hillary and her fake southern accent. I just cannot believe how pathetic her voters are.

Hillary is so full of dung

Hillary Clinton's accent evolution (1983–2015)

Interesting mix. Some barely perceptible shifts, but then living for decades in Arkansas, as the video notes, would render at least familiarity with another voicing. As far as adapting to the audience, we all do that. It's called "mirroring". You use one voice to your boss, another to your pet, another to your child, another to a prospective S/O, et cetera, and when we hear the other party respond we "mirror".

Ask black people about the difference in mirroring depending on whether they're talking to a black or white audience.

I shifted my accent for broadcast work. Back in radio school we all did -- we read a piece of copy at the beginning of the course and listened to how we'd progressed smoothing out to 'standard broadcast American English'. Once you do that it can and does become the permanent default --- until you get fatigued, when the original starts to creep back in.

But today, if I'm in town I'll slip in a local Appalachian expression here and there to converse. Why not? It serves communication. If I'm on the air, that disappears and we go back to Standard.

So then you have changed your mind.

No, I just ruminated on how accents work. My original question, standing unmolested, remains "where is a fake accent in the OP video?"

It's not "oh shit there's nothing there lemme go find another video somewhere".

All of these lowsy candidates are catering to the audience, why this nut is having issues with Hillary, when Jeb speaks spanish and he's a white as a fuckin clear bag of zip locks and Donald speaks stupid...cause his audience is stupid. So get off the ladies jock!!!

In case you didn't notice, Jeb is plummeting in the polls.

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

The worst thing about it is that it's not one of the pleasant Southern accents like they have in South Carolina. It's one of those ignorant Florida cracker accents that grates on your ears. That is downright insulting.

Speaking of ignorant... did you actually listen to it?
Can you give me a timestamp? A word, a phrase, anything?

Or are we all gonna sit here and play "let's pretend"?

Dude for the last time, anything that comes out the mouth of a conservatives consists of lies....these people can't help themselves....I'm still waiting on the voter fraud numbers... I mean these people make Pinocchio Pope worthy!!

How ironic.
Hillary is so full of dung

Hillary Clinton's accent evolution (1983–2015)

Interesting mix. Some barely perceptible shifts, but then living for decades in Arkansas, as the video notes, would render at least familiarity with another voicing. As far as adapting to the audience, we all do that. It's called "mirroring". You use one voice to your boss, another to your pet, another to your child, another to a prospective S/O, et cetera, and when we hear the other party respond we "mirror".

Ask black people about the difference in mirroring depending on whether they're talking to a black or white audience.

I shifted my accent for broadcast work. Back in radio school we all did -- we read a piece of copy at the beginning of the course and listened to how we'd progressed smoothing out to 'standard broadcast American English'. Once you do that it can and does become the permanent default --- until you get fatigued, when the original starts to creep back in.

But today, if I'm in town I'll slip in a local Appalachian expression here and there to converse. Why not? It serves communication. If I'm on the air, that disappears and we go back to Standard.

So then you have changed your mind.

No, I just ruminated on how accents work. My original question, standing unmolested, remains "where is a fake accent in the OP video?"

It's not "oh shit there's nothing there lemme go find another video somewhere".

All of these lowsy candidates are catering to the audience, why this nut is having issues with Hillary, when Jeb speaks spanish and he's a white as a fuckin clear bag of zip locks and Donald speaks stupid...cause his audience is stupid. So get off the ladies jock!!!

Truth. When Rump is on the stump he speaks Moron. If he's sitting in a real TV interview he tones the Moron down and slips into regular English.

Well -- as close to regular as a losuh like him can get anyway.

Funny they don't see the parallel.

Then there's Shrub, with the whole fake "nukyulur" thing. That's engineered, y'all know. George Bush knows how to pronounce "nuclear" as well as we do. He faked that word to appeal to the electoral underbelly. And y'all bought it.

This all goes directly to my sigline below ↓ It's exactly why I run it.

I recall when libs ridiculed Bush for saying "nukyular" and insisted it proved that he was stupid.
Her fake accent is so horrible southerners probably wonder if the woman is having a stroke or something,.

Is it?
Where is it then?
Time stamp....

Yanno who uses fake Southern accents all the time?

Blues singers.
Even Eric Friggin' Clapton and Mick Mickin' Jagger, who aren't even from the States.

Only thing is -- in their case you can actually HEAR it.
Not here though.

Oh puhleeeze. Your tirade is getting absolutely pathetic.

Still not an answer -- is it?
Why do you suppose no one can show this "accent", jellyface?

Need a hint?


Ya think?

Don't be a moron her faked southern accent shenanigans are well known and documented on video and audio. If you are a one of the dumb ass 'link or it never happened' libs well it sucks to be you.

Pogo knows that video will be replayed over and over and over by the time we have the election. He's just trying to neutralize the damage ahead of time. Hillary thinks black people are stupid, so she talks down to them with that stupid accent she affected.
Hillary is so full of dung

Hillary Clinton's accent evolution (1983–2015)

Interesting mix. Some barely perceptible shifts, but then living for decades in Arkansas, as the video notes, would render at least familiarity with another voicing. As far as adapting to the audience, we all do that. It's called "mirroring". You use one voice to your boss, another to your pet, another to your child, another to a prospective S/O, et cetera, and when we hear the other party respond we "mirror".

Ask black people about the difference in mirroring depending on whether they're talking to a black or white audience.

