Here’s What We Know Now: The Warrant Was for EVERY Document Trump Had During His Entire Term

That's why I - and no credible legal expert - buys the idea that simply declaring them unclassified ex post facto would be a legally valid defense. There's a process for marking documents, and that process exists for a reason.

I personally don't think AG Garland would actually prosecute Trump for mishandling documents - it's just too politically perilous. I think he just wanted the damn documents back in the government's possession. Now, if there's evidence that Trump was trying to sell these to someone...all bets are off. Garland would prosecute.

Garland can also use this example to set up the more important legal prosecution: the prosecution for Trump's incitement of lawlessness on January 6th. He'll probably wait until Georgia prosecutes Trump for fraud.
I have to believe that Garland was not expecting to find such highly classified documents. SCI stuff is the is most sensitive of all classified information. To access these documents you must have a need to know and must have SCI clearance which is above Top Secret. These documents are allowed in only the most secure building the goverment has and is protected against any type intrusion. Why would Trump want such documents? This is not the kind of document you mistakenly pack.
Actually, no. It doesn’t.

I know.

You’re very dull and yet quite uninformative.

If you wanted to be smarter, I could educate you.

That’s right. I can explain exactly why it isn’t criminal. Care to know?
Insults will get you nowhere. They only prove you have nothing worthwhile to say on this subject.
For most any person other than the president, I'd agree. In theory, yes. But this is an ex-president we're talking about. I guarantee you, contrary to what MAGA-nuts are saying, Garland wanted none of this. Chris Wray wanted none of this. The judge who signed the fucking warrant wanted none of this. Nobody wanted to be party to this dark history. But the alternative is to say that the law they're sworn to uphold doesn't matter.
What I can't figure out is why an ex president would want or need some of the most highly classified documents in the country. It is not just improper but it is dangerous to have these documents. It goes without saying there are lots of people that would kill for such sensitive information. Also these are not the kind of documents you might accidently pack. They are kept under lock and key and most employees don't have the security clearance to handle them.
I have to believe that Garland was not expecting to find such highly classified documents. SCI stuff is the is most sensitive of all classified information. To access these documents you must have a need to know and must have SCI clearance which is above Top Secret. These documents are allowed in only the most secure building the goverment has and is protected against any type intrusion. Why would Trump want such documents? This is not the kind of document you mistakenly pack.

It was another fishing expedition.

Americans are done with this.
What I can't figure out is why an ex president would want or need some of the most highly classified documents in the country. It is not just improper but it is dangerous to have these documents. It goes without saying there are lots of people that would kill for such sensitive information. Also these are not the kind of documents you might accidently pack. They are kept under lock and key and most employees don't have the security clearance to handle them.

Your president is next for this treatment.

You will hate it.
What is the reason to suspect Trump 'illegally possessed' any documents? Remember "No reasonable prosecutor would bring charges' for that (said by Comey about Hillary's illegal documents.)
When the affidavit is made public, then you can read it for yourself and see.

But most of the tards won't read it, of course. Or will not comprehend it, We've already seen several tards incapable of comprehending a simple warrant, including the retard who started this topic.

No judge will sign a warrant for a "fishing expedition", mm-kay?
When the affidavit is made public, then you can read it for yourself and see.

But most of the tards won't read it, of course. Or will not comprehend it, We've already seen several tards incapable of comprehending a simple warrant, including the retard who started this topic.

No judge will sign a warrant for a "fishing expedition", mm-kay?

Oh so all the judges are completely objective and on the up-and-up?

Even the judges on the supreme court. Interesting.
Yep, this would all be just a bad joke if it wasn't such a serious escalation by the UNiparty against DT & by proxy, all of his supporters & all those who still want a free America.

They have dragged us into dangerous new territory & it wasn't just by stupidity or incompetence.
There's a deeper plan here that isn't just about preventing DT from running again

Here’s What We Know Now: The Warrant Was for EVERY Document Trump Had During His Entire Term​

Because the law covers every document?
Øbama has millions of pages. He is supposed to have them digitized but so far little work on that has been done and he's sitting on them. Yeah, he's hiding stuff.

Raid for Clinton, raid for GW, raid for Obama. Raids for everyone!
Your name should be chum. Honestly!
No, he does not. They are all at the National Archives.

Trump has hoaxed you once again.

Look, you need to be like the rest of America at this point. When you see or hear the words "Donald Trump says", then just assume you are about to hear a whopper.


Understand something.

We don't care anymore.

Congrats. The fight is no longer about the stupid documents in Trump's house. It's way beyond that. You did this, with your stupid obsessions about Russia, the Pee tapes, the phone calls. And now this.

Cry and whine all you want about the "rule of law". We're playing your game now, by your rules.

You will hate it.
Understand something.

We don't care anymore.

Congrats. The fight is no longer about the stupid documents in Trump's house. It's way beyond that. You did this, with your stupid obsessions about Russia, the Pee tapes, the phone calls. And now this.

Cry and whine all you want about the "rule of law". We're playing your game now, by your rules.

You will hate it.
You are gone.

Buh bye.

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