Pelosi to appear with Never Trumpers Brad Raffensberger & Chris Sununu at a “Future of Democracy” SXSW festival session organized by the Atlantic

Have you ever wondered at all why we never see the descriptor of "radical Left wing" in media? It's a built in bias and is so common that it's like it would be impossible to find examples of the Left doing anything illegal or inflammatory. That's the kind of cover they receive because they own the media.

The odd reality though, is that it's the Left whose supporters are burning, looting, murdering, and generally using terror tactics for political advantage. Christians as a group are no more nor less entitled to have their voice heard but the Left has a special place in their heart for shouting this ideology down. I guess they just can't handle being told that there IS an objective measure of what is right and wrong so they need to silence and then punish the voices that remind them of it.

I suspect we aren't far away now from the use of alphabet agencies to round up "terror suspects" from this crazed, radical group.
I've never seen a republican candidate for president be so off and out of touch with his parties voters as Sununu is.... he must either be the dumbest guy on the block or so completely unattached to reality....

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