Here is a Proposal For An Interesting Experiment; Let's Have the Cops do a One Month Sick-out and See What Happens


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Cops are being blamed for everything on Earth, and many people are proposing defunding the police (because these people are in fact idiots).

So why not allow cops to take a one month leave, fully paid, from their jobs and see what happens?

Wouldnt it be tbetter to experiment a little bit before signing on to these idiot liberal proposals of defunding the police?

Democrats have begun embracing calls to “defund” or even “abolish” police departments. But a new YouGov poll shows that only 16% of Americans approve of that — including just 33% of black Americans.
The poll, conducted May 29-30 — before the worst of the rioting in New York, Washington, Santa Monica, and other cities — included 1,060 adults and asked a variety of questions about what kinds of police reform people support.
Defunding the police came dead last. 65% of Americans opposed it. Only 16% of Democrats supported it — the same proportion as Americans overall. The highest proportion of support (25%) was among millennials, ages 30 to 44.
The most popular option was training police to de-escalate conflicts and the use of force, which was favored by 88% of respondents, including 94% of Democrats and 83% of Republicans. Body cameras were also favored widely.
Cops are being blamed for everything on Earth, and many people are proposing defunding the police (because these people are in fact idiots).

So why not allow cops to take a one month leave, fully paid, from their jobs and see what happens?

Wouldnt it be tbetter to experiment a little bit before signing on to these idiot liberal proposals of defunding the police?

Democrats have begun embracing calls to “defund” or even “abolish” police departments. But a new YouGov poll shows that only 16% of Americans approve of that — including just 33% of black Americans.
The poll, conducted May 29-30 — before the worst of the rioting in New York, Washington, Santa Monica, and other cities — included 1,060 adults and asked a variety of questions about what kinds of police reform people support.
Defunding the police came dead last. 65% of Americans opposed it. Only 16% of Democrats supported it — the same proportion as Americans overall. The highest proportion of support (25%) was among millennials, ages 30 to 44.
The most popular option was training police to de-escalate conflicts and the use of force, which was favored by 88% of respondents, including 94% of Democrats and 83% of Republicans. Body cameras were also favored widely.

I was thinking the same, then I considered the idea that "what if people just dealt with it on their own, and/or crime actually decreased due to social pressures of conforming? I admit, I'm not in the circles of the hardened criminals, but, some crimes might decrease out of a desire to have it succeed coupled with a more caution, well armed citizen.

If it was announced tomorrow that, say, "we are cutting the police budget by 30%", criminals wouldn't suddenly feel they could get away with anything more. Maybe they'd feel bolder, but not more confident they could get away with a major crime.

In locations where citizens are well armed and/or a large number of former/current military, I don't think you'd have much of a concern at all. They have better weapons than the bad guys and they can use them far more effectively. In big cities where weapons are usually in the hands of the bad guys alone, they will have a major problem.

I will say this, if some of you strong 2nd Amendment proponents ever wanted to see this aspect of your constitution take on a whole new meaning of love and support, getting rid of police would achieve such an objective.
The police have served their purpose, but things have reached a stage where they can no longer be of any use. If we are to have peace, the people must provide it for ourselves. Such was anticipated by the Founders when they included the Second Amendment, which provides for armed citizen militias.
What could possibly go wrong
But we're only keeping police to respond to violent crime

Social workers and emts will now enforce other laws

Karens and emts

Who will need to be escorted by armed goons

What could possibly go wrong
many people are proposing defunding the police (because these people are in fact idiots).
When these brave, calm, disciplined, resolute officers of the law protecting and serving the public should be promoted and given a raise. [And their powers increased.]

I hear you, brother.
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In fact, crime would drop to zero. Without police, there is no crime reporting so crime stats go to nothing.
Hey, fncceo, have you ever reported a law enforcement officer for excess force or violating rights or any of that stuff?
The police have served their purpose, but things have reached a stage where they can no longer be of any use. If we are to have peace, the people must provide it for ourselves. Such was anticipated by the Founders when they included the Second Amendment, which provides for armed citizen militias.
I suspect that private militias would spring up all over the place. The militias would undercut the more established private security firms who would be stretched thin.
Of course I realise that question is a bit...redundant? No, irrelevant. After all, how could any force a LEO decides to use be too much? Because if it was too much all the good apples would do something about it.

Kidding, just kidding.
The police have served their purpose, but things have reached a stage where they can no longer be of any use. If we are to have peace, the people must provide it for ourselves. Such was anticipated by the Founders when they included the Second Amendment, which provides for armed citizen militias.
No longer of any use? I can think of one use. Prevent a BLOODBATH.
Sounds good to me. No guarantee they get their jobs back though.
What are you planning to rob ? Banks have the most money.

In the days of Ancient Rome, when the legions weren't paid (which happened frequently), they turned to freelance malfeasance to pay the bills. It was a perfect, they were hard men, accustomed to violence, who were well-armed and trained to use them.
If local municipalities want to get rid of their police force, that should be their choice. It is after all their money paying for it. It could make for an interesting experiment. All the Karen's screech that crime will go through the roof. "lt'll be the wild west"! I doubt it. Besides, bad actors didn't last long in the wild west. And the solutions people came up with to deal with them were permanent.
If local municipalities want to get rid of their police force, that should be their choice. It is after all their money paying for it. It could make for an interesting experiment. All the Karen's screech that crime will go through the roof. "lt'll be the wild west"! I doubt it. Besides, bad actors didn't last long in the wild west. And the solutions people came up with to deal with them were permanent.

Seeing people equate simply having police with being "Karen", shows how far leftists have left planet earth.

Whereever they do it, send in the troops. Don't let the public go unprotected.
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If local municipalities want to get rid of their police force, that should be their choice. It is after all their money paying for it. It could make for an interesting experiment. All the Karen's screech that crime will go through the roof. "lt'll be the wild west"! I doubt it. Besides, bad actors didn't last long in the wild west. And the solutions people came up with to deal with them were permanent.

90% of cases police attend are family squabbles, mental patients, dead bodies, fender benders, and neighbors with loud music or dogs.

I'd love to send the "citizens on patrol" into those jobs.

If local municipalities want to get rid of their police force, that should be their choice. It is after all their money paying for it. It could make for an interesting experiment. All the Karen's screech that crime will go through the roof. "lt'll be the wild west"! I doubt it. Besides, bad actors didn't last long in the wild west. And the solutions people came up with to deal with them were permanent.
Whereever they do it, send in the troops. Don't let the public go unprotected.
And in reality something like that is almost certain to happen. The truth is the higher levels of government will not allow an area to go "unpoliced" all together. If a town disband their police force, its likely the county sherrifs will move in to fill the vacuum. The State is definitely not going to allow a force it doesnt control to develop and take root in these communities.

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