Has science proved there is no God?

And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational.

We are comprised of atoms which coalesced to form our minds which are capable of contemplating the universe and indeed, beyond the universe. Our atoms never die, they just move on to coalesce and form other things in the universe. Inside each atom are various parts... neutrons, protons, electrons... even smaller parts, subatomic particles.. thousands of them, all unique in defining the atom and what it can do. Tiny little electrons popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time. Quantum particles communicating with their entangled particle billions of miles away instantly.

It IS irrational to think this is by chance. Not to even start mentioning the hundreds of things which had to be a certain way, things which had to happen in a certain order, fidelity that had to be precise to make any of it work... Not only do you have to be irrational,. you have to be an irrational idiot to believe it is by chance.
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational.

We are comprised of atoms which coalesced to form our minds which are capable of contemplating the universe and indeed, beyond the universe. Our atoms never die, they just move on to coalesce and form other things in the universe. Inside each atom are various parts... neutrons, protons, electrons... even smaller parts, subatomic particles.. thousands of them, all unique in defining the atom and what it can do. Tiny little electrons popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time. Quantum particles communicating with their entangled particle billions of miles away instantly.

It IS irrational to think this is by chance. Not to even start mentioning the hundreds of things which had to be a certain way, things which had to happen in a certain order, fidelity that had to be precise to make any of it work... Not only do you have to be irrational,. you have to be an irrational idiot to believe it is by chance.
That's laughably inept, bossy. Your silly "this can't be by chance" meme is yet another slogan employed by the loons at your christian fundamentalist ministries.

You really should break free from the indoctrination you received at the ICR madrassah. I'm afraid you're once again reduced to the only argument you know: "this can't be by chance......because I say so"
I say unless you have some evidence of this "creator" then cough it up.


There is your evidence we were created!

Regardless of what you may believe the source of creation to be... 1) We exist. 2) We did not create ourselves.

Now, if you come up with a physically scientific way to prove how physical nature created itself, you can present the evidence and I'll be happy to take a look. So far, there has been nothing that I am aware of. Logic says things can't create themselves, it's a paradox... if they could create themselves, then they already existed.

Just because somethings hard to believe doesnt make it not true.

You should remember this when contemplating the possibility of God.
"By magic", "....because I say so", etc., are not defendable arguments for anything.

You should remember this when contemplating at your next Pat Robertson madrassah prayer meeting,
I say unless you have some evidence of this "creator" then cough it up.


There is your evidence we were created!

Regardless of what you may believe the source of creation to be... 1) We exist. 2) We did not create ourselves.

Now, if you come up with a physically scientific way to prove how physical nature created itself, you can present the evidence and I'll be happy to take a look. So far, there has been nothing that I am aware of. Logic says things can't create themselves, it's a paradox... if they could create themselves, then they already existed.

Just because somethings hard to believe doesnt make it not true.

You should remember this when contemplating the possibility of God.
Everything always existed in one form or another.

Regardless. Unless you have more evidence for a god heaven and hell please stfu.
What does it mean to exist? To be real? Can we prove we and other people exist? If not, how would we prove God exists?

Way human perception works is all taking place in our brains. What we see is nothing close to what's really there, we see a tiny fraction of reality. So if our sight isn't reliable to prove things exist, what can we use? Hearing? Can we hear God like we can the sound of the keyboard keys clicking away? Can we ask another to listen and convince them of God existing through this means? Can we touch and feel God? Smell or taste God? If we think we can, how do we convey those perceptions to another to prove to them God exists?

Do stars exist? We see stars, we feel the warmth of the closest to us, our Sun. If we expose our bare skin to the Sun long enough we'll be burned by it. Is that then proof it's real? If we deny this will happen wont it still regardless of what we may believe about it?

Does something exist if we merely say that it does? We all know what each other means when we say "God." We have standard definitions about what God is. So doesn't God exist in the sense that we all know what we're talking about using the word? Or do things only exist when they affect physical reality? People've killed, died, and suffered for gods throughout history. Seems a pretty real effect to me. If someone kills or dies for a god, doesn't then the god exist in every meaningful sense already, or must it also occupy space-time somewhere?

