Here is the Only Thing You Need to See About Trump

Obviously you can't read or are a troll. The question had nothing to do with the investigation. I can only show you the exact words and direct you to the exact video clip so there is no denying what was said. He was asked if he still loves Wikileaks. That's it. Nothing else. Do you read minds or can you show a quote from him saying he was talking about the investigation? I'd love to see it so that it can correct me.
Read it and weep, jackass.

"I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it's not my thing, I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney-general, who is doing an excellent job."

That doesn't say he doesn't know anything about the investigation. What is so hard for you to understand with, "I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WIKILEAKS..."
Context matters, dumbass.

Yes, it does. So when someone says "nothing," it means nothing.
He obviously implied that he was talking about the investigation. My 4 year old has better reading comprehension skills than you.

Keep digging, dumbass.

Of course your 4 year old would say the same thing, they are being taught a bias belief through you. You can try and bend things however you want, but it was pretty simple. He was asked if he still loved Wikileaks and said he knows NOTHING about them. Period, end of story. Now you can talk to yourself because I'm not wasting a single more moment with your trolling.
it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President.

It is not, nor has it ever been about those things. It has ALWAYS been about what impacts peoples lives like wars and THE ECONOMY.
If it was about the shit your hemorrhaging about most presidents would never get second terms and many would never get elected to begin with.

Sorry dipshit, you got nothing. Pull your head out of your ass, get it together and rejoin reality.

If that were true Clinton would not have faced impeachment for lying about his blow job. I supported that then just like I support anything against Trump for lying.
The dems didn't get what they came for from Mueller. Even MSNBC and other left wing outlets came to grips with that and admitted it.
Sorry you can't bring yourself back to reality. I'm trying to help you.

I expected this to happen with this hearing, because Mueller is an honest man that sticks to his word.

YOU can't even keep this on topic and you are a mod. This thread is about Trump lying. There are plenty of other threads about the Mueller hearing.
Dude......look at your posts. I'm staying on topic by responding to YOUR POSTS.

I made one post about saying the Presidency is more than the economy, and it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President. That is not about a tangent to go off on about the economy. It's to bring the discussion BACK TO the topic of the lack of morality through Trump saying blatant lies, and how it isn't hard to believe he obstructed the investigation by lying there as well. One of his lawyers even quit because he said he was a liar.
You thinking he obstructed justice comes with the, "I have no evidence of it."
Mueller was even asked if there was an obstruction of justice, and Mueller said, "No". Case closed, the democrats
and you walk away with your tail between your legs.
Nobody cares what you think, the facts were presented

That's not what Mueller said, at all. He said he was not going to give a decision on if the President broke the law trough obstruction if he couldn't charge him with it through the OLC memo, BUT that a President that breaks the law while in office can be tried for the crime AFTER they leave office. This shits been gone over so much since the report it is common sense. You sound like you are just like the other people who watch Fox News and listen to what the President says. I've already shown you what the President says means jack shit. He lies constantly.

Just stop whining. They ALL lie ALL of the time. You only care when it's a Pub. Grow up
Read it and weep, jackass.

"I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it's not my thing, I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney-general, who is doing an excellent job."

That doesn't say he doesn't know anything about the investigation. What is so hard for you to understand with, "I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WIKILEAKS..."
Context matters, dumbass.

Yes, it does. So when someone says "nothing," it means nothing.
He obviously implied that he was talking about the investigation. My 4 year old has better reading comprehension skills than you.

Keep digging, dumbass.

Of course your 4 year old would say the same thing, they are being taught a bias belief through you. You can try and bend things however you want, but it was pretty simple. He was asked if he still loved Wikileaks and said he knows NOTHING about them. Period, end of story. Now you can talk to yourself because I'm not wasting a single more moment with your trolling.

God what a whiny ass you are
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Don't care

You don't care the President is a liar, just shows that despite you being on a forum where you post about political discussion, that your points are worthless. If you don't care about the truth, that plays quite well with your past and lack of morals.

