Health care workers fired over vaccine mandate awarded $10 million in settlement

When infection from your body effects my body, no it’s not your choice nitwit.

Using your logic, that means if I feel you are to close to me or my family with your infected ass. I have every right to shoot you from a safe distance, and then set your infected carcas on fire to sterilize the area.

Right, Mr. my choice?

If you are vaccinated against polio what are you afraid of? Seriously, the vaccination works so why do you care whether I have polio or not?

If you are talking about COVID the "vaccinations" dont work because the virus mutates too fast. Probably why we dont have a vaccination for the common cold or other such viruses of this type. But if you think they do work, then I'll ask again if they work why would me having COVID be of any concern to you? The vaccine will protect you right? If you got vaccinated and are still walking around in fear.......
If its a private hospital, they should be able to institute whatever laws they want.
"Give me twenty hours and I'll give you 20 Grand," don't cut the mustard. The world wants answers to origins. They can law-monger if they want to look like the horse's rear end. This is a Chinese commie virus. The most bizarre promiscuous notion: a chicken grown in Bangladesh, shipped to Arkansas for processing and consumed in Haiti.

'In an April 26, 2020 interview with Pharma troll Dr. Zubin "ZDogg" Damania, MD, Merck's top vaccine promoter, Dr. Paul Offit, amplified these concerns:

"Binding antibodies can be dangerous and cause something called Antibody Dependent Enhancement. And we've seen that. I mean, we saw that with the [Gates-funded] dengue vaccine. But with dengue vaccine, in children who have never been exposed to dengue before, it actually made them worse when they were then exposed to the natural virus. Much worse. Vaccinated children who were less than nine years of age, who had never been exposed to dengue before (were more likely to die if they'd been vaccinated than if they hadn't been vaccinated." '
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 72)
I am an employer.
And have been since 1987.
And Indiana is a no fault employer, so yes we can fire anyone for any reason unless we have written otherwise in an employee handbook.
But we cannot violate people's civil rights.
We cannot fire someone because they are black or gay. Why not? We should be able to fire anyone for any reason right?
See how that works?
Should the other prisoners pretend not to notice the black gay employee who touches things at work? CDC: "monkeypox survives on surfaces for weeks and months." When in its home country, 40% of cases are African females.
If you are vaccinated against polio what are you afraid of? Seriously, the vaccination works so why do you care whether I have polio or not?

If you are talking about COVID the "vaccinations" dont work because the virus mutates too fast. Probably why we dont have a vaccination for the common cold or other such viruses of this type. But if you think they do work, then I'll ask again if they work why would me having COVID be of any concern to you? The vaccine will protect you right? If you got vaccinated and are still walking around in fear.......
"There has never been an effective coronavirus vaccine."
(Sorensen, Dalgleish, and Susrud)
When infection from your body effects my body, no it’s not your choice nitwit.

Using your logic, that means if I feel you are to close to me or my family with your infected ass. I have every right to shoot you from a safe distance, and then set your infected carcas on fire to sterilize the area.

Right, Mr. my choice?
do you mean "affects" lmao I knew there was an ignorant fuck on the other end of this conversation.
It may not be the genuflectors the catholic and his sleep-up have trafficked across the border, though the New York City Health Department damn sure has some clues. The problem is that we are now documenting African polio outbreaks where monkeyOpox vector animals also live.
lots of side effects causing other issues, our niece's just had a baby and the deformity was attributed to the vaccine
On another thread, we are linking genetics to COVID for Claire's amputation, because she suffers from a congenital heart defect. Therefore, you can ask if the deformity links to GATA genes, because it does for Claire, who was vaccinated:
When infection from your body effects my body, no it’s not your choice nitwit.

Using your logic, that means if I feel you are to close to me or my family with your infected ass. I have every right to shoot you from a safe distance, and then set your infected carcas on fire to sterilize the area.

Right, Mr. my choice?
The vaccinated can catch as well as infect others. So if it is that upsetting to even think about getting the virus, the issue is you, not the virus.
The issue is Russian roulette. Many genomes do not like the spike, reflective of the fact that there's never been an effective coronavirus vaccine.

Claire's heart condition links to the dipshit communist virus, and the date of this link is recorded:

GATA2 / SARS-CoV-2, Post # 111
When infection from your body effects my body, no it’s not your choice nitwit.

Using your logic, that means if I feel you are to close to me or my family with your infected ass. I have every right to shoot you from a safe distance, and then set your infected carcas on fire to sterilize the area.

Right, Mr. my choice?
As Biden stated if you got the jab you cannot get it. But any how, covid is just a bad cold right now.
This was very quiet.


Look at lefties siding with evil businesses over people.
No, just the absolute idiocy of the anti-vaxx movement and people who think their ignorance is just as valuable as a public health official's expertise. As the previous poster said, polio's coming back, as are a lot of other preventable diseases. This is just sheer idiocy and people celebrate it.

Ah, yes, the "experts". Tell us how vaccinated people can't get Covid, like Joe Biden and the CDC "experts" claimed.

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