Extremely Bad News For Democrats And Their Minions....Huge Job Increase Causes Jump In DOW


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

From a political standpoint, the worst thing about the thousand point gain yesterday in the market was the sense of optimism in America's future that was reflected. Hope in the future in terrible news for doomsayers like Sleepy Joe and his devotees.

America has always been full speed ahead, all of this Pandemic bull shit hasn't changed that at all.

For the sake of the legacy of the Tremendous American Patriot, George Floyd, America needs to move forward.

If America can come back economically, Floyd will not have died in vain
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

From a political standpoint, the worst thing about the thousand point gain yesterday in the market was the sense of optimism in America's future that was reflected. Hope in the future in terrible news for doomsayers like Sleepy Joe and his devotees.

America has always been full speed ahead, all of this Pandemic bull shit hasn't changed that at all.

For the sake of the legacy of the Tremendous American Patriot, George Floyd, America needs to move forward.

If America can come back economically, Floyd will not have died in vain

All of these riots have destroyed the Democrat Party's push for mail in ballots because if they can gather together for peaceful protests....they can vote at the polls.
Once the $600.00 sugar on top of unemployment runs out the jobs report will shoot up even more. Because right now a lot of people look at that and look at having a job and think I only lose some for being lazy. Not worth it.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

I'm not sure how being at 13.3% unemployment constitutes "Good news" exactly.

And Trump arguing that George Floyd is happy about his "good" job numbers (Still the worst since the Great Depression) is kind of unseemly.

I think he'd be more upset about being dead and not being with his family right now.
We're now seeing the fruits of a new way of approaching capitalism: With the Federal Reserve playing as important a role as the consumer.

Is this a good thing? Too early to tell. But ol' Mac did call it in April (American Capitalism has Officially Changed), and now top voices in the industry chiming in with the same:

Um, no, Stormy, it's a bad thing. The fed artificially stimulating the markets so a few rich assholes can get richer is not a good thing.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

I'm not sure how being at 13.3% unemployment constitutes "Good news" exactly.

And Trump arguing that George Floyd is happy about his "good" job numbers (Still the worst since the Great Depression) is kind of unseemly.

I think he'd be more upset about being dead and not being with his family right now.
I know I am going to regret asking you this because I am not really expecting a rational answer. But which is better the numbers of unemployed under the lockdown or the 13% now? Did you expect that number to be higher with a lot of the lockdown still in effect or did you think we would be immediately at 3%?
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

Opening the economy back up creating more jobs, while minorities see a reduction in employment, who suffer the most from Coronavirus, while at the same time see a spike in cases by opening the country back up, have to ask themselves, what are we doing? Whites see an increase in employment, where Black and Brown people do not, and as a result, Black and Brown people see increases in infection. So, how is that good news again?
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

I have always like Styx. He always speaks sense.
If good news for America is bad news for you, please move out of any Red State.

Go to California.
Opening the economy back up creating more jobs, while minorities see a reduction in employment...what are we doing?
Can you provide statistics that show white employment rates increasing while minority rates are decreasing?
As for 'we'...we are getting back to work apparently.
We're now seeing the fruits of a new way of approaching capitalism: With the Federal Reserve playing as important a role as the consumer.

Is this a good thing? Too early to tell. But ol' Mac did call it in April (American Capitalism has Officially Changed), and now top voices in the industry chiming in with the same:

Um, no, Stormy, it's a bad thing. The fed artificially stimulating the markets so a few rich assholes can get richer is not a good thing.
Not a FEW rich assholes...rich people GLOBALLY...this Corona hoax was a worldwide scam. The rich EVERYWHERE got richer off the backs of taxpayers.
We're now seeing the fruits of a new way of approaching capitalism: With the Federal Reserve playing as important a role as the consumer.

Is this a good thing? Too early to tell. But ol' Mac did call it in April (American Capitalism has Officially Changed), and now top voices in the industry chiming in with the same:

Um, no, Stormy, it's a bad thing. The fed artificially stimulating the markets so a few rich assholes can get richer is not a good thing.
Not a FEW rich assholes...rich people GLOBALLY...this Corona hoax was a worldwide scam. The rich EVERYWHERE got richer off the backs of taxpayers.

The global Rona hoax is a huge huge huge scandal....as is the pharmaceutical community lying about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

Fucking disgusting and pushed by the left to destroy the economy and force martial law.

IN THE PAST 3 months, we have really learned how sick and evil and fucked the left really is.
I know I am going to regret asking you this because I am not really expecting a rational answer. But which is better the numbers of unemployed under the lockdown or the 13% now? Did you expect that number to be higher with a lot of the lockdown still in effect or did you think we would be immediately at 3%?

Actually, they both kind of suck. Frankly, I don't think the numbers are accurate, because a lot of people aren't classifying themselves properly.

