Has anyones direct family been affected by the fentanyl horror?

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015
Not until last night when we found out a 26 year old second cousin died yesterday because of it.

This is getting closer and closer now. We just buried an 18 yr old female honor student cheerleader recently in our area.

Things get a little different on this subject when you have a direct relative hit. I'm just discovering this now.
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Could it be beyond thinking rational that this is some sinister plot to destroy our young people, especially white kids.
The Democrat Party's open borders policy helps the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggle their Chinese fentanyl into our country.
The Regressive Progressives value their power much more than human life.
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The Democrat Party's open borders policy helps the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggle their Chinese fentanyl into our country.
The Regressive Progressives value their power much more than human life.
I believe most are probably totally unaware of this who watch CNN. Appears half the board doesn't know either.

Should we tell them what CNN isn't

Has anyones direct family been affected by the fentanyl horror?​

No, they all died previously from other drug horrors.
The Democrat Party's open borders policy helps the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggle their Chinese fentanyl into our country.
The Regressive Progressives value their power much more than human life.
It would if there was an open border policy which there has not been one since the 1880's.
The Drug War is what emboldens the cartels- it equals to a lot of money- more than god hisself has- oh, wait- godvernment can just keep printin- my bad-

By what authority to paternalist think they have the right, or the authority to tell others what they can ingest?

What is it about paternalists that prevents them from minding their own business? They are obsessed with minding everyone else’s business and, even worse, using the power of government to force people to live their lives the way paternalists want them to live them.

Look at the war on drugs. For our entire lives, paternalists have used the force of government, at the both the federal and state level, to punish people for putting substances in their mouths that haven’t been approved by our federal and state masters.

But what business is it of some politician or bureaucrat what I put into my mouth? Why should they have the authority to punish me for putting something in my mouth that I wish to ingest?

The paternalist says: “Jacob, that substance that you’re putting into your mouth is potentially harmful to you. We have no choice but to threaten you with jail if you persist in doing so.”

How does a person acquire a mind like that? My best hunch is public (I.e., government) schooling
Ban Paternalistic Government- please-
Not until last night when we found out a 26 year old second cousin died yesterday because of it.

This is getting closer and closer now. We just buried an 18 yr old female honor student cheerleader recently in our area.

Things get a little different on this subject when you have a direct relative hit. I'm just discovering this now.
Nobody in my family uses hard drugs and I'm the only one who smokes pot.
Just the fentanyl that has been intercepted is enough to kill 20 million people. We intercept very little.

If people want to poison themselves clearly they will fight to do so and for the right to poison others as well. Since the deluded cannot be stopped perhaps fentanyl deaths can be managed and directed to the left, to blacks and immigrants. Specifically, how can fentanyl be used to end the homeless problem facing so many communities?

Education as to the poisonous nature of such substances can only be done in families and small groups. The general public contains too many undesirables for widespread publication. They will take ricin or arsenic if it would make them high before dying. They will fight to get it.

If you have family members dying of drug overdose the fault is yours. You failed to educate as to the nature of the poison and the nature of those who provide that poison. Save yourselves. Manage and direct the rest.
Just the fentanyl that has been intercepted is enough to kill 20 million people. We intercept very little.

If people want to poison themselves clearly they will fight to do so and for the right to poison others as well. Since the deluded cannot be stopped perhaps fentanyl deaths can be managed and directed to the left, to blacks and immigrants. Specifically, how can fentanyl be used to end the homeless problem facing so many communities?

Education as to the poisonous nature of such substances can only be done in families and small groups. The general public contains too many undesirables for widespread publication. They will take ricin or arsenic if it would make them high before dying. They will fight to get it.

If you have family members dying of drug overdose the fault is yours. You failed to educate as to the nature of the poison and the nature of those who provide that poison. Save yourselves. Manage and direct the rest.
Fentanyl is 100X stronger than Heroin. They want to get the classic buzz.
I know someone who lost her son to a fentanyl over dose.

God bless you and her and her remaining family always!!!


P.S. I don't know how much of a history he had with the stuff though. Enough of one to where he isn't here anymore obviously. :( :( :(
I had a relative that was kept on it while on a vent. When they would wake her up she was never in any pain. It works. Of course, the drip had an alarmed lockbox on it on the IV pole that was also chained to the bed so it couldn't be snatched as well. One of the nurses told me that all of the patches got special handling and destruction because they had had someone dumpster dive for them, OD, and then sue the hospital. She said the reason for the boxes on the IV was because another hospital in the area had someone rip a fentanyl IV off a patient and run with it.
Just the fentanyl that has been intercepted is enough to kill 20 million people. We intercept very little.

If people want to poison themselves clearly they will fight to do so and for the right to poison others as well. Since the deluded cannot be stopped perhaps fentanyl deaths can be managed and directed to the left, to blacks and immigrants. Specifically, how can fentanyl be used to end the homeless problem facing so many communities?

Education as to the poisonous nature of such substances can only be done in families and small groups. The general public contains too many undesirables for widespread publication. They will take ricin or arsenic if it would make them high before dying. They will fight to get it.

If you have family members dying of drug overdose the fault is yours. You failed to educate as to the nature of the poison and the nature of those who provide that poison. Save yourselves. Manage and direct the rest.
Fentanyl is 100X stronger than Heroin. They want to get the classic buzz.
Many mix fentanyl and heroin. Or the George Floyd cocktail, fentanyl and meth.
I had a relative that was kept on it while on a vent. When they would wake her up she was never in any pain. It works. Of course, the drip had an alarmed lockbox on it on the IV pole that was also chained to the bed so it couldn't be snatched as well. One of the nurses told me that all of the patches got special handling and destruction because they had had someone dumpster dive for them, OD, and then sue the hospital. She said the reason for the boxes on the IV was because another hospital in the area had someone rip a fentanyl IV off a patient and run with it.
I got hooked on crack (cocaine base) 30 years ago and went cold turkey, crack was stealing my hard earned money..
Not until last night when we found out a 26 year old second cousin died yesterday because of it.

This is getting closer and closer now. We just buried an 18 yr old female honor student cheerleader recently in our area.

Things get a little different on this subject when you have a direct relative hit. I'm just discovering this now.

Sorry to hear about that, and I don't mean to make light of it, but ...

With Fentanyl, a miniscule miscalculation in dosage could kill an elephant.
The drug dealers and users are mixing the stuff on their kitchen table with a damn credit card.

At some point in time, Natural Selection will take over.
Educate yourselves, and your children.

I had a relative that was kept on it while on a vent. When they would wake her up she was never in any pain. It works. Of course, the drip had an alarmed lockbox on it on the IV pole that was also chained to the bed so it couldn't be snatched as well. One of the nurses told me that all of the patches got special handling and destruction because they had had someone dumpster dive for them, OD, and then sue the hospital. She said the reason for the boxes on the IV was because another hospital in the area had someone rip a fentanyl IV off a patient and run with it.
I got hooked on crack (cocaine base) 30 years ago and went cold turkey, crack was stealing my hard earned money..

I am pragmatic. I don't care if someone is an addict as long as they can support themselves without stealing/exploiting other people.

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