Had Obama done this.......what would the reaction be....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

Maybe the dear leader shouldn't have actively done things to hurt citizen minority communities, you know, like illegally giving 5 million illegal aliens work permits. Of course actual Americans have never been high on his priority list.
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.
Do you have any statistics on Black unemployment rates versus illegal alien unemployment rates?
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

He doesn't have to just help one segment....if he pushed school choice/vouchers, he is helping all Americans but it helps black Americans more....if Trump ends obamacare and brings real reform to healthcare he helps all Americans....but it helps black Americans more......if he helps end gun violence by actually convicting them at the federal level, instead of reducing gun prosecutions the way obama has...he helps all Americans, but black Americans more......

So you are wrong...again...
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

Maybe the dear leader shouldn't have actively done things to hurt citizen minority communities, you know, like illegally giving 5 million illegal aliens work permits. Of course actual Americans have never been high on his priority list.

You don't post a link to verify this, but of course I didn't expect you to since verifying statements isn't a priority with the righties here. But here is a link to a very interesting FACT, not an opinion.

From Reuters, not a right wing noise machine:

"Critics may declare President Obama soft on immigration, but as this Reuters graphic shows, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, down from 438,421 the year before. Each year of the Obama administration has seen more deportations than any preceding president; the pre-Obama high of 358,886 removals in FY2008 came during President George W. Bush’s last full fiscal year in office."


Tracking Obama’s deportation numbers
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

Maybe the dear leader shouldn't have actively done things to hurt citizen minority communities, you know, like illegally giving 5 million illegal aliens work permits. Of course actual Americans have never been high on his priority list.

You don't post a link to verify this, but of course I didn't expect you to since verifying statements isn't a priority with the righties here. But here is a link to a very interesting FACT, not an opinion.

From Reuters, not a right wing noise machine:

"Critics may declare President Obama soft on immigration, but as this Reuters graphic shows, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, down from 438,421 the year before. Each year of the Obama administration has seen more deportations than any preceding president; the pre-Obama high of 358,886 removals in FY2008 came during President George W. Bush’s last full fiscal year in office."


Tracking Obama’s deportation numbers

Wrong...they are lying....they are not deporting more people, they are fudging the numbers while they let more in...
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

Maybe the dear leader shouldn't have actively done things to hurt citizen minority communities, you know, like illegally giving 5 million illegal aliens work permits. Of course actual Americans have never been high on his priority list.

You don't post a link to verify this, but of course I didn't expect you to since verifying statements isn't a priority with the righties here. But here is a link to a very interesting FACT, not an opinion.

From Reuters, not a right wing noise machine:

"Critics may declare President Obama soft on immigration, but as this Reuters graphic shows, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, down from 438,421 the year before. Each year of the Obama administration has seen more deportations than any preceding president; the pre-Obama high of 358,886 removals in FY2008 came during President George W. Bush’s last full fiscal year in office."


Tracking Obama’s deportation numbers

And from the L.A. Times.....so try to tell us they are Right Wing...

obama is lying again.....

High deportation figures are misleading

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose.

A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations.

If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

From my perspective, BO has tried to inflame black Americans by continually playing the victim card. He has followed the footsteps of Al Sharpton, Jessie Jacksons and other black leaders who made millions by telling black America that they can't do it on there own, but rather need special help. It is sad that these type of people seem to be the leaders for the black community. Where might black America be if they followed a different line of thinking?
The Victim Mentality of Black Americans
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

Maybe the dear leader shouldn't have actively done things to hurt citizen minority communities, you know, like illegally giving 5 million illegal aliens work permits. Of course actual Americans have never been high on his priority list.

You don't post a link to verify this, but of course I didn't expect you to since verifying statements isn't a priority with the righties here. But here is a link to a very interesting FACT, not an opinion.

From Reuters, not a right wing noise machine:

"Critics may declare President Obama soft on immigration, but as this Reuters graphic shows, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, down from 438,421 the year before. Each year of the Obama administration has seen more deportations than any preceding president; the pre-Obama high of 358,886 removals in FY2008 came during President George W. Bush’s last full fiscal year in office."


Tracking Obama’s deportation numbers

  • The Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations.Specifically, those caught by the Border Patrol who are shuttled to a different town along the border before they are returned are being dishonestly counted as deportations. This has falsely increased the number of total removals by more than 100,000 for the past two years.
  • In fact, if we count removals and returns together historically, then the Obama administration numbers are not close to “record-setting.” In the 1990s, the totals of returns and removals were well over one million. For example, according to the yearbook of immigration statistics, in 1996, removals and returns numbered more than 1.6 million, up from more than 1.3 million in 1995.
  • In an October 2011 roundtable with Hispanic reporters, President Obama himself said the deportation numbers were artificially high because they include those caught at the border:
“The statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is, with the stronger border enforcement, we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back – that’s counted as a deportation.”

How the Obama Administration Inflates Deportation Statistics | NumbersUSA

So you're buying the manipulated numbers, GOOD JOB REGRESSIVE! Deportation from the interior are way down. But hey, feel free to keep eating your dear leaders shit.
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.
So you're saying Obama is a coward who was afraid of what "conservatives" might say if he had tried to help African Americans? I suppose Clinton is also a coward in your view since she has never done anything to benefit African Americans.
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There is a vast distance between Obama directing ALL of his efforts to help Blacks and what Obama actually did to help Blacks which was NOTHING. To this day he is silent on the mass slaughter going on in predominantly poor Black inner cities. Oh but he is all over the fucking Slave Museum, that will sure help.
There is a vast distance between Obama directing ALL of his efforts to help Blacks and what Obama actually did to help Blacks which was NOTHING. To this day he is silent on the mass slaughter going on in predominantly poor Black inner cities. Oh but he is all over the fucking Slave Museum, that will sure help.
His signature action to help African Americans was destroying the life of a white police officer in Ferguson the Justice Department found had acted properly in the shooting of a black and then discovering the African Americans got more traffic citations than white drivers, thus liberating black people from the tyranny of safe driving laws.
You don't have to support specific programs to help black communities. All you'd have to do is support policies that helped all Americans. Do that and black America's would be benefited just as much as the rest of us
You don't have to support specific programs to help black communities. All you'd have to do is support policies that helped all Americans. Do that and black America's would be benefited just as much as the rest of us

You mean like this.......

Senate blocks new Obama jobs bill

For the second time in two weeks, Senate Republicans voted in unison to block “jobs” legislation, which the Obama administration and Senate Democratic leaders have made central to their agenda.
Senate blocks new Obama jobs bill

Or this.........?

$478B Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOP
$478B Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOP

Or even this.......?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative
GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative - CNNPolitics.com
There is much criticism about Obama not doing enough to help the African-American communities, starting with trump's infamous statement to blacks about, "what do you have to lose..."

However, Obama was elected (and re-elected) to be the president of ALL Americans, and had he enacted (and insisted and encouraged the funding of) policies STRICTLY to help African-Americans, what would the conservative wing of the GOP be now saying and spewing?

Be honest, right wingers, what would you be whining about had Obama directed most of his efforts to help just one segment of the economically stressed American Communities?......As it stands now, there are many among you who make the moronic claim that Obama actually "helps" foreign Muslim groups and one can only imgaine the criticism had Obama directed his efforts just to help blacks.

You misunderstand the point.

The point is not a complaint about the lack of targeted programs.

The point is that his policies have not helped America and Americans, in this context specifically blacks.

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