For one thing, in the BLS’s own view, its unemployment number comes with a massive asterisk. The bureau’s jobs survey was not written to deliver clear results in a context where many millions of workers have been sidelined by lockdowns. And this fact has produced a systematic misclassification of workers. The BLS survey offers respondents the option of saying that they are “employed but absent from work” due to “other reasons.” Millions of furloughed workers — who, finding themselves involuntarily out of a paying job, are supposed to be classified as unemployed — appear to have mistakenly assigned themselves to the “employed but absent” bucket. As a result, the bureau believes the overall rate is actually closer to 16.3 percent. This error was present in both the May and April surveys. So, even when properly interpreted, the May report suggests the labor market is moving in the right direction. But the hole we’re digging out of is significantly deeper than official statistics suggest, according to the official statisticians themselves.

It gets worse, though. The reason why a lot of these numbers aren't higher is because the government spent a lot of money bribing businesses to keep people on the payroll. That money runs out in July. Then those businesses are going to have to take a long, hard look at whether or not they can stay open, and whether or not they need to employ as many people as they currently are.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

I'm not sure how being at 13.3% unemployment constitutes "Good news" exactly.

And Trump arguing that George Floyd is happy about his "good" job numbers (Still the worst since the Great Depression) is kind of unseemly.

I think he'd be more upset about being dead and not being with his family right now.
Well you loons predicted 30% unemployment. So once again Trump pulled the impossible. Like saving millions of lives with this epidemic.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

Opening the economy back up creating more jobs, while minorities see a reduction in employment, who suffer the most from Coronavirus, while at the same time see a spike in cases by opening the country back up, have to ask themselves, what are we doing? Whites see an increase in employment, where Black and Brown people do not, and as a result, Black and Brown people see increases in infection. So, how is that good news again?

So the protesters and looters cannot spread covid? Especially with minorities more likely to get it.
I know I am going to regret asking you this because I am not really expecting a rational answer. But which is better the numbers of unemployed under the lockdown or the 13% now? Did you expect that number to be higher with a lot of the lockdown still in effect or did you think we would be immediately at 3%?

Actually, they both kind of suck. Frankly, I don't think the numbers are accurate, because a lot of people aren't classifying themselves properly.

For one thing, in the BLS’s own view, its unemployment number comes with a massive asterisk. The bureau’s jobs survey was not written to deliver clear results in a context where many millions of workers have been sidelined by lockdowns. And this fact has produced a systematic misclassification of workers. The BLS survey offers respondents the option of saying that they are “employed but absent from work” due to “other reasons.” Millions of furloughed workers — who, finding themselves involuntarily out of a paying job, are supposed to be classified as unemployed — appear to have mistakenly assigned themselves to the “employed but absent” bucket. As a result, the bureau believes the overall rate is actually closer to 16.3 percent. This error was present in both the May and April surveys. So, even when properly interpreted, the May report suggests the labor market is moving in the right direction. But the hole we’re digging out of is significantly deeper than official statistics suggest, according to the official statisticians themselves.

It gets worse, though. The reason why a lot of these numbers aren't higher is because the government spent a lot of money bribing businesses to keep people on the payroll. That money runs out in July. Then those businesses are going to have to take a long, hard look at whether or not they can stay open, and whether or not they need to employ as many people as they currently are.
So given the fact that we still have areas on lockdown and areas of partial lockdown did you expect the numbers to be higher or lower? Did you think that we would expect 3% unemployment immediately after lockdown?
Considering that a lot of people are still getting that $600.00 on top of unemployment I suspect that most are saying they are losing very little money by just sitting around instead of going to work.
Democrats are busy trying to destroy America from within.....but yesterday they had terrible news. There was a massive jump in new jobs reported and this caused nearly a 1000 point jump in the DOW. All the media wants to cover is the "protests"....never ending meaningless protests organized by Democrats. The media creates a new lie about Trump to trash Trump's positive comments. A lie that Joe Biden despicably repeated.

Nancy Pelosi attempted to take credit for the great jobs report. 2.5 million new jobs last month.

What is really going on is the Democrats are trying to keep everyone but rioters in lockdown. If you don't keep wearing your mask you're a murderer and a racist. People like Drew Brees speak out about what they feel about the National Anthem and immediately he comes under attack from communists in the Democrat Party and even some of his team mates.

Opening the economy back up creating more jobs, while minorities see a reduction in employment, who suffer the most from Coronavirus, while at the same time see a spike in cases by opening the country back up, have to ask themselves, what are we doing? Whites see an increase in employment, where Black and Brown people do not, and as a result, Black and Brown people see increases in infection. So, how is that good news again?

So the protesters and looters cannot spread covid? Especially with minorities more likely to get it.

Minorities wouldn't be protesting to begin with if white privilege wasn't a factor in destroying the lives of minorities while having low employment numbers compared to whites. That's how it works. Money and power control minorities.

And with the Bugaloo boys and unmarked thugs carrying weapons that the Trump administration do nothing about, further solidifies the proof that Trump wants the violence, and could care less about unemployment numbers for minorities.

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