Has Anyone Noticed That We Are In a RECESSION, Right Now ?

So you're unaware that Post # 35 and the BEA charts I posted have completely annihilated your ignorant posts. Well, if you persist in displaying your utter ignorance, you're free to do so. Ho hum.
Unaware of a link to a crap site that prove only that you are an ignorant fool?

No, we are all well aware that you are an ignorant fool.


real data. US economic growth 2008 to 2022,.
See those big dips dumbass?
Yeah, shitbird, those big dips are when your boys Bush and Trump nearly destroyed the global economy.
See those big jumps ya fucking moron?
Yeah, those are where Obama and Biden saave the global economy from the Fuckwad in Chief and Cap'n Cheeto.
I agree entirely, moron.


Joe Biden can get on TV and do State of the Union speeches, and LIE & YELL at the American people all he wants, but he can't escape from the quarterly GDP reports from his own Dept. of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis). which shows consecutive declines in GDP growth (aka RECESSION).

I've stopped counting how many recessions (and below zero GDPs) Biden has put us through, since his train wreck administration began. So here we are - it's recession time again, folks. Ho hum.

Lastly, don't be surprised if the 1.6 GDP report for 2024 Q1, suddenly (but not mysteriously) changes to 3.5 (enough to show non-recession). Yeah I could easily see the Bidens cooking the books again, like they did with the 2023 Q3 number which if below 2.1, would have given us 4 consecutive drops in GDP, and 3 consecutive recessions. Remember that one ? It was reported as 1.8, and suddenly (like magic) it was was a laughable 4.9 :rolleyes:

So if you see the 1.6 disappear and be replaced by some (YEAH RIGHT) high number, you'll know what happened.

Define recession before you post fuckup.
Unaware of a link to a crap site that prove only that you are an ignorant fool?

No, we are all well aware that you are an ignorant fool.

View attachment 940560
real data. US economic growth 2008 to 2022,.
See those big dips dumbass?
Yeah, shitbird, those big dips are when your boys Bush and Trump nearly destroyed the global economy.
See those big jumps ya fucking moron?
Yeah, those are where Obama and Biden saave the global economy from the Fuckwad in Chief and Cap'n Cheeto.
I've already posted the correct numbers . Obama & Biden's many recessions. Trump rescue. Ho hum.

And I already noted the big swings in your chart. The first 2020 one was the pandemic shutdowns, caused and prolonged deliberately by Democrats, to try to take away Trump's top issue (the economy), in an election year. The second 2020 swing (up to 34.8% GDP (Q3) was the highest GDP in US history (from Trump).

Thanks for confirming what I said. I didn't need the help, but hey, it's the thought that counts right ? :biggrin:
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Define recession before you post fuckup.
Why ? You flunked 8th grade economics so you have to get your education here ?

“A common definition of recession is two negative quarters of GDP growth, or at least that’s something that’s been true in past recessions,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on July 25.

As the NBER definition of a recession is somewhat vague, economists often consider at least two consecutive quarters of declining U.S. GDP as a simple indicator of a recession.


Now go wash your mouth out with soap, and come and report back to me. :biggrin:
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If is is ""dumbassery",it's Biden dumbeassery. It's his Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis) This is the 4th time I've posted that. Sure takes a while for you to get things doesnt it ?
No it's not ya fukin moron.
It's some site. Not a DOC site.

Ya dumbass...



You vote blindly for the Repubs and they spend as much as the Dems
30 + yrs of voting I have never once voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,

but you admitted you vote for them,,

so dont try and push your guilt off onto me and others that have been waving our arms screaming "they are stabbing you in the back so dont vote for them"
Sorry my Tiny minded poop thrower.

You posted this.

Here's the REAL chart showing Bush and Trump's efforts at destroying the global economy and Obama/Biden stepping in to save you from your own limitless stupidity.

View attachment 940938
Amid your childish disgustingness, I might only say that I already exposed your chart as a full CONFIRMATION of what I have said and proven in this thread, That Obama's last 2 years were a SINKING GDP FAILURE, and Biden's years have been even worse, with raging inflation. 100-200% housing rent increases, 100% inflation on gas prices, etc

And after the DEMOCRAT pandemic, Trump gave us the highest GDP in US history (2020 Q3 -34.8%). But we didn't need your chart to show us that. Everybody already knows. :biggrin:

I guess you just like to entertain yourself by spouting mindless jibberish. Not the best hobby in town.
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