Do quantum particles exist? They seem to exist one moment but then disappear the next. So are they "real?" If we can't measure one without observing it, and by observing it it ceases to exist, did it exist at all? Or did we simply believe in did because of some less than empirical evidence?
Does George Washington, first President of the USA exist? Did our great-great grandparents? A lost loved one? A dead child? Do they exist? Do they not exist because they died? Does existence depend on being alive? Do things cease to exist when life ends? Does grief end when life does, or does it begin? If it begins because of something that doesn't exist how do we explain it?

Science isn't in the business of proving things that don't exist don't exist. Rather we're in the business of proving things that are real really exist.

God really exists. Whether it exists in time-space we can't say because we haven't been everywhere in time-space. But in the same way a deceased child is remembered and mourned for their parents, and the grief they feel is very real so is God. In every important respect, God exists.
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Arrestive development song called fishin for religion. Listen to it.
so in other words....after reflection you are unable to think of a single thing that lets you 'live life' more fully than a believer?......neither could I.......
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational.

We are comprised of atoms which coalesced to form our minds which are capable of contemplating the universe and indeed, beyond the universe. Our atoms never die, they just move on to coalesce and form other things in the universe. Inside each atom are various parts... neutrons, protons, electrons... even smaller parts, subatomic particles.. thousands of them, all unique in defining the atom and what it can do. Tiny little electrons popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time. Quantum particles communicating with their entangled particle billions of miles away instantly.

It IS irrational to think this is by chance. Not to even start mentioning the hundreds of things which had to be a certain way, things which had to happen in a certain order, fidelity that had to be precise to make any of it work... Not only do you have to be irrational,. you have to be an irrational idiot to believe it is by chance.
That's laughably inept, bossy. Your silly "this can't be by chance" meme is yet another slogan employed by the loons at your christian fundamentalist ministries.

You really should break free from the indoctrination you received at the ICR madrassah. I'm afraid you're once again reduced to the only argument you know: "this can't be by chance......because I say so"
one trick pony ponies up......
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Arrestive development song called fishin for religion. Listen to it.
so in other words....after reflection you are unable to think of a single thing that lets you 'live life' more fully than a believer?......neither could I.......
Ridding oneself of the christian fundie notion that one is born with the inheritance of original sin and that one is necessarily base and evil is certainly an argument for living life more fully. You unfortunately were born in a geographic region where the dominant religion instills such anti-human ideas.

Your apparent personality disorder is the result of mindlessly accepting such dehumanizing admonitions.
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational.

We are comprised of atoms which coalesced to form our minds which are capable of contemplating the universe and indeed, beyond the universe. Our atoms never die, they just move on to coalesce and form other things in the universe. Inside each atom are various parts... neutrons, protons, electrons... even smaller parts, subatomic particles.. thousands of them, all unique in defining the atom and what it can do. Tiny little electrons popping in and out of existence, being in two places at the same time. Quantum particles communicating with their entangled particle billions of miles away instantly.

It IS irrational to think this is by chance. Not to even start mentioning the hundreds of things which had to be a certain way, things which had to happen in a certain order, fidelity that had to be precise to make any of it work... Not only do you have to be irrational,. you have to be an irrational idiot to believe it is by chance.
That's laughably inept, bossy. Your silly "this can't be by chance" meme is yet another slogan employed by the loons at your christian fundamentalist ministries.

You really should break free from the indoctrination you received at the ICR madrassah. I'm afraid you're once again reduced to the only argument you know: "this can't be by chance......because I say so"
one trick pony ponies up......
As opposed to your inability to write a meaningful comment
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational. .

