Hezbollah camp to take over Lebanese Parliament, Israel issues harsh response


Nov 14, 2012
The turnout is low with less than 50 %. However, the big winner is Hezbollah. Although not the strongest party, the camp will take over the majority of the seats, at least 67 out of 128 according to prognoses. The Future Movement has lost votes but is still the strongest party and Hariri remains President. He will have a hard time.
Israel already responded. The Public Security Minister Erdan said that Israel will no longer distinguish between Hezbollah and Lebanon. Minister of Education and Minister of Diaspora Affairs Bennet twittered: "Lebanon = Hezbollah".
Every time islam proves its self as a violent and backwards religion that seeks control through violence.
Every time islam proves its self as a violent and backwards religion that seeks control through violence.
Hezbollah is a political party, not a religion. ..... :cool:
Let's see:

A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Then I guess a Sharia judge is merely a judge and not religion either?
Last edited:
Every time islam proves its self as a violent and backwards religion that seeks control through violence.
Hezbollah is a political party, not a religion. ..... :cool:
Let's see:

A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Then I guess a Sharia judge is merely a judge and not religion either?
Our Merkel is of the Christian Democratic Party (Union). However, there is also a Christian party in the Hezbollah camp. Many Christians are member of Hezbollah, as well.
A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.
A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.

Me whining? Is this an attempt to deflect...nah weak.
But it's interesting how the last resort of the Nasrallah and Assad fans is to compare both their heroes and their enemies to Israel...

It's almost a compliment in a way.:cool:

Merely pointed out the meaning of the word 'Hizballah'.
And I'm just saying - although they love to hate Israel, I don't see many countries in the ME comparing themselves to Hizballah or Assad...just saying.
Elections Report: Violent demonstrations erupt in Beirut
army patrols the streets.


"Have just heard that live rounds have been shot between Hezbollah, Amal and the Phalange against the Future movement in central/south Beirut.#Lebanon"
Ryan Swan on Twitter


The Minister of the Interior issues a decision to ban motorcycles in Beirut City for 72 hours
The Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Nihad al-Mashnouq, issued a decree banning motorcycling within Beirut's administrative city for 72 hours.

Excluded from this measure are motorcycles belonging to the various security services, to all departments, public institutions and independent interests, and so-called "delivery" for restaurants, pharmacies, news agencies, media, journalists, photographers and newspaper and magazine distribution companies.

Al-Mahnouq instructed the security departments to implement the contents of this resolution with utmost accuracy and to take legal measures against violators in accordance with the principles.

A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.
Being bombed by Gazans turns doves into hawks.
Hezbollah is the ARMY OF THE SHIITES OF THE WORLD and is controlled by the KINGS of the HOLY LAND
of the Shiites
Most laughable, uninformed, and silly post of the week. .... :lol: :cuckoo:

try again Sunni boy-----I knew Shiite shit before you were born. For my fellow cyber-buddies----
Shiites are so INTO iran -----that they imagine that FARSI is a 'holy language" In their special
schools even outside of Iran----they learn FARSI before they learn Arabic (which is actually
never-----first Farsi-----then English) Chances are lots of the Hezbollah boys in Lebanon not
only do not speak Arabic--------WOULD NEVER DEIGN to do so. Do not bother to ask a muslim
of either flavor-----they will insist that sunnis and shiits LOVE EACH OTHER AS BROTHERS.
Yemen is not the only land in which they are killing each other-------sunni murder of shiiite is a
popular past time in Pakistan. Way back when I was young LONG LONG ago-----sunnis of Pakistan
insisted that Shiites were mossad operatives
A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.

Me whining? Is this an attempt to deflect...nah weak.
But it's interesting how the last resort of the Nasrallah and Assad fans is to compare both their heroes and their enemies to Israel...

It's almost a compliment in a way.:cool:

Merely pointed out the meaning of the word 'Hizballah'.
And I'm just saying - although they love to hate Israel, I don't see many countries in the ME comparing themselves to Hizballah or Assad...just saying.
Maybe there should be more. What they are do is reasonable. How many times did Hezbollah and Assad attack Israel in the last 7 years? 0 times. The other way round? Over 100 times. And that´s just without the the terrorists in southern Syria. The presence of ISIS and al-Qaeda is the proxy-presence of the Zionist regime. And you complain of something...
A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.
Being bombed by Gazans turns doves into hawks.
He who have never heard about IDF bombing Gaza...
A militant Islamist Shia group that calls itself "Party of Allah"...is not about religion.
Correct .... :cool:

Hezbollah is about political power and territorial ownership.

no territory is even mentioned in the name - only Allah.

Hashem is their judge.
Why are you whining? Don´t be at war with everyone. And look at the Israeli party landscape. The parties are almost exclusively Zionist, even the leftwingers.
Being bombed by Gazans turns doves into hawks.
He who have never heard about IDF bombing Gaza...
I guess you can’t handle event sequences.

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