Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

You're mixing cause and effect. Unions can exist where we can afford them, namely, where we're not competing internationally. A plumber in India can't come to your house and install a new bathtub, nor can an Indian electrician come and install new lights in your bedroom. Unions don't cause lucrative careers, they are enabled by lucrative careers.

Nope. Germany and Japan have a higher unionization rate than we have, German and Japanese unions even have a say on who runs the companies... and they compete internationally just fine.

The ironic thing was after WWII, we sent over a guy named Demming to show the Japanese how to make their industries more efficient.... Now American manufacturing are bringing back his principles using the Japanese terms for them like Poke-Yoke, Kaizen, and 5S to make our industry more efficient.

IT is an excellent example of careers that pay very well even in the face of international competition and need no unions at all. And, how does a plumber, electrician, or HVAC specialist maximize their earning potential? By starting their own business, of course. They can earn a lot more than by belonging to a union, and they don't have a union boss telling them to go out on strike and taking part of their paycheck for dues that only end up in a democrat's re-election campaign.

actually, my brother is a Union HVAC guy... he makes something like $80.00 an hour.
It doesn't have to affect me, it has to affect the country for me to be concerned.

I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces people to take a shot they don't want or you lose your livelihood.

But you are fine with someone getting Covid, causing the entire workplace to close down for a day and risking the lives of everyone else in that workplace because um, "Freedom" or "I want to own the libs by dying!"

Ironically, with all your health issues you claim to have, you should be HAPPY that we are trying to establish herd immunity.

I don't want to live in a country where the federal government forces my local school to cater to weirdos in dresses where my daughter can't compete in school athletics.

You don't have kids, Ray, and they would be competing against other kids. Now, if they were competing against an adult in a dress, you might have a point.

I don't want to live in a country where the politicians are constantly trying to figure out ways to disarm me.

Given you are a crazy lunatic who has a gun obsession, we'd probably want you disarmed. You're a hate crime looking to happen.

I don't want to live in a country where our leaders are surrendering the nation to invaders while at the same time, trying to make my race a minority to create a single-party government.

So let me get this straight. Your party has spent the last FIFTY YEARS pandering to white fears and now you are whining because minorities won't vote for you?

I don't want to live in a country where the leaders are making fuel more expensive costing me and every American more money because they want to try and force us to electric cars.

Um, yeah, much better to keep burning fossil fuels, destroying the environment and funding Islamic terrorists. That sounds like a great plan because "Freedom".

I don't want to live in a country where the FBI looks over every transaction I make at the bank.

This is a case of you listening to too much hate radio. Here's what's actually going on with that. The IRS is now requiring cash apps to report anyone (like myself) who gets paid for business services through Cash Apps like PayPal and Zelle. (PayPal already did this before the new ruling, now they are requiring the others to do it.)

This information is largely false. Biden signed into law a modification to IRS reporting requirements on digital transactions. It was modified from its prior $20,000 in-aggregate payments and 200 transactions to a new threshold of $600 in-aggregate payments with no minimum transactions. This rule will take effect on Jan. 1, 2022.

The new rule applies for business transactions, which can often be paid through cash apps like Venmo and PayPal. In the past, sellers on Etsy and eBay were able to go largely undetected in terms of how much income they were truly bringing in because identifying income through cash apps was difficult to do.

For most users, you will not need to do anything at all. This new reporting rule applies to business transactions and sellers of services, meaning that if you are using Venmo between friends for reimbursement for let’s say, dinner or shopping this does not count as countable taxable income.

The IRS is looking for those who use cash apps as a way to circumvent banks and traditional forms of income reporting. Current tax law, regardless of the new rule, requires anyone to pay taxes on income more than $600 regardless of where it comes from.

Speaking of which, I don't want to live in a country where a party uses our federal agencies to help defeat their political foes.

But you had no problem with Trump trying to dig up political dirt on Hunter Biden by threatening to withhold military aid to the Ukraine. (And, no I don't want to relitigate Trump's first impeachment, the point is he did it, and you had no problem with it.)
Everything I posted IS happening. You leftists could care less about the country, you only care about yourself. That's why with we on the right, it doesn't have to effect us personally, it has to be damaging to our country for us to be concerned.

