Hannity rips ignorant Occupier organizer

Let me see if I have this right.

You're lavishing praise on Hannity (a high school graduate with no higher education) for ripping on supposedly 'ignorant' OWS people, many of whom have advanced degrees beyond just 4-year bachelor degrees?

While Hannity is a practiced media veteran who is consequently adept (with the help of a paid staff) at trying to repudiate the validity of one argument by conflating it with others, Hannity is not an educated man who is capable of seeing beyond his partisan paycheck and his preconceived ideas.
I saw the pics, Infidel. It was a crappy interview.

I don't glorify OWS, take part in the protests, or know any protestors personally.

I just thought it was a crappy interview. Hannity shouldn't even of had him on the show if he wasn't going to talk to him in a respectful manner.

Thanks - call me a hack now? Why, because you disagree with me and that's what you do when you disagree with people - insult them?

Crappy interview... YES, but that guy is a perfect example of what is wrong with the entire movement.

So if you are just trying to say the interview was crappy, we agree on that and that alone.
Im no Hannity fan either... but that guy was an idiot, and not a 'kid'. He is a grwon ass man, and needs to get a fucking job!

Im sorry if I let me emotions get the best of me Kevin... it just infuriates me at how these folks want to destroy the very system that allows them protest in the first place.

Thanks for validating my point that the right is trying to define the movement based on the actions of a few. LOL

A few? As in three or four?
No matter what I say drsmith, you will deny it and go the exact opposite direction.

I posted just a teeny bit of the proof I have and you still deny it.

You fit the description of a troll for the left to a T.

Im done with you for now.... my chew toy (you) is getting soggy and distasteful
You know while I am not totally convinced that Sean Hannity is much when it comes to skills in any sense of the word when it comes to things related to or being anywhere close to appearing what one might call professional journalism, the young man in the interview would have been better off spending his time in the college classroom rather than perhaps a Park, in that he might have developed something close to the skills needed to mount a defense of his views. This interview by Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable, (myself among them) on the part of the young man who claimed to represent OWS. In that Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out and perhaps it might serve that young man pause to think that while it''s one thing to voice your views in the public square and do so in a concise and non-violent way it's another thing to express one's views at the expense of the same rights you claim are being taken away from others.

wow!! lol so you think inviting someone on your program to badger them and not them even have a real opportunity to defend themselves or their positions is something to be praised?? Really??


Yes.. you take every chance to badger idiots like this... same with Woodsboro morons... ones who condone clinic bombings.. etc... you relentlessly expose them for the idiot extremist whackaloons that they are
You know while I am not totally convinced that Sean Hannity is much when it comes to skills in any sense of the word when it comes to things related to or being anywhere close to appearing what one might call professional journalism, the young man in the interview would have been better off spending his time in the college classroom rather than perhaps a Park, in that he might have developed something close to the skills needed to mount a defense of his views. This interview by Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable, (myself among them) on the part of the young man who claimed to represent OWS. In that Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out and perhaps it might serve that young man pause to think that while it''s one thing to voice your views in the public square and do so in a concise and non-violent way it's another thing to express one's views at the expense of the same rights you claim are being taken away from others.

wow!! lol so you think inviting someone on your program to badger them and not them even have a real opportunity to defend themselves or their positions is something to be praised?? Really??


As I said, I have little if any respect for Seans Hannity's journalistic skills, and I would hardly call what I posted as praise more so I would call it a position in which the young man in question did not defend his position well and the position he sought to defend as of late is not very defensable

Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out

seems your previous opinion counters your new one. Furthermore, the actions fo a a few are indefensible however, the movement is defensible. Lumping them all together as one is the primary flaw in the argument of the right.

in my humble opinion regardless of who's show he happens to be on. One more thing I might add, from what I understand Mr. Hannity is quite good at interviews that cite Mr. Hannity's position over all others, and this young man should have known that going into it. I was left with the impression that the young man in question had no clue what to say or do or even for that matter how to defend his position regardless of who the interviewer was.

my guess is that the kid just wanted to be on TV and didn't know enough about hannety to make the call as to how he would be treated. Based on how he reacted he didn't expect such a hostile envoronment and that is his own fault.

I did say howver that Mr. Hannity did a good job in showing that the young mans position was a weak one.

and there in lies the praise.

How so you might ask? Well it is my humble opinion that the idea of "OWS" one where those on Wall Street might place the interests of themselves above the interests of this nation has wide appeal. Having said that, in order to make that message appealing and to compel legislation that might encourage those that don't think about their nation first, the best way to go about that is not to impede or interfere with the rights of others than OWS is claiming is being taken from them. I for one was quite impressed with the idea of a non-violent movement that would seek to show those on Wall Street , etc. that they have a vested interest in this nation and not only are they beholding to the stock holders but more so the nation in which they reap the benefits of their financial investments. When that movement moves away from a non-violent nature and becomes one has less to do with it's original intent and more to do with a violent means of taking rights from others to gain your own, then that position becomes hard to defend and the young man in question did a poor job of it, Sean Hannity not withstanding.

the problem with your analysis and praise on hannety based on how you claimed "Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable" is that the "kid" was not defending the bad acts of a few which hannety was obsessed with attributing to the whole of the movement.

