
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
-The hidden message of Passover-
"with lamb's blood so the angel of death would pass over them"
What did the lamb represent?
Well at that time in Egypt it was the IDOL god of the Egyptians, and by sheding his blood was to mock the power of their fake gods & idols which couldn't save themselves. An act done in hopes of causing Egyptians to be so appalled that they'd kick them out of Egypt to be free.
So don't be deceived by Claims it's a good thing, the lamb was the sin of idolotry not the sacrifice for sins. By claiming to be the lamb of passover is to claim to be the sin that needs removal or even the representation of death itself.

Look at it deeper:
1) passover the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt and the icon was created from Egyptian mythologies and characters like Osirus and Horus while teaching the Egyptian underworld death cultism ) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
2) The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer [the messenger (angel) of death] Jesus brings.
=passover the death messenger.
As Jews we passover the death angel (messenger).
Sources for the messenger of death being Jesus besides coming as the first fallen messenger.
The admission in rev 22:16 that they were lifting high the morning star (lucifer) as their messenger of their kingdom (in death).
The NT said he descended to hades
1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27, Apostles Creed
Fulfilling prophecy of the son of perdition
in Ezekiel 28.
who has killed more people then the Jesus mythology? 50+million and counting.
Basically all death worship (rewards in dying)teachings have caused most of these murderous paths.

Rev 9:1 the fallen star was given
the key to the shaft of the Abyss. remember
Jesus is the one admitting to having this Key to the abyss in Revelation 1:18
He’s also always saying salvation is in death and
we see his proud proclaimation of being the gate keeper of death:
-Apocryphon ofJames- "become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life; for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you
examine death it will teach you election.
Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear
death will be saved; for the kingdom of
death belongs to those who put themselves
to death!"
=messenger of death we passover, we are told to passover the first fallen messiah (ben joseph) for HaSheva(redemption) is in the Shiloh(one who's right it is) the Moshiach ben Dovid.
Just read Ezek. 28. Wanted to see what you were talking about it being a prophesy of the Son of Perdition. A man whom the apostle Paul made clear in 2Thess2 hadn't yet made his appearance 600 years later. There are some similarities in the prose, nothing more.

Try Ezek. 18. It is the new covenant laid out in contract form. Both Jeremiah 31:29 and Ezek:5 establish that The sons shall no longer be held accountable for the sins of the father.

Ezek. 18:2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?

Jeremiah 31:29
In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.

Exodus 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Most Christians don't get the message, I don't know why I even try to tell you the truth.
Chag Pessach sameah. Happy Pessach! On 31st 17:00 jerusalem time i have a sheduled zoom meeting with beit hallel congregation for a prayer in the desert on passover. They are christians but it seems they also celebrate passover.
Just read Ezek. 28. Wanted to see what you were talking about it being a prophesy of the Son of Perdition. A man whom the apostle Paul made clear in 2Thess2 hadn't yet made his appearance 600 years later. There are some similarities in the prose, nothing more.

Try Ezek. 18. It is the new covenant laid out in contract form. Both Jeremiah 31:29 and Ezek:5 establish that The sons shall no longer be held accountable for the sins of the father.

Ezek. 18:2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?

Jeremiah 31:29
In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.

Exodus 20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Most Christians don't get the message, I don't know why I even try to tell you the truth.
Ezekiel 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome). =Jesus
1 peter 3:19, Acts 2:27

Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. =Jesus
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8)
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient Persia, thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.

Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah there would be no Shiloh.
” Brought DOWN to the pit” and we as Israelites are commanded for all time to not eat of or partake of any “Bread that RISES at this time since Jesus is known as the Bread of life and he supposedly Rises from the pit of death with the keys to hell then how much plainer can it be that this idol/ god of the New Testament fulfills Lucifer to a tee or a cross.. Simple and straightforward for all who are not blinded by their idol to not see...
” Brought DOWN to the pit” and we as Israelites are commanded for all time to not eat of or partake of any “Bread that RISES at this time since Jesus is known as the Bread of life and he supposedly Rises from the pit of death with the keys to hell then how much plainer can it be that this idol/ god of the New Testament fulfills Lucifer to a tee or a cross.. Simple and straightforward for all who are not blinded by their idol to not see...
Keys to the Kingdom of God...which Jesus proclaimed was within the reach of everyone....Rising from the dead is not a good thing? Even though it took place after Passover?
” Brought DOWN to the pit” and we as Israelites are commanded for all time to not eat of or partake of any “Bread that RISES at this time since Jesus is known as the Bread of life and he supposedly Rises from the pit of death with the keys to hell then how much plainer can it be that this idol/ god of the New Testament fulfills Lucifer to a tee or a cross.. Simple and straightforward for all who are not blinded by their idol to not see...
Keys to the Kingdom of God...which Jesus proclaimed was within the reach of everyone....Rising from the dead is not a good thing? Even though it took place after Passover?
Au contrare .... Revelation 1:18 says specifically the keys of hell and of death... Again who but Lucifear could hold such keys from the pit..You conveniently forgot to mention that ..Further Passover is a 7 day event as per Exodus 12... No leavening or Rising is allowed and any that do so shall have their “ soul” cutoff...The gospels all agree Mark 15:42, Mathew 27:62 John 19;42 and Mathew 27 :42 that Jesus dies during Passover and Rose shortly after his death which would still be during Passover if the gospels are to be believed... The only difference is in John which was written at a later date .. No leavending or rising or your soul shall be cut off... Pretty straightforward and that includes a so called bread of life....
Au contrare .... Revelation 1:18 says specifically the keys of hell and of death... Again who but Lucifear could hold such keys from the pit..You conveniently forgot to mention that ..Further Passover is a 7 day event as per Exodus 12... No leavening or Rising is allowed and any that do so shall have their “ soul” cutoff...The gospels all agree Mark 15:42, Mathew 27:62 John 19;42 and Mathew 27 :42 that Jesus dies during Passover and Rose shortly after his death which would still be during Passover if the gospels are to be believed... The only difference is in John which was written at a later date .. No leavending or rising or your soul shall be cut off... Pretty straightforward and that includes a so called bread of life....
Life. Not death. Keys to life and the kingdom of God. Rising into life. Revelation--unlocks/abolishes death, brings new life. Most consider that a good thing. John was one of the Twelve; he was there.
Au contrare .... Revelation 1:18 says specifically the keys of hell and of death... Again who but Lucifear could hold such keys from the pit..You conveniently forgot to mention that ..Further Passover is a 7 day event as per Exodus 12... No leavening or Rising is allowed and any that do so shall have their “ soul” cutoff...The gospels all agree Mark 15:42, Mathew 27:62 John 19;42 and Mathew 27 :42 that Jesus dies during Passover and Rose shortly after his death which would still be during Passover if the gospels are to be believed... The only difference is in John which was written at a later date .. No leavending or rising or your soul shall be cut off... Pretty straightforward and that includes a so called bread of life....
Life. Not death. Keys to life and the kingdom of God. Rising into life. Revelation--unlocks/abolishes death, brings new life. Most consider that a good thing. John was one of the Twelve; he was there.
You want it both ways ..It is straightforward all your twisting will not change that...The keys to hell and of death ... Not life. Once again.” Rising” is not allowed at this time of the year. It is forbidden...Jesus is being revealed as the holder of the keys to death and hell fulfilling Lucifer the fallen one.... You can try to twist it anyway you want but it is plain what is being said.. You may fool some but not all...As for John and the rest of the gospels they were originally anonymous without names they were only named at a much later date so by claiming “John “was there is hardly truthfull and since in many places he/it contradicts the other gospels there is great doubt not just on my part but on others who study such things...
You want it both ways ..It is straightforward all your twisting will not change that...The keys to hell and of death ... Not life. Once again.” Rising” is not allowed at this time of the year. It is forbidden...Jesus is being revealed as the holder of the keys to death and hell fulfilling Lucifer the fallen one.... You can try to twist it anyway you want but it is plain what is being said.. You may fool some but not all...As for John and the rest of the gospels they were originally anonymous without names they were only named at a much later date so by claiming “John “was there is hardly truthfull and since in many places he/it contradicts the other gospels there is great doubt not just on my part but on others who study such things...
There is no "both" ways to want. You must know that. "Lucifer" is a King James translation and the original Hebrew does not reference Satan or any demon. As for "rising" being forbidden, don't be silly. If that were the case Passover would be spent in bed. Christian teaching is that Jesus conquered death, released souls bound by death. This is not "fooling" but direct teaching from the Apostles and early Christians.

