Happy New Year!! *Trump edition*


Well, they know what to do - attempt to start a war with Russia, because clearly a nuclear holocaust is a better solution compared to hurt feels.

Oh well, the tantrum of the bed-wetters will subside, maybe not in the upcoming year, but nonetheless.

Oh, and indeed, Happy New Year to all!

I kind of doubt anything is going to subside with Donald Trump in the Oval office--LOL And this is going to be your world for the next 4 years, if he's not impeached first. Nightly negative news on Donald Trump, that you will be forced to defend.


They're going to continue to KICK, and it's never going to go away.

And so will these people


They will never forget, nor forgive.

Donald Trump is most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office. He's a lame duck President already. That got help from Putin, and the FBI director James Comey to win this election. And EVERYONE knows that.

The only President elect in the history of this nation, that had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his method of communications with the outside world has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

Trump and his supporters have made too many Republican enemies in both houses. Now the Joints Chiefs of staff will not respect him, or anyone that puts on a military uniform in this country. He will be known as the Russian President or Comrade Trump.
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The only President elect that has had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his method of communications with the outside world has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

Funny... read some fucking history dude... You do realize they literally had to SNEAK Abraham Lincoln into Washington D.C. to take office, right?
I love this new angle of trying to smear Trump with Russia.... that's some moxie right there. You've ginned up this fake controversy about Russians hacking the elections, Obama's been running around setting fires where he can with Russian diplomacy, and when Trump comes in, he will have to put those fires out and try to restore relations and you'll obviously play that as Trump appeasing the Ruskies.

It's fucking amazing... all it took was the Russians to shit on your presidential candidate and all you Commie liberals turn against them for the first time in your history! Now, if we could just get radical Islam to shit on a Democratic presidential candidate, we might be able to defeat the bastards!
I have no problem saying I was wrong. I remembered a thread that you wrote months ago and didn't get every word correct, totally my bad. It wasn't a lie it was a mistake, there is a difference, plus I didn't even make the statement I asked a question you dumb shit... go back and read the thread...

You said you might vote for Hillary not that you were voting for her. So now that the little word game is out of the way we can get back to my original point... you are a fucking hypocrite for standing up for Trumps actions against liberals when you deamonized the same thing when he did it to your guy Cruz.

Yes, and if you had read the OP from that thread months ago, you'd have known the context of the title was that I was upset at how Trump die-hards were treating Ted Cruz conservatives at the time. The title was intended to get their attention and it did. At no point did I state I was going to vote for Hillary and I never seriously considered it. I said it to make a dramatic point, which I made... and for months, I've put up with little lying piss ants like you, throwing it up in my face. I told you that you were misinformed and you wanted to double down and be a smart ass.

My issue was not against Trump. I have differences with some of Trump's policies but my contention was with his followers who were acting like Ted Cruz conservatives were "the enemy" instead of focusing on Hillary Clinton. I'm not a hypocrite, I don't mind any of Trump's actions against liberals. Yes, he took some cheap shots at Ted Cruz and I called him out for that but that was in the primaries and he won. I don't see any comparison with the tweet he made for New Years and his accusations that Ted Cruz's father conspired with Lee Harvey Oswald.... it's likes apples and oranges to me. You're trying to draw a moral equivalency where there's not one. Was he snarky toward liberals and nevertrumpers? Sure... that's who he is. Good for him! It seems to work better than trying to appease you and get along.
You get an "A" for effort trying to wiggle out of this but it really is laughable hearing your justification for your new position as Trump advocate. I read your OP and you were clearly fed up with Trump and his supporters. The point of your OP was to say that you've had enough and you were now going to actively campaign against Trump and would consider voting for Clinton. Those are your words, not mine.

Now all of a sudden, you back up Trumps childish antics and act just like the petty Trump supporters that you were so appalled with when their target was your boy Cruz? You are as transparent as a window, I just had to call your BS.

I'm not wiggling near as much as you are. I called you on your BS that I posted a thread saying I planned to vote for Hillary. You wiggled out of that by claiming you misquoted me. Now you're trying to claim I'm a hypocrite for not chastising Trump on his sarcastic New Year's comment directed at butthurt liberals. I've never had a problem with Trump laying the smack down on you. It's obviously a winning strategy for him to get down in the mud and be just as much of a pedantic troll as the leftists. He's just giving you a dose of your own medicine and you don't like it. I'm not going to condemn that, I'm getting a huge kick out of it to be honest. Watching the left melt down over Trump has been priceless.

