Here is a moment where I disagree with Tucker Carlson.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

On last nights lead of Tucker Carlson or perhaps it was two nights ago he was criticizing Joe Biden for his age. Now I disagree with Joel and his policies. But I do not think he has dementia but furthermore the point is that even if somebody is above the age of 80 they are mentally fit to lead our country and I know to 80 year old plus people who are in way better shape than some of the youngest Americans in this country. We got so many young American zonked out on fast food and dope. And then we got these 80-old guys who are bench pressing, they’re out there running there as young as could be.

BTW I’m going to say this one more time to the far left people on this board who continue the action of deranged matter. I have a physical disability and there are maybe some typos here and there …,you have a problem with it that you are a joke and you are willingly acting as a troll. It takes a ton of energy for me to go back and use my hands to correct minor typos. I work harder and I have more success than all of you people who mark disabled people. Those of us with spinal cord injuries like myself and many other Americans rise up every day we rise up every day and prove the world wrong. And I continue to see far left Democrats mocking people for the way they look and perhaps if they’re in a wheelchair or something. That’s how lowlifes act.

I am in my 30s and I recognize it is vitally important to learn from our elders. And most especially from the World War II generation.

Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
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I saw that piece from Carlson. He did quantify it by saying that in 2024 Biden will be 82, and then did mention the stress level
for an 80+ year old having to govern the most powerful(?) country in the world may be too much.
Biden isn't healthy right now, give him 6 more years, and there will be that much more decline in his cognitive thinking.

Who IS running our country right now? How many people are running our country right now?
The funniest part here? How Trump's obvious senility bothers the right not one bit. Since they're so blatantly inconstent, they're partisan hacks who should and will be ignored.

Trump is _much_ worse than Biden. Anyone denying that obvious fact probably has some senility issues of their own going on.
Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

On last nights lead of Tucker Carlson or perhaps it was two nights ago he was criticizing Joe Biden for his age. Now I disagree with Joel and his policies. But I do not think he has dementia but furthermore the point is that even if somebody is above the age of 80 they are mentally fit to lead our country and I know to 80 year old plus people who are in way better shape than some of the youngest Americans in this country. We got so many young American zonked out on fast food and dope. And then we got these 80-old guys who are bench pressing, they’re out there running there as young as could be.

BTW I’m going to say this one more time to the far left people on this board who continue the action of deranged matter. I have a physical disability and there are maybe some typos here and there …,you have a problem with it that you are a joke and you are willingly acting as a troll. It takes a ton of energy for me to go back and use my hands to correct minor typos. I work harder and I have more success than all of you people who mark disabled people. Those of us with spinal cord injuries like myself and many other Americans rise up every day we rise up every day and prove the world wrong. And I continue to see far left Democrats mocking people for the way they look and perhaps if they’re in a wheelchair or something. That’s how lowlifes act.

I am in my 30s and I recognize it is vitally important to learn from our elders. And most especially from the World War II generation.

Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
I do not make fun of people in general unless people go out of their way to provoke me. I find it unhelpful and uninteresting. Generalizing your experiences towards all the left therefor seems not at all that well thought through. This is something that kind of makes it hard to get along don't you think. When you have no qualms about generalizing all the left?

I have to say though. You disagree with Carlson on a single item but still think him the best thing on the news?
Would it surprise you to know that he's been sued and got out of the lawsuit by his lawyers stating, The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "?
Would it further surprise you that the Dominion lawsuit has shown that basically the entire FOX opinion side including Carlson knowingly lied to their viewers in order to protect their market share?

So, my question is why you believe Tucker Carlson is in the news business at all, when his lawyers literally are saying he isn't, and court filings show he's willing to lie to his viewers?
The funniest part here? How Trump's obvious senility bothers the right not one bit. Since they're so blatantly inconstent, they're partisan hacks who should and will be ignored.

Trump is _much_ worse than Biden. Anyone denying that obvious fact probably has some senility issues of their own going on.
Trump's senility? :laughing0301:
You communists sure can make up some yarns, hats off to you.
I do not make fun of people in general unless people go out of their way to provoke me. I find it unhelpful and uninteresting. Generalizing your experiences towards all the left therefor seems not at all that well thought through. This is something that kind of makes it hard to get along don't you think. When you have no qualms about generalizing all the left?