I know the history of the Gospels and of John, so no need to go into that or that the gospels were written from different perspectives, which only serves to enhance not tear down.

Finally, the intent of this thread is discuss Passover, a high feast day and worthy of not being taken off track. It is a celebration of freedom, an escape from slavery and oppression.
You want it both ways ..It is straightforward all your twisting will not change that...The keys to hell and of death ... Not life. Once again.” Rising” is not allowed at this time of the year. It is forbidden...Jesus is being revealed as the holder of the keys to death and hell fulfilling Lucifer the fallen one.... You can try to twist it anyway you want but it is plain what is being said.. You may fool some but not all...As for John and the rest of the gospels they were originally anonymous without names they were only named at a much later date so by claiming “John “was there is hardly truthfull and since in many places he/it contradicts the other gospels there is great doubt not just on my part but on others who study such things...
There is no "both" ways to want. You must know that. "Lucifer" is a King James translation and the original Hebrew does not reference Satan or any demon. As for "rising" being forbidden, don't be silly. If that were the case Passover would be spent in bed. Christian teaching is that Jesus conquered death, released souls bound by death. This is not "fooling" but direct teaching from the Apostles and early Christians.

I know the history of the Gospels and of John, so no need to go into that or that the gospels were written from different perspectives, which only serves to enhance not tear down.

Finally, the intent of this thread is discuss Passover, a high feast day and worthy of not being taken off track. It is a celebration of freedom, an escape from slavery and oppression.
You brought up John not I.. For any that want to look these things up the gospels by “name “where not mentioned till around the 2 Nd century and the famed Christian Justin Martyr never mentions them when compiling his proofs for Christianity... He most certainly would have used them if he knew of them ( this should cause alarm bells to ring or at least some should look into it for themselves)..As for Jesus fulfilling Lucifer if the shoe fits then the shoe fits and like all good fairytales like Cinderella he/ she gets to become royalty in that kingdom.. In Jesus/ Lucifer case that would be hades or hell and death...My the twisting continues on your part as Jews or Israelites are not referred to as ” bread of life” therefore they are entitled to “ Rise” out of bed but Jesus is not entitled to Rise out of death since he is referred to as a bread of life...This is a no no at this time.... Wink Wink...Finally Passover is indeed a feast in celebration of freedom and from slavery and oppression but as long as the concept of Jesus as it is portrayed in the New Testament is used to enslave and oppress people and turn them away from the gd of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob none of us can be truly free and still have the chains of slavery controlling us to say the least........
Passover is indeed a feast in celebration of freedom and from slavery and oppression but as long as the concept of Jesus as it is portrayed in the New Testament is used to enslave and oppress people and turn them away from the gd of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob none of us can be truly free and still have the chains of slavery controlling us to say the least........
There is no attempt by Jesus or Christians to turn anyone away from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the God of whom Jesus and Christians believe. Jesus celebrated Passover, as do all Jews. It was his Last Supper--one that Christians remember during each of our celebrations. May you be as happy in yours.
Passover is indeed a feast in celebration of freedom and from slavery and oppression but as long as the concept of Jesus as it is portrayed in the New Testament is used to enslave and oppress people and turn them away from the gd of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob none of us can be truly free and still have the chains of slavery controlling us to say the least........
There is no attempt by Jesus or Christians to turn anyone away from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the God of whom Jesus and Christians believe. Jesus celebrated Passover, as do all Jews. It was his Last Supper--one that Christians remember during each of our celebrations. May you be as happy in yours.
Pay attention I am going to make a very important point.. You are saying that christians in all their years of existence have never made any attempt to convert Jews to Christianity in spiteof the incredible number of cases that this is so.That is sheer nonsense Even now they spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year to do so...Further if christians worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why would they feel the need to convert Jews at all unless they are admitting that they worship another god.. Obviously christians do not worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob becuse if they did so they would not be attempting this and they would not place their idol/ god/ Jesus in front and before him breaking one of the most important commandments...By the way the last supper concept was borrowed from Babylonian lore where there were twelve gods at the table a thirteenth showed up late and one had to die so that the number twelve could be reinstated.. I could delve deeper here if you like...
Au contrare .... Revelation 1:18 says specifically the keys of hell and of death... Again who but Lucifear could hold such keys from the pit..You conveniently forgot to mention that ..Further Passover is a 7 day event as per Exodus 12... No leavening or Rising is allowed and any that do so shall have their “ soul” cutoff...The gospels all agree Mark 15:42, Mathew 27:62 John 19;42 and Mathew 27 :42 that Jesus dies during Passover and Rose shortly after his death which would still be during Passover if the gospels are to be believed... The only difference is in John which was written at a later date .. No leavending or rising or your soul shall be cut off... Pretty straightforward and that includes a so called bread of life....
Life. Not death. Keys to life and the kingdom of God. Rising into life. Revelation--unlocks/abolishes death, brings new life. Most consider that a good thing. John was one of the Twelve; he was there.