I reserve my criticisms of Trump on policy. I will call him out on things he proposes that I don't agree with... this trillion-dollar infrastructure boondoggle he's proposing... massive tariffs trying to influence free market capitalism... nationalized child care... raising the minimum wage... flip-flopping on things he promised in the primaries.... he's going to get criticized by me for those things. But I'm not going to knock him for his bombastic style because it's obviously working and get a kick out of him making liberal heads explode.
How was I wiggling? I never even quoted you as you incorrectly claim... Here is my exact quote "Didn't you start a thread a few months ago stating that you were voting for Hillary because you couldn't stand Trump?" You see that is called a question, not a statement. I don't have your posts from months ago memorized verbatim. But I remember the point of the post which was that you were fed up of the way Trump and his supporters conducted themselves, so much so that you stated that you would actively campaign against Trump and were even considering voting for Hillary... Those were your words and I posted a link to your OP. Now you are hypocritically cheering on the low blows and partisan rhetoric that you were condemning only a few months ago. Need a quote, here is an example of what YOU just said in this thread "I think Trump's plan is to smack you around like his little bitches for a few years until you learn how to fucking play nice with people... THEN, MAYBE we can work on unity?"

You were whining like a little snowflake when your boy Cruz got mopped up by Trump and you pouted around saying you were going to oppose Trump and may even vote for Clinton... Now you are cheering on the same BS that got you so butthurt... I don't think I can lay it out any clearer. Take a chill pill and stick to the policy subjects. You actually articulate yourself much better with that stuff than when you attempt to throw out the petty insults.

Looks like a lot of fucking wiggling to me... maybe it's just a matter of perspective?

My OP was not about Trump and I stated that in the OP. It was about the attitude of his die-hard supporters. They were acting like little liberal trolls and I had enough of that. I didn't have a problem with them acting that way toward liberals because Trump didn't need liberals to vote for him to beat Hillary. I wasn't whining or pouting, I was strongly voicing my opinion that Trump supporters needed to dial back their vitriol over Cruz and get over him not endorsing Trump.

And I haven't "cheered on" anything... I simply told you what I think Trump is doing. When you're dealing with bullies (and that's the radical left)... you can't appease them, you can't go along with them, you can't apologize to them... you have to smack them in the kisser... and you have to keep smacking that kisser until they learn how to play nice. And I think that is precisely what Trump is doing... he's breaking them down. I get that you don't like it... bullies never like this. But that's how you have to deal with them, it's the only thing that works.
So you were just fine with Trump, but since you didn't like the attitudes of his supporters you decided that you wouldn't vote for him and would actually campaign against him? OK, that sounds like some great logic :cuckoo:

Here are some great quotes from your OP:
"I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him."

"I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election."
The only President elect that has had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his method of communications with the outside world has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

Funny... read some fucking history dude... You do realize they literally had to SNEAK Abraham Lincoln into Washington D.C. to take office, right?

Are you planning a Civil War in this country. You might as well because you've started one by electing Trump.

Just how effective do you think a Trump Presidency is going to be when more than half this country hates him, including Senate Republicans. It was Mitch McConnell that stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain has nothing to lose. He was verbally assaulted, not a war hero, even though he was captured and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz--was assaulted with vicious lies about his wife and father, and was called a liar a thousand times over while you laughed and chided him.. Little Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and Rand Paul who all felt the wrath of Trump's mouth and tweety fingers, while you laughed and cheered Trump on. The Bush's are still a very politically powerful family, and I am certain they have some designs on Comrade Trump too. I won't even get into others like Mitt Romney who would love nothing better than to hang Trump out to dry.

On the house side you have continually attacked Paul Ryan, and even tried to primary him.

Now the Russian connection with Trump denying all intelligence. How well do you think he's going to work with the Joints Chiefs of staff? I am certain those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him are wearing bags over their heads about right now, and doing everything they can to remove this Ass Clown as soon as possible.

You're going to find out very quickly that political paybacks are HELL. There's no one here that's going to be coming to Comrade Trump's rescue, except the typical physco babble interpreters that have surrounded him through-out this campaign. The real people in power, are going to let the Trump Titanic sink with his supporters on board. In fact they're drilling holes in the boat right now.


They would have no problems leading the charge on impeaching Donald Trump, to install Mike Pense as President.

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The only President elect that has had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his method of communications with the outside world has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

Funny... read some fucking history dude... You do realize they literally had to SNEAK Abraham Lincoln into Washington D.C. to take office, right?

Are you planning a Civil War in this country. You might as well because you've started one by electing Trump.

