Here’s the reason people tell me they want to buy an AR-15. And it’s simply ludicrous

‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.
Most people want an AR 15 to put you out of your misery, clown!
‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.
As you know, there is no need, whatsoever, for me to "justify" owning an AR-15 or any other weapon. Right?
No one ‘needs’ an an AR 15 – that’s the point.

Opposed to AWBs? So am I – but make a valid argument in opposition to AWBs:

‘Bans’ don’t work

‘Bans’ are unwarranted government excess and overreach

‘Bans’ are potentially un-Constitutional

But "I 'need’ an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny'" is an ignorant, invalid argument completely devoid of merit.
Rights don't come with a needs clause, liar. Come get us!
‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.y
You couldn't be more wrong and here is why. Anyone who's panties are all bunched up over any firearm doesn't know the first thing about firearms or the thrill in putting a small piece of lead in the center of a target from 6 feet to a mile out. Believe it our not it's a great sport for the whole family. They build on the building blocks of life teaching safety and self reliance The reasonability of every parent to teach his children when young. I read over and over some yahoo leaving his firearm where some child finds it. My children would tell an adult and I . then just hope the adult has the same training my children have. In a nation with over 400 million firearms not teaching your kids the use and safety of fire arms should have child protection service make a call to their home. So dry out a iron those panties and pull that head out before your kid finds a gun and make all your nightmares come true. Don't be scared.
I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.
As you know:
The exercise of a right does not require a justification; your perception of need is irrelevant.
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‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.
I don't want an AR-15. I'll stick with my AK-47. If I want an AR I'll go with my AR-10 because I shoot long distance and an AR-15 wouldn't give me that distance. I wish all would at least get the termenknowligy right. There is no such thing as a silencer. Its called a surpresser and I don't care what you have been told it will make noise especially if it breaks the speed of sound. Instead of trying to tear the Second Amendment apart why don't you read what our founders said about it. It's not about hunting or target shooting. It's the equalizer against criminals and any one or government trying to take it away as Joe has been trying to do for over 50 years even using the threat of fighter jets and nukes.The Constitution isn't a 4 inch thick book with words over your head . It's a few pages of easy reading. Some of you should read it once. If I ever do want an AR -15 I will not be giving you or Joe a reason so don't hold your breath expecting one.


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‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so. expert explains why you are wrong....

‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.

I don’t own an AR-15 but if I did it would be because it is a high adaptable rifle and the owner can modify it without the expensive aid of a gunsmith. It has been called the “Swiss army knife of rifles.”

I don’t own an AR-15 but if I did it would be because it is a high adaptable rifle and the owner can modify it without the expensive aid of a gunsmith. It has been called the “Swiss army knife of rifles.”

Yep......there are better rifles....but this is the fight the anti-gunners want
I don't want an AR-15. I'll stick with my AK-47. If I want an AR I'll go with my AR-10 because I shoot long distance and an AR-15 wouldn't give me that distance. I wish all would at least get the termenknowligy right. There is no such thing as a silencer. Its called a surpresser and I don't care what you have been told it will make noise especially if it breaks the speed of sound. Instead of trying to tear the Second Amendment apart why don't you read what our founders said about it. It's not about hunting or target shooting. It's the equalizer against criminals and any one or government trying to take it away as Joe has been trying to do for over 50 years even using the threat of fighter jets and nukes.The Constitution isn't a 4 inch thick book with words over your head . It's a few pages of easy reading. Some of you should read it once. If I ever do want an AR -15 I will not be giving you or Joe a reason so don't hold your breath expecting one.
Hilarious. In one breath you argue how the founding fathers felt every weapon available to the military should be also available to the citizenry, and on the other hand you claim it’s easy reading. No where does it say every citizen should have the same firearms as the military ? Geesus, idiot, it doesn’t even say firearms. It says ARMS.
Hilarious. In one breath you argue how the founding fathers felt every weapon available to the military should be also available to the citizenry, and on the other hand you claim it’s easy reading. No where does it say every citizen should have the same firearms as the military ? Geesus, idiot, it doesn’t even say firearms. It says ARMS.

Beat it, fascist.
Hilarious. In one breath you argue how the founding fathers felt every weapon available to the military should be also available to the citizenry, and on the other hand you claim it’s easy reading. No where does it say every citizen should have the same firearms as the military ? Geesus, idiot, it doesn’t even say firearms. It says ARMS.
Of course. That means the government can't ban knives, axes, clubs, etc. You know, things that are heavy or have sharp points on them that scare leftists.
All this talk is senseless , the shit is gettin real and folks will want to protect their Families , Property , themselves from the ugly truth of Midsommar on the horizon
Of course. That means the government can't ban knives, axes, clubs, etc. You know, things that are heavy or have sharp points on them that scare leftists.
There is one problem with your foolish arguments as local, state and federal govts have been regulating, knives, axes, firearms and all that shit ever since the constitution was written. You have trouble knowing the difference between “regulating” and “banning” don’t you ? Do you have a dictionary around ?
There is one problem with your foolish arguments, local, state and federal govts have been regulating, knives, axes, firearms and al, that shit ever since the constitution was written. You have trouble know the difference between regulating and banning dint you ?
Are you having trouble comprehending my statement that means the government can't infringe on the right of citizens to bear arms of all types? Now, what sort of regulations get in my way if I want to walk into Home Depot and buy an axe? The last I checked, there were no forms to fill out, no background check, nothing like that. Do you live in a leftist paradise where every purchase is registered to be sure you're not a nutcase?

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