hillary and her fake southern accent. I just cannot believe how pathetic her voters are.

Uh... where do you hear a "southern accent" in that clip --- attempted or not?

I sat through the whole thing, and I know my accents. Have you just never heard one?

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

LOLOLOLOLOL......calm the fuck down you lunatic......since you're not a democrat, not voting for a fuckin democrat, why in the hell should you give a fuck about this mop or her supporters.....CIA, FBI....I see a nut emerging here, its time to follow this fool......

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)

This person should make us all nervous...sounds like a AK47 user.

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)

You mean like this "REPUBLICAN" ?

When Johnny went a-huntin’

By - The Washington Times - Friday, October 22, 2004
In Ohio this week, John Kerry tried to stage something for the press to show that he’s not an anti-gun elitist who looks down his nose at the voting public. But the dog-and-pony show he put on in order to hunt geese in Ohio the other day largely served as another political opportunity for the Bush campaign and the National Rifle Association to remind gun owners that few senators have been as hostile to them as Mr. Kerry.

Mr. Kerry’s Ohio hunting adventure started last Saturday, when the senator, campaign entourage in tow, went into a grocery store and asked the owner: “Can I get me a hunting license here?” Even the phraseology sounded staged. Mr. Kerry ordinarily doesn’t talk this way, and his language sounded fake and patronizing — as if he was pretending to talk like someone from rural Ohio.
When Johnny went a-huntin’
Uh... where do you hear a "southern accent" in that clip --- attempted or not?

I sat through the whole thing, and I know my accents. Have you just never heard one?

I would bet my last dollar, this nut see's dead people tooo

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)

You mean like this "REPUBLICAN" ?

When Johnny went a-huntin’

By - The Washington Times - Friday, October 22, 2004
In Ohio this week, John Kerry tried to stage something for the press to show that he’s not an anti-gun elitist who looks down his nose at the voting public. But the dog-and-pony show he put on in order to hunt geese in Ohio the other day largely served as another political opportunity for the Bush campaign and the National Rifle Association to remind gun owners that few senators have been as hostile to them as Mr. Kerry.

Mr. Kerry’s Ohio hunting adventure started last Saturday, when the senator, campaign entourage in tow, went into a grocery store and asked the owner: “Can I get me a hunting license here?” Even the phraseology sounded staged. Mr. Kerry ordinarily doesn’t talk this way, and his language sounded fake and patronizing — as if he was pretending to talk like someone from rural Ohio.

When Johnny went a-huntin’


You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)


fucking moron
At least the Democrats don't let their leaders squat on them and let go like the GOP base does. Like in my avatar, everything has been taken from them and they still vote Republican. It's true. Even many Republicans admit it. They're just hoping the GOP could change. But they don't. But they could.

The answer is, they won't.

You would think we would have learned after this....

Fucking patronizing piles of racist shit. I just fucking hate all of them.

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting. Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier huh? :)

Kinda like how Republicans candidates who've never hunted in their life are suddenly filmed hunting.


Or President Bush in a flight suit on an aircraft carrier

Wonder if it was the same one he had when he was in TANG?
I am dying to hear her 1930's German Accent.

No need to wait for that. Just take a random snippet, upload it to YouLube and title it "Hillary and her fake 1930s German Accent". Make sure you turn comments off so anybody who actually listens to it can't call bullshit.

Then open a thread here and point to it. You'll get a wave of "agrees" from assclowns who never bothered to listen to the evidence.

The same assclowns who later go vote. :eek:

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