Here It Is..what Secularists Really Think of Religious People


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Bill Maher - Enlightened?
By Doug Hagin (02/23/05)

Are you a Christian? Muslim? Jew? Hindu? A person of any religious faith at all? Well if you are then many Americans seem to think you are a person with mental problems. Yes, you are a basket case according to some on the political left. You are, according to these folk’s logic, a closed-minded, non-thinking, person with no belief in science or rationality. Gee, I wonder what they really think.


Commenting on why he thinks America is a less enlightened nation than European nations Maher opined this; “We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think that religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder. If you look at it logically, it is something that was drilled into your head when you were a small child. It certainly was drilled into mine at that age. And you really can't be responsible when you are a kid for what adults put into your head."


Bill Maher clearly thinks himself smarter than those of us who express a belief in God. He thinks himself more rational, saner, and more enlightened than people of faith. Those who have watched his show might question his self-proclaimed mental superiority though.
This is a man who cannot seem to make any point without using the “f” word at least three times. This certainly takes a higher mental state now doesn’t it?

I suppose in Bill Maher’s obviously superior mind saying the “f” word makes you better, or more rational than people who go to church or read the Bible. Using this logic Rap music must be considered well above the works of Beethoven or Bach. After all those guys never had a symphony with the “f” word did they?
I guess Bill Mahr thinks he is more "enlightened" because he believes in a "Lower Power" instead of a "Higher Power".
(that at least explains his constant use of the f-word ;) )
Bonnie said:
You are, according to these folk’s logic, a closed-minded, non-thinking, person with no belief in science or rationality.

And religious people think secularists are immoral degenerates who abhor god and rely entirely on science for understanding the world around them.


"And religious people think secularists are immoral degenerates who abhor god and rely entirely on science for understanding the world around them."

So true.
And religious people think secularists are immoral degenerates who abhor god and rely entirely on science for understanding the world around them."

So true.

Don't know about all secularists but in your
case minuteman it sounds fairly accurate! Everytime you post on this subject you make a great case for that assumption!
Bonnie said:

Don't know about all secularists but in your
case minuteman it sounds fairly accurate! Everytime you post on this subject you make a great case for that assumption!

I don't consider myself an "Immoral degenerate" but what's wrong with relying on science and being realistic about the world we live in. How does being secular make me immoral? Get off your religeous highground and come back to earth.
Minuteman said:
I don't consider myself an "Immoral degenerate" but what's wrong with relying on science and being realistic about the world we live in. How does being secular make me immoral? Get off your religeous highground and come back to earth.

Hey Im just going by your previous responses to this subject. Your actually the one who agreed with Andy that religious people think that way about non religious people. In point of fact it's not the case at all, there is nothing "wrong" with relying on science at all but it was you who seemed to take offense to that assumption as evidenced in your previous post. And I never called you immoral, Andy made that accusation in his post, and you agreed. Follow??
Minuteman said:
"And religious people think secularists are immoral degenerates who abhor god and rely entirely on science for understanding the world around them."

Other than the science part i might agree with that. but then i dont think stereotypes are bad. more likely they rely on junk science theories of the day.
Minuteman said:
I don't consider myself an "Immoral degenerate" but what's wrong with relying on science and being realistic about the world we live in. How does being secular make me immoral? Get off your religeous highground and come back to earth.

wow, sure your not Maher in disguise? Honestly, what bugs me about secularists is not their lack of religion, but rather their utter condescension of people who do have faith.
theim said:
wow, sure your not Maher in disguise? Honestly, what bugs me about secularists is not their lack of religion, but rather their utter condescension of people who do have faith.

I could say the same thing about RADICAL bible thumpers. Not you (assuming you're not a fundy of course).
Minuteman said:
I could say the same thing about RADICAL bible thumpers. Not you (assuming you're not a fundy of course).

Yeah theim, you're such a christo-fascist right wing neocon! And a fundy to boot! :D j/k

But honestly, Minuteman, do you really think all Christians are "radical bible thumpers" and "fundys?"
gop_jeff said:
Yeah theim, you're such a christo-fascist right wing neocon! And a fundy to boot! :D j/k

But honestly, Minuteman, do you really think all Christians are "radical bible thumpers" and "fundys?"

NOPE. I have a some chrisitans friends who are nice people and don't mind at all that I don't believe in god. Proving once and for all that CHRISTIANS and ATHIESTS can get along.
Minuteman said:
NOPE. I have a some chrisitans friends who are nice people and don't mind at all that I don't believe in god. Proving once and for all that CHRISTIANS and ATHIESTS can get along.

You don't have to look much farther than this forum to show that Christians and atheists can get along.
I can't believe anyone even cares what Maher says. Is no defeat too ignominious, no rejection too absolute? Maher spouted a steady stream of liberal orthodoxy on a television show titled - ironically - "Politically Incorrect". Then, the unthinkable happened. After years on the air, and thousands of imbecilic utterances, he actually did SAY something politically incorrect - and it cost him his job.

I have to chuckle every time I think about it.
are not mutually exclusive.. Only those of limited intellect and education such as Maher think that.. Maher wouldn't know quantum mechanics from a pin-changer at the bowling alley.. Many prominent physicists have absolutely no problem with the existence of God.. Fact of the matter is at the quantum level at the beginning of the Universe there is still required a "Mover".. A starter to the process the we know as the "Big Bang" and the beginning of all existence... It is still a problem.. The Universe cannot, despite what a great many like Maher believe,, just start itself... Still requires the original "Quantam Mover"; God...
I'm frankly not surprised many people think like Maher as they are mostly socialist liberals with only a third grade understanding of physics... They love science but haven't much of a clue about how physics work..
Maher and his ilk exist in a Judeo-Christian world that through its benevolence and love of freedom and concern for its fellow men can tolerate his wild and mostly unfunny jabs. On the other hand if the trend to tear and despise your forbears and their laws, where does he and the other way-outs imagine their ethics, mores and way of life to be based? There is no ethical standards without the blanket of religion, the reach that exceeds one's grasp, the absolutes that invites the striving for perfection that these rules and traditions have fostered. Good luck for when the jungle rules of only the strong are in place and a wind that blows the world back a few centuries blows over the world

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