Gen Z

Okay, now you are being deliberatly obtuse.

So fuck you. I'm done with you.
hey youre the one bragging about shitting on other peoples furniture not me,,

that sounds sick to me,,

but coming from you its understandable,,
Are you really this obtuse? Or just stupid?

Trump invaded the Republican Party and took it over. He saw its weaknesses and how it had been taken over by psychos, retards, bigots, and hypocrites. And like any world class con man, he switched parties and exploited that weakness.

Trump shit all over the Republican Party and they ate it up, throwing every last avowed principle out the window with gusto. They joined Trump in shitting all over their own furniture.

That's why I finally left the party. That's why I'm a Never Trumper.

I thought after the violence of Trump's coup that everyone would finally wake up and realize just how fucked in the head and how far off the reservation they had gone.

And for about five minutes, they did.

Their their insanity was too far progressed. They chose to become a full blown cult, and now Trump's cult has an honest-to-God mental illness.

They worship an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who doubled the deficit and ran up $8 trillion in debt in half the time it took Obama. Obama, whose spending they virulently attacked for his debt!

A man I warned in 2016 was far left limousine liberal Democrat and would not change his far left ways.

They worship a con man who lied right to their faces about having a beautiful replacement for Obamacare.

A man who attempted a coup and prevented a peaceful transition of power for the first time since our nation's founding.

And you, right now, are blowing all of that off in your mentally ill mind as you read this. Because you are a cult member.
Are you really this obtuse? Or just stupid?

Trump invaded the Republican Party and took it over. He saw its weaknesses and how it had been taken over by psychos, retards, bigots, and hypocrites. And like any world class con man, he switched parties and exploited that weakness.

Trump shit all over the Republican Party and they ate it up, throwing every last avowed principle out the window with gusto. They joined Trump in shitting all over their own furniture.

That's why I finally left the party. That's why I'm a Never Trumper.

I thought after the violence of Trump's coup that everyone would finally wake up and realize just how fucked in the head and how far off the reservation they had gone.

And for about five minutes, they did.

Their their insanity was too far progressed. They chose to become a full blown cult, and now Trump's cult has an honest-to-God mental illness.

They worship an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who doubled the deficit and ran up $8 trillion in debt in half the time it took Obama. Obama, whose spending they virulently attacked for his debt!

A man I warned in 2016 was far left limousine liberal Democrat and would not change his far left ways.

They worship a con man who lied right to their faces about having a beautiful replacement for Obamacare.

A man who attempted a coup and prevented a peaceful transition of power for the first time since our nation's founding.

And you, right now, are blowing all of that off in your mentally ill mind as you read this. Because you are a cult member.
They worship Trump who was finally nailed for sexual assault after he was accused of it by close to twenty women. Trump is a sexual predator, a conman who fleeced his supporters for $200 million in that "stop the steal" con which the press seems to forget about despite the fact that he's never accounted for a dime of it.

But all is forgiven in the cult because their god can do no wrong. The Republican party now is full blown MAGA & their new slogan should be "if you can't beat him, join him".
Explain why Trump threw our own intel agencies under the bus for his assbuddy Putin, window licker.
Never happened retard. He merely stated (correctly) that those "intelligence" people found NOTHING to back up your tantrum homo. Again, GFY. Slapping you stupid is too easy.
Never happened retard. He merely stated (correctly) that those "intelligence" people found NOTHING to back up your tantrum homo. Again, GFY. Slapping you stupid is too easy.
On this planet Trump said he believed Putin instead of our own intel agencies, window licker. Trump must enjoy the taste of Putin's ass as much as you do.

Btw, Trump wants you to kiss that boo-boo on his ear, after you draw his bath water & wash his ass.
WAPO is far from being MAGA,,

You swallowed a hoax by the NY Post. An unnamed source close to the Bidens, remember?

As if this anonymous person knows what OBAMA is thinking. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And now you post a link to some no-name site which doubled down on that hoax. Obama's thinking was invented out of thin air, and you ate that shit like a champion!

Man, you people are unbelievably stupid and gullible.
I spoke to a white Gen Z yesterday, they are NOT w/the racist BS their parents, grandparents and ancestors were on.

Like, at all!!!

They ready to reverse all that crap.

This country may yet have hope!

A lot of them tend to hate the corrupt govt and the racism that dems champion so much. They're sick of it. Good for them.

You swallowed a hoax by the NY Post. An unnamed source close to the Bidens, remember?

As if this anonymous person knows what OBAMA is thinking. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And now you post a link to some no-name site which doubled down on that hoax. Obama's thinking was invented out of thin air, and you ate that shit like a champion!

Man, you people are unbelievably stupid and gullible.
I get it,,

this is the ole game of if you cant refute a message you attack the messenger,,

nice try but I have seen this game before,,

didnt you say you were done with me??
it doesnt feel like youre done with me,,
I get it,,

this is the ole game of if you cant refute a message you attack the messenger,,
Sorry, rube. If you want to keep admitting you will continue to fall for hoaxes, that's on you.

You fell for a hoax which claimed an unknown person in the orbit of the Bidens knows what OBAMA is thinking.

And then you doubled down and posted yet another story claiming to know what Obama is thinking.

Jesus, that's sad.

Really sad.

And you take pride in advertising your credulity! :oops:
Sorry, rube. If you want to keep admitting you will continue to fall for hoaxes, that's on you.

You fell for a hoax which claimed an unknown person in the orbit of the Bidens knows what OBAMA is thinking.

And then you doubled down and posted yet another story claiming to know what Obama is thinking.

Jesus, that's sad.

Really sad.

And you take pride in advertising your credulity! :oops:
I thought for sure you would prove the article wrong instead of just telling me,,
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