If I took you out to a golf course and showed you my golf ball sitting on the one blade of grass dyed pink on the whole course (fairway of the 4th hole) and told you that I hit exactly that blade when I teed off from the 4th hole, would you say it was irrational to say it happened by chance?
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Arrestive development song called fishin for religion. Listen to it.
so in other words....after reflection you are unable to think of a single thing that lets you 'live life' more fully than a believer?......neither could I.......
I jack off without fear of hell for thinking about you.
Dont worry about your crummy life because heaven awaits.
sucks to be stuck only with your crummy life.....perhaps if you spent less time listening to your friends while you were drunk your life would be less crummy......
I dont have a crummy life. If I did maybe I'd seek a god for help. Nah. I know its pointless. Did you see unbroken? Now he needed a god. Do you have it so bad?
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational. .

If I took you out to a golf course and showed you my golf ball sitting on the one blade of grass dyed pink on the whole course (fairway of the 4th hole) and told you that I hit exactly that blade when I teed off from the 4th hole, would you say it was irrational to say it happened by chance?
What's the point?
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational. .

If I took you out to a golf course and showed you my golf ball sitting on the one blade of grass dyed pink on the whole course (fairway of the 4th hole) and told you that I hit exactly that blade when I teed off from the 4th hole, would you say it was irrational to say it happened by chance?
What's the point?
It's to demonstrate how people misunderstand probablility and chance. Does it make a difference if the blade was dyed pink before or after the ball landed on it?
Way human perception works is all taking place in our brains.


where then is the perception derived by Flora ?

you suffer the same regression as the religionist, there is nothing to the origin of Creation perceived through a beings physiology - at least not neurologically.

or your admission is a certain mortality (for you) that is an anathema to livid perception.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Arrestive development song called fishin for religion. Listen to it.
so in other words....after reflection you are unable to think of a single thing that lets you 'live life' more fully than a believer?......neither could I.......
I jack off without fear of hell for thinking about you.
????.....you jack off thinking about me and you think your life is better?.....I was thinking of Jennifer Lawrence......
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational. .

If I took you out to a golf course and showed you my golf ball sitting on the one blade of grass dyed pink on the whole course (fairway of the 4th hole) and told you that I hit exactly that blade when I teed off from the 4th hole, would you say it was irrational to say it happened by chance?

First of all, I totally don't understand your analogy. The odds of a randomly created universe with the fine tuning in evidence is enormous. Much greater than the odds in your analogy, or any analogy your mind can imagine. Let's try to put your analogy in proper perspective.. your golf course is the entire universe, your golf ball is the size of an atom. On each of your 18 "holes" you swing your cosmic golf club and hit a hole in one! You come back for the next three days and have the same dumb luck. If ANY of your swings resulted in something other than a hole in one, the universe can't exist. Did I mention you are also blindfolded and have no knowledge of where the hole is?

So... rationally explain how such luck is possible, plausible, or anything other than irrational? Please explain how a rational mind can believe there is nothing but random chance responsible?
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance.

Not that it "seems" irrational... it IS irrational. .

If I took you out to a golf course and showed you my golf ball sitting on the one blade of grass dyed pink on the whole course (fairway of the 4th hole) and told you that I hit exactly that blade when I teed off from the 4th hole, would you say it was irrational to say it happened by chance?

First of all, I totally don't understand your analogy. The odds of a randomly created universe with the fine tuning in evidence is enormous. Much greater than the odds in your analogy, or any analogy your mind can imagine. Let's try to put your analogy in proper perspective.. your golf course is the entire universe, your golf ball is the size of an atom. On each of your 18 "holes" you swing your cosmic golf club and hit a hole in one! You come back for the next three days and have the same dumb luck. If ANY of your swings resulted in something other than a hole in one, the universe can't exist. Did I mention you are also blindfolded and have no knowledge of where the hole is?

So... rationally explain how such luck is possible, plausible, or anything other than irrational? Please explain how a rational mind can believe there is nothing but random chance responsible?
There's no reason to accept your presumption of gawds as the fine tuners of anything. There is nothing find tuned about the universe.

We're left with nothing more than your notoriously vacant minded "because I say so" nonsense

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