Has the GOP blown it on the Jan 6 committee?

The former guy has again put the GOP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GOP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

Vichy Mac, there's no good reason for the GOP to support a Jan 6 commission. Trump's supporters have already convinced themselves it was staged.

After 50 years of Pandering to the Bigots, the GOP finds itself held hostage. The best they can hope for is that Trump loses interest in politics in the next four years and they can go back to business as usual.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

35 House Republicans turned on Trump yesterday.
Here's the list of Republicans who put their heads on the chopping block:
  • French Hill, Arkansas
  • Steve Womack, Arkansas
  • David Valadao, California
  • Carlos Gimenez, Florida
  • Maria Salazar, Florida
  • Mike Simpson, Idaho
  • Rodney Davis, Illinois
  • Adam Kinzinger, Illinois
  • Trey Hollingsworth, Indiana
  • Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Iowa
  • Meijer Peter, Michigan
  • Fred Upton, Michigan
  • Michael Guest, Mississippi
  • Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska
  • Don Bacon, Nebraska
  • Chris Smith, New Jersey
  • Andrew Garbarino, New York
  • Tom Reed, New York
  • John Katko, New York
  • Chris Jacobs, New York
  • David Joyce, Ohio
  • Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio
  • Stephanie Bice, Oklahoma
  • Cliff Bentz, Oregon
  • Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania
  • Tom Rice, South Carolina
  • Dusty Johnson, South Dakota
  • Van Taylor, Texas
  • Tony Gonzales, Texas
  • Blake Moore, Utah
  • John Curtis, Utah
  • Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
  • Dan Newhouse, Washington
  • David McKinley, West Virginia
  • Liz Cheney, Wyoming
Will these RINOs ever learn?
Chop away!!!
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
My guess is Mitch and Charlie McCarthy would rather be in the position they've taken where they will say the Commission is a political stunt, and they agree Jan 6 was "just terrible" but Antifa and Blm pose dangers the dems refuse to address
It IS a political stunt, the idea that there needs to be a Congressional Commission surrounding this incident is ludicrous and nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a partisan attack using taxpayer funds.

We already have law enforcement agencies that can handle the investigations and prosecutions in this case, Congress Critters need to knock off the attempts at grandstanding, get out of the way and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

We send Congress Critters to Washington to act as legislators not to live out their out their Dick Tracy fantasies on our dime.

The Capitol Police sent a note to the Congress in Support of the Commission. The FBI is already doing what they do and that is to investigate, and to make arrests; the US Attorney's will indict and prosecute these rogues.

The Congress, including all of the employees in the Capitol were terrorized by trump supporters; let's support every LE Agency and a then let the Commission to put all the evidence together and make sure that justice is meted out, and the security of Capitol, the Supreme Court and the White House have sufficient security to protect the people and the structures.
Excellent, then Congress should just STFU, stop trying to politicize it and let the FBI do its thing, with all the available evidence hopefully the FBI can put the miscreants responsible for this mess behind bars in short order (it's just too bad that Donny will never be indicted for his part in it).

In the meantime, our dearly beloved Congress Critters have plenty of actual legislative duties (ya know, the things we PAY THEM TO DO) to keep them busy.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
My guess is Mitch and Charlie McCarthy would rather be in the position they've taken where they will say the Commission is a political stunt, and they agree Jan 6 was "just terrible" but Antifa and Blm pose dangers the dems refuse to address
It IS a political stunt, the idea that there needs to be a Congressional Commission surrounding this incident is ludicrous and nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a partisan attack using taxpayer funds.

We already have law enforcement agencies that can handle the investigations and prosecutions in this case, Congress Critters need to knock off the attempts at grandstanding, get out of the way and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

We send Congress Critters to Washington to act as legislators not to live out their out their Dick Tracy fantasies on our dime.

