Trump won.

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] more [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-04-19 18:23 Subject: Re: Topper for New Hampshire
Truth Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:

"I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."
Re: Topper for New Hampshire - WikiLeaks

Even her SS detail hated her.
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
You think about Clinton every day, don't you.
The whole "likability" thing is incredibly sexist. How could anyone find Hillary Clinton "unlikable" and yet accept such rude, nasty, aggressive, swaggering fuckheads like trump, bolton, pence? These are seriously disturbed and nasty people, the kind you wouldn't want to dine with or allow in your home.

Sexist? Have you ever been accused of being bright? She is one of the MOST unlikable person to ever run and that's how Trump won.

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] more [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-04-19 18:23 Subject: Re: Topper for New Hampshire
Truth Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:

"I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."
Re: Topper for New Hampshire - WikiLeaks

Even her SS detail hated her.

There is no way that she could have been as unlikable as trump. She is/was being held to a different standard. Didn't you see fat boy lurking behind her during the "debates"? No manners, no class, no couth, yet he "won" the election.
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
You think about Clinton every day, don't you.

But not NEARLY as much as you cry about Trump.
The whole "likability" thing is incredibly sexist. How could anyone find Hillary Clinton "unlikable" and yet accept such rude, nasty, aggressive, swaggering fuckheads like trump, bolton, pence? These are seriously disturbed and nasty people, the kind you wouldn't want to dine with or allow in your home.

Sexist? Have you ever been accused of being bright? She is one of the MOST unlikable person to ever run and that's how Trump won.

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] more [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-04-19 18:23 Subject: Re: Topper for New Hampshire
Truth Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:

"I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."
Re: Topper for New Hampshire - WikiLeaks

Even her SS detail hated her.

There is no way that she could have been as unlikable as trump. She is/was being held to a different standard. Didn't you see fat boy lurking behind her during the "debates"? No manners, no class, no couth, yet he "won" the election.

Now you're just making shit up. She doesn't even try to act human, she see's herself as the entitled ruler of America. She was not held to a different standard than anyone else.
Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me'

Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016—just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nominee—she apparently decided she would stop caring.

In a new book on the Clinton campaign, Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling, New York Times reporter-at-large Amy Chozick recalled the Democratic nominee brushing off her staff's reminders about her foundering favorability.

"A week earlier, she’d cut off Joel [Benenson] and the pollster John Anzalone, as they walked her through the almost daily reminder that half the country disliked her,” Chozick wrote, according to the Daily Beast, noting that the conversation had happened around the time of the Republican National Convention. "'You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me,' she said."

According to Chozick, Clinton went on to wonder: "'Oh, what's the point? They're never going to like me.'"

Clinton had resigned herself to the idea that there was nothing she could do to win over voters who didn't already look favorably on her. Eventually, her own campaign seemed to adjust to the same idea, arguing that Clinton could sail to victory even without high likeability polling.

When donors asked Clinton's campaign headquarters how they "planned...to pull Hillary's trust numbers out of the toilet," Chozick wrote that "the answer was always the same: nothing. Podesta would explain ‘I remember no one trusted Bill Clinton and he won twice.'"

The misguided calculation, Chozick suggested, is part of what cost Clinton her chance at being the first woman president.

Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images " data-reactid="31"> Hillary Clinton resigned herself to the belief that there was nothing she could do to make voters like her, according to a new book on her campaign. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Washington Post/ABC News poll[/a] emerged showing that Clinton's favorability had just hit a record low with Americans. Just 41 percent held a positive view of her, while a historic 56 percent viewed her unfavorably—the worst ratings Clinton had ever received during her decades in the public eye....

No, it wasn't the Russians, you morons at the mainstream media. Americans just don't like or trust the Clintons.
You think about Clinton every day, don't you.
The whole "likability" thing is incredibly sexist. How could anyone find Hillary Clinton "unlikable" and yet accept such rude, nasty, aggressive, swaggering fuckheads like trump, bolton, pence? These are seriously disturbed and nasty people, the kind you wouldn't want to dine with or allow in your home.

Sexist? Have you ever been accused of being bright? She is one of the MOST unlikable person to ever run and that's how Trump won.