I have to say though. You disagree with Carlson on a single item but still think him the best thing on the news?
Would it surprise you to know that he's been sued and got out of the lawsuit by his lawyers stating, The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "?
Would it further surprise you that the Dominion lawsuit has shown that basically the entire FOX opinion side including Carlson knowingly lied to their viewers in order to protect their market share?

So, my question is why you believe Tucker Carlson is in the news business at all, when his lawyers literally are saying he isn't, and court filings show he's willing to lie to his viewers?
Dosen't Madcow do the same, forkup?
How about Don Lemon?

What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets.
So go ahead and deflect away.
Dosen't Madcow do the same, forkup?
How about Don Lemon?

What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets.
So go ahead and deflect away.
Yup Maddow did the same. There is a reason I don't watch Rachel Maddow. I'm not aware about anything about Don Lemon besides that is that he actually get's sanctioned by his network when stepping out of bounds (meaning saying something offensive) as far as I can tell nobody of the people quoted in the Dominion lawsuit suffered any adverse consequences.

It's also irrelevant in my opinion. If somebody I believe gets out of a lawsuit by stating he wasn't being factual. From that point forward I no longer trust that person. If I find an entire network is willing to lie for ratings I will no longer trust that network to be truthful. Be it Rachel Maddow or Tucker Carlson. MSNBC, or FOX. That's the reason I source the actual lawsuits and not the articles telling me what's in those lawsuits. The OP, and I'm guessing you do not seem to draw the same conclusions. That says something about you in my opinion.
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Dosen't Madcow do the same, forkup?
How about Don Lemon?

What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets.
So go ahead and deflect away.
Oh, and only 1 of us is trying to deflect from Tucker Carlson to Rachel Maddow in the process using a logical fallacy. That person isn't me.
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In court Fox News said no responsible person should take Tucker seriously. In testimony we have Tuckers own words that states he lies for ratings.

With that being the case, how do you know if you really agree or disagree with him?
In court Fox News said no responsible person should take Tucker seriously. In testimony we have Tuckers own words that states he lies for ratings.

With that being the case, how do you know if you really agree or disagree with him?
OP, what's your thoughts about your boy McNear calling Donnie Boy a "demonic force?"

Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

On last nights lead of Tucker Carlson or perhaps it was two nights ago he was criticizing Joe Biden for his age. Now I disagree with Joel and his policies. But I do not think he has dementia but furthermore the point is that even if somebody is above the age of 80 they are mentally fit to lead our country and I know to 80 year old plus people who are in way better shape than some of the youngest Americans in this country. We got so many young American zonked out on fast food and dope. And then we got these 80-old guys who are bench pressing, they’re out there running there as young as could be.

BTW I’m going to say this one more time to the far left people on this board who continue the action of deranged matter. I have a physical disability and there are maybe some typos here and there …,you have a problem with it that you are a joke and you are willingly acting as a troll. It takes a ton of energy for me to go back and use my hands to correct minor typos. I work harder and I have more success than all of you people who mark disabled people. Those of us with spinal cord injuries like myself and many other Americans rise up every day we rise up every day and prove the world wrong. And I continue to see far left Democrats mocking people for the way they look and perhaps if they’re in a wheelchair or something. That’s how lowlifes act.

I am in my 30s and I recognize it is vitally important to learn from our elders. And most especially from the World War II generation.

Tucker Carlson remains the best thing on the news in my opinion but it just goes to show you we could have disagreements in this country and still get along with each other.
I admire you for being the best you can be despite a serious physical disability. And if you make typos, well I have far less serious disability and make far more typos than you do. It is easy for me to correct mine, however, so I have far less justification for having them, but I miss one now and then.

I do agree that Tucker Carlson does some excellent journalism and is sometimes absolutely brilliant in his observations. And sometimes I strongly disagree with his conclusions. There is probably nobody on the planet that I have not or would not disagree with on occasion. And I know from time to time my own conclusions don't hold up when new or different information is available.

I agree with you that Tucker is wrong that 80-yr-olds should not be running countries even though most 80-yr-olds should not. But then most 30, 40, 50, 60, 70-yr-olds should not be running countries either.

