Here’s What We Know Now: The Warrant Was for EVERY Document Trump Had During His Entire Term

Nope...sorry...nothing but lies.
I would be willing to bet he never touched the shit.
It is possible that Trump just said pack everything up and left it at that. However, I find it hard to believe that even the dumbest staff members would remove top secret documents from safe and throw them in box marked Mar-A-Largo.

I also question where the National Achieve people were. They are suppose to be oversee the documents being removed.
It is possible that Trump just said pack everything up and left it at that. However, I find it hard to believe that even the dumbest staff members would remove top secret documents from safe and throw them in box marked Mar-A-Largo.

I also question where the National Achieve people were. They are suppose to be oversee the documents being removed.
Has it ever occurred to you that someone who packed his shit set him up?

A list of documents the FBI gathered from Trump’s Florida home, reported that some of the documents collected were marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents” ― an acronym for “top-secret” and “sensitive compartmented information” that indicates one of the highest levels of government classification.

The Espionage Act was established in 1917 to prohibit anyone from obtaining defense information with the possible intent of using it against the U.S. or to further the interests of a foreign country.
Although the Espionage Act was cited in the warrant and even if Trump knowing took the documents, I serious doubt he would ever be prosecuted. The American people would not want an ex-president jailed, not even Trump. Now if the assistant to assistant of something or another took the documents, the DOJ would have no problem sending him off the jail.
Has it ever occurred to you that someone who packed his shit set him up?

That's certainly possible. I'm sure Trump's lawyers would come up with any number of get out of jail cards just as they have done for many years.
It is possible that Trump just said pack everything up and left it at that. However, I find it hard to believe that even the dumbest staff members would remove top secret documents from safe and throw them in box marked Mar-A-Largo.

I also question where the National Achieve people were. They are suppose to be oversee the documents being removed.
Yeah, the National Archives were the first excuse. Different story today. Probably a different story tomorrow. Gotta keep the fish biting on something new and shiny.
All presidential documents as defined in the Presidential Records Act are government property. And apparently the FBI recovered a number of boxes of these documents

Trump claim he declassified the documents. He also claimed he won the last election in 45 court case and lost 45 times. Simple saying all the documents I am removing are declassed is not going to fly without EOs are at least memos to that effect.
Don't worry, he's not going to jail and will not be prosecuted. Democrats are just exposing him.

Wrong again. The point of this retarded political show trial is absolutely to prosecute him. This is so easy to foresee, even you dopey libtards ought to be abke to grasp it. OF COURSE the idiots are going to charge him.

The Democraps aren’t exposing anything except their own duplicity.
People don't want to see a US president, not even Trump jailed and his lawyers would deflect and delay criminal proceeding for years.
You’re not just stupid; you’re painfully naive.

In any event, I’m not worried about the outcome. I’m just pissed off that the people who are propping up President Alzheimer Brandon are willing to do this.


No. Not civil war. Political war. The Dims are about to reap the same whirlwind they have sewn. 😎
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Total Banana Republican fishing expedition.

The warrant is so specific that in line c., it demands... every Presidential record created during Donald Trump's entire term. Every single one.

So yeah, this is a super-specific warrant.

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So broad you could drive a mac truck through it... and they did... This was a damn fishing expedition. Nothing more..
Yep, this would all be just a bad joke if it wasn't such a serious escalation by the UNiparty against DT & by proxy, all of his supporters & all those who still want a free America.

They have dragged us into dangerous new territory & it wasn't just by stupidity or incompetence.
There's a deeper plan here that isn't just about preventing DT from running again

They are done pretending that they are going to play the election game…..
The transition team packs stuff, they are with the GSA. No one with reason thinks Trump was packing stuff into boxes. So they could have been planted, or boxed by mistake back then.

It's possible but not the most likely scenario. A GSA employee who really hates Trump might be willing to risk his job and freedom to incriminate Trump by getting classified documents under lock and key and packing them in a box headed for Trump's home. However when stolen documents are found in a person's house, that person is most likely to be involved in the theft.

When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
Come to think of it:

with that “every item generated during his full term” request, wasn’t every other document sought just kind of redundant ?

Wrong again. The point of this retarded political show trial is absolutely to prosecute him. This is so easy to foresee, even you dopey libtards ought to be abke to grasp it. OF COURSE the idiots are going to charge him.

The Democraps aren’t exposing anything except their own duplicity.

You’re not just stupid; you’re painfully naive.

In any event, I’m not worried about the outcome. I’m just pissed off that the people who are propping up President Alzheimer Brandon are willing to do this.

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No. Not civil war. Political war. The Dims are about to reap the same whirlwind they have sewn. 😎
The purpose of the search warrant is to find evidence. The DOJ knew that Trump removed presidential documents which is a crime. They knew classified documents in the custody of Trump or staff was missing and they have an informant that says classified documents went to Mar A Lago and the FBI agents found presidential documents and the classified documents there.
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The purpose of the search warrant is find evidence. The DOJ knows that Trump removed presidential documents which is a crime. They know classified documents in the custody of Trump or staff is missing and they have an informant that says classified documents went to Mar A Lago.
Nothing Trump possessed escaped its declassification prior to Trump leaving office. You have nothing but a hope and poke... This is blowing up in your face... Enjoy the egg...
The purpose of the search warrant is find evidence.

Oh. So, as you understand things, warrants are to get evidence. Cool. But do you realize it’s supposed to be EVidence of particularized crimes based on probable cause? Is this news to you?
The DOJ knows that Trump removed presidential documents which is a crime.

No. In fact. It’s not a crime. You’ve been misled.
They know classified documents in the custody of Trump or staff is missin
They don’t “know” that because none of the items are classified.
and they have an informant that says classified documents went to Mar A Lago.
They may have an informant. But he appears to be mistaken. Like you.
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Nothing Trump possessed escaped its declassification prior to Trump leaving office. You have nothing but a hope and poke... This is blowing up in your face... Enjoy the egg...
So far Trump has not offered any proof of declassification. I would guess the DOJ is looking for it now if they haven't already.
Not. Not legally ENTITLED.

That may be true. The items are, technically, the property of the US government.

But that doesn’t make his temporary possession of them a crime.
Actually it does. The Presidential Record Act make it quite clear as what documents go to the National Achieves and what goes to the president. Essential any document that references any of his duties and responsibilities as president is archived. About the only documents the president gets is document he brought to the white house and personal documents such as bank statements, personal correspondence, letters to mistresses, etc. The term documents in this context means originals. He could always make copies and stamp them as copies or order them from the National Achieve. There is no reason for president to keep these originals unless he wants to hide something.
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Actually it does.
Actually, no. It doesn’t.

The Presidential Record Act make it quite clear as what documents go to the National Achieves and what goes to the president.
I know.
Essential any document that references any of his duties and responsibilities as president is archived. About the only documents the president gets is document he brought to white house and personal documents such as bank statements, personal correspondence, letters to mistresses, etc. The term document in this context means originals. He could always make copies and stamp them as copies.
You’re very dull and yet quite uninformative.

If you wanted to be smarter, I could educate you.

That’s right. I can explain exactly why it isn’t criminal. Care to know?

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