Gun Background Checks Pass in Washington

Is it cheaper to buy guns illegally, than it is legally? Just wondering if much of these sales in the Black Market is driven by price and many people that could buy guns legally just choose the illegal market because of money, or are all the guns being bought and sold on the Black Market simply for criminals who don't want their guns being traced, or the people who could not qualify to get a gun on the legal market????
I don't know much about this, though I have been trying to research it in my free time...
Is it cheaper to buy guns illegally, than it is legally? Just wondering if much of these sales in the Black Market is driven by price and many people that could buy guns legally just choose the illegal market because of money, or are all the guns being bought and sold on the Black Market simply for criminals who don't want their guns being traced, or the people who could not qualify to get a gun on the legal market????
I don't know much about this, though I have been trying to research it in my free time...
Having an illegal gun comes with heavy consequences, people who can get them legally don't need to take the chance, plus you're probably buying a stolen gun, maybe with the serial number ground off. The black market is for those who can't go through legal means or don't want to for reasons that aren't for legal self defense.
Is it cheaper to buy guns illegally, than it is legally? Just wondering if much of these sales in the Black Market is driven by price and many people that could buy guns legally just choose the illegal market because of money, or are all the guns being bought and sold on the Black Market simply for criminals who don't want their guns being traced, or the people who could not qualify to get a gun on the legal market????
I don't know much about this, though I have been trying to research it in my free time...
Having an illegal gun comes with heavy consequences, people who can get them legally don't need to take the chance, plus you're probably buying a stolen gun, maybe with the serial number ground off. The black market is for those who can't go through legal means or don't want to for reasons that aren't for legal self defense.
Why background checks, universal or otherwise, can not and do not prevent criminals from getting guns.
You haven't lost any rights.

In fact no one loses any right to have a gun with this law. Those who will be prevented from getting guns lost their right to have one long before this law. When they committed a felony, or if they have mental problems or if they're a domestic abuser they lose their right to have a gun when they committed the original crime or when they were found to have mental problems.

Our society decided a long time ago that those people shouldn't have guns. All this law does is make sure that they don't get them. The honor system we've been using thus far has not worked and has gotten thousands of people killed.
But they will still get guns. This law won't stop them in any way. But im glad to see you agree voter id's won't cause anyone to lose any rights

It makes it harder for a felon to get a gun. I see no problem with that.

No, it doesn't. I makes it harder for someone like ME to get a gun. I have no record, no adjudications due to mental defect, no restraining orders out on me.
an amazing thing has occurred in NY. you can't buy an old style AR 15 in NY from a dealer. but no one in NY paid attention to the safe act and registered their guns, so now people are still selling and trading these style guns with no background checks at all. another thing that is happening is people are buying the Safe Act approved AR's and for a $20 magazine release are converting them to the old style AR's. and the last huge thing going on is kids are building their own unregistered, unserialized, non background checked AR's AK;s R 700's out of 80% lowers. it's become a fad.
IS this a ''good thing'' to you?
it's what comes out of passing laws that restrict peoples constitutional rights. people are going to fight back.
No you've not shown over and over that this law doesn't work.

But that doesn't matter. Nothing you or any of you conservatives post matters even in the slightest.

The people spoke overwhelmingly. It's a done deal and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

It wasn't done by any politicians so conservatives can't go after any politicians for this law. Which is something I think is fantastic. It was done by the people. The large majority of the people here want all gun sales to go through a background check.

You can keep posting lies and keep throwing hissy fits all you want.

You're wasting your time. You will accomplish nothing.
How many voters do you think read all 18 pages? .001% maybe. It proves people are too stupid to make laws and we need to go back to being a Republic not American Idol style voting. Nothing conservatives say matters but the people do? What a creep.

You're getting cranky, maybe it's time for another bowl?

You didn't have to post that comment at the end. And you know it. It has nothing to do with the election or you losing. I guess it bothers you so much you have to make stupid comments like that.

I smoke medical marijuana to be able to take a medication that's keeping cancer from returning and killing me. You know that I don't smoke it to get high. You know I smoke very low thc content marijuana just so I won't get high but get the benefits of keeping food in my stomach.

You know this yet posted that comment.

I guess I hit a nerve with you since you felt the need to put that comment at the end.

Grow up. You lost the vote and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Stupid comments won't change the law. All you're doing is showing that you don't have much to say and are very bothered by the truths I've been posting.
Gee you have yet to explain how requiring background checks that are ultimately voluntary will keep criminals from getting guns. That seems to be the crux of the issue.
And it doesn't matter for you because you are a prohibited person anyway.
No you've not shown over and over that this law doesn't work.

But that doesn't matter. Nothing you or any of you conservatives post matters even in the slightest.

The people spoke overwhelmingly. It's a done deal and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

It wasn't done by any politicians so conservatives can't go after any politicians for this law. Which is something I think is fantastic. It was done by the people. The large majority of the people here want all gun sales to go through a background check.

You can keep posting lies and keep throwing hissy fits all you want.

You're wasting your time. You will accomplish nothing.
How many voters do you think read all 18 pages? .001% maybe. It proves people are too stupid to make laws and we need to go back to being a Republic not American Idol style voting. Nothing conservatives say matters but the people do? What a creep.

You're getting cranky, maybe it's time for another bowl?

You didn't have to post that comment at the end. And you know it. It has nothing to do with the election or you losing. I guess it bothers you so much you have to make stupid comments like that.

I smoke medical marijuana to be able to take a medication that's keeping cancer from returning and killing me. You know that I don't smoke it to get high. You know I smoke very low thc content marijuana just so I won't get high but get the benefits of keeping food in my stomach.

You know this yet posted that comment.

