Has Anyone Ever Just Walked Into Your House?


Platinum Member
Dec 11, 2014
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
I had a woman walk into a townhouse my dad and I shared. My dad was out and I was sitting on the couch watching a hockey game. The woman didn't knock, just walked right in. It turned out she thought it was her friend's townhouse, just two doors down, in the opposite corner. It really caught me by surprise, I'm glad I was fully clothed. From then on I made sure I locked the door!
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
Your dog has very keen PC instincts but may not be the best watch dog.
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
I had a woman walk into a townhouse my dad and I shared. My dad was out and I was sitting on the couch watching a hockey game. The woman didn't knock, just walked right in. It turned out she thought it was her friend's townhouse, just two doors down, in the opposite corner. It really caught me by surprise, I'm glad I was fully clothed. From then on I made sure I locked the door!

Yeah she didn't ring the bell or rap the big old knocker on the door which was kind of weird. I never lock my doors except when I am going to bed. Honestly crime stats in my city says I should double lock them 24/7 but I live in a quiet decent neighborhood where there are mostly old people so not much goes on around here except people kicking the bucket every now and then.
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?

No, I'm not stupid enough to ever leave my doors unlocked, but if they did, they certainty wouldn't leave without a police reply to say the least. I once had a guy knock on my door years ago and when I answered it, it was a pretty young kid who seemed rather surprised. When I asked him what he wanted, he became flustered and gave me some half baked answer. I immediately recognized that the kid was lying and made up the story and wasn't expecting me to answer. I always keep my house looking like nobody is home whether I'm there or not. The kid left in a hurry and I watched him as I called the police and gave them a description. They picked him up later and it turned out he was wanted in connection with a group that was robbing houses. Seems they were going around casing houses first to see who was home and when.

At the very least, the lady who entered your house should have at least knocked as it wasn't even her house. She better have had a damn good iron clad story for me to let her walk. Next time, lock your door.
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
Your dog has very keen PC instincts but may not be the best watch dog.

Oh she is utterly worthless other than being good company. She is the most timid around strangers dog I have ever encountered. One of our cats is more likely to leap on someone's face and claw their eyes out than that dog is to even bark.
Yes, but they never walked out ... not on their own steam.

I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
Yes, every illegal in the US-but while letting them stay is a mistake, THEY knew exactly what they were doing-TO US!
Yes many years ago. The guy came waltzing in through the back door entry by the kitchen. He was a drunk from the annual baseball thingys they used to have in our little town of 200. Rod was in the tub and he was still recovering from a bus transmission falling on him so not moving around very well yet. The guy was over six foot and pretty well built (I'm 5'3). I asked him, "What are you doing in my house?" He replied, "Wheres Julie?" I told him "No Julie here, get out." He insisted several times with "Where Julie?" I got up from my chair told him again "Ain't no Julie here." Finally grabbed hold of him and turned him around facing back towards the door which he came in and started pushing him towards it saying, "Out now, skedaddle..." After shutting the door once he was out I heard Rod yelling for me. Rod wanted to know who was there and he'd managed to get outta the tub on his own. Rod wanted to know why I hadn't yelled for help. All I could do was say, "Look at you. What would you have done?" He admitted he wasn't in shape to deal with an intruder and then started laughing after I told him the whole deal.
...always should lock your doors..we lived in a ''not good'' ''hood'', so we always locked our doors....even if you don't live in a bad hood', you should lock them....
..and we always had dogs -no one will just walk in with our dogs
..if anyone comes near the house, our dog will bark
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
Yes, every illegal in the US-but while letting them stay is a mistake, THEY knew exactly what they were doing-TO US!
You have a mighty big house if all illegals fit into it.
I was sitting on the sofa sharing a banana with my dog (yes my dog likes to eat bananas) and my front door opens and this lady just walks right on in. At first she didn't say anything and my dog and I just look at each other. Dog says to me that since she was black I would probably offend her if I offered her a banana so I didn't but I digress.

Turns out she came to wrong house. She was rather zombie like and got my address confused with the one two houses up that shares the same last digit in the house number where she thought she was. She was somewhat in shock because apparently a family member had just died and that was why she was going to the house up the road. She apologized and went on her way after I told her that she probably intended to be two houses up since I had seen an unusual number of cars up there this evening.

It was just very odd. Never happened to me before.

Anybody ever have someone just walk into their home by mistake?
Yes, every illegal in the US-but while letting them stay is a mistake, THEY knew exactly what they were doing-TO US!
You have a mighty big house if all illegals fit into it.
It is OUR house the USA
Back in my college days in St. Louis I lived in in a bad neighborhood....it was close to Wash U. and the rent was cheap thus I decided it was worth the risk. I was from the South and grew up around negroes and we never had any trouble with them so I was not too worried.