The Leftists hate us, have been vocal about how much they hate us for decades, and yet seem all twisted up inside that we don't give two craps if the nation tears apart, and in fact would now welcome it.

Why is that, I wonder?
The Leftists hate us, have been vocal about how much they hate us for decades, and yet seem all twisted up inside that we don't give two craps if the nation tears apart, and in fact would now welcome it.

Why is that, I wonder?

You're mistaking pity for hate.

I look at most Trump supporters and Republicans with kind of pity. I understand why they are angry, they are seeing themselves having less than their fathers had, and the prospect of their children having less than they do.

But the Plutocrats have gotten very good at getting stupid people like you to hate the Muslims and the Gays and the Mexicans instead of the people who are taking your privileges.

Let's hate the Chinese factory worker, not the rich white guy who moved that factory to China. And when there's no practical reason to have that factory in China anymore, they just move the factory to Vietnam or India.
But you are fine with someone getting Covid, causing the entire workplace to close down for a day and risking the lives of everyone else in that workplace because um, "Freedom" or "I want to own the libs by dying!"

Ironically, with all your health issues you claim to have, you should be HAPPY that we are trying to establish herd immunity.

Communism is nothing to be happy about. They are not even forcing citizens of Russia to take a shot. Anytime you are out in the public, you take the risk of catching something they may have. 30 million Americans die with the flu every year, but we don't force people to get a flu vaccine. If you're scared to leave your house, then stay in your house, but don't force others to go against their religious beliefs or health concerns to make it safer for you. If you want to be safe, then take whatever precautions you feel necessary to make yourself safe. Take your government shot, and then you don't have to worry about others harming you.

You don't have kids, Ray, and they would be competing against other kids. Now, if they were competing against an adult in a dress, you might have a point.

Such bullshit. Kids are not kids. This may surprise you, but there are huge differences between males and females, especially where physical strength is concerned. Having a weirdo in a dress competing against a female student is no different than her competing against an adult.

Given you are a crazy lunatic who has a gun obsession, we'd probably want you disarmed. You're a hate crime looking to happen.

Good. When we have separate countries, your people won't be allowed to protect themselves. Our country, we will continue to respect the right to self-defense and the Constitution. Can't wait for it to happen.

So let me get this straight. Your party has spent the last FIFTY YEARS pandering to white fears and now you are whining because minorities won't vote for you?

The Communists are importing anybody of color because people of color always vote for them. Yes, they are destroying the country in the meantime, but since when has any Communist cared about this country? That's why they want to change it.

After we separate, you can have all the foreigners in your country that you like.

Um, yeah, much better to keep burning fossil fuels, destroying the environment and funding Islamic terrorists. That sounds like a great plan because "Freedom".

Yes, fossil fuels are much better. Plentiful, powerful and low priced. It was instrumental in the great economy we had under Trump; the best economy in 50 years.

This is a case of you listening to too much hate radio. Here's what's actually going on with that. The IRS is now requiring cash apps to report anyone (like myself) who gets paid for business services through Cash Apps like PayPal and Zelle. (PayPal already did this before the new ruling, now they are requiring the others to do it.)

Irrelevant. With the country nearly in collapse, this is what the commies are worried about? More Big Brother looking over our shoulders. Would you like an FBI agent to tuck you in at night too?

But you had no problem with Trump trying to dig up political dirt on Hunter Biden by threatening to withhold military aid to the Ukraine. (And, no I don't want to relitigate Trump's first impeachment, the point is he did it, and you had no problem with it.)

What did I tell you about trying to have a debate using lies. Everybody knows Trump never threatened anybody for anything. It's all on the recording. You listen to whatever the Communists say without looking into anything, and that's why we need two countries; so we don't have to be around sheep like you.
Nope. Germany and Japan have a higher unionization rate than we have, German and Japanese unions even have a say on who runs the companies... and they compete internationally just fine.