I guess I hit a nerve with you since you felt the need to put that comment at the end.

Grow up. You lost the vote and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Stupid comments won't change the law. All you're doing is showing that you don't have much to say and are very bothered by the truths I've been posting.
Gee you have yet to explain how requiring background checks that are ultimately voluntary will keep criminals from getting guns. That seems to be the crux of the issue.
And it doesn't matter for you because you are a prohibited person anyway.

criminals, and their supporters are among the biggest proponents of gun bans

“The whole idea is to drive people to dealers so that the cost go's up. It's all about making things as annoying and costly as possible so that people stop buying weapons.”

Paranoid, delusional, baseless nonsense.

Indeed, a Federal court has already heard a challenge to Colorado's universal background check requirement, and determined that the provision in no way manifest an undue burden to the Second Amendment right:

“[T]he evidence shows that there are more than 600 firearms dealers in Colorado that are actively performing private checks, and that, currently, it takes an average of less than fifteen minutes for a check to be processed by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Although the statute may result in logistical difficulties or inconveniences for some individuals who want to privately borrow a firearm for more than 72 hours, it does not facially infringe their Second Amendment right to do so.30 In the context of the facial challenge presented here, the Court finds that § 18-12-112 does not severely impact the Second Amendment right. Accordingly, intermediate scrutiny is appropriate.”

“The whole idea is to drive people to dealers so that the cost go's up. It's all about making things as annoying and costly as possible so that people stop buying weapons.”

Paranoid, delusional, baseless nonsense.

Indeed, a Federal court has already heard a challenge to Colorado's universal background check requirement, and determined that the provision in no way manifest an undue burden to the Second Amendment right:

“[T]he evidence shows that there are more than 600 firearms dealers in Colorado that are actively performing private checks, and that, currently, it takes an average of less than fifteen minutes for a check to be processed by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Although the statute may result in logistical difficulties or inconveniences for some individuals who want to privately borrow a firearm for more than 72 hours, it does not facially infringe their Second Amendment right to do so.30 In the context of the facial challenge presented here, the Court finds that § 18-12-112 does not severely impact the Second Amendment right. Accordingly, intermediate scrutiny is appropriate.”
Court decisions have a way of being overturned.
Voters have a way of punishing politiicans for such stupidity.
The law is a pain. It increases the cost (I dont know what dealers are allowed to charge for this). If you want to do a transfer Christmas Day or Thanksgiving you're probably out of luck.
And if it accomplished something you could maybe make an argument for it. But it wont. Nothng constructive anyway.
Is it cheaper to buy guns illegally, than it is legally? Just wondering if much of these sales in the Black Market is driven by price and many people that could buy guns legally just choose the illegal market because of money, or are all the guns being bought and sold on the Black Market simply for criminals who don't want their guns being traced, or the people who could not qualify to get a gun on the legal market????
I don't know much about this, though I have been trying to research it in my free time...
Illegal sales concerning used guns are generated mostly by prohibited persons who can't pass a background check, new gun acquisitions from dealers involve an illegal straw man purchase.

Of course, in states with no local background check requirement, Federal law allows residents of the same state to engage in firearms transactions absent a background check. Background checks are required only for new purchases or interstate sales.

With regard to intrastate sales between two residents of the same state, the seller can be subject to Federal criminal prosecution if he knowingly sells a firearm to a prohibited person, or knows the buyer is planning on committing a crime.
Is it cheaper to buy guns illegally, than it is legally? Just wondering if much of these sales in the Black Market is driven by price and many people that could buy guns legally just choose the illegal market because of money, or are all the guns being bought and sold on the Black Market simply for criminals who don't want their guns being traced, or the people who could not qualify to get a gun on the legal market????
I don't know much about this, though I have been trying to research it in my free time...
Illegal sales concerning used guns are generated mostly by prohibited persons who can't pass a background check, new gun acquisitions from dealers involve an illegal straw man purchase.

Of course, in states with no local background check requirement, Federal law allows residents of the same state to engage in firearms transactions absent a background check. Background checks are required only for new purchases or interstate sales.

With regard to intrastate sales between two residents of the same state, the seller can be subject to Federal criminal prosecution if he knowingly sells a firearm to a prohibited person, or knows the buyer is planning on committing a crime.
All true
Requring background checks between private parties does not eliminate straw purchases (which are already illegal).
It will not eiliminate commerce among criminals in guns.
It wont do anything but make some people feel good while making criminals out of other law abiding citizens.
“The whole idea is to drive people to dealers so that the cost go's up. It's all about making things as annoying and costly as possible so that people stop buying weapons.”
Paranoid, delusional, baseless nonsense.
Indeed, a Federal court has already heard a challenge to Colorado's universal background check requirement, and determined that the provision in no way manifest an undue burden to the Second Amendment right:
The state may not presume all who want to buy a gun are 'guilty' of doing so illegally and compel them to 'prove' that they are innocent by undergoing a background check; to presume a citizen 'might' misuse a civil liberty does not warrant the state's restriction of that right.
“The whole idea is to drive people to dealers so that the cost go's up. It's all about making things as annoying and costly as possible so that people stop buying weapons.”
Paranoid, delusional, baseless nonsense.
Indeed, a Federal court has already heard a challenge to Colorado's universal background check requirement, and determined that the provision in no way manifest an undue burden to the Second Amendment right:
The state may not presume all who want to buy a gun are 'guilty' of doing so illegally and compel them to 'prove' that they are innocent by undergoing a background check; to presume a citizen 'might' misuse a civil liberty does not warrant the state's restriction of that right.

Corrupt tyrannical governments will always oppose and frustrate the people's right to life and to defend the same.


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