Your analysis is flawed and your praise is heaped onto hannety for making a false point.

Crappy interview... YES, but that guy is a perfect example of what is wrong with the entire movement.

So if you are just trying to say the interview was crappy, we agree on that and that alone.
Im no Hannity fan either... but that guy was an idiot, and not a 'kid'. He is a grwon ass man, and needs to get a fucking job!

Im sorry if I let me emotions get the best of me Kevin... it just infuriates me at how these folks want to destroy the very system that allows them protest in the first place.

Thanks for validating my point that the right is trying to define the movement based on the actions of a few. LOL

A few? As in three or four?

A few my arss... :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prgkEAuSQT0&feature=related]"Occupy DC" Violently Raids Tea Party's "Defending the American Dream Summit"...many injured - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlPY9AfQFqI&feature=related]Ultimately violence will be necessary, says Occupy L.A. speaker - Pt2 10/01/2011 - YouTube[/ame]
I actually watched that as it happened and the "kid" got in a few good jabs and hannety looked desperate as he tried to hold the entire occupy movment accountable for the actions of a few bad apples which is something he argued against where the tea party was concerned.

So if you think hannety out shouting a "kid" a little over half his age as he made himself look like a partisan hypocritcla hack was a good thing then you can have it. lol

Hannety screams, "get off my lawn" LOL

FEW bad apples?? Hardly... If you have been to the places where these groups are.. You see LOTS of bad apples.. LOTS of whackaloons... LOTS of extremists.. LOTS of trash... LOTS of anger towards normal people in the area...

These redistribution and freebie loons are in themselves inherently 'bad apples' when they wish to take from others (or use government to take from others) for their own wants

have anything of substance?? Nope. Thanks for playing.


The fact is that these things are run by extremists and draw a huge number of bad apples, as you call them... whether you wish to admit it or not...

I have been down there at the one in DC, as my wife works directly across the street.. and I have seen it first hand while waiting to pick her up from work... it is full of whackaloons, despicable behavior, crime, and disrespect
however, go back to when foxnews was promoting the tea party and look at how they argued against labling the whole over the actions of a few. If juust another example of rightwing hypocrisy in action.

a few???? Are you fucking kidding me???








in front of a child - how despicable..!!!




yes a few. Unless of course you have examples of every single or even a majorty of occupy protesters doing all of those things then yes it's only a few.

You will be hard pressed to find a progressive who uses proper grammar - that and their brains........

Are you actually trying to criticize me for a couple of typos? WOW you really are desperate aren't you? LOL THat is truly the sign of a troll who has nothing real to offer.,

So thanks for nothing. LOL

Go ahead and show me how the rightwingers use their brains because honestly it seems to me that you are all just marching along following the talking points like good little lemmings who dare not question the substance of the orders they are given.

You're like that Indian homo retard from "Bad Santa" which was in "Office Space" "I'm not gay" - take your fucking meds dude....

LOL wow that is the best you've got? LOL

you are running with right wing tlaking points get called out for it and instead of even trying to defend yourself you lash out and call me names for correctly pointing out based on your above response how the other poster...

"will be hardpressed to find any of these rightwingerts willing to have an acutal debate. they like hannety are not interested in a debate and are only interested in focusing on the negative elelments of the occupy moverment and argue that this is representative of the hole." (corrected the typos just for you lol)

you, just like my example, are not interested in a debate and chose to focus only on the negative elements of my posts (typos) while you ran away from the content.
fact is that the right USED to be against labeling the whole for the acts of the few even as they are now falsely trying to do just that to the occupy movement.

That you can't face that fact has very little to do with me. lol
No matter what I say drsmith, you will deny it and go the exact opposite direction.

I posted just a teeny bit of the proof I have and you still deny it.

You fit the description of a troll for the left to a T.

Im done with you for now.... my chew toy (you) is getting soggy and distasteful

Actually I am not in denial of the fact that a FEW have done things that are indefensible. However the FACT is that you cannot show that these acts were engaged in or supported by a majority of the movement and there in lies the flaw inm your whole argument.

If you had a valid arguiment and made it then you would have presented something worthy of debate. However, since you have failed to do that and lied about my actual position on more than one occasion it's obvious that you have nothing valid or real to offer.

The fact that you ran away from citing my posts, which show how you lied about my position, says pretty much all that needs to be said about you and how far you will go.

Funny how after you are exposed as a liar you turn tail and run trying desperately to grasp victory form the jaws of defeat. Thanks for the dishonesty and the hypocrisy.

you say they are not a part of the movement?

now when and where did i say that?? I did say that there is no proof that these FEW are representative of the whole but at no time did I say that they were not part of the movement. So why did you lie about it?