Anyhow....one Sat. morning....i had slept late and woke up and see this black guy sitting in a chair at the foot of my bed just watching me. He had his hand in his coat pocket and I had to assume he had some kind of weapon.

I realized I had to think and make good decisions....very quickly.

I had taken the precaution of buying a .45 since one night my car broke down and I had to walk home and a group of young niggahs began to follow me....I think more out of curiosity than anything...probably wondering why this white dude was out walking by himself in a black ghetto.

Anyhow...there was a couple of girls in the gang and one of them said ya''ll better not mess wid him...he might have a pistol in his pocket. hehheh Thus they left me alone. Probably thinking any white dude walking alone in a black ghetto probably was crazy and or had some kind of weapon. Crazy people scare nighas.

Thinking that in case i might have to walk home again sometime...I purchased the .45 from this guy I once worked with in a repo business. We were those guys that come to get your car if you fall behind in your payments.

He had got out of the repo business and started a shop repairing and selling guns...he knew all about weapons and was very good at repairing them.

I told him about my experience and that I wanted to get a gun just in case I ever had to walk home again....he said I got just the thing for you...this thing would stop an elephant and its completely clean in case you ever have to shoot someone.

I said I had no intention of shooting anybody and that it was just for self-protection. He said ...whatever...but just in case you don't have to worry about it. I said o.k and bought it....took it out to the range a couple of times to get familiar with it and carried it in my glove compartment.

I slept with it under my pillow for awhile but one night I brought this chic home and I had forgotten and left the gun under my pillow...anyhow....she saw it and kinda freaked out ...some people just have a irrational fear of weapons...so I started putting it in my bureau drawer at night.

The first thought I had upon seeing this guy was I had made a big mistake by not keeping the gun under my pillow.

Anyhow....as calmly and naturally as possible ....understanding this guy might be some kind of crazy fellow...I mean who else is going to sit in a chair and watch someone sleep? Thus, I did not want to upset him or make him angry....so I say hey whas up--like we were best buddies. Without blinking he says-- I want my money.

Now, I had never seen this guy before and I knew I did not have his money nor did I owe him anything. But again...wanting to keep him calm and relaxed.....I say oh yeh...I been meaning to give it to you but I have just been so busy...now the bureau was only about 6 ft. from my bed and I want to get there without making him suspicious or cause him to pull his gun out or knife or whatever he had in his pocket.

So I swing my feet over to the floor on the side of the bed where the bureau was...and thinking he must have me confused with someone else or he is definitely some kind of psycho---maybe both.

Also, I am thinking he must be a very patient fellow to just sit there till I wake up...so I says how long you been sitting there?-- hoping he would take no offense...he says oh for awhile I just didn't want to interrupt your sleep.

Now, I am thinking well at least he is a very considerate fellow even if he is nuts. I stand up whilst saying ....now how much was it I owe you?....he looks at me with a rather irritated look...how in the hell could you forget?

I see he is getting agitated and I need to act quickly before he really gets pissed and pulls out his gun or whatever ....so I say... I just woke up my brain is not working too good yet-- I need a cup of coffee and he replies yeh I could use one myself. I say...well let me get dressed and I will make us some breakfast and coffee.

I take a few steps to the bureau and pull the top draw open where I keep the gun...and I always kept it loaded --all I had to do was grab it and click the safety off. To distract him I say I got it all right here.

I grabbed the gun clicked the safety off and turned--he must have realized his mistake ....he had his pistol out --not a big gun...it was a sat. night special of the .22 calibre nature with a silencer.

I quickly ducked he fired and I fired...his shot barely grazed the top of my head.... but I hit him square in the forehead.

I called 911 immediately and they called the cops. Whilst waiting I went through his pockets he had no wallet, no identification of any kind....nothing. He did have a briefcase sitting by the chair full of money...all hundreds.

I explained to the cops what happened and they were very suspicious not believing my story. I realized I best lawyer up.

It was a big hassle...and lawyers are not cheap...ultimately they decided they did not have the evidence to contradict me. So I was held awhile and they let me go.

They never could find out who the guy was... and that together with the fact he had all that money with his fingerprints burned off...kinda suggested to them he was some kind of bad dude.

I became very paranoid...worrying the fellow might have friends as in maybe someone just sent him for the money.

All I knew was that I knew nothing really...and would probably never know.

As soon as the police let me go...I gathered my stuff ...notified the school I had family problems and got out of Texas.

This was a long time ago...I never heard anything else about the incident...but sometimes at night and especially on waking in the morning...I still think about it and wish I had kept the money. hehheh
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My precious beloved dog loved bananas and apples and cherries and watermelon. I have always lived in California. I keep my doors locked all the time.

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