The ironic thing was after WWII, we sent over a guy named Demming to show the Japanese how to make their industries more efficient.... Now American manufacturing are bringing back his principles using the Japanese terms for them like Poke-Yoke, Kaizen, and 5S to make our industry more efficient.

actually, my brother is a Union HVAC guy... he makes something like $80.00 an hour.
Good for him if that's what he wants. He could probably do even better than that if he wanted to run his own company.
Actually, the reason to riot was that he was a cop at all... and there were thousands more like him.

Bullshit. Thanks to commies riots in this country are becoming a common thing. Commie cities let them go on for as long as possible to try and get an edge in the upcoming presidential election. Businesses destroyed, millions of dollars of damage, police and citizens injured or killed, but it was irrelevant. The only thing that means anything to a commie is power.

Can't see much difference between her and you, though.... you both have a "Where's Mine" attitude.

The difference between her and I is she is completely politically ignorant; the kind of voters t he Communists depend on. This is who you want deciding the leaders of our country and don't care. If we ever separate, people like her would never be allowed to vote in our country.

Not at all. Either you support welfare or you support every man for himself. Anything in between in being kind of a hypocrite. The ironic thing is, you could sit behind a desk, work at a computer and answer phones.... you just don't want to.

And you have yet to show me a job like that. I want to see a job that starts off at least $18.00 an hour to "sit behind a computer' willing to take on a 61 year old with no experience. Your entire life is complete bullshit.

Except right now, I'm one of the Peters, and you are one of the Pauls... We spend 2.5 Trillion on Middle Class entitlements and only about 500 Billion on poverty relief... so we are actually Robbing Peter to Pay Peter.

Social programs are funded by the people who paid into them their entire lives. Welfare is provided by the wealthy in this country. So we don't "spend" this money you're talking about. it's been collected for decades.

Except who wants to drive a truck. Most people REALLY DON'T LIKE TO DRIVE. I don't like driving, even when I went into an office every day I was thankful when my commute was short. I would hate driving a huge rig all day... that would make most people kind of nuts.

Oh, so what you're saying is that yes, the jobs are out there, but if "I don't want to do it" it's an excuse for poverty and getting government goodies.

They don't want to drive a truck! Well do you think I did??? Do you think when I woke up at 5:00 am looking at all the snow falling and the roads a mess, I wanted to get behind the wheel of a 75,000 lbs vehicle and try to pilot it safely to it's destination? Fuck no. But I had to do something for a living that paid a living wage. I did it so anybody else can do the same. Well paying jobs don't come to your front door knocking, you have to take the time and energy to secure such jobs. If you don't want to do that, then keep working at Walmart and stop bitching.

Real world. Unless the boss screams out the N-Word in the office, no one really wins racial discrimination lawsuits. Do you know how hard it is to prove racial discrimination in the workplace? especially when no one in that office will testify for fear of losing their jobs?

It's easy to prove which is why no industry has discriminated in the last 30 years or so. It's just another leftist bullshit excuse. The favorite color of any employer is the color green. The employees that make the most green for the company are their most favored employees.

Uh, guy, the complete failure was 18 years ago, when Bush pulled out of Afghanistan to get revenge on Saddam.

Don't change the subject. Every time we point out your failed leaders, you want to change the subject to Republicans. Talk about what's going on today, not 20 years ago. You are way too transparent.

As for the overall value of the equipment, FactCheck.org has fact-checked the claim of the former U.S. president that the Taliban has acquired military equipment of 85 billion USD. According to the organization, such an estimate is exaggerated, and the named value, about 82.9 billion USD,

Oh! 82.9 billion instead of 85. That makes it much better.

No, it has more to do with international commodity markets.

It has nothing to do with international commodities market. It has to do with paying people to stay home instead of working. It has to do with printing phony money that makes the dollar lose value. Inflation started taking off Dementia's second month in office when he attacked our fuel production.
Communism is nothing to be happy about. They are not even forcing citizens of Russia to take a shot. Anytime you are out in the public, you take the risk of catching something they may have. 30 million Americans die with the flu every year, but we don't force people to get a flu vaccine. If you're scared to leave your house, then stay in your house, but don't force others to go against their religious beliefs or health concerns to make it safer for you. If you want to be safe, then take whatever precautions you feel necessary to make yourself safe. Take your government shot, and then you don't have to worry about others harming you.