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] more [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-04-19 18:23 Subject: Re: Topper for New Hampshire
Truth Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:

"I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."
Re: Topper for New Hampshire - WikiLeaks

Even her SS detail hated her.
After 25 years of BS hate and character assassination by Fox Rush etc etc, what do you expect?
As horrible has she was, Trump still needed Putin's help. But still got more votes than him.

How many votes did they change?
Enough but not as many as c o m ey.

Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.
I think the real cutoff was from her 'deplorable' comment.

you either supported hillary or you were less than human.

anyone that voted for her, voted for hate, most Americans aren't full of hate
Actually, the lock her up hate and the anti minority hate of the GOP voter, all based on misinformation propaganda, were the obvious motives of trump voters. Too bad you know nothing of policy that would actually help the country and the nonrich.
I know catering to the 1% for an (R) is bad, but is something that is celebrated when a (D) does it.

speaking of doops
That has not happened for years... The bloated rich and ruined middle class and Country are so obvious except 2 the brainwashed...
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
As horrible has she was, Trump still needed Putin's help. But still got more votes than him.

How many votes did they change?
Enough but not as many as c o m ey.

Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.

LOL, of course they aren't and that's my point. You Progs engage in non-stop whining and it's for no reason. Nothing was done by anyone (including the "Russians" that isn't always done). Your gal lost, you'll live, get over it. Besides Trump is doing what she would have done anyway. The Bankers want War, it's coming. Yesterday the Russians killed some American's and YOU haven't heard about it yet. Why? Because you limit yourself to kos, HuffPo et al and care not a whit about any "real" truth.
How many votes did they change?
Enough but not as many as c o m ey.

Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.

LOL, of course they aren't and that's my point. You Progs engage in non-stop whining and it's for no reason. Nothing was done by anyone (including the "Russians" that isn't always done). Your gal lost, you'll live, get over it. Besides Trump is doing what she would have done anyway. The Bankers want War, it's coming. Yesterday the Russians killed some American's and YOU haven't heard about it yet. Why? Because you limit yourself to kos, HuffPo et al and care not a whit about any "real" truth.
And Fox BBC PBS ABC CBS Limbaugh New York times USA Today and every other media in the world. And only Fox Rush etcetera stands alone full of s***. Will see what the investigation finds... OMG our media gabfest is a joke...
Enough but not as many as c o m ey.

Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.

LOL, of course they aren't and that's my point. You Progs engage in non-stop whining and it's for no reason. Nothing was done by anyone (including the "Russians" that isn't always done). Your gal lost, you'll live, get over it. Besides Trump is doing what she would have done anyway. The Bankers want War, it's coming. Yesterday the Russians killed some American's and YOU haven't heard about it yet. Why? Because you limit yourself to kos, HuffPo et al and care not a whit about any "real" truth.
And Fox BBC PBS ABC CBS Limbaugh New York times USA Today and every other media in the world. And only Fox Rush etcetera stands alone full of s***. Will see what the investigation finds... OMG our media gabfest is a joke...

Fox and Rush are out to get you franco, you should move underground and off the grid.
Actually, the lock her up hate and the anti minority hate of the GOP voter, all based on misinformation propaganda, were the obvious motives of trump voters. Too bad you know nothing of policy that would actually help the country and the nonrich.
I know catering to the 1% for an (R) is bad, but is something that is celebrated when a (D) does it.

speaking of doops
That has not happened for years... The bloated rich and ruined middle class and Country are so obvious except 2 the brainwashed...
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
For the billionth time, brainwashed super dupe, raising taxes on the bloated rich only will allow us to invest in cheap training 4 Millions of Tech jobs going begging and infrastructure. And other help 4 our non Rich ruined after 35 years of your GOP crap.
I know catering to the 1% for an (R) is bad, but is something that is celebrated when a (D) does it.

speaking of doops
That has not happened for years... The bloated rich and ruined middle class and Country are so obvious except 2 the brainwashed...
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
For the billionth time, brainwashed super dupe, raising taxes on the bloated rich only will allow us to invest in cheap training 4 Millions of Tech jobs going begging and infrastructure. And other help 4 our non Rich ruined after 35 years of your GOP crap.