It is necessary for Congress to fully investigate what happened. Congress has the duty to find out exactly what happened to determine whether any new legislation needs to be passed or whether changes should be made. For example, I believe the DC mayor should have control of national guard forces without going to the Pentagon.
Why is it necessary for Congress to investigate? We have PROFESSIONAL investigators at the FBI, why on Earth would anybody want politicians politicizing it? Do you want the Truth, or do you prefer a bunch of politician spin and bullshit?
The Republicans look pathetic these days. They're worthless. A bunch of cowardly crackpots. Afraid of their shadows and paralyzed in their fear of the Orange clown.
How can anyone take Republican congressmen seriously when they have become conspiracy driven parasites?
After two years of Basement Joe and Kamel Toe, voters will flock back to the GOP in 2022.
The Republicans look pathetic these days. They're worthless. A bunch of cowardly crackpots. Afraid of their shadows and paralyzed in their fear of the Orange clown.
How can anyone take Republican congressmen seriously when they have become conspiracy driven parasites?
After two years of Basement Joe and Kamel Toe, voters will flock back to the GOP in 2022.

After the Great Donny Catastrophe, I suspect it's going to take longer than 2 years for the GOP to find its way back out of the woods.

... on the other hand, most of the voters have the memory and attention span of a gnat on crack so it's possible that Crime Family-R will make a swift comeback.
Trump's supporters were chanting "treason" while committing treason themselves. it doesn't get more ironic!

wait it does...Mike Pence's brother Gregg voted AGAINST the commission. what a shitty brother!
Republicans should demand that the 5 GOP members of the commission are the 5 cast members of FOX News' "The Five" show
After the Great Donny Catastrophe
But what about that pesky truth that gets in the way of your bullshit lie? See, there was no “Donny Catastrophe“ for anybody truly legitimate.
Prior to the unleashing of the Democrat Virus EVERYBODY decent and sane was absolutely kicking ass on Donny’s watch.
Beaners were shut down at the border, beaners weren’t encouraged and permitted to loot the American taxpayer, fuel was affordable, wages were rising, unemployment was at record lows, dark people were finally being pried from the taxpayer tit...etc etc
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
What have they "blown?" The Dims plan to put the entire Republican party on trial. This is a witch hunt. Any Republican who supports it will get his ass handed to him in the next election.
It's not a witch hunt, you kids actually did it. We all watched it live on TV.
Did what? Your fellow leftwing terrorists burned down Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. Why aren't we investigating that?
Because they didn't try to overthrow the government and execute members of Congress and the vice president?

Shhh. The Trumpsters are trying desperately to equate the two.

And then sometimes they're pretending it was just a Capitol building tour that got a little frisky.

They're not making any sense, but remember, they're just Trumpsters.
The whole party appears to be on the verge of a severe mental breakdown.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
What have they "blown?" The Dims plan to put the entire Republican party on trial. This is a witch hunt. Any Republican who supports it will get his ass handed to him in the next election.
It's not a witch hunt, you kids actually did it. We all watched it live on TV.
Did what? Your fellow leftwing terrorists burned down Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. Why aren't we investigating that?
Because they didn't try to overthrow the government and execute members of Congress and the vice president?

No one did, moron. Repeating that lie 1 million times won't make it true.
Revisionist history doesn't change what actually happened. We all watched it live on TV.
After the Great Donny Catastrophe
But what about that pesky truth that gets in the way of your bullshit lie? See, there was no “Donny Catastrophe“ for anybody truly legitimate.
Prior to the unleashing of the Democrat Virus EVERYBODY decent and sane was absolutely kicking ass on Donny’s watch.
Beaners were shut down at the border, beaners weren’t encouraged and permitted to loot the American taxpayer, fuel was affordable, wages were rising, unemployment was at record lows, dark people were finally being pried from the taxpayer tit...etc etc
LOL, no Donny Catastrophe? Then how do you explain the GOP losing both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, 187 State Legislative Seats, and 8 governorships during the Donny Regime?

Sure looks like a Catastrophe for the GOP to me. Heck it's lucky for the GOP Donny didn't get a second term, if he had the GOP might be completely out of business.

Of course given the fact the vast swaths of the Crime Family-R lemmings are completely lacking in reason, common sense and the ability to discern reality from Internet based fairy tales, they'll probably nominate Donny again in 2024, and then the circus begins all over again.
What is "GQP"?
Do you think the election was stolen and Joe Biden is senile puppet of china and AOC?
Why would you ask me that question? have I ever posted anything that indicates that I believe any of those things are true?

"Sometimes it's easier to understand things than it is to figure them out" -- Casey Stengel
Simple yes or no answers will do.

I'm still waiting.

Yes, I know you're waiting for a "simple answer" since you've once again made it apparent that you have the maturity level of an infant.

However, you can keep holding your breath.....

Peace Out.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." -- John Lennon

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