Just how effective do you think a Trump Presidency is going to be when more than half this country hates him, including Senate Republicans. It was Mitch McConnell that stated they would dump Trump like a hot rock. John McCain has nothing to lose. He was verbally assaulted, not a war hero, even though he was captured and tortured for 5 years. Ted Cruz--was assaulted with vicious lies about his wife and father, and was called a liar a thousand times over while you laughed and chided him.. Little Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and Rand Paul who all felt the wrath of Trump's mouth and tweety fingers, while you laughed and cheered Trump on. The Bush's are still a very politically powerful family, and I am certain they have some designs on Comrade Trump too. I won't even get into others like Mitt Romney who would love nothing better than to hang Trump out to dry.

On the house side you have continually attacked Paul Ryan, and even tried to primary him.

Now the Russian connection with Trump denying all intelligence. How well do you think he's going to work with the Joints Chiefs of staff? I am certain those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him are wearing bags over their heads about right now, and doing everything they can to remove this Ass Clown as soon as possible.

You're going to find out very quickly that political paybacks are HELL. There's no one here that's going to be coming to Comrade Trump's rescue, except the typical physco babble interpreters that have surrounded him through-out this campaign. The real people in power, are going to let the Trump Titanic sink with his supporters on board. In fact they're drilling holes in the boat right now.


They would have no problems leading the charge on impeaching Donald Trump, to install Mike Pense as President.

I find it incredibly ironic that you fucktards come out of the chute complaining about "FAKE NEWS" only to turn around and start promoting a FAKE NEWS story that Russians hacked our elections! That takes some special kind of unmitigated gall.

Post you little angry cartoons... foam at the mouth and spew your typical venomous rhetoric... the fact remains you don't have any political power left in Washington. You are powerless right now.... as in... you don't have any political power! So whatever you have to say is automatically marginalized from the start.

Now, I can tell you a little something about this because I'm a constitutional conservative who's been marginalized for years in my own party.... you're NEVER going to gain political power back by being vindictive, vitriolic and simply hurling insults at your opponents. That might work when you are in power and control some branch of the government... it doesn't work when you're on the outside looking in. For you to regain any sort of credibility and power in Washington, you're going to have to work hard appealing to mainstream Americans on core issues.

You don't have to listen to my advice, in fact, I would prefer if you didn't. Just keep on doubling down on your hate rhetoric which has cost you all your political power.... that suits me just fine! Republicans need to win a couple more statehouses then the GOP can implement Constitutional Amendments without any obstructions.
So you were just fine with Trump, but since you didn't like the attitudes of his supporters you decided that you wouldn't vote for him and would actually campaign against him? OK, that sounds like some great logic

No, I wasn't "just fine" with Trump, I accepted that Trump won the nomination and was a far superior choice than Hillary Clinton. I disagree with Trump on a number of important issues. Yes, I was VERY pissed off at his supporters because I felt like they were throwing the election away in order to bash on Ted Cruz for no apparent reason. I voiced my opinion on that as did MANY Cruz supporters around the nation and the Trump campaign began to change their tune and appeal to Cruz conservatives. As I said, in the closing weeks of the general election, Trump made some of the strongest conservative speeches in over 30 years.

So my "logic" was always about steering the Trump campaign toward a more conservative message and that worked because that's what he did. Had he NOT done that, the 30-40k crucial votes that meant the difference between a win and a loss in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, wouldn't have been there.
Are you planning a Civil War in this country. You might as well because you've started one by electing Trump.

The last one we had, over 650,000 Americans died. That's 2% of the population or equivalent of about 6 million people today. Now I want you to sit there and just think about the idea of 6 million Americans, many of whom you know and love, dying in a Civil War. Is that what you REALLY want? Really?

Because, once you've pulled the trigger on this there is no turning back. You can't go out there next week and say... oh shit... sorry... didn't mean to start all this... didn't realize how brutal and bloody it was going to be! You'll have to ride it out to it's gruesome end and it won't be pretty. I think you might want to think about your whole way of life ending and things never being the same again. Is there something SO bad about Donald Trump that you're willing to go there or are you just mad that he won and you lost?

Look... if it's any consolation... politics have a way of being cyclical in America. Events like the 2016 election cause people to regroup and reorganize, form new alliances and coalitions, forge new messages and approaches. The Tea Party movement arose from the closing Bush years and the rise of the Progressives with Obama. When Reagan won two landslides over Democrats, that caused the Democrats to reevaluate their message and they rolled out with Bill Clinton.... so things happen in politics to change the dynamics as the result of bitter defeats. They always have and they always will.

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