
  1. Pastelli

    At DNC: "Hersh. Hersh, if you can hear us, we love you. Stay strong. Survive."

    Emotional. And rightfully so. Remember how it all began. Asides from hiding among civilians to casuase deaths to gather sympathy in the West. Not even going back to 1913... DNC stands in support as parents of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin plead for deal. By Hannah Sarisohn...
  2. Sayaras

    Whither at DNC? "Palestine" Flags: of Jihad, Swastika?

    Flag they use when they attack, rape, murder and kidnap Jews. VS Flag they use play the victim and seek empathy. The other beloved aign by Arab palestine: Swastika-palestine.
  3. Billy_Bob

    OPINION: Jan 6 was a DEMCORAT False Flag Operation

    I put my investigators hat on today while I was reading the information from the Sussman trial. You can argue that the judicial bias, which blocked crucial evidence from being admitted, was the reason he was acquitted but what I found in testimony connects the dots on Jan 6. At a minimum, it...
  4. The Original Tree

    Current Legal Status of The COVID Mandate

    I kind of find it interesting that you cannot actually find much information on what is going on with all the legal challenges against the Fascist COVID (Now Barely a Cold) Mandate. Can anyone update me on this? What I know currently, and this is all I know is that the Supreme Court will...
  5. P@triot

    Democrats and foreign enemies

    What is it with Democrats bringing in foreign enemies into their inner circle? I would say they are doing it by design (for nefarious, anti-American purposes) but they really are that stupid. You had Pakistani national Imran Awan embezzling money from the DNC, as well as stealing secrets. You...
  6. S

    Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) ticket

    Just found this site about 10 minutes ago, so this is my first ever post. My apologies if there is already an existing thread going over these same topics/arguments. Looking for someone to help me understand what makes both the Biden selection as nominee and his selection of Harris as VP either...
  7. Dan Stubbs

    New Investigation into Seth Riches Killing.

    It been reported that the Media is looking in to the suspicious murder of Rich. The Facts are just strange. This because they found that the Leader of the DNC lied about her location during the Murder. Former head of the DNC Donna Brazile lied about her whereabouts on the night DNC staffer...
  8. Dan Stubbs

    Soros Donations so far.

    Category Contributor Occupation Date Amount Recipient Money to Candidates SOROS, GEORGE NEW YORK, NY 10011 SOROS FUNDS MANAGEMENT 09-25-2003 $1,500.00 Daschle, Tom (D) Money to Parties SOROS, GEORGE Money to Candidates SOROS, GEORGE NEW YORK, NY 10106 SOROS MANAGEMENT FUND 08-20-2008 $40.00...
  9. P@triot

    Angry About The DNC Scandal? Thank Obama

    The Clintonā€™s are the most corrupt crime family in U.S. history. Worse than the Gambino family. Worse than the Genovese family. Worse than the Capone family. And nobody has done more damage to the U.S. and/or the Democrat Party than MaObama. I seriously wonder if either will be able to recover...
  10. Weatherman2020

    Blue Wave! Democrats Lose Ground with Millennials

    Democrats lose ground with millennials ā€“ Reuters/Ipsos poll. So I guess David Hoggā€™s not doing it for them? Go figure
  11. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Wire is the most accurate representation of Democrats/mainstream media ever

    Spoilers: And Baltimore is a good representation of how much Black lives matter to liberals.
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Surprise, surprise, DNC in favor of living wage and unions for employees; just not their own

    Long Hours, Low Pay Push Some Democratic Campaign Workers To Unionizeā€¦ Many political campaign workers spend long hours at low pay, living off of pizza and coffee, all in the hope of seeing their candidate win. Now, labor organizers are setting their signs bringing those workers into the labor...
  13. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Mueller refuses to meet with Kim Dotcom who has proof Seth Rich was the leaker; no Russian collusion

    Kim Dotcom: "Let Me Assure You, The DNC Hack Wasnā€™t Even A Hack" Kim Dotcom has once again chimed in on the DNC hack, following a Sunday morning tweet from President Trump clarifying his previous comments on Russian meddling in the 2016 election. I never said Russia did not meddle in the...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary Clinton knew she was unlikable.