You can run away now. lol
You know while I am not totally convinced that Sean Hannity is much when it comes to skills in any sense of the word when it comes to things related to or being anywhere close to appearing what one might call professional journalism, the young man in the interview would have been better off spending his time in the college classroom rather than perhaps a Park, in that he might have developed something close to the skills needed to mount a defense of his views. This interview by Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable, (myself among them) on the part of the young man who claimed to represent OWS. In that Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out and perhaps it might serve that young man pause to think that while it''s one thing to voice your views in the public square and do so in a concise and non-violent way it's another thing to express one's views at the expense of the same rights you claim are being taken away from others.

wow!! lol so you think inviting someone on your program to badger them and not them even have a real opportunity to defend themselves or their positions is something to be praised?? Really??


Yes.. you take every chance to badger idiots like this... same with Woodsboro morons... ones who condone clinic bombings.. etc... you relentlessly expose them for the idiot extremist whackaloons that they are


BTW can I take the fact that you failed to provide anything of substance to support your previous claims to mean that you haven't got anything real?? After all, if you had it then what's to stop you from providing it? LOL
Are you actually trying to criticize me for a couple of typos? WOW you really are desperate aren't you? LOL THat is truly the sign of a troll who has nothing real to offer.,

So thanks for nothing. LOL

Go ahead and show me how the rightwingers use their brains because honestly it seems to me that you are all just marching along following the talking points like good little lemmings who dare not question the substance of the orders they are given.

You're like that Indian homo retard from "Bad Santa" which was in "Office Space" "I'm not gay" - take your fucking meds dude....

LOL wow that is the best you've got? LOL

you are running with right wing tlaking points get called out for it and instead of even trying to defend yourself you lash out and call me names for correctly pointing out based on your above response how the other poster...

"will be hardpressed to find any of these rightwingerts willing to have an acutal debate. they like hannety are not interested in a debate and are only interested in focusing on the negative elelments of the occupy moverment and argue that this is representative of the hole." (corrected the typos just for you lol)

you, just like my example, are not interested in a debate and chose to focus only on the negative elements of my posts (typos) while you ran away from the content.
fact is that the right USED to be against labeling the whole for the acts of the few even as they are now falsely trying to do just that to the occupy movement.

That you can't face that fact has very little to do with me. lol

A) Pointing out Pelosi as being a bitch - is not only satisfaction for me but "fun."

B) I could give a rats ass about your feelings..

C) I really don't care..... Caring to you would be me hand delivering a coke-head a few 8 balls.

If you want a debate then come with legitimate ideas and concerns....
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It seems, at least in Minnesota, the police have been rounding up drunks and druggies from around town, dropping them off at Occupy rallies, and then alerting Republican news media to cover them as "Occupiers." Gee, I wonder if that's a more widespread phenomenon?
No matter what I say drsmith, you will deny it and go the exact opposite direction.

I posted just a teeny bit of the proof I have and you still deny it.

You fit the description of a troll for the left to a T.

Im done with you for now.... my chew toy (you) is getting soggy and distasteful

Actually I am not in denial of the fact that a FEW have done things that are indefensible. However the FACT is that you cannot show that these acts were engaged in or supported by a majority of the movement and there in lies the flaw inm your whole argument.

If you had a valid arguiment and made it then you would have presented something worthy of debate. However, since you have failed to do that and lied about my actual position on more than one occasion it's obvious that you have nothing valid or real to offer.

The fact that you ran away from citing my posts, which show how you lied about my position, says pretty much all that needs to be said about you and how far you will go.

Funny how after you are exposed as a liar you turn tail and run trying desperately to grasp victory form the jaws of defeat. Thanks for the dishonesty and the hypocrisy.

you say they are not a part of the movement?

now when and where did i say that?? I did say that there is no proof that these FEW are representative of the whole but at no time did I say that they were not part of the movement. So why did you lie about it?

You can run away now. lol

Im still here punk, I just refuse to engage you any longer.

You have you fingers in your ear, and your head up your ass.
It seems, at least in Minnesota, the police have been rounding up drunks and druggies from around town, dropping them off at Occupy rallies, and then alerting Republican news media to cover them as "Occupiers." Gee, I wonder if that's a more widespread phenomenon?

And you have no valid argument that is is 'a few'... when as seen in reports, videos, etc.. the mob is full of these behaviors... it is not 5 out of 100's that are out there breaking windows, laying down in traffic, chanting extremist slogans, etc.... I have seen these assholes first hand... hundreds in a group in the middle of the street taunting people, harassing motorists, pounding on their cars, wizzing in the bushes of the park, berating people in suits just because of what they look like, etc... this is commonplace and fully condoned by the majority of the group... or else the so-called 'good apple' majority would be helping reign in these behaviors... you would fully see more good behavior than bad

Look.. I have seen tons of protestors over the years, especially while I was active duty... and while I thought he majority were nuts in their stances (nuke protests, war protests, etc), they mostly were pretty civil, obeyed the law, etc... these occupy whackaloons are a whole different horse of a whole different color... whether you wish to admit it or not

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