I shifted my accent for broadcast work. Back in radio school we all did -- we read a piece of copy at the beginning of the course and listened to how we'd progressed smoothing out to 'standard broadcast American English'. Once you do that it can and does become the permanent default --- until you get fatigued, when the original starts to creep back in.

But today, if I'm in town I'll slip in a local Appalachian expression here and there to converse. Why not? It serves communication. If I'm on the air, that disappears and we go back to Standard.

So then you have changed your mind.

No, I just ruminated on how accents work. My original question, standing unmolested, remains "where is a fake accent in the OP video?"

It's not "oh shit there's nothing there lemme go find another video somewhere".

Back peddle much?

Well, let's see.

We have the leading candidate from one party who can completely get away with insulting pretty much everyone by lapsing into a phony drawl on a dime, who has more baggage than probably any other candidate in the history of freakin' candidates, and who a majority of the people admit just really isn't likable.

We have the leading candidate from the other party - a party that puts a strict litmus test on its candidates on a wide range of issues and attacks them as RINOs if they fail that test -- who isn't even a freaking conservative, making his fans look like they have zero (0) moral compass whatsoever for supporting him.

What a mess. What an embarrassment. What entertainment!

Last edited:
Her fake accent is so horrible southerners probably wonder if the woman is having a stroke or something,.

Is it?
Where is it then?
Time stamp....

Yanno who uses fake Southern accents all the time?

Blues singers.
Even Eric Friggin' Clapton and Mick Mickin' Jagger, who aren't even from the States.

Only thing is -- in their case you can actually HEAR it.
Not here though.

Oh puhleeeze. Your tirade is getting absolutely pathetic.

Still not an answer -- is it?
Why do you suppose no one can show this "accent", jellyface?

Need a hint?


Ya think?

Don't be a moron her faked southern accent shenanigans are well known and documented on video and audio. If you are a one of the dumb ass 'link or it never happened' libs well it sucks to be you.

Pogo knows that video will be replayed over and over and over by the time we have the election. He's just trying to neutralize the damage ahead of time. Hillary thinks black people are stupid, so she talks down to them with that stupid accent she affected.
and how come Anderson Cloonyhead didnt ask Hillary why she was laughing at the four people who died under her watch?
Uh... where do you hear a "southern accent" in that clip --- attempted or not?

I sat through the whole thing, and I know my accents. Have you just never heard one?

No answer for you either huh?

Did anyone but me actually listen to the video? Maybe that's why y'all can't give me a timestamp.
Or a word.
Or a phrase.


If you can't hear it, I can't help you.
More like won't admit to hearing it after he did admit to it and confirm it was true.:laugh:
I hear it. And.....I'm not bothered by it. If yiu are bothered by it coming from her, you ought to be bothered by it coming from most people......as most people do it.


You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

I didn't pick up on a fake accent. I did pick up on the fake rhetoric about Obama saving the economy. Nobody can name one jobs program that Big Ears signed into law. The Stimulus was simply a money laundering scheme. It didn't create the shovel-ready jobs he claimed it would. As a matter of fact, he joked about how ineffective it turned out to be...

Nope, the big secret is Democrats created the economy that was losing 800,000 per month. The crash started when they won back Congress. They started changing regulations and all of the lax standards that Congress had set in the 90s were all of the sudden gone.....and the economy crashed, as Bush had warned years before. Barney Fwank helped set the whole thing up. And now he's gone, smoking pot and getting his pickle played with by male whores.
Hillary is so full of dung

Hillary Clinton's accent evolution (1983–2015)

Interesting mix. Some barely perceptible shifts, but then living for decades in Arkansas, as the video notes, would render at least familiarity with another voicing. As far as adapting to the audience, we all do that. It's called "mirroring". You use one voice to your boss, another to your pet, another to your child, another to a prospective S/O, et cetera, and when we hear the other party respond we "mirror".

Ask black people about the difference in mirroring depending on whether they're talking to a black or white audience.

I shifted my accent for broadcast work. Back in radio school we all did -- we read a piece of copy at the beginning of the course and listened to how we'd progressed smoothing out to 'standard broadcast American English'. Once you do that it can and does become the permanent default --- until you get fatigued, when the original starts to creep back in.

But today, if I'm in town I'll slip in a local Appalachian expression here and there to converse. Why not? It serves communication. If I'm on the air, that disappears and we go back to Standard.

So then you have changed your mind.

No, I just ruminated on how accents work. My original question, standing unmolested, remains "where is a fake accent in the OP video?"

It's not "oh shit there's nothing there lemme go find another video somewhere".

All of these lowsy candidates are catering to the audience, why this nut is having issues with Hillary, when Jeb speaks spanish and he's a white as a fuckin clear bag of zip locks and Donald speaks stupid...cause his audience is stupid. So get off the ladies jock!!!

In case you didn't notice, Jeb is plummeting in the polls.

Because he's an asshole.
I hear it. And.....I'm not bothered by it. If yiu are bothered by it coming from her, you ought to be bothered by it coming from most people......as most people do it.


Most assholes who pander?


She panders. Are you shocked?

Shocked is not the appropriate word

Hillary is condescending and is following Obama's lead. Remember how he convinced all you supporters he wasn't part of the 1%? And you believed it?

She, like the rest of the morons on the left even credited her perverted husband for giving a surplus after he left office.

She of course leaves out the fact that the republicans controlled her perverted husbands spending since the republicans controlled the House and Senate for 7 if his 8 years.

Her dumb voting base is too stupid to understand that, so she just says it.

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