    Hillary Clinton to Campaign Staff: 'I Am Getting Pretty Tired of Hearing About How Nobody Likes Me' Hillary Clinton knew there were concerns about her "likeability" as a candidate, but as early as July 2016ā€”just after President Donald Trump became the Republican nomineeā€”she apparently decided...
  15. AsianTrumpSupporter

    DNC only raised $6 million since Hillary got schlonged; forced to take out ~$1.7 million loan

    Ouch: Democrats 6 Million Dollars In Debt ā€“ Winning America Now | WinningAmericaNow.com Itā€™s no secret the Democrat National Committee has been struggling since the 2016 presidential election, when former Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz rigged the primary in favor of two-time loser Hillary...
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    California high school students were forced to participate in walkout

    California Student Says He Was Forced to Participate in Walkout This is controlled opposition by the Deep State, the teachers union, George Soros, and the DNC.
  17. HaShev

    If all aspects of gov't were politicized during Obama administration

    All aspects from IRS being politicized, Federal law agencies, house investigative comittee, even funders of gov't like social media and online monopolies, MSM, the Corporations who own the media outlets who have acted in the same manner IRS has attacking opponents- harassing them etc, and more...
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Bad news for Al Franken (D). Only 22% in his state support him staying in office in new poll

    KSTP/SurveyUSA: Franken Job Approval Plummets, Many Say He Should Resign In less than a week since sexual harassment allegations were leveled against Minnesota Senator Al Franken, his approval rating has plummeted and many Minnesotans say he should resign, according to an exclusive...
  19. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Donna Brazile corroborates Project Veritas story about Hillary hiring Donald Duck protesters

    ā€˜Kill the damn duck!ā€™: Ex-DNC head Brazile describes clash over trolling Trump with Donald Duck costumes Hillary Clinton personally approved a plan to have demonstrators in Donald Duck costumes disrupt campaign rallies for Donald Trump ā€” a stunt that triggered an angry confrontation between...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    DNC leader, Tom Perez, vows fair nomination process in 2020 after uproar

    Democratic leader vows fair nomination process in 2020 after uproar WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday vowed to ensure all candidates have an equal chance to win the Democratic presidential nomination after a former party chair accused the committee...
  21. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Donna Brazile wrote a tell-all, exposing how Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz controlled the DNC

    Inside Hillary Clintonā€™s Secret Takeover of the DNC Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National...
  22. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Vice Media leftists try to summon ghost of Karl Marx with ouija board, get ghost of DNC instead

    Apparently, the Democrat Party died in the 1970's. Confirmed.
  23. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary Clinton finally addresses Harvey Weinstein rape allegations; Obama & Biden still silent

    Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Reports Hillary Clinton is speaking out against film executive Harvey Weinstein days after The New York Times published a bombshell report detailing numerous sexual harassment allegations against him. ā€œI was shocked and...
  24. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Hillary Clinton, the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, etc. can blame everyone and anything they want....

    But the reality is that the election was about a choice between.... Hillary Clinton (after the DNC screwed Bernie Sanders): ...and "white supremacist" Donald Trump:
  25. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Congressman Tim Ryan (D) declares Civil War against the far left in the DNC

    Divided Democratic Party Debates Its Future as 2020 Looms Like virtually all Democrats, Tim Ryan is no fan of Donald Trump. But as he speeds through his northeastern Ohio district in a silver Chevy Suburban, the eight-term Congressman sounds almost as frustrated with his own party. Popping...
  26. The Original Tree

    George Soros funded ANTIFA, KKK, & Black Lives Matter Chaos in Charlotte!

