Have you ever participated in a poll?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls out there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you
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In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I think I'm on their do not call list.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you
Count me in for twice, back when I still had a land line. That has been years back in outside sales home office days.
I been polled a couple times and even interviewed on local news about a marine Helicopter mishap. 63. Still have a land line but usually don't answer it.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you
A few times, but not often. Once this round.
I got polled this time by what I assume was Republican group since they were asking pointed questions that put republican candidates in a positive light and the Democratic Governor in a negative light.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
If you give money to candidates or a party they will likely include you in their internal polling to determine your reaction to various issues, as a solid supporter. This is used to help them shape their campaign.

If you answer all your calls, you will probably be polled. Generally, these are open access polls which are not predictive of a population.

Top polling companies such as Gallup will contact you and ask you if want to participate in a poll and if so, you are instructed to complete a form listing your demographics. Your information is stored in a database with many other respondents. From that database they form representative samples of a populations they are studying for clients. Then and only then are you polled. This is called a scientific and it's results will be predictive of the population.
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In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
If you give money to candidates or a party they will likely include you in their internal polling to determine your reaction to various issues, as a solid supporter. This is used to help them shape their campaign.

If you answer all your calls, you will probably be polled. Generally, these are open access polls which are not predictive of a population.

Top polling companies such as Gallup will contact you and ask you if want to participate in a poll and if so, you are instructed to complete a form listing your demographics. Your information is stored in a database with many other respondents. From that database they form representative samples of a populations they are studying for clients. Then and only then are you polled. This is called a scientific and it's results will be predictive of the population.
Thanks but you didn’t answer the question.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
If you give money to candidates or a party they will likely include you in their internal polling to determine your reaction to various issues, as a solid supporter. This is used to help them shape their campaign.

If you answer all your calls, you will probably be polled. Generally, these are open access polls which are not predictive of a population.

Top polling companies such as Gallup will contact you and ask you if want to participate in a poll and if so, you are instructed to complete a form listing your demographics. Your information is stored in a database with many other respondents. From that database they form representative samples of a populations they are studying for clients. Then and only then are you polled. This is called a scientific and it's results will be predictive of the population.
Thanks but you didn’t answer the question.
No, I never answer a phone number I do not recognize. That is what voice mail is for.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
If you give money to candidates or a party they will likely include you in their internal polling to determine your reaction to various issues, as a solid supporter. This is used to help them shape their campaign.

If you answer all your calls, you will probably be polled. Generally, these are open access polls which are not predictive of a population.

Top polling companies such as Gallup will contact you and ask you if want to participate in a poll and if so, you are instructed to complete a form listing your demographics. Your information is stored in a database with many other respondents. From that database they form representative samples of a populations they are studying for clients. Then and only then are you polled. This is called a scientific and it's results will be predictive of the population.

One of the focus groups I was asked to attend was for the New Democratic Party: A party I had never donated to, had never voted for, and never worked for any of their candidates. So that shoots your argument full of holes.

I've been polled by the Conservatives, the Liberals and the NDP. I have never donated to any of these parties. I have voted Liberal in every federal election but three since I came of age. One of the focus groups was for the NDP. They don't tell you who it's for but you can tell from the questions they ask.

No polling company has asked about my willingness to be polled, without actually polling me. I've never been polled by the same polling company twice in the same election cycle, and my phone number changed multiple times over the years, as we moved, or changed phone companies. It's only been since we left Toronto in 2013 that we haven't had a land line.
In my 39 yrs only one time and it was during the primary and I told them I voted for Bernie Sanders. I am an Independent and took the Dem voting card and voted for Sanders as part of operation F U Liz Warren. Other than that I have never been polled but I see 100s if not 1000s of polls our there.

So the question is for the USMB users. Have you ever been polled? And if yes when and how often?

Thank you

I get polled at least once every federal election. When I lived in Toronto, I was part of focus groups in two different elections. $100 and a decent dinner. I was also polled two or three times during every election.
If you give money to candidates or a party they will likely include you in their internal polling to determine your reaction to various issues, as a solid supporter. This is used to help them shape their campaign.

If you answer all your calls, you will probably be polled. Generally, these are open access polls which are not predictive of a population.

Top polling companies such as Gallup will contact you and ask you if want to participate in a poll and if so, you are instructed to complete a form listing your demographics. Your information is stored in a database with many other respondents. From that database they form representative samples of a populations they are studying for clients. Then and only then are you polled. This is called a scientific and it's results will be predictive of the population.

One of the focus groups I was asked to attend was for the New Democratic Party: A party I had never donated to, had never voted for, and never worked for any of their candidates. So that shoots your argument full of holes.

I've been polled by the Conservatives, the Liberals and the NDP. I have never donated to any of these parties. I have voted Liberal in every federal election but three since I came of age. One of the focus groups was for the NDP. They don't tell you who it's for but you can tell from the questions they ask.

No polling company has asked about my willingness to be polled, without actually polling me. I've never been polled by the same polling company twice in the same election cycle, and my phone number changed multiple times over the years, as we moved, or changed phone companies. It's only been since we left Toronto in 2013 that we haven't had a land line.
I was not arguing with you just sharing what I know about polling.
Do these polls collect a lot of demographics such as age, race, sex, marital status, income level, etc?

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