Half-term ex-governor Sarah Palin compares herself to Margaret Thatcher

Gee....I wonder what that quitter Hillary is going to do now. Pretty strange she QUITS just after the Benghazi murders.

It must be tough to be a dummy while being a generally nice person, Caroljo. Your lame attempts to be snarky and nasty just fall flat. You try so hard to be "one of the boys". Sort of sad to witness.

Did that rant just make you feel better? I noticed you didn't claim i was wrong.....

I didn't say it to feel better. I said it to give you a glimpse at how you are perceived. You really don't know shit if you really think Hillary Clinton "quit" after the incredible job she did as Sec. Of State. Doing it while hinting that she is running away from Benghazi is just you being a tool. You are a much used, but decidedly ineffective tool.
Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

For the former Alaska governor, describing the former prime minister is like looking in a mirror

Here’s how a former half-term governor described Margaret Thatcher in National Review today. Sound familiar?
She was at heart a populist taking on the Conservative party’s old guard, who disdainfully referred to her as “That Woman.” The disdain was mutual. She referred to them as “the not so grand grandees.” As Thatcher later said, “It didn’t matter what they called me as long as I got the job done. I mean, to me they were ‘Those Grandees.’ They just don’t know what life is like. They haven’t been through it. And eventually if they didn’t help our cause, they had to go. But it didn’t bother me too much that they were patronizing like that. Frankly, the people, who are the true gentlemen, deal with others for what they are, not who their father was. Let’s face it: Maybe it took ‘That Woman’ to get things done, and the real reason why they said it was because they knew they just hadn’t got it within them to see things through.”
As she continues:
In taking on the “Those Grandees,” she wasn’t afraid of having strong opinions and fighting for them — something the establishment often found distasteful. British ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons recalled a conversation about this: “She said, ‘You know, Tony, I’m very proud that I don’t belong to your class.’ I said, ‘Prime Minister, what class do you think I belong to?’ She said, ‘I’m talking of course about upper-middle-class intellectuals who see everybody else’s point of view and have none of their own.’” And, of course, like all conservatives and trailblazers, she had to endure more than her share of vicious media attacks. Sir Archie Hamilton once recounted how he asked Thatcher whether she read the daily newspapers. “‘Oh no!’ she replied, ‘They make such hurtful and damaging remarks about me and my family, that if I ever read the papers every day, I could never get on with the job I am here to do.’” I know exactly what she meant. And as she said, “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
Et, as they say, cetera.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

1. palin is no thatcher

2. she never said it was like looking in the mirror, just another left wingnut lie

3. in some aspects, she can compare herself to thatcher

4. your article and OP is nothing but hackery and lame partisan sniping
Whow you guys are still scared of her.

Half a term that would beat Obama by about two years and Palin never promised not to quit. She only quit because of the hate spewed from the left. Obama quite because he is a liar.

I was terrified of her when I thought there was a chance she could be in charge of the Nuclear codes. Now I just get a smile on my face and a short chuckle when she pops up with her antics :)

but you're ok with the thought of biden possibly being in charge

lmao...pure hackery
Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." -- The Iron Lady
Half assed, half Neeeeeegro BHO compares himself to Lincoln...talk about delusions...

Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent
Chicken feed compared the bill your moron has run up.
Half assed, half Neeeeeegro BHO compares himself to Lincoln...talk about delusions...

Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent
Chicken feed compared the bill your moron has run up.

Really? Prove it. How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions?

Really? Prove it. How much debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions?

Will you stop trolling?
Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent

$20 million was for a new sports stadium.

Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent
5 trillion...plus or minus a few billion
Asked in 1996, her first year in office, about her ability to "effectively run" the city, Palin claimed:

"It's not rocket science," Palin said, "It's $6 million and 53 employees."​

Only "$6 million and 53 employees" and yet she managed to bury it $20 mil. in the red in just two-terms. How very Bush-like. And she wants us to trust her to be a heartbeat away from the national budget?

More: Sarah Palin the 'Earmark Queen' of AK Left Wasilla $20 Million in Debt | Crooks and Liars

Palin on Running Wasilla: 'It's Not Rocket Science' | The Washington Independent

$20 million was for a new sports stadium.


"The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren't enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22-million. What did Mayor Palin encourage the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? Or a new library? No. $1-million for a park, $15-million-plus for construction of a multi-use sports complex...She also supported bonds for $5.5-million for road projects that could have been done in 5-7 years without any borrowing."

More: Palin "inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22-million." - PolitiFact
Sarah Palin thinks she’s Margaret Thatcher

For the former Alaska governor, describing the former prime minister is like looking in a mirror

Here’s how a former half-term governor described Margaret Thatcher in National Review today. Sound familiar?
She was at heart a populist taking on the Conservative party’s old guard, who disdainfully referred to her as “That Woman.” The disdain was mutual. She referred to them as “the not so grand grandees.” As Thatcher later said, “It didn’t matter what they called me as long as I got the job done. I mean, to me they were ‘Those Grandees.’ They just don’t know what life is like. They haven’t been through it. And eventually if they didn’t help our cause, they had to go. But it didn’t bother me too much that they were patronizing like that. Frankly, the people, who are the true gentlemen, deal with others for what they are, not who their father was. Let’s face it: Maybe it took ‘That Woman’ to get things done, and the real reason why they said it was because they knew they just hadn’t got it within them to see things through.”
As she continues:
In taking on the “Those Grandees,” she wasn’t afraid of having strong opinions and fighting for them — something the establishment often found distasteful. British ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons recalled a conversation about this: “She said, ‘You know, Tony, I’m very proud that I don’t belong to your class.’ I said, ‘Prime Minister, what class do you think I belong to?’ She said, ‘I’m talking of course about upper-middle-class intellectuals who see everybody else’s point of view and have none of their own.’” And, of course, like all conservatives and trailblazers, she had to endure more than her share of vicious media attacks. Sir Archie Hamilton once recounted how he asked Thatcher whether she read the daily newspapers. “‘Oh no!’ she replied, ‘They make such hurtful and damaging remarks about me and my family, that if I ever read the papers every day, I could never get on with the job I am here to do.’” I know exactly what she meant. And as she said, “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
Et, as they say, cetera.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Was her description of Thatcher or how she was treated by the press or left inaccurate? Did Palin say anywhere in there that she was like Thatcher or compare herself to her? Since the answer to both questions is no that only leaves one last question what was the point of this thread? Your never ending case of P.D.S not withstanding.

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