Hillary Clinton admits that she's basically Cersei Lannister


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Cersei From ‘Game of Thrones’ in New Book

Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, “What Happened,” is drawing plenty of attention about one particular pop-culture reference.

In the book about the tumultuous election cycle, the former presidential candidate compares herself to a certain fictional queen of Westeros: not the generally beloved Daenerys Targaryen, but ruthless and power-hungry Cersei Lannister.

In the memoir, Clinton reflects upon her treatment at the hands of Trump supporters who often rallied behind Trump’s call to “lock her up” following the revelation that she used her private email servers while secretary of state.

“Crowds at Trump rallies called for my imprisonment more times than I can count,” she writes. “They shouted, ‘Guilty! Guilty!’ like the religious zealots in ‘Game of Thrones’ chanting ‘Shame! Shame!’ while Cersei Lannister walked back to the Red Keep.”

Cersei Lannister — a prominent member of the royal Lannisters in the popular “Game of Thrones” books and hit HBO show — is known for her devious schemes and murderous hunger to protect her family and remain in power...

Winter has Trumped. :)
The feces tossing, illiterate, no-info crowd Hillary was referencing is certainly comparable to the alt-right.
The feces tossing, illiterate, no-info crowd Hillary was referencing is certainly comparable to the alt-right.

How are you of the Khmer Rouge comparable to the "alt right?" I find you far closer to the Gestapo or STASI.
^ :cuckoo:


Give an answer STASI thug, how are you comparable to this mythical "alt-right?" Are they out conducting Kristalnachts on a regular basis the way you terrorists are?
The feces tossing, illiterate, no-info crowd Hillary was referencing is certainly comparable to the alt-right.

How are you of the Khmer Rouge comparable to the "alt right?" I find you far closer to the Gestapo or STASI.
^ :cuckoo:


Give an answer STASI thug, how are you comparable to this mythical "alt-right?" Are they out conducting Kristalnachts on a regular basis the way you terrorists are?
^ a glimpse into the inbred mind
Hillary Clinton has certainly killed as many people as Cersei Lannister.

The Hildebeast is a luciferian witch but I love her lame attempt to pass herself off as some kind of "victim". She suffers from delusions of grandeur. She imagines the boos and jeers as "cheers" in her warped little satan possessed mind.
Maybe Hillary doesn't realize it, but Cersei deserved what she got when all those people were booing her.
Hillary Clinton is NOT a Republican. She doesn't want to see American's die because they have no healthcare.
Cersei deserved to be paraded through the streets naked and eventually executed for sex out of wedlock?

So, you've never seen the show.

I get it, HBO is a pay service and you're not diverting your meth money to some TV station....

Cersei very much deserved her walk of shame. though she was certainly not executed. Like Hillary, she is 100% evil.

If you were a character on the show, you'd be Theon Greyjoy. :thup:
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Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Cersei From ‘Game of Thrones’ in New Book

Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, “What Happened,” is drawing plenty of attention about one particular pop-culture reference.

In the book about the tumultuous election cycle, the former presidential candidate compares herself to a certain fictional queen of Westeros: not the generally beloved Daenerys Targaryen, but ruthless and power-hungry Cersei Lannister.

In the memoir, Clinton reflects upon her treatment at the hands of Trump supporters who often rallied behind Trump’s call to “lock her up” following the revelation that she used her private email servers while secretary of state.

“Crowds at Trump rallies called for my imprisonment more times than I can count,” she writes. “They shouted, ‘Guilty! Guilty!’ like the religious zealots in ‘Game of Thrones’ chanting ‘Shame! Shame!’ while Cersei Lannister walked back to the Red Keep.”

Cersei Lannister — a prominent member of the royal Lannisters in the popular “Game of Thrones” books and hit HBO show — is known for her devious schemes and murderous hunger to protect her family and remain in power...

Winter has Trumped. :)


Cersi Lanister is fuckable
Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Cersei From ‘Game of Thrones’ in New Book

Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, “What Happened,” is drawing plenty of attention about one particular pop-culture reference.

In the book about the tumultuous election cycle, the former presidential candidate compares herself to a certain fictional queen of Westeros: not the generally beloved Daenerys Targaryen, but ruthless and power-hungry Cersei Lannister.

In the memoir, Clinton reflects upon her treatment at the hands of Trump supporters who often rallied behind Trump’s call to “lock her up” following the revelation that she used her private email servers while secretary of state.

“Crowds at Trump rallies called for my imprisonment more times than I can count,” she writes. “They shouted, ‘Guilty! Guilty!’ like the religious zealots in ‘Game of Thrones’ chanting ‘Shame! Shame!’ while Cersei Lannister walked back to the Red Keep.”

Cersei Lannister — a prominent member of the royal Lannisters in the popular “Game of Thrones” books and hit HBO show — is known for her devious schemes and murderous hunger to protect her family and remain in power...

Winter has Trumped. :)

Whoever wrote her book for her didn't explain what "Game of Thrones" is...and who Cercei is......since the lannister witch is essentially hilary.....
The Hildebeast is a luciferian witch but I love her lame attempt to pass herself off as some kind of "victim". She suffers from delusions of grandeur. She imagines the boos and jeers as "cheers" in her warped little satan possessed mind.

And for this alone, Trump deserves a 2nd Term.....imagine...imagine....8 years of hilary.......Trump should get the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and any other award we can give him for sparing us..........

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