It's the economy stupid.

Get back to me when his lies actually have an impact on average Americans like Obama's did.

Also lol at you ignoring that point

Being the President and running the country well is a lot more than just the economy. The economy can take a down turn at the drop of the hat, fixing a damaged Democracy and the respectability of the office of the U.S. President across the world, not so much.

We don't have a democracy.
The left is trying to turn it into one, hopefully we can stop them.
I expected this to happen with this hearing, because Mueller is an honest man that sticks to his word.

YOU can't even keep this on topic and you are a mod. This thread is about Trump lying. There are plenty of other threads about the Mueller hearing.
Dude......look at your posts. I'm staying on topic by responding to YOUR POSTS.

I made one post about saying the Presidency is more than the economy, and it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President. That is not about a tangent to go off on about the economy. It's to bring the discussion BACK TO the topic of the lack of morality through Trump saying blatant lies, and how it isn't hard to believe he obstructed the investigation by lying there as well. One of his lawyers even quit because he said he was a liar.
You thinking he obstructed justice comes with the, "I have no evidence of it."
Mueller was even asked if there was an obstruction of justice, and Mueller said, "No". Case closed, the democrats
and you walk away with your tail between your legs.
Nobody cares what you think, the facts were presented

That's not what Mueller said, at all. He said he was not going to give a decision on if the President broke the law trough obstruction if he couldn't charge him with it through the OLC memo, BUT that a President that breaks the law while in office can be tried for the crime AFTER they leave office. This shits been gone over so much since the report it is common sense. You sound like you are just like the other people who watch Fox News and listen to what the President says. I've already shown you what the President says means jack shit. He lies constantly.

Just stop whining. They ALL lie ALL of the time. You only care when it's a Pub. Grow up

Strawman and not true. I've been a Republican ALL MY LIFE until this Trump fiasco. It has proven just how many people out there hate the other party enough they will accept someone that can not even tell the most obvious truths rather than vote for a person from the other party or even an Independent. Hell basically every Republican that ran against Trump in the primary said how big of a crook and liar he is, and nobody listened, because they enjoyed his trolling and rants so much. Even now, this far into his presidency and the mountains of lies, there are still some trying to rationalize out things saying it wasn't a lie, those that say it is ok because they all lie, and then those that say they don't care as long as there is a Republican in the White House. That's a sad state of affairs in a Democracy when people don't vote based on the stance of the politician, and just what letter they have behind their name.
Your concession is accepted.

No concession. It is all right there for you. A man doesn't bring up Wikileaks that many times during his campaign, and then soon as the leader of Wikileaks is brought up suddenly doesn't know anything. I guess you also didn't watch today when it was brought up that Trump asked Rick Gates to get more information on new Wikileaks dumps for him... which coincides with Michael Cohen saying he was in Trump's office when Roger Stone called to give him more information on Wikileaks.

I guess you have to actually keep up with things to be able to have an intelligent conversation, something you haven't been doing.
Prove that Trump knows anything about the investigation. Put up or shut up, you TDS afflicted jackass party of slavery supporter.

You just proved you didn't watch or read the links. Why would you put yourself out there to be so ignorant?

The reporter asked Trump, "Do you still love Wikileaks?" It wasn't about any investigation.

His response, ""I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”

Don't you feel kind of silly now?
He was talking about the investigation, dumbass.

You know what's going on in his head? I gave you the question he responded to. It said NOTHING about the investigation. Let me repeat the question to you again. If you want you can also watch the video provided.

The reporter asked Trump, "Do you still love Wikileaks?" It wasn't about any investigation.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...
By the way, if you like your insurance/doctor you can keep it/him. And best of all your premiums will go down by 2500.00!

Lies of course. The difference? They actually impacted peoples lives

I kept my doctor and insurance.
Dude......look at your posts. I'm staying on topic by responding to YOUR POSTS.