    Note: If you have a short attention span...just watch the video about ANTIFA if you want to see exactly what George Soros is paying for and don't bother reading below..... ANITFA, BLM are both funded by George Soros & have been instigating Violence every where they go, and this weekend was no...
  27. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Lawyer suing DNC for fraud received voice-disguised call from D. Wasserman-Schultz's local office

    The noose is tightening around the Clintons and Debbier Wasserman-Schultz: Breaking: Debbie Wasserman Schultzs IT Staffer Wired $283,000 To Pakistan Before Dulles Arrest The lawyer who received the call is in fear for her life due to murder of witness, Seth Rich. She also discusses how two...
  28. HaShev

    List all the ways DNC Obama & Clinton cheated in the election yet still lost

    Fill in those I'm missing, as there is so many I'm bound to forget a few. 1) destroying her emails obstructing justice which would have prevented her fom running in the first place. 2) getting debate questions in advance. 3) circumvented electorate process through vote swapping campaign that...
  29. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The splintering of the Democrat Party into 2 or more third parties has begun

    California Democrats plunge into 'civil war' LOS ANGELES ā€” Long-standing tensions between the Democratic Partyā€™s moderate and liberal wings have ignited in California, where progressive activists are redirecting their anger over Donald Trump and congressional Republicans toward Democratic...
  30. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat superdelegate to health insurance executives: No single payer; "Not in my lifetime."

    Democratic Superdelegate, in Room Full of Health Insurance Executives, Laughs Off Prospect of Single Payer Activists across the country have provided real momentum to the idea of a single-payer health care system, pressing the issue in California and among leading figures in the Democratic...
  31. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Why Pelosi should go ā€” and take the ā€™60s generation with her

    Why Pelosi should go ā€” and take the ā€™60s generation with her Thereā€™s nothing quite so thankless as being the nominal leader of a leaderless party, especially if that party is bereft of power and doesnā€™t have much to offer by way of an agenda, except for maybe keeping the other party from...
  32. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat Mayor Convicted Of Voter Fraud And He Gets Probation

    Eatonville mayor convicted of voter fraud sentenced to 4 years of probation ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. - The former mayor of Eatonville convicted of tampering with the cityā€™s 2015 elections was sentenced to four years of probation on Friday. Anthony Grant was also sentenced to 25 days, but it...
  33. The Original Tree

    Hope & Change

    It's Real. Obama kept true to his promise. So it is THE ONE THING HE ACTUALLY PROMISED AND CAME THROUGH ON. Let me cite his MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS! OBAMA'S LEGACY OF HOPE Like your party illegally WIRETAPPING President Trump for 18 months "HOPING" to find anything you can. Like your party...
  34. HaShev

    Possible new DNC pushed candidate for 2020

    The Infamous Cherry 2000 Stiff & robotic like Al Gore. Fake and plastic like their campaigns.
  35. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberals examining ballots cast in California Democrat Party leader election for voter fraud

    Examination of ballots cast in race for California Democratic Party leader begins in Sacramento Supporters of Kimberly Ellis, who lost her bid to lead the California Democratic Party by a razor-thin margin last weekend, started sifting through boxes of ballots at the state party headquarters in...
  36. AsianTrumpSupporter

    If muh Russians hacked the DNC, why didn't the DNC let the FBI inspect their servers?

    Excellent video that shows the DNC murdered Seth Rich for leaking DNC information to Wikileaks, but the specific info about muh Russians starts at 19:31 in the Molyneux video.
  37. JimBowie1958

    Did You Hear bout the Lawsuit Against he DNC? ME Neither Till Now.....

    Holy Crapola, I had not heard about any of this till today, but a whole bunch of people are suing the DNC and they ARE DEMOCRATS. roflmao And the major media thinks that firing Comey is a bigt story instead, lol Media Blacks Out Coverage of Suit Against the DNC A writer for the Observer...
  38. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Democratic Party is Simply Not "Cool" Anymore

    Excellent video that sums up why I refuse to vote Democrat. For Democrats, if you're not black, a rich, white celebrity, an illegal immigrant rapist/murder/drug dealer, one of the 300 genders other than straight male, or a Muslim terrorist, you may as well as not exist since your issues don't...
  39. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Bernie Sanders: The Democrat Party is failing

    Bernie Sanders After Democratic Unity Tour: The Party Is Failing The Democratic Unity tour is over and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who headlined the event, had the report card: the party is failing. ā€œI think what is clear to anyone who looks at where the Democratic Party today is that the...
  40. C

    Why was Seth Rich killed?

    This new probabilistic analysis by Rootclaim says 91.6% it was a robbery gone wrong. Rootclaim's method avoids human biases. What do you think?

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