Hilarious Spin: Trump Caused the Shutdown!

Thinker101, post: 19146334
Just for the heck of it...what's the date on the article?

Mosul celebrates first anniversary of liberating eastern side from Islamic State
by Nehal Mostafa Jan 24, 2018, 1:32 pm

Just for the heck of it, was it Obama or Trump in The CinC role when the eastern half of Mosul was liberated?

How many American lives were lost during the campaign to liberate Mosul?

It appears Obama's strategy worked just fine. Trumpo changed nothing to liberate the second half. Trumpo carried forward Obama and the Pentagon strategy. So why give Trumpo all the credit. At least Trumpo was smart enough not to change Obamas strategy to keep US military casualties to a minimum.

What are you claiming? That because Mosul was liberated under Trump's administration, that Trump is responsible for it?

Mosul was liberated on the 24th January 2017, Trump had been president for 5 days by this time. Are you suggesting that Trump had such an impact on the war against ISIS that it turned the tide of the whole war?

Thousands of IS militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the coalition, was launched in October 2016 to fight the militant group.

The Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that Iraqi army forces are launching a clearing operation against IS militants based on intelligence information with support from the United States-led international coalition in “Jozor al-Makhlat” (islands) in Nineveh."

The source you're quoting seems to suggest that it was government troops (Iraqi) with paramilitary troops and "the coalition".

Battle of Mosul (2016–2017) - Wikipedia

Here's info about the battle of Mosul. Under Beligerents the US does NOT appear except as CJFT-OIR.

CJFT-OIR was set up under Obama's presidency, however this is a multi-national force. This force basically trained fighters and bombed stuff. It didn't fight on the ground.

So, to sum up. Trump had almost nothing to do with this.
So what was the question mark for?

You must be trying to make a point, so just get to it, instead of bullshitting around.

The article is dated Dec 2017, but somehow, somewhere you got 2016.

There are two articles. Unfortunately the second article has decided you need to subscribe to read. The second article was from 2016, the first article was from a month ago. Hence the reason why I said "Well Russia was pulling out of Syria more than a month ago." which is clearly there right under the link to the source.

Now what is the point you're making?

So someone needs to subscribe to validate....yeah, that's gonna happen.

Well, I don't subscribe to any online websites where you have to pay. So... it didn't require any subscription before.

However, again, oh fuck it. You're not making a point. Either come back with a point or just go away.

Thinker does not comprehend the reality that ISIS was in its death spiral in Iraq by the end of 2016 where the only remaining city they held was Mosul and it was surrounded by Iraqi forces and under siege. And in Syria the situation was the about the same with regard to Raqqa but not as far along as the siege of Mosul. But the reality is that ISIS grip on power was? in both counties, in its final days in prior to Trump taking over.

Thinker can make no genuine point on this subject unless we agree to disregard the ultimate need for primacy of facts over propaganda. Right wing propaganda has ISIS rolling over Iraq and Syria unchallenged under Obama, but Trump takes over and KAP%#$&POW ISIS is dead and gone.

Really!!! Guessing there’s a whole lot more topics to talk about, but you decide to talk about me…to someone else. Chicken-shit comes to mind.
Thinker101, post: 19149001
Really!!! Guessing there’s a whole lot more topics to talk about, but you decide to talk about me…to someone else. .

When you come to an agreement there is a need pfor the primacy of facts over propaganda let us know. Until then talking about you is about all we can do. Why are Iraqis in Eastern Mosul celebrating their first anniversary of the defeat if ISIS if liberation only came with the Trumpo Administration?

ISIS was severely battered in Iraq and Syria before Trump took over. When you accept that reality we'll talk.
Thinker101, post: 19149001
Really!!! Guessing there’s a whole lot more topics to talk about, but you decide to talk about me…to someone else. .

When you come to an agreement there is a need pfor the primacy of facts over propaganda let us know. Until then talking about you is about all we can do. Why are Iraqis in Eastern Mosul celebrating their first anniversary of the defeat if ISIS if liberation only came with the Trumpo Administration?

ISIS was severely battered in Iraq and Syria before Trump took over. When you accept that reality we'll talk.

Like I mentioned before, nothing but chicken shit cowardice. Pretty sure you've heard the term many times before.
Thinker101, post: 19154474,
Like I mentioned before, nothing but chicken shit cowardice. Pretty sure you've heard the term many times before.

Never. Coming from a fake reality guru it means nothing. Have you accepted the reality that ISIS was heavily beaten down before Trump came along to grab the glory?

Why can't you address that reality?
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
This is what insanity looks like.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
I don’t blame Trump. It was definitely a bipartisan cause for the shutdown.

Yeah, but the hate filled Democrats can destroy anything.
Thinker101, post: 19154474,
Like I mentioned before, nothing but chicken shit cowardice. Pretty sure you've heard the term many times before.

Never. Coming from a fake reality guru it means nothing. Have you accepted the reality that ISIS was heavily beaten down before Trump came along to grab the glory?

Why can't you address that reality?

Let me fix this for you...fricken coward.

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