Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

What specific national policies are upsetting you so much at the local level?

And once again, your little fantasy of splitting the nation isn’t going to happen.

On the local level, not much, but Ohio is heavily Republican controlled. It won't happen on a national leverl? Perhaps not, but it seems to have gained traction since I created an exact post about this a couple of years ago. The more of us getting behind this idea, the more likely it can happen.
On the local level, not much, but Ohio is heavily Republican controlled. It won't happen on a national leverl? Perhaps not, but it seems to have gained traction since I created an exact post about this a couple of years ago. The more of us getting behind this idea, the more likely it can happen.

So you’re so upset about national politics and you can’t even mention a specific national policy that is affecting you???
Yeah, land of the free if you follow the laws and rules like it’s always been here and in every civilized society.

The brave protect the weak. They are the ones providing safe spaces and therapy animals to those who need them. It’s the insecure and undisciplined and selfish that work to tear these people done… thats you and your crowd.

More proof leftism is a mental disorder.
Define these people.
People who can’t handle an election that didn’t go their way and need a scream at the sky night.
More proof leftism is a mental disorder.
Define these people.
People who can’t handle an election that didn’t go their way and need a scream at the sky night.
Awwww that’s exactly what a faction of your crew is doing right now… stop the steal?! Dude you really need to open your eyes
So you’re so upset about national politics and you can’t even mention a specific national policy that is affecting you???

It doesn't have to affect me, it has to affect the country for me to be concerned.

I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces people to take a shot they don't want or you lose your livelihood. I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces my local school to cater to weirdos in dresses where my daughter can't compete in school athletics. I don't want to live in a country where the politicians are constantly trying to figure out ways to disarm me. I don't want to live in a country where our leaders are surrendering the nation to invaders while at the same time, trying to make my race a minority to create a single-party government. I don't want to live in a country where the leaders are making fuel more expensive costing me and every American more money because they want to try and force us to electric cars. I don't want to live in a country where the FBI looks over every transaction I make at the bank. Speaking of which, I don't want to live in a country where a party uses our federal agencies to help defeat their political foes.

Any other questions?
It doesn't have to affect me, it has to affect the country for me to be concerned.

You’re so upset about something that has zero impact on you and your imaginary daughter, that you fantasize about something that isn’t going to happen.

I think you cleared everything up perfectly.
I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces people to take a shot they don't want or you lose your livelihood. I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces my local school to cater to weirdos in dresses where my daughter can't compete in school athletics. I don't want to live in a country where the politicians are constantly trying to figure out ways to disarm me. I don't want to live in a country where our leaders are surrendering the nation to invaders while at the same time, trying to make my race a minority to create a single-party government. I don't want to live in a country where the leaders are making fuel more expensive costing me and every American more money because they want to try and force us to electric cars. I don't want to live in a country where the FBI looks over every transaction I make at the bank. Speaking of which, I don't want to live in a country where a party uses our federal agencies to help defeat their political foes.

You want some cheese with all that whine?

The country still isn’t going to split. Maybe it’s time to grow up and start thinking of realistic alternatives that you can control.
You’re so upset about something that has zero impact on you and your imaginary daughter, that you fantasize about something that isn’t going to happen.

I think you cleared everything up perfectly.

Everything I posted IS happening. You leftists could care less about the country, you only care about yourself. That's why with we on the right, it doesn't have to effect us personally, it has to be damaging to our country for us to be concerned.
Everything I posted IS happening. You leftists could care less about the country, you only care about yourself. That's why with we on the right, it doesn't have to effect us personally, it has to be damaging to our country for us to be concerned.
I for one care more about those who are around me than I do about myself. For example I’m not worried about personally catching COvID but Im vaccinated and wear a mask while in public so that those around me feel safer
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That's how the Globalists conquered countries by division. That they've been creating division among the people in every country like in Mexico. They are treating the lighter skinned Mexicans better than the dark ones. That they are using Hollywood to help promote this agenda.

They don't want unity because they will be powerless against many like Pharaoh said in the Book of Exodus. That the Hebrews weren't only the descendants of Israel, but other tribes of people searching for a place to call theirs. . And that is what the word Hebrew means, wanderer just like these immigrants that are being forced out of their country. That they are wanderers (Hebrews).

But I do believe that it is God's will for this Globalist's takeover. Like an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth or you can say, Do unto those what you want done unto you. As Jesus said, we are our own judges. That what measure we use, will be used on us. That we have been condoning these takeovers for decades by ignoring them. And so God must have those that were ignored to shed blood for the many that were ignored. That is why God had the Hebrews to consecrate themselves or burn from their own iniquities before coming into His presence. And remember, The Hebrews spent forty years in the wilderness before entering their promised land. 1 Corinthians 14:38 But if anyone ignores this, they will themselves be ignored.

The Globalists has created a great divide between everyone. Even among the immigrants. And so be careful how you judge those that are at the border. The media or you can say which we all know by now, That they all are the devil's fork-tongue , are very deceptive. And Eve was punished for listening to it.

But I do believe that this takeover is going to be short-lived. But always God punishes the ones that knew better before He punishes the wicked. That His wrath went against Jezebel and the serpent at the end.

