Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

I actually don’t think $37,000 is bad for a 21-year-old starting out - and in middle Tennessee.

I just did an inflation calculator on what my starting pay in 1980 would have been in 2022, and it’s $42,000.

So, $37,000 in middle Tennessee or $42,000 in Washington, DC. They’re both “OKish” for a new college grad.
Lisa, $42,000 in DC might allow you to rent a chicken coop on some farm 50 miles from DC.
You‘ve made plenty of antisemitic comments. Like a lib, your defend Muslims and mock Jews.

You don’t have to have a Master’s to be a teacher. And $37,000 to start out for a job that gives you full summers off is almost the same, in 2022 dollars, that I started with 40 years ago - and I worked year-round.

Yeah, but they have an actual education. Public schools turn out kids indoctrinated with liberal social justice nonsense, who don’t even know when WWI was, how many states there are, or who the 3rd president of the US was.

Lisa, you apparently know nothing about teaching. In many of my school districts where I taught, if you had five years experience and no Master's degree, you were no longer employed.
Lisa, you apparently know nothing about teaching. In many of my school districts where I taught, if you had five years experience and no Master's degree, you were no longer employed.
Where I live, you can have an undergrad only and top out at $100,000 - with summers off and a great pension.
Some here think 37 grand is something that will attract peoe to a job. See the disconnect here? They want passion, American values, and rigor. "Take pride in your work" is their battle cry. Then they say" nobody wants to work anymore". Which is not true whatsoever. Want a worker then pay up.
When I left the Navy in the 1990s due to the "Peace Dividend", I took a teaching job. My salary went from $55K as a naval officer to $37K as a teacher, and that was only because they gave me 5 years credit for my military service. Ten years later, I was making $42K as an assistant principal.

That sucked!
Nope. It allows a new college grad to share a modest 2- bedroom apartment out in the ‘burbs. Nothing wrong with starting out like that as a 22-year-old.
Lisa, my son lived in the DC suburbs in Virginia. The rent on his ONE bedroom apartment was over
$1500 a month and that was in 2007. The best deal I could find was a one bedroom studio for $1900 using a quick Google search

You also forget that teachers have to pay back student loans in most cases.
Lisa, my son lived in the DC suburbs in Virginia. The rent on his ONE bedroom apartment was over
$1500 a month and that was in 2007. The best deal I could find was a one bedroom studio for $1900 using a quick Google search

You also forget that teachers have to pay back student loans in most cases.
I know someone renting a 2-bedroom apartment for $1900, also in the Virginia suburbs of DC. Granted, it’s a modest place - but in a nice area - and it’s fine for two young people sharing at $950 a piece.

For comparison, in 1982, as a young 20-something recently out of college, I was earning $18,000 a year, and my rent was $450. Someone earning $37,000 a year means they bring home at least $1200 or $1300 more a month than I did, and their rent is only $500 more.

Plus, they can sign up for temp work over they summer and bring in some extra money.

And finally, it’s only for a few years until the gain experience in their field. I lived modestly my first few years, and then at age 27 I earned enough to move into more of a luxury building (albeit into a small apartment).
Lisa are you one of those "someone needs to be doing that job" proponents? Sorry. Those days have passed. Capitalism is all about the $, no less no more. Soooo, if a place needs a worker, pay up or shut up.
I know someone renting a 2-bedroom apartment for $1900, also in the Virginia suburbs of DC. Granted, it’s a modest place - but in a nice area - and it’s fine for two young people sharing at $950 a piece.

For comparison, in 1982, as a young 20-something recently out of college, I was earning $18,000 a year, and my rent was $450. Someone earning $37,000 a year means they bring home at least $1200 or $1300 more a month than I did, and their rent is only $500 more.

Plus, they can sign up for temp work over they summer and bring in some extra money.

And finally, it’s only for a few years until the gain experience in their field. I lived modestly my first few years, and then at age 27 I earned enough to move into more of a luxury building (albeit into a small apartment).

Were you a teacher, working 16-18 hours per day on average?

What if you are married? Are you going to live as a threesome in a one bedroom apartment or two bedroom with no privacy and sharing a single bathroom?

What was your electrics bill, water bill and food expenses? How much was a gallon of gas?

Yeah, that temp works is great since there is usually mandatory teacher training throughout the summer. What type of work could a teacher do? Fast food?

This is 2022. Get out of the 70s please!
Nope. It allows a new college grad to share a modest 2- bedroom apartment out in the ‘burbs. Nothing wrong with starting out like that as a 22-year-old.
My old boss in the Navy was assigned to the Pentagon. The only house he could find to rent was over 50 miles from the Pentagon and cost more than his housing allowance. He left his house at 5AM and often never got home until after 7PM.
Think that's bad, Sue, I just heard last night that 92% of all people polled in the medical industry are thinking about leaving the medical profession! People are just fed up with the liberal BS everywhere!

In these threads that inevitably turn into teacher-bashing threads, every time, I end up saying look around. Look around at the general American public. What makes you yahoos think the general parent population is so all-out wonderful? The general parent population includes the parents of that little boy hitting the cops in St Paul and cussing up a storm at them. Standing in his underwear.

No matter. This thread will soon be "parents brain surgeon smart, teachers dumb" in another page or two. It's mind-numbingly idiotic, but funny.

And yeah, that's the population filling hospitals and drs offices as well. Who can blame anyone from turning away from the general public these days?
You‘ve made plenty of antisemitic comments. Like a lib, your defend Muslims and mock Jews.

You don’t have to have a Master’s to be a teacher. And $37,000 to start out for a job that gives you full summers off is almost the same, in 2022 dollars, that I started with 40 years ago - and I worked year-round.

Yeah, but they have an actual education. Public schools turn out kids indoctrinated with liberal social justice nonsense, who don’t even know when WWI was, how many states there are, or who the 3rd president of the US was.

Free market. If it's fair pay for the work required, and the job is easy enough, young adults will flock to it.

So, there you have it.

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