30 million people die with the flu? Really?

Your attempts to downplay Trump Plauge(TM) are always amusing to watch.

If you have a LEGITIMATE health concern, I'm all for giving you an exemption. Religious concerns THERE IS NO GOD, DEAL WITH IT!!!!

We are dealing with a second wave of Covid because you guys didn't get your shots, but acted like this was all over.

Such bullshit. Kids are not kids. This may surprise you, but there are huge differences between males and females, especially where physical strength is concerned. Having a weirdo in a dress competing against a female student is no different than her competing against an adult.

So what? the ONLY reason why anyone cares about "girl's athletics" is because the government forces universities to give out scholarships for them. So just give everyone a scholarship if they want one. Problem solved.

Good. When we have separate countries, your people won't be allowed to protect themselves. Our country, we will continue to respect the right to self-defense and the Constitution. Can't wait for it to happen.

Quit fantasizing.... you gun nuts aren't going to get your own country... and if you start acting crazy, gun control will come a lot faster.

The Communists are importing anybody of color because people of color always vote for them. Yes, they are destroying the country in the meantime, but since when has any Communist cared about this country? That's why they want to change it.

50 years ago, they said the same thing about your Polish Ancestors.
100 years ago, they said the same thing about my German ancestors.
150 years ago, they said the same thing about the Irish.

See, America, you've always been like this.

Yes, fossil fuels are much better. Plentiful, powerful and low priced. It was instrumental in the great economy we had under Trump; the best economy in 50 years.

Except they are destroying the planet.... and funding terrorism, but other than that, they are fine.

Irrelevant. With the country nearly in collapse, this is what the commies are worried about? More Big Brother looking over our shoulders. Would you like an FBI agent to tuck you in at night too?

I'm not worried about it at all... I pay my taxes on my resume business. So I don't worry about the tax evasion others go through using Zelle and PayPal.

What did I tell you about trying to have a debate using lies. Everybody knows Trump never threatened anybody for anything. It's all on the recording. You listen to whatever the Communists say without looking into anything, and that's why we need two countries; so we don't have to be around sheep like you.

There was no recording... and Diplomatic professionals who heard the phone call were so shocked by Trump's conduct they reported it to Congress.

Hey, buddy, if the Military, Diplomatic, and Law Enforcement professionals in government are shocked by your conduct, you probably are fucking it up.
Bullshit. Thanks to commies riots in this country are becoming a common thing. Commie cities let them go on for as long as possible to try and get an edge in the upcoming presidential election. Businesses destroyed, millions of dollars of damage, police and citizens injured or killed, but it was irrelevant. The only thing that means anything to a commie is power.

The riots happened because the police brutalized people. Having them brutalize more people would have just made it worse.

If anything, the riots helped Trump. Shouldn't have, but they did.

The difference between her and I is she is completely politically ignorant; the kind of voters t he Communists depend on. This is who you want deciding the leaders of our country and don't care. If we ever separate, people like her would never be allowed to vote in our country.

Uh, guy, if anyone is to ignorant to vote, it's the racists. We should show every voter a black man kissing a white woman, and if they get disgusted, they don't get to vote.

And you have yet to show me a job like that. I want to see a job that starts off at least $18.00 an hour to "sit behind a computer' willing to take on a 61 year old with no experience. Your entire life is complete bullshit.

Why do you need to make $18.00 an hour? I'm sure disability isn't paying you that much.

Social programs are funded by the people who paid into them their entire lives. Welfare is provided by the wealthy in this country. So we don't "spend" this money you're talking about. it's been collected for decades.

Actually, no. Social Security is not being funded by the people who are paying into them... that money was spent on bombs and bridges and now we are going back to the rich to pay for them. Medicare was never self-sufficient. Unemployment is being paid from general fund, not the pittance employers pay into it.

Oh, so what you're saying is that yes, the jobs are out there, but if "I don't want to do it" it's an excuse for poverty and getting government goodies.

Says the guy who lives in a slum and collects government goodies because he doesn't want to sit behind a desk or drive a livery car.