So I agree with you that it is not Biden's age that disqualifies him. Where I disagree with you is that my observation is Biden does suffer from dementia or advanced mental disability. To what degree, none of us are competent to judge but we can certainly judge the signs of it, i.e. obvious confusion about where he is, what he is supposed to do, shaking hands with non existent people, the slurring of words, the inability to competently speak extemporaneously on much of anything.

To think of Biden with the legal power to literally start WWIII is terrifying. To not know what deep state operatives are currently running our country is disturbing.

By contrast Donald Trump may have many faults and issues--he irritates the hell out of me--but his competency is absolutely not in question to anybody with intellectual honesty to observe and acknowledge his many truly great accomplishments. And he easily speaks extemporaneously for an hour or more on a wide variety of topics. An unscripted question doesn't bother him at all. Should he be elected in 2024, he will leave office at Age 82.
Unlike those on the far left of the far right most of us Americans think for ourselves and we do not rely on looking up to people in the media or politicians for everything. That’s what makes America unique and yes great.

Then why are the 10 most watched cable news shows all opinion shows?
My point, is that they all do it and......

I ended with Carlson, care to respond to that, or deflect? Hmmmm? :eusa_whistle:
Your point is called an appeal to hypocrisy. It is a logical fallacy. I explain it like this to my kid. If Jake jumps of a bridge, should you? I can also use "2 wrongs don't make a right." Either way, I think you are unwilling to understand.

As for deflecting. I already said I didn't trust Maddow, thereby indulging your little fallacy.
I saw that piece from Carlson. He did quantify it by saying that in 2024 Biden will be 82, and then did mention the stress level
for an 80+ year old having to govern the most powerful(?) country in the world may be too much.
Biden isn't healthy right now, give him 6 more years, and there will be that much more decline in his cognitive thinking.

Who IS running our country right now? How many people are running our country right now?
At 80 the kids usually take the keys from their parents so they can't drive anymore.

But at 90, democrats want to give Joe the keys to the country.
Your point is called an appeal to hypocrisy. It is a logical fallacy. I explain it like this to my kid. If Jake jumps of a bridge, should you? I can also use "2 wrongs don't make a right." Either way, I think you are unwilling to understand.

As for deflecting. I already said I didn't trust Maddow, thereby indulging your little fallacy.
Still not answering.....

"What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets."
So go ahead and deflect away. :rofl:
At 80 the kids usually take the keys from their parents so they can't drive anymore.

But at 90, democrats want to give Joe the keys to the country.
The kids take the keys from their parents who are not competent to drive anymore.

My aunt is 96 years old and for now still lives alone in a large home, competently cares for her little dog, drives herself in her car to the grocery store, hair dresser, manicurists, and nearby doctor appointments. I drive her when there will be heavy traffic or the route to an appointment is unusually complicated. She walks unassisted by walker or cane, trots up and down steep stairs to her bedroom.

A retired RN, she has been sharp as a tack until just recently when she agrees its time to move into an independent living facility which we are in the process of doing. She still does not suffer from dementia, but is not quite as mentally sharp as she was a couple of years ago and it has become more difficult for her to manage things as well as she did two years ago.

(P.S. She has long been my sounding board to help me sort out thorny issues and knows a whole lot about a whole lot. But she is not and has never had the skill set or knowledge that would qualify her to be President of the United States.)

On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth was 96 yrs old when she died and right up to the end was more than mentally competent.

These people are my inspiration that it ain't over until it's over.
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Still not answering.....

"What Carlson stated was fact, and the proof has been seen on many news outlets."
So go ahead and deflect away. :rofl:
Fact? I suggest you look up the word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

No one involved in the payments Trump allegedly made to McDougal ever accused her of trying to extort Trump.

That's how you determine if someone did something. Not by having Carlson make a claim. But by the people who actually are involved making claims. Extortion has specific things that have to happen. Like for instance threatening to expose someone for X amount of money. The national enquirer paying someone x-amount of money does not qualify. Since McDougal did not initiate the payment. Nor did she contact Trump saying "hey you pay me or else I go to the National Enquirer." In your version of "extortion" anybody who ever signed an NDA is "extorting"

Extortion is going to a person threatening to expose them for money. It is not the press paying a person to get their story.

It's actually funny to see someone as their big "gotcha" make a claim that's not been asserted by the people involved. But hey if your deflecting it doesn't really matter if it makes sense, I guess.
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