I made one post about saying the Presidency is more than the economy, and it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President. That is not about a tangent to go off on about the economy. It's to bring the discussion BACK TO the topic of the lack of morality through Trump saying blatant lies, and how it isn't hard to believe he obstructed the investigation by lying there as well. One of his lawyers even quit because he said he was a liar.
You thinking he obstructed justice comes with the, "I have no evidence of it."
Mueller was even asked if there was an obstruction of justice, and Mueller said, "No". Case closed, the democrats
and you walk away with your tail between your legs.
Nobody cares what you think, the facts were presented

That's not what Mueller said, at all. He said he was not going to give a decision on if the President broke the law trough obstruction if he couldn't charge him with it through the OLC memo, BUT that a President that breaks the law while in office can be tried for the crime AFTER they leave office. This shits been gone over so much since the report it is common sense. You sound like you are just like the other people who watch Fox News and listen to what the President says. I've already shown you what the President says means jack shit. He lies constantly.

Just stop whining. They ALL lie ALL of the time. You only care when it's a Pub. Grow up

Strawman and not true. I've been a Republican ALL MY LIFE until this Trump fiasco. It has proven just how many people out there hate the other party enough they will accept someone that can not even tell the most obvious truths rather than vote for a person from the other party or even an Independent. Hell basically every Republican that ran against Trump in the primary said how big of a crook and liar he is, and nobody listened, because they enjoyed his trolling and rants so much. Even now, this far into his presidency and the mountains of lies, there are still some trying to rationalize out things saying it wasn't a lie, those that say it is ok because they all lie, and then those that say they don't care as long as there is a Republican in the White House. That's a sad state of affairs in a Democracy when people don't vote based on the stance of the politician, and just what letter they have behind their name.

Patently provably true. Grow up. They ALL lie.
Dude......look at your posts. I'm staying on topic by responding to YOUR POSTS.

I made one post about saying the Presidency is more than the economy, and it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President. That is not about a tangent to go off on about the economy. It's to bring the discussion BACK TO the topic of the lack of morality through Trump saying blatant lies, and how it isn't hard to believe he obstructed the investigation by lying there as well. One of his lawyers even quit because he said he was a liar.
You thinking he obstructed justice comes with the, "I have no evidence of it."
Mueller was even asked if there was an obstruction of justice, and Mueller said, "No". Case closed, the democrats
and you walk away with your tail between your legs.
Nobody cares what you think, the facts were presented

That's not what Mueller said, at all. He said he was not going to give a decision on if the President broke the law trough obstruction if he couldn't charge him with it through the OLC memo, BUT that a President that breaks the law while in office can be tried for the crime AFTER they leave office. This shits been gone over so much since the report it is common sense. You sound like you are just like the other people who watch Fox News and listen to what the President says. I've already shown you what the President says means jack shit. He lies constantly.

Just stop whining. They ALL lie ALL of the time. You only care when it's a Pub. Grow up

Strawman and not true. I've been a Republican ALL MY LIFE until this Trump fiasco. It has proven just how many people out there hate the other party enough they will accept someone that can not even tell the most obvious truths rather than vote for a person from the other party or even an Independent. Hell basically every Republican that ran against Trump in the primary said how big of a crook and liar he is, and nobody listened, because they enjoyed his trolling and rants so much. Even now, this far into his presidency and the mountains of lies, there are still some trying to rationalize out things saying it wasn't a lie, those that say it is ok because they all lie, and then those that say they don't care as long as there is a Republican in the White House. That's a sad state of affairs in a Democracy when people don't vote based on the stance of the politician, and just what letter they have behind their name.
When the dems put up an old hag like Hillary and put in a divider like Obama, just what did you expect?
By the way, if you like your insurance/doctor you can keep it/him. And best of all your premiums will go down by 2500.00!

Lies of course. The difference? They actually impacted peoples lives

I kept my doctor and insurance.

So you love you some Obama?

No, I think he was the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

But the whole "keep your doctor" tripe is very overblown.
Not doctor retired 6 years early because of all the BS that Obamacare brought with it.
Dude......look at your posts. I'm staying on topic by responding to YOUR POSTS.

