hillary and her fake southern accent. I just cannot believe how pathetic her voters are.

Lets just have all prisons make a "Hillary Laugh-Loop Track", and use it as a form of torture to the worst inmates. Can anyone just imagine having to hear her cackle laugh for 48 hours straight? well! thats what you get for armed robbery!
the way Hillary panders to blacks with her FAKE terrible accent is the way the DNC has been doing it (pandering) to blacks to get their votes for 50 years. You think white rich elitist liberals care about you black libs? lmfao

Do you think conservatives give a fuck about you? Time after time you nuts vote these morons into office to do your bidding and what do you get for your efforts? Not a damned thing. They all run on stopping illegal immigration, repealing Obamacare and lowering your taxes....uh, how's that working for ya? We may have 50 years of bs, you guys have had infinity and beyond!! LOLOLOL
She, like the rest of the morons on the left even credited her perverted husband for giving a surplus after he left office.

She of course leaves out the fact that the republicans controlled her perverted husbands spending since the republicans controlled the House and Senate for 7 if his 8 years.

Her dumb voting base is too stupid to understand that, so she just says it.

Bullshit...that surplus was created by the dot.com boom and the swelling of jobs it created...thus creating revenue. Throwing people off of welfare and signing a jobs traitor bill. ie NAFTA... did not create a surplus for this country and just to educate you, if you nuts did such a wonderful job those years, why is it, you never controlled congress again in that decade after they voted you fucks OUT?
Lets just have all prisons make a "Hillary Laugh-Loop Track", and use it as a form of torture to the worst inmates. Can anyone just imagine having to hear her cackle laugh for 48 hours straight? well! thats what you get for armed robbery!

Child, you need a hug or some Hillary therapy....you obsession is bordering on down right insanity. Adjust, the mop is gonna be your next president!! LOLOLOLOLO
Hillary is so full of dung

Hillary Clinton's accent evolution (1983–2015)

Interesting mix. Some barely perceptible shifts, but then living for decades in Arkansas, as the video notes, would render at least familiarity with another voicing. As far as adapting to the audience, we all do that. It's called "mirroring". You use one voice to your boss, another to your pet, another to your child, another to a prospective S/O, et cetera, and when we hear the other party respond we "mirror".

Ask black people about the difference in mirroring depending on whether they're talking to a black or white audience.

I shifted my accent for broadcast work. Back in radio school we all did -- we read a piece of copy at the beginning of the course and listened to how we'd progressed smoothing out to 'standard broadcast American English'. Once you do that it can and does become the permanent default --- until you get fatigued, when the original starts to creep back in.

But today, if I'm in town I'll slip in a local Appalachian expression here and there to converse. Why not? It serves communication. If I'm on the air, that disappears and we go back to Standard.

So then you have changed your mind.

No, I just ruminated on how accents work. My original question, standing unmolested, remains "where is a fake accent in the OP video?"

It's not "oh shit there's nothing there lemme go find another video somewhere".

Back peddle much?


Deflect much?

Question remains untouched. Deal with it.
More than one thread on this subject this morning.......and lots of people who do not understand how humans commonly interact with one another.

Apparently it's because Limblob told them to think it, and they go all zombie.... "yes ... master... we .... hear... and.... obey"

Yet challenged to verify it they melt into a puddle.

We have the leading candidate from one party who can completely get away with insulting pretty much everyone by lapsing into a phony drawl on a dime,

And where is this "drawl"? Can you show me? Or are you just going by a fake thread title?

If you can't hear it, I can't help you.

Of course you can't. Because there's nothing there.

More like won't admit to hearing it after he did admit to it and confirm it was true.

If it were true --- you could quote it. You could say, "this word, that phrase, time stamp 0:47". I've been instructing you zombies on exactly HOW to do it, yet no one-- not one-- has come up with anything yet.

Look, I'm not the one making the assertion here. Burden of proof is on you dittozombies -- not me. And y'all have completely failed to make your case. A "fake accent" doesn't become real just because some asshat decides to title his video upload as such. That's bullshit.

I didn't pick up on a fake accent.

Thank you. At least there's one here who's honest.
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Hildabeast's “Southern Accent”

Awful Candidate Now Faking Awful Southern Accent to Appeal to Awful, Stupid Voters Who Don't Know She's a New York Girl Who Was Born in Illinois

That says it all thanks to Ace of Spades HQ
Hildabeast's “Southern Accent”

Awful Candidate Now Faking Awful Southern Accent to Appeal to Awful, Stupid Voters Who Don't Know She's a New York Girl Who Was Born in Illinois

That says it all thanks to Ace of Spades HQ

And STILL no link.

From the speeches I've heard including the videos in this thread, it's impossible to not know the speaker comes from Illinois. That nasal twang (sorry Midwesterners, it just is) is a dead giveaway.

That's why that Fox Noise video where she's quoting the lyrics of a gospel song makes the rounds -- it stands out specifically because of that nasal twang; it's incongruous with the lyrics which are written in Ebonics (by a guy from Maryland). Yet wags here are so ignorant of the source, they take it as "faking Negro dialect" -- even though she completely fails to effect the accent.

Derangement syndrome is weird stuff.
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look at the posts of the morons on the Left here; proof positive they LIKE being lied to and pandered to and taken for fools
so it boils down to an accent ... scraping the bottom of the political gutter desperately trying to find anything to throw at Clinton.

Poor little RW's. Totally irrelevant on all counts.


You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)

Bush was a pilot numbnuts.

Hillary spent more time in the south than Bush did in the air force

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