Fondly do we hope ~ fervently do we pray ~ that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'

The entirety of Panjaab was closed off from the world and turned into a mammoth concentration camp, as Indian soldiers went through its entire 50,000 plus villages – arresting, torturing, killing and raping."

Margaret Thatcher regarded the most vile person/ family responsible for Sikh genocide as 'a friend of this country (Britain).' Previous British governments went as far as covering up their alleged betrayal of the Sikhs and misleading parliament.

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Bullshit. The riots in the 60's and what took place all last summer are two entirely different things. The lowlifes rioting didn't even know WTF they were rioting about. They just seen an opportunity to behave like animals and they did. The dope head died under the knee of the officer, the officer was immediately arrested and charged, no reason to riot. There was nothing more that could be done. So it was a cheap excuse because Democrats are for criminals and let them do whatever they want.

Actually, the reason to riot was that he was a cop at all... and there were thousands more like him.

The riots last year and the 60's were the cummulation of many factors. For the 1960's, it was an unjust war in Vietnam (that blacks were being made to fight against their will), the ongoing denial of civil rights, and of course, wealth inequity. Last year, it was the combination of a racist president, a crushing recession, Covid and ongoing police brutality.

I agree, there was no reason to riot because the underlying problems SHOULD have been addressed years ago.

Here's an idea: If you're too Fn lazy to vote, stay home. You obviously are not that interested in politics or voting. Give them a reason to vote for you, like this woman? This is who the Democrats want to choose who leads our country. Get it yet?
You might have a point. She didn't realize that the "Obamaphone" program was actually started under Reagan.

Can't see much difference between her and you, though.... you both have a "Where's Mine" attitude.

Says the guy the government determined to be too sick to work. Love your big government except when it doesn't work your way.

Not at all. Either you support welfare or you support every man for himself. Anything in between in being kind of a hypocrite. The ironic thing is, you could sit behind a desk, work at a computer and answer phones.... you just don't want to.

No I don't wonder that at all. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

Except right now, I'm one of the Peters, and you are one of the Pauls... We spend 2.5 Trillion on Middle Class entitlements and only about 500 Billion on poverty relief... so we are actually Robbing Peter to Pay Peter.

Plenty of good paying jobs and careers out there. Construction for one. My fathers union stays in touch with their retirees. They are offering any retiree a $500.00 check if they can find younger people to join the trade. They can't find them.........at least people not on dope. In my former trade they are looking for tens of thousands of drivers they can't find. Good paying job where you can get paid to see the country and freely live anywhere you want. If you don't like the road, major companies pay very well and local drivers make a pretty good living.

Except who wants to drive a truck. Most people REALLY DON'T LIKE TO DRIVE. I don't like driving, even when I went into an office every day I was thankful when my commute was short. I would hate driving a huge rig all day... that would make most people kind of nuts.

If any company discriminates against race they are held accountable and sued. Poverty doesn't stop anybody from applying for a fucken job. Quit with your bullshit fragile excuses already.

Real world. Unless the boss screams out the N-Word in the office, no one really wins racial discrimination lawsuits. Do you know how hard it is to prove racial discrimination in the workplace? especially when no one in that office will testify for fear of losing their jobs?

Few trades kept their unions. People don't want to get an education to work with their hands. They want to sit behind a desk with the heaviest thing they have to lift is their briefcase. So there are plenty of careers that pay decent money and you don't need to rack up a 70K college loan.

Not really... but you tell yourself that. My brothers are in the trades, and they know the "Scabs" don't really make good money and frequently have long periods of unemployment.

Yeah, he got us out of Afghanistan leaving Americans behind, 83 billion in military equipment, 13 dead solders, bringing in thousands of Afghan refugees for no reason other than to buy future votes. That's called a complete failure.

Uh, guy, the complete failure was 18 years ago, when Bush pulled out of Afghanistan to get revenge on Saddam. We lost 2600 soldiers in Afghanistan, and you are bitching because Biden didn't want to lose more?
As for equipment, if you knew anything about the military you'd know most of the equipment that was left behind was obsolete support equipment, not weapons.

As for the overall value of the equipment, FactCheck.org has fact-checked the claim of the former U.S. president that the Taliban has acquired military equipment of 85 billion USD. According to the organization, such an estimate is exaggerated, and the named value, about 82.9 billion USD, is actually the total amount spent on the Afghan Security Forces Fund since the start of the war in 2001, and only part of it (about 18 billion USD) was spent on weaponry, some of which were damaged or destroyed. A Pentagon spokesman said the process of destroying the weapons had been going on for several years. General Mark Kelly even stressed that the equipment that ended up in the hands of the Taliban is not up to date and does not contain sensitive technology, which would pose a particular threat to the U.S. military in a possible future confrontation.

His so-called stimulus bill is why we have a labor shortage and inflation.

No, it has more to do with international commodity markets.

I've worked in Supply Chain and still have lots of connections there. One buyer I know tells me he has seen a 185% increase in the cost of steel, internationally. Nothing to do with Biden or the stimulus... it has to do with pent up demand and the fact that production hasn't recovered from TRUMP PLAGUE very quickly.

I ordered a new couch in August. I might see it in November, if I'm lucky.

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