LMAO okay franco how much do you propose to raise taxes on the rich? Give us a number $10 billion? $100 billion? How much of their money is enough to fund your scheme?
Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.

LOL, of course they aren't and that's my point. You Progs engage in non-stop whining and it's for no reason. Nothing was done by anyone (including the "Russians" that isn't always done). Your gal lost, you'll live, get over it. Besides Trump is doing what she would have done anyway. The Bankers want War, it's coming. Yesterday the Russians killed some American's and YOU haven't heard about it yet. Why? Because you limit yourself to kos, HuffPo et al and care not a whit about any "real" truth.
And Fox BBC PBS ABC CBS Limbaugh New York times USA Today and every other media in the world. And only Fox Rush etcetera stands alone full of s***. Will see what the investigation finds... OMG our media gabfest is a joke...

Fox and Rush are out to get you franco, you should move underground and off the grid.
You have no clue as 2 how fos you are, super dupe. They lie Non-Stop. How are the Hillary Obama holder Lois Lerner Etc etc prosecutions coming LOL!? After 10 years of trying 2 educate you morons, you may be right. You are all hopeless idiots at this point.
That has not happened for years... The bloated rich and ruined middle class and Country are so obvious except 2 the brainwashed...
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
For the billionth time, brainwashed super dupe, raising taxes on the bloated rich only will allow us to invest in cheap training 4 Millions of Tech jobs going begging and infrastructure. And other help 4 our non Rich ruined after 35 years of your GOP crap.

LMAO okay franco how much do you propose to raise taxes on the rich? Give us a number $10 billion? $100 billion? How much of their money is enough to fund your scheme?

Quantification exceeds his abilities.
Enough but not as many as c o m ey.

Prove they hacked in changed even one.
Nobody said they did, stupid.
Voting machines are not hooked up to the Internet d u h. The complaints are about them hacking the DNC and podesta, and all kinds of fake news and hate speech on on Facebook Etc. As usual, dupes are totally clueless.

LOL, of course they aren't and that's my point. You Progs engage in non-stop whining and it's for no reason. Nothing was done by anyone (including the "Russians" that isn't always done). Your gal lost, you'll live, get over it. Besides Trump is doing what she would have done anyway. The Bankers want War, it's coming. Yesterday the Russians killed some American's and YOU haven't heard about it yet. Why? Because you limit yourself to kos, HuffPo et al and care not a whit about any "real" truth.
And Fox BBC PBS ABC CBS Limbaugh New York times USA Today and every other media in the world. And only Fox Rush etcetera stands alone full of s***. Will see what the investigation finds... OMG our media gabfest is a joke...

Naa, I'm not buying it, your attention span isn't that long.
That has not happened for years... The bloated rich and ruined middle class and Country are so obvious except 2 the brainwashed...
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
For the billionth time, brainwashed super dupe, raising taxes on the bloated rich only will allow us to invest in cheap training 4 Millions of Tech jobs going begging and infrastructure. And other help 4 our non Rich ruined after 35 years of your GOP crap.

LMAO okay franco how much do you propose to raise taxes on the rich? Give us a number $10 billion? $100 billion? How much of their money is enough to fund your scheme?
Probably go back 2 Reagan's 50% of 1982 and add a 60% 4 Mega incomes. Reagan just guessed and so will I. It is not rocket science.
so you are completely unaware that hillary had $25K dinners.

you obliviousness is not a surprise.
Democratic rich people want to raise taxes on themselves and invest in Americans and America, dumbass. They know we need healthy middle class and working class to have a good economy...
increased taxes is not an investment in America.

history should tell you that, but you're a full blown sheep and can't learn for yourself.
For the billionth time, brainwashed super dupe, raising taxes on the bloated rich only will allow us to invest in cheap training 4 Millions of Tech jobs going begging and infrastructure. And other help 4 our non Rich ruined after 35 years of your GOP crap.

LMAO okay franco how much do you propose to raise taxes on the rich? Give us a number $10 billion? $100 billion? How much of their money is enough to fund your scheme?
Probably go back 2 Reagan's 50% of 1982 and add a 60% 4 Mega incomes. Reagan just guessed and so will I. It is not rocket science.

50% before or after write offs and deductions?

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