It's easy to prove which is why no industry has discriminated in the last 30 years or so. It's just another leftist bullshit excuse. The favorite color of any employer is the color green. The employees that make the most green for the company are their most favored employees.

Don't change the subject. Every time we point out your failed leaders, you want to change the subject to Republicans. Talk about what's going on today, not 20 years ago. You are way too transparent.

Uh, no, Bush's failures of 18 years ago are why we had to pull out. We were no closer to beating the Taliban in 2021 as we were in 2003, when Bush let them off the hook and they re-established themselves. The very fact the Afghan government fell so quickly just shows that getting the fuck out was the right move.

Oh! 82.9 billion instead of 85. That makes it much better.

You selectively edited out the part where equipment was only 18 Billion, and most of that was non-lethal. The Pentagon spends 18 billion in week.

It has nothing to do with international commodities market. It has to do with paying people to stay home instead of working. It has to do with printing phony money that makes the dollar lose value. Inflation started taking off Dementia's second month in office when he attacked our fuel production.
30 million people die with the flu? Really?

Your attempts to downplay Trump Plauge(TM) are always amusing to watch.

If you have a LEGITIMATE health concern, I'm all for giving you an exemption. Religious concerns THERE IS NO GOD, DEAL WITH IT!!!!

We are dealing with a second wave of Covid because you guys didn't get your shots, but acted like this was all over.

So what? the ONLY reason why anyone cares about "girl's athletics" is because the government forces universities to give out scholarships for them. So just give everyone a scholarship if they want one. Problem solved.

Quit fantasizing.... you gun nuts aren't going to get your own country... and if you start acting crazy, gun control will come a lot faster.

50 years ago, they said the same thing about your Polish Ancestors.
100 years ago, they said the same thing about my German ancestors.
150 years ago, they said the same thing about the Irish.

See, America, you've always been like this.

Except they are destroying the planet.... and funding terrorism, but other than that, they are fine.

I'm not worried about it at all... I pay my taxes on my resume business. So I don't worry about the tax evasion others go through using Zelle and PayPal.

There was no recording... and Diplomatic professionals who heard the phone call were so shocked by Trump's conduct they reported it to Congress.

Hey, buddy, if the Military, Diplomatic, and Law Enforcement professionals in government are shocked by your conduct, you probably are fucking it up.
Trump Plauge?
You know, the disease that was 100 times worse than it needed to be because Trump called it a hoax, told people to drink bleach and mocked sensible attempts to contain it.

Maybe Dementia should try calling it a hoax because according to John Hopkins University, more Americans died from covid under 9 months of Dementia than did under Trump the entire 2020 year. Trump didn't have vaccines, but Dementia did.

So come on Joe, tell us how this is all Biden's fault as you did under Trump you hypocrite.
Uh, guy, if anyone is to ignorant to vote, it's the racists. We should show every voter a black man kissing a white woman, and if they get disgusted, they don't get to vote.

What are you talking about? You voted for a racist. You voted for a guy who said "poor kids can be just as bright as white kids" " You ain't black unless you vote for me" "They want to put ya'all back in chains." That's right, this is the guy you voted for you fucken racist. But I know, he's articulate and clean, huh?

Why do you need to make $18.00 an hour? I'm sure disability isn't paying you that much.

My plans were to work part-time in the spring, but now I have no idea what my future holds. Right now all I can do is recover from surgery and undergo any treatments the Cleveland Clinic recommends. Oh, but I can still work, can't I? I see you also failed to accept my challenge. Where are these good paying computer jobs for people with no experience at? I don't see any posted by you.

Actually, no. Social Security is not being funded by the people who are paying into them... that money was spent on bombs and bridges and now we are going back to the rich to pay for them. Medicare was never self-sufficient. Unemployment is being paid from general fund, not the pittance employers pay into it.

Bullshit. You don't know a Fn thing about how SS works. Would you like a link or two or do you wish to remain ignorant?

Says the guy who lives in a slum and collects government goodies because he doesn't want to sit behind a desk or drive a livery car.

Dodge noted. You're not that bright, but good move avoiding the question since you have no answer to the question.