who is "john" ? (ps----I am quite convinced that
waking up from death has nothing to do with the "rising of yeast cake")
You are saying that christians in all their years of existence have never made any attempt to convert Jews to Christianity
I never started or entered a discussion on what some Christians do or have done. Personally, I've done the opposite, but that is not part of this thread either.
By the way the last supper concept was borrowed from Babylonian lore where there were twelve gods at the table a thirteenth showed up late and one had to die so that the number twelve could be reinstated.. I could delve deeper here if you like...
And that is another story, not one of the Last Supper. Still, thanks for sharing.
Au contrare .... Revelation 1:18 says specifically the keys of hell and of death... Again who but Lucifear could hold such keys from the pit..You conveniently forgot to mention that ..Further Passover is a 7 day event as per Exodus 12... No leavening or Rising is allowed and any that do so shall have their “ soul” cutoff...The gospels all agree Mark 15:42, Mathew 27:62 John 19;42 and Mathew 27 :42 that Jesus dies during Passover and Rose shortly after his death which would still be during Passover if the gospels are to be believed... The only difference is in John which was written at a later date .. No leavending or rising or your soul shall be cut off... Pretty straightforward and that includes a so called bread of life....
Life. Not death. Keys to life and the kingdom of God. Rising into life. Revelation--unlocks/abolishes death, brings new life. Most consider that a good thing. John was one of the Twelve; he was there.

who is "john" ? (ps----I am quite convinced that
waking up from death has nothing to do with the "rising of yeast cake")
Shalom Irosie..Chag Samaech ..
By the way the last supper concept was borrowed from Babylonian lore where there were twelve gods at the table a thirteenth showed up late and one had to die so that the number twelve could be reinstated.. I could delve deeper here if you like...
And that is another story, not one of the Last Supper. Still, thanks for sharing.
Of course itis plagerizing is rampant in the New Testament . That happens when you try to be all things to all people’s esp the ones you conquer or wish to.. The Romans were very very good and taking what was others and making it their own...
Of course itis plagerizing is rampant in the New Testament . That happens when you try to be all things to all people’s esp the ones you conquer or wish to.. The Romans were very very good and taking what was others and making it their own...
Sigh.... Not plagiarizing.... It is a different story. Matthew, for example, used a literary device known as foreshadowing. Four different accounts, from four different perspectives.

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