I made one post about saying the Presidency is more than the economy, and it is about the destruction of the democracy and respectability of the office of President. That is not about a tangent to go off on about the economy. It's to bring the discussion BACK TO the topic of the lack of morality through Trump saying blatant lies, and how it isn't hard to believe he obstructed the investigation by lying there as well. One of his lawyers even quit because he said he was a liar.
You thinking he obstructed justice comes with the, "I have no evidence of it."
Mueller was even asked if there was an obstruction of justice, and Mueller said, "No". Case closed, the democrats
and you walk away with your tail between your legs.
Nobody cares what you think, the facts were presented

That's not what Mueller said, at all. He said he was not going to give a decision on if the President broke the law trough obstruction if he couldn't charge him with it through the OLC memo, BUT that a President that breaks the law while in office can be tried for the crime AFTER they leave office. This shits been gone over so much since the report it is common sense. You sound like you are just like the other people who watch Fox News and listen to what the President says. I've already shown you what the President says means jack shit. He lies constantly.

Just stop whining. They ALL lie ALL of the time. You only care when it's a Pub. Grow up

Strawman and not true. I've been a Republican ALL MY LIFE until this Trump fiasco. It has proven just how many people out there hate the other party enough they will accept someone that can not even tell the most obvious truths rather than vote for a person from the other party or even an Independent. Hell basically every Republican that ran against Trump in the primary said how big of a crook and liar he is, and nobody listened, because they enjoyed his trolling and rants so much. Even now, this far into his presidency and the mountains of lies, there are still some trying to rationalize out things saying it wasn't a lie, those that say it is ok because they all lie, and then those that say they don't care as long as there is a Republican in the White House. That's a sad state of affairs in a Democracy when people don't vote based on the stance of the politician, and just what letter they have behind their name.

Enough people liked Trumps stance better than the bitches, also he has delivered on his promises better than any politician in my recollection in spite of the resistance.

By the way, if you like your insurance/doctor you can keep it/him. And best of all your premiums will go down by 2500.00!

Lies of course. The difference? They actually impacted peoples lives

I kept my doctor and insurance.

So you love you some Obama?

No, I think he was the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

But the whole "keep your doctor" tripe is very overblown.

No it isn't.
It was minimal in the Group MKT but drastic in the individual Mkt
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Yes, Trump has lied but in the end nothing is going to be done and let just finally admit Trump is not going to be impeached...

Today wasn't about impeachment. Anyone with half a brain knows that even if the House was able to get impeachment, it is more harm than help if he isn't also removed from office by the Senate which will never happen.

Today was about trying to get some of the report out to the undecided and fringe Republicans that will not/have not read the Mueller report, and only watch Fox News or some other news source that does not give the full story.

So today was about the 2020 election and making some of the voters more informed, that Trump will lie and say whatever it takes to get elected, even if most of it is a lie.



You do understand that 2020 election is over a year away, so this will not even be on the minds of most voters by then...
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Yes, Trump has lied but in the end nothing is going to be done and let just finally admit Trump is not going to be impeached...

Today wasn't about impeachment. Anyone with half a brain knows that even if the House was able to get impeachment, it is more harm than help if he isn't also removed from office by the Senate which will never happen.

Today was about trying to get some of the report out to the undecided and fringe Republicans that will not/have not read the Mueller report, and only watch Fox News or some other news source that does not give the full story.

So today was about the 2020 election and making some of the voters more informed, that Trump will lie and say whatever it takes to get elected, even if most of it is a lie.



You do understand that 2020 election is over a year away, so this will not even be on the minds of most voters by then...

You seriously don't think this is going to be brought up over and over? The only question will be if it is brought up first or calling him a racist is. I wish they would just drop the racist stuff, it isn't going to change the mind of any voters. At this point people have already decided if his racist statements matter or not in whether they vote for him. It's useless and is only wasting time they could spend talking about more important issues. Lying is what really matters, especially when it comes to things like the law, and breaking the law, or even asking others to break the law.
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