Uh, no, Bush's failures of 18 years ago are why we had to pull out. We were no closer to beating the Taliban in 2021 as we were in 2003, when Bush let them off the hook and they re-established themselves. The very fact the Afghan government fell so quickly just shows that getting the fuck out was the right move.

It's not about leaving, most people were behind that. It's about the God awful way we left with the dementia patient in charge. 85 billion dollars of equipment left behind. China and Russia are now in Afghanistan looking at everything we left behind. 13 Americans dead. Lord knows how many Americans still trapped there. The Afghans who helped our military now being tortured and put to death because Dementia handed them a VISA list of those who could depart for helping us.

Total failure, just like you are as a voter.

You selectively edited out the part where equipment was only 18 Billion, and most of that was non-lethal. The Pentagon spends 18 billion in week.

That's because your link is bullshit. There is more than 18 billion in Apache helicopters alone.
30 million people die with the flu? Really?

Your attempts to downplay Trump Plauge(TM) are always amusing to watch.

If you have a LEGITIMATE health concern, I'm all for giving you an exemption. Religious concerns THERE IS NO GOD, DEAL WITH IT!!!!

We are dealing with a second wave of Covid because you guys didn't get your shots, but acted like this was all over.

We are dealing with a second wave due to horrible leadership in the White House. You know, just like with Trump? Hypocrite.

So what? the ONLY reason why anyone cares about "girl's athletics" is because the government forces universities to give out scholarships for them. So just give everyone a scholarship if they want one. Problem solved.

Government isn't forcing colleges to do shit. This is about respecting genders which you communists don't want to do because you prefer to pander to weirdos.

Quit fantasizing.... you gun nuts aren't going to get your own country... and if you start acting crazy, gun control will come a lot faster.

If enough people get behind this we can have a BREXIT of our own. It's about time and I can't wait to be away from people like you when it comes to politics.

Except they are destroying the planet.... and funding terrorism, but other than that, they are fine.

We are funding terrorism now that Biden stopped our energy independence and he's on his knees begging OPEC to give him some oil. Prior to that we were just fine.

I'm not worried about it at all... I pay my taxes on my resume business. So I don't worry about the tax evasion others go through using Zelle and PayPal.

This from a member of the monkey crowd that was so upset over the Patriot Act. I wasn't worried because nothing I said on the phone, email or text was threatening to our government. It's you on the left that had a shit fit.

There was no recording... and Diplomatic professionals who heard the phone call were so shocked by Trump's conduct they reported it to Congress.

Hey, buddy, if the Military, Diplomatic, and Law Enforcement professionals in government are shocked by your conduct, you probably are fucking it up.

WTF do you mean there was no recording. Yes there was. Would you like me to post the transcript of it?

It had nothing to do with what other countries think. They don't decide impeachment violations, our US Constitution does, and there is nothing Trump said that was an impeachable offense. The communists had their deep stater Vidmann run and cry to them about what Trump said which was nothing. You Nazis are going to be sorry when we take over Congress in 2022. Dementia will be impeached three times since this is the commie game you want to play.
He who would be our Savior, if we confessed our evils and repented;
And since we so refuse, He has no pity, and though we cry tears & beg loudly , He does not hear. because we permit & commit abominations and fill the Earth with violence, and Therefore, that Savior has sent through the midst of the nations of Israel and marked those that groan-object-grieve about those abominations to escape the slaughter of those who loved those abominations.
from Ezekiel 9
The only reason anyone on the right wants to secede is so they can do away with the parts of the constitution that makes fascism very hard to accomplish in America. Equal protection, no official religion, posse comitatus, habis corpus, freedom of movement, freedom to protest would be gone immediately.

Counting the election of 2000, the Republican Party has won the popular vote exactly once.... I can't blame them for wanting to split the nation. They are hated. And for good reason.
Maybe Dementia should try calling it a hoax because according to John Hopkins University, more Americans died from covid under 9 months of Dementia than did under Trump the entire 2020 year. Trump didn't have vaccines, but Dementia did.

So come on Joe, tell us how this is all Biden's fault as you did under Trump you hypocrite.

Naw, man, Trump's job was containment, and he failed.

Biden's job is to get people vaccinated, but if the Rednecks want to